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About Danskeren. (Neenah, Wis.) 1892-1920 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1911)
House Cleanmg done Qujcker and Better ifyou me Meiny Alter »seh kmck FU« »Direc««o»s on Urge- Flfterscan IOC BETAIJKKETO PKlsEI Hund s« miss H 0 0 S l E R Unmut-ow a koste-ow Ilussrssr IHH U, ia s-- s«----ls( nur halt-usw« -««1 unt-instit noluvo kslskH sinkt-I x IPX H U. I«-1; lsl KLle LIL L Jst I» l- Not-drin - k --«v»sruf!ss II« Hf M- IN « T Ksslcf IlsmkfrHc VUMC tsle TAUDO UU PMII Mochi-I. IchI fscfcn Ums-! » «- «! Mit-n- u«—«·k. Tlml wsp Uns shjz tim« Hnsrs nin ·-·.i-1· HxsssIILJsUsst chI-.ij««,;1!I-I .k Ums-I ntnnss ;----I-.«- li«t it »Um-sk- Uns-ji« rossti knist« sug« «’ l«I-k(.«- l.-«-nth. Thus-- V - k- spthtsrs nkesp ·««-uH«·t. fis-«:·Hh» ji«-»- lcssssu hin- ts-» um« « «I s-« · sinjsi thi- Esszss Inst-n d«-1«i«s.-IJ" "(«»-·« ··«-h·-« i-- un («l««."·.:«s3 «—tt·f ;-Is.«.«»«-.— « NJ mä« (-!i«-·- "-. s:«-" Th« !··-c.--H·st« O«’x«-k«.X"-t;·-« ’««« 1·-Il- "..!«.·V Just iu·i«" «Y---. shtk n." wi-! Hxsp li H· lllUHZsP I IHWH .XI)H««E Hit Joksssfstnsf vHsuikz xxlsz l wxsiiwi s- lsing pfui-i- t--lliI-U Zwist s« zwic u-«": is m- ·-lil ist-singst 1» im ils-Rhan Yssllk !«·"sHI·-:·.— Uh-)I« IF!«-- vi-— .i swososjsnth sicqijnl »t« sinkst-hing .jl«s(- (-»-.x";««·lii-o-. »w! Zucht ji«-»J« just-zw! him Is«x« kli« tin-- it»-Is·—-«t »i· thi- Hksis Hss lik M H -ii-’« !, :: lunnlrwl Nun-s owk —-(Ii«1 !- —-«I«·- »Y« bran- snsfs k Iiut H-- wusch-X !"s-1’:.«·t. rn Mmis t-- thssnk thut tle sppittispn »Y« Aus-h 1-r-«pl(- du«-Ist matt-»F tlmt uns-N mvn npiniisn is nll thut nimm-s " Thssy Hm ist-from tho fircs a long timss nml Volks-d of many thiqu Thon Johtx with a Siqh at the importnnitios of the present, re lated this littie seen-s that had take-n place in Leanders Wayne’s office-, finishing with. «An(1 I govo him n meng notice, mo therl I’m through thesi-ei« «0 Johnsp Thore was great distnny and nlarm in the moth er’s voioe. «I’11 get something- elso, amtli ets, just as good. Yes, l know I’vo an nnoommon ohnnoe to kise at Mr. Wsyne’s, and 1 know how much my being there means to you-but I oan’t Stoy, mothmss Hi rather ckig in the stkeets than work kor Leander chnosp «I thinik you are giving np the opportunity of your liketikne, W isJohn," seid the little mother quietle "l«o-«nil·sr anne isn·t Ilaik As biUi it- ins stinkltis He prides hiinselk on hi- «"c«ankness. But he’s just. Ahn-. und if he knew your -1«ksth(-r’s story as l ikuow it—and he sure 1 inteuri hi shalh one daz- soon—he could hardly have Spoliosn as he did to dey. I woman have you stay «if l thought other-wisse You had jbest think the matter over very earekully before you deeide." «I’ve deeided elreedy1« seid the hoy passionatey. «l’d rather Hdig in the stteets than work kor ihennder Waynel" « The wes-M- notiee given by John Loriug to his employcsr passed rapicil«v. John did his work as usual, holding his young heed urrogautly high. Out ok of fice hours he made the rounsls of the other okkiees in the town, but no one seemed in need of hiS sei-viere This didn ’t change »John’s deeision in the ienst: