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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1923)
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIE 111 Willi I Wg CTPTl pRumuvannuMi atsnmuKuiuuaBjanccvMxrmntiiuii " Cholera Kills Hogs Many fatal diseases CAUSj") li WOHMS arc mistaken . r Cholera. Rid your hogs i 1 worms with Kamarika. Avoi i losses. S2.S0 size will treat 61 lios weighing 75 pounds each. At Collins Drug Store Newrock's Kamarika Laboratory Arapahoe y Ncbr. THE BEST THE FARMS PRODUCE By WALTER W. HEAD First Vice-President, American Bank era Association Every banker and business man in tho country li interested In the farm from nnoth or vlowpolnt than mcroly a place to ralso farm prod ucts and live stock. Above all tho farm Is ono of tho places Walter W. Head whore wo can best bring up our boys and girls. Thousands of men and boys each year aro flocking to tho city. Clorks In tho city are barely eking out an c.xistonco and Uioycannot expect to recolvo much more In tho way of compensa tion. Hut back on tho farms aro men working for a reasonable return, and In addition they linvo their houses, tho wonderful sunshlno nbovo In tho daytime, tho wonderful fresh nlr and nil the things that tho soil pro duces. Tho boy who Is ralsod on tho farm will have an entirely dlfforent aspect of llfo and approach tho vari ous problems with which ho hns to deal in later years In a different way from tho boy who is raised in tho city. In this period of unrest wo aro cer tainly vitally Interested In rearing both on tho farms nnd In tho cltlos boys and girls with tho proper out look for tho future, Imbued with tho bollof that tho activity in which thoy aro ongaged Is, after all, something that will provldo them both with the necessary things of llfo and with hap piness. For inhnpplness Micro is con tentment, and in contentmont In America thoro Is safoty for our insti tutions. Every single banker should fool that tho problems his farmer custom ers havo to contend with aro not only tho farmer's problcmsDut his prob lems as well. He should feel not only that tho farmer must bo prosperous so that ho can deposit more in his bank, giving tho banker moro to loan and thoroby Increasing his profits, but that also thero is something which cannot bo measured in dollars nnd cents. It Is tho thought of rendering such sorvlco to tholr customers re gardless of whether they aro farmers, or men working in tho shops, or big business men of tho cltlos that will bring not only prosperity but con tentment ns well. Tho banker should tako as his motto: "Who servos best profits most" Thouejht and Habit. Life, In a wny, seems to be nn ac cumulation of habits; physical habits and mental habits. Wu do thlngi one certain wny for years and we think certain thoughts for years. We think oftentimes, Jiiht because it is u habit, that what we do and what we think Is the right way to do and think. We may have contracted a bad habit and never bnvo known It. We may have been wrong for forty years. .larvls S. Hicks. That's All. One day the small son of an execu live In our firm made his father n visit. On arriving homo lie Informed Ids mother, "Mamma, daddy doesn't work down nt the olllcc. Ho Jii'd sits there and first a man comes In and sits down nnd he talks to htm n long time and then unother man comes In and he talks to him, nnd that's all he does all day." Will Hansen mid Will I'ejjg left Sat. urduy for North Dakota where they will work (luring tho hatvost. LUTHERAN Regular services every first nnd third Sunday hi the month in the Adventlst church at 11 a. ni. O. II. Heinltz, Pastor The tMargln of Safety lb represented by tho amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull youruolf mto a fancied security Because lire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time aud you better find timo come to tho ollleo nnd we'll wrlto a policy on your house, furniture, storo or merchandise. -LATKIt MAY UK TOU LATE- O. C. TEEL FLeliaLblo Insurance l I Rl if P2J a If v . r - I " '" ' If you wrr.t nil the scraps Have; let daughter wash the dishes. Horseshoe pitching enn never be come popular. It doesn't, cost enough. If your liiio is worth nnythinR nl nil don't wnfito any of it tclliiifr j'irl; how to (ll'CFS. One wny streets don't mean nothinu to mo because I never do jo but one wny nt n time. A Harvard j;irl got so mnd rccentlj when her beau stole n kiss thnt &v made him put It riht back. A Gerinp uinn says ho would he willing to diet if it wasn't for miss ing so mnny good things to cat. Tho reason I never tell nbout my own shortcomings is because my friends attend to thnt Job for me. A woman doesn't consider tiint r letter is complete unless sho tells about everything she has that is now Let's quit blaming everything or the wnr nnd begin to placu some oi the blnmc on ourselves, where it be longs. It ii? always possible for n fool tc attain u prominent position but un less he quits being n fool ho ncvci ctnys long. Labor unions would soon go out oi business if housewives nnd mothers would organize and de.nnnd extra pa for overtir.'e. The idea that too mnny of us have nbout work is to put in overtime scheming out wnys and means to work the other fellow. If athletics is the only reason why young folks attend high school, as seme sny, they had all better get jobs nnd go to work. The hnppiest two hours I've spent for a long time wns when I had n chance to go thru a stack of Nebraska exchanges recently. If crime were ns rampant ns lots of folks think it is the newspnpers would print fenturc stories about folks who behave themselves. Harry Dobbins is convinced that lots of money is wnsted in the build ing of front porches. No one ever stays home to use them. Ono reason business Isn't what It should bo is bocniiHo bo ninny men think they must take two hours fur lunch and spend every afternoon play ing golf In ordor to keep themselves flt. When a certain prominent editor Baw his first sugar boot