in ikaot, he never dreamed of Mang iing it for any reason whatso ,(-wr. Ohi Leanders Wayne, iook ing ou. regrssttcsd for the hun Fiirssdth time his hasty worde— ithe issue haci been so trifliug Tand this expression so streng, that ns he thought things over Tthe two hardizf seemed to «fit." i «I helieve you’re kond of the Jbo»v,« he seid, testily to himselk, Egoing into hie private office on the last morning of -Ioh11’s sta·v. «You’re not just regretting the lioss of him in the business-— it’s the hoy hiniselk y0u’1·e rn ; Lrsstting." I Ohi Leander- XViiyms hui-1-i(s(i jinto thi- outets office xigaicL "l«o»k her-o. .l»hn.·’ he Mid. «1’m tensthy sum-)- I hurt »mu. kAs »von said the next day-, up peamnce m-« not always the »most important At any rate, "who Am l to »jn(,lge nnyon(-.? It was u eisuei thing to sa)-·t0 »von Tun hideous thing-and l’m sor ry. Nov-, Joha, you sit the busi msss-—-«y()n’ro ins-mit kot- it. Id0U’t «miad telling you that I have great hope-s for »von in jt-—espe ·eia",v—espeeioll»v when the time Jesuiten that tho heft of it falls zon young shoulders. You are the iyotmgest employee I have, but EPW thonght of you. I’ve done my part. how-, in reclaiming inz s(«lf—-«mn do your-A. I ask you to stny." ThcI hoy listened with flush »in-,- ich-sehs. The zum-mirs won mnple—-the prospeots l)o)-ou(i bu ljpf Zum-ing. Thon thi- word «cowin-(I" floshod vividlx through his lpmin —1«)thi«g couhl wiprs that out. «No, Mk.W-1)s11(s," hi- suitl sit-inh-, I cannot ist-US I wumot work for you xmx niot-(«." Johu Loriiig tlid not «(iig in the sttsmsts.« ljut he walkml them pristty thotsoughly for the next fssw w(s(51(9——wnlkts(1 them with hiks hssiid high, hut with his heart sitilcing into his hoots. FVeiL he wasn’t to he cullul a (:»wiu-(l, Hinz-unGC Ollluk Alls-P um«-» lllsl .l»lm visit. Hin-tim: furtlt ismslt nlurnlngz Wlllt l«1"(«SlI ll«p·s, Unl)f t« l«- tut-heil away sljsisppoint·s(,l »t- swsli pla(.-ss. lcvmzv osiiucs pcpsi tlon in tllo wltole small town swnwl t» l«- fillml untl iillul Inst-nun-ssnt.l)·. Tho- little motlter kmjd ti»thing, but lust- anxissus limlui lusspolm l1(.«t- l"(---linx.:s. Frorn wenn-Flug over -I»lnt’1- clmuccss ot« riging in the world she cause-, more nnd mun- prossingly as the »weolcs went on, to wonsying over the provisions of their dajly ljv ins. It was a poor aeason of the year for gewins, so her own lit tle inooma had dropped, and, at any rate, John had been used Lto provide the greater part ok ltheir ljving expenses. It had been Ihia pride to bring homo his anl :ary eaoh woek and give it to stlte little mothek. Still Mm Lok ing aaid nothing. lt was not her way to tallc. she had atkong con viotions on one particular point —and that was that each one was oapable of want-ging his own lite. she kelt that John was old enoush to work out his deliktin kot- hinnelk Yet the atresa and anxiety told upon her trail con stitution, and she oama before long totlook thin and white. M Joha, whose miud was full ok himselk and hjs woes, tried to met-wol- the little mother’s wokn appear-thun There was a certain sttsajnwl list-sing in hjs heart to ward his 111uther—he lelt her de sire km- him to return to Lean ilssr Witz-risse olliee, and he ke Hented it. lle knew also that he ·should he hringing home money »to keep the home Seins that their tiuy resoukoes must be well 7nigh drained. All this together seemed a mighty weight, los-com jng ever and korever more heavy. John lenked keverishly kot- work, uo longek particular as to the kiml of work-—huteher shops, slkocksl1·)ps, klrygooda No one wanted a helpekz everything was iillecl One day on his drein-) quest he eame knee to kaoe with his formel- (-1uployer, and, look jng into the l’an1jliar, kind old (-.(«mt(snnnce, almost wished he were haek onee more at the old dole the clesk that Leanders Wayne had Said would he walt ing for him. Thon, flash-like, the bitter- thought nished through his mind, «’He called me a co wa1·d!" «Good day, sir," said .l»lm cui-th-, and was passing on when old Leander Wayne stop I)(-(l him. «Can’t »von overlook an old untan itiistake, ho«v'.2" he Seid whiinsiealiy. Aud -John I«oring, with his hoad high, only seid again, «·(;»(«l day, sit-,« and moved inmzr Thcs larder in the Loring home (i;1i1y hoc-eine more scantz the r·-nt was nearly two months overihnn About this time the littlp mutlmr took ti) spending her days in trying donghuuts for zuli- anii her nichts tonrfuily prinzian that her hoy might not tnrn out ts) he a eoward after all. For «Iohii 1«()ring. trying to fis-o from his mother’s siek kaee and his uwn responsihility in the matten hmi eummenced to spend his oveuings away from home. By an extraordinory use ok the will person-I of certain make-up «keep themselves going when they are renlly ill. The little mother was this Sort of a person. These people, when they go under-, So under hard. Anii that is what the little mother did. There oame ·« night when Johu Lorning come home to find her stroteed upon Uns floor in the kitehen insowei hle. A heaping platter of floh-Ih nnts on the tahle hore witness t-) her tale end oloso hy her hpnsi hiy the-— long ilonghnut for1c. Johir Lori115z. as hi- picehmi up this wnstoci littio fijznro in his Stroh-zl msms nnd onrrimi if to th-- Mil- ’ risonk hmrd « gront thruHsinsz roioo fhht seemofi his onn. Ut not his own thnnsierimz in hi lnsxiitk re- echoiiw through mmsv nener in hig hoch-—- «You ans a von-anR You nre a (smmr(1!" For in thut few momoiits’ trnmit with that hohle thin figmsp In his msms flic- lin)f suclslisnly sun :sll things M thssy wen-. "Y·-s. sit-," suisl .l»lsn Lohn-; lsis (-l(-ftt- Czws limlcjnkz kmnlclzv in to thuso of old Lin-nistet- UND-im ««l’vi- com-- book-. Ajul il J.«u want to givp me book my ,i«-ls. l"ll lic- glml to txilccs lt." A dort-tin informiug csxzmssshsn muss-.- into thss sklclests nmt1«s »Hm-s. Thss usholis asnits wus, sann-how instinctiwlx under-stund lustmsssn than «Il" l hasl over Use-HI thought lfoss o second that Tun were o()wardly, b0y——a·hj(?h l didn’t—this moment would hin-e Drin-ed you work- not. YOU-O come1 haclc like a mau." illil Leanders Wayno hud strong an at this polnt to wipe his moist old eyes. kok he was tkemendonk; ly kond of the l)oy. To avoid this he loolced fixedly out ok the win dow for a second, then he tunmd t0 Jolm Sud sAid Sinkply, «’I’hero’s your denk, and liest-eh my hund. Will you give mo your-IF « Johu hesitated s momcmt «I want you to know," he said thiokly——«my mothek—-I come home last night and found her uaoooscious—(lone up by the whols thing. The dootok scys sho has a good ohouoc to pull through. H « the window. Here John took hie turn at Star ing at the blank wall without «So before ue shake hands«— the hov kacecl about agaiu—-«it took that," he said lir11113, «to make me see that l trul) was a— "1)on’t say it, lad. We all have »our weak place-a And how is one » gotten another, to judge another«l" soleinnly the old man held out his hand to John, and as Solemnly the hoy llaid his within it. «Now, boy, tell me of your mother." «Doet0r Beatty said that with care and nursing she’d proba khly come out all right And I knew«—2lohn looked at his desk —«1 knew that this would do more than anything. Even it« l’d it would have lbeen the same. You see, mother »has Set her mind on my rising.« business, «You’ve a good head for the « said the old man. «1 »don’t mind telling you that I’ve missed you in it. You’ve a knack for it, lad. Neu-, I tell you, the salary eommences from to-day, in advance this time, but you are not to return to work until the mother pieks up a hit. Oh! yes, -I()l1n, let an old man have his way. klow about nurses and all that?" j «Dootor Beatty arrange-J it all, Sir. He’s a good friend to mothek and me· And we are to settle it later at our convenience —pekhaps when l’m——when l’m »—r-isen a bit, sir." i The pillow on which the little motheth head posted was sent-ce ly whiter than her own thin face, hnt the eyes gazing into .John’8 ’were lustrous «l fes-l as if l »Na-e strong umugh now to get ;111)." she doeiarcscl ·«l’hc-r()·«s no Ltimire iikn good news. Ancl yonhse ’-zs)iiig hack! Aml yon’ll have ««vom- Chance! 0 -Iohn!« linder ln(«ath this ontwanl thanksgiving iwas something strongms yet-the Inother’.s-! hpatt whieh was saying sjnhilantim «-Iohn has found him PSpIU He has kam-d the Situation lijke the man he is· Oh! I knew «1ny hoy was no cowakd!« I Aarsberetningen. Mcnighvder oq Prassusu der end-» nn ikhs bar indscsndt Befrilling paa Marsheretninqen »Hi, bedes ind licsnde iaadan Mart-it umliqt Dan. Luth. Publ. Houie Mk. C. A. Stut vil i August og September Manne der arbede for lldbredelie af Sam fundets Vlade og Vager m. m. li Drum-von og thxvy Countics, Ja. I Han autoriicrcs herved til at modtagc Vetaling for Subskrip-t tion og anbefolcs til Landsmande i l i Vclvillighod paa disfc Egnr. Danish Luth. Publ. »Soqu Jan Mangel-ei llnder unenfmaondc Titel er dcsrv nylia udlonmnsci isna Rot-faltesrtsns For-lag Strom Wis« on Balsam liim as Eijnrd Folleimd, Prusil i den norsle Form-du Ton belcndtel norf’k-amerilm1s·kc Forfnltcsr Walde-I mor Aqer figer om Bogen bl. ins »Vi hat her en Tigtiatulinih som« baade hvad Sproq og Jndlxolk ein-l gaar holder Maul iticd.L5jc-mlaiidets.«; Bogen faas hos Forfatteren og’ kostet-i Omilag 50 Cis-. Daniih Lutheran Publ. Hause. l l Danfk MissionösSangbog. —- fok —. Hedninqe og Jstaelb M i s i i o n e n. Samlct af »Komitoen for de al mindelige Ydremisjionsmøder«, foml bestaar af Past. A. Busch, Bifkop Koch Past. T. Løgftrup, Dr. :eol. P» Mader, Grosserek Johs. Sehr-den Paftor Vilh. Strener og Lie. tect. Turm. Udgivet af »Bei danske Mis sionsfellkab«. Bogen indeholder 168 Missionsi lange alfabctilk ordnede i to Asde Unger 1. Hedningemisliom 2. Jsmelsmission. Ligeledes historier Oplysningei om Sangenes Oprindelfe, oft-. Trykt paa godt Papir. Meget stcerct melag. Ptis 15 Tis. Paa Partier gives Rat-at Dan. Luth. Publ. Doulr. DAM coLchE BLAIR, NBBRASKA. BEGYNDER Ich OKTOBER 191 l. lebyder Undervisning i kølgeuds Kann-: PROSBMINÄFUMSHSU tot-beredet- til Triuitatis somit-rinnt NORUALuddanuer Lasters og Lærakindot tot «prljc sohools ' '—udstodok « « state cortitlcstos ’ ’. AcszUIC-flraakigt, tot-beredet til do ladet-de skolun COWRCIÄLBOFMMF og Monogr-L WI!C—PII-uo, Orgel, Violjn og sang. Cod Aalcdning tot Nykommers til at lærc Engel-h kot- Kost, Log-i og Undervisning per tin llgor Acco sxOLEN EBCYNDBR s. OKTOBIR. C. x. HANSBN kont. sitt-is citat ny Katalog. Kun 3 Mit fra By og Jerubane kan endnu faas Land for 82500 per Acre i Volusia Eo., Florida. Enhvcsr kan købe en Farm i Florida for kun 17 Cents om Da gen 85.00 maanedlig Afbetaling. De betalcr hvcrken Reuter eller Stat. Ksb nu medens Landet er billigt. 21 Donske har allen-de købt Land, faa Udsigterne for en danfk Koloni er yderst lovendc. Medeas Termometeret her i Nord- og IlkellrmsStatcrne vifer over 100 Grader, oq alting gisper af Baron-, har man paa femme Tid rn bcljogclig Temperatur, som varierer mellem 80 og 90 Gra dor i Florida. Alle Oplysninged angaaende Land, Dlvljng o.s.v. samt Kort over Landet sendes frit over-alt Ved Hctivextdelse til P. H. Millcr, Agentcr onfkcs. Elk Horn, Jo. «lzillig Rundreise Exeursion til det gyldne Distrikt af Montana (Dane Valley) ved Eulberthn afgaar første og tredie Tirsdag i hver Maaned. Den første afgaar den fjerde (4.) Juli paa Great Northern R. R. Opdyrkede Farine kan købes billigt i Dane Valley, Montana. Danfk iuthersk Kirke og Præst tilhørende Den for enede danske ev.-luth Kitte. Tone Valley hat aldrig haft »Crop failure«. 1910 sum var det tørreste Aar, hele now-Besten bar kendt, nat der dog mange, som fjk en god Rol. Mange bar avlet Il) bu· Hoede per Acke. Om De er i Markedet for at føbe Dem et godt Form-Hieni, da kom og bei-m os nn, da Avlen grot, og vi nil vise Dem noget af det bedfte Farmland, som finde-s i Besten, lige ved Jernbaner og Brig-r og gode ,,Markets:s« i det danske Erim-man Dank Ballen Dane valley cancl Sonn-aus« Sam J. Anhäng Vox 175, Culbertfon, Mont. Jlfstmsg as sijrllc Hasses Us«lesu«msnsam« og frile Jsijd Vi ksbkt Fedekalvc, Hins, Æg og Smst til Tagcus hsicstc Prifer. Vi er Agenter for Dr. Peters Kuriko samt for Scandinavians IW Mskibslinie Landsmænd, som snsker at tcjse til eller fra Danmath ksb Billetter has os. Vi fælger dem til billigste Pri-· ser, og vi vil site alt, hvad vi kan, for at skaffe gode Pladfer paa Skibene. Stall Unausg us Wägen Brei-kam m. m. fkq Diuifs Luth. Psbl Haufe Bcair, Nebe. Sktnlittekatur, religisse BogeV Bibler, Salmebsger. etc. Wollust-Jka Eo. Couueil Auffi, Jun. Poftfoksendelfet beflrges med Omhu.