ho yelled "Lookut the big reddish." Now lie tiles to make It appear that ho hns had beets fried for breakfast all his life. Bixby objects to buying his winter's supply of conl now because he may not bo alive to use it. Perhaps lie thinks that in that bourne to which he is headed he will not need to worry nbout the fuel question. It is unfortunately true that the fellow who hollers the loudest about giving "service" is apt to gouge you tho worst when ho gets a chnnce. This word, like pep and live wire, is badly overworked. Someone remarks thnt the reason Eve didn't spend a lot of money for clothes is becnuse there wns only one mnn in the world nnd she had him. Don VanDousen says that when n mnn promises to let you know whnt ho thinks in tho morning it mear.3 thnt he must ask his wife. According to my good friends, Overturf and Bixby, my pipe is likely to become a political issue next year. Hnnk Lepjgett opines thnt its re moval will not cause nny great moral upheaval. A burglar broko into the Hnrting ton News office recently nnd stole 99 cents. Pell Bnrrows demands an in vestigation. He wants to know how so much monoy hnppened to bo lying around the place. If I would wash my neck every dny The Boss would havo nothing to kick nbout nnd if I would quit smoking Bixby would be in tKe snme fix. Be cause I wnnt both of them to be happy I slinll do neither. Fred Howard says that in times gone by men showed their suspenders nnd women their belts. 'Now, men show their .belts and women exhibit their shoulder straps. When tho National Editorial asso ciation visited the New York stock exchango Frank Edgecombe wanted to buy tho Union Pacific railroad for a souvenir but discovered that ho had left his checkbook at homo. And it took three ,raen and a boy to drag Joe O'Furey away from tho bathing teach at Brighton. itsL UHiJ ouliL !H THE Tfie Advice of Honest Mon Who Know, and Willingness to Be Con tent With Reasonable Return, Declared Only Safe Road to Assured income. "Success In life depends upon the investments made of tnlcnts and time," says an article on investing prepared by the Committee on Public Education of the American Bankers As sociation. "Future return will be gain or loss, according to these investments. That i3 a law of life which controls in vestment of money, just as it controls investment of talents." The article, which is particularly timely in these days when so many are being robbed by fake investments, continues: In tho business sense, the word in vestment relates to the use of money in acquiring ownership of property. Ownership may rcpresont entire pos session of property as of a homo; partial ownership ns holding stock In a corporation; or conditional owner ship as In the case of buying a mort gago or a bond. Whon a person makes an Investment in bonds, he is really loaning his money to the government or corporation issuing them. He will receive tho interest which they earn as long as ho owns them, or until they are paid off. Ownership of great corporations is vested In Individuals who have Invest ed money in their stock or bonds. Many people regard tho ownership of the United States Steel Corporation, for example, ns differing from the ownership of, say, a small workshop. Yet Investors In shares of Steel Cor poration stock are entitled to the samo rights, under the law, an the owner of tho workshop. In the corporation, tho owner hold certificates of stock ns evidence of their Investment, whereas the owner of the little workshop' holds a deed as title to his land. Capitalistic Laws Protect Investors Because the laws stand for tho equal protection of all investors. It Is possible nnd profitable to make good Investments. It gives nn incentive to work hard anil to invest. The person who wishes to Invest must first work nnd accumulate funds with which to do so. Bonds aro always secured by mort gages on tho lnnds, buildings or other property of the corporation for which the money has been used. When a bond matures the money must bo re paid to the owner of tho bond. All investors aro a part of a great financial system which gathers up and puts to work the wealth of tho coun try tor tho mutual benefit, prosperity, nnd well-being of nit. In America, It is posslblo for any ono who Is willing to pay tho prlco of self-denial and hard work, to be an Investor. Good Invest ments mndo in early llfo by saving such small sums as may bo posslblo, lay the foundation for providing tho comforts of later years, whon It is harder to earn a livelihood and when poverty often becomes tho condition of thoso who hnvo not practiced thrift in youth. It Is not wise for thoso without ex HOW A RIP-ROARING RADICAL WAS TAMED By JOHN OAKWOOD Tho best story of tho taming of a radical I have ever read is told by A II. Farquhnr In his book "Tho First Million the Hardest." It throws more light on the monn'ng of capitalism and the futility of socialism than a li brary full of books on sociology, eco nomics and rolltks. Hero it is as Farquhnr tqlls It: "The best antidote for acute eco nomic Insanity Is ownership of prop erty. My favorlto example Is Otto Stelnlnger. Ho was ono of my first employees and was a rip-roaring an archist. Ho insisted that all wealth crme from tho workers and therefore shouM-go back to tho workers. Ha pt particularly bitter against his la.:d'urd and hardly a woek went by Unit ho did not nnnounco that ho had definitely decided thnt ho would Ilka to shoot tho landlord tho next tlmo he camo around for tho rent. Finally I asked him smilingly after ono of these outbursts: Buy, Don't Shoot , " 'Why don't you buy your own house Instead of shooting your land-, lord? Thon you would not have to pay any rent. If you do Bhoot him you may get Into trouble." "Ho did not think much of tho Idea apparently but in a day or two ho asked mo how ho could buy tho house, I nnswered: 'That house can bo bought for ?S00. You nro getting good wages. I will buy that house for you, tako $1 n week out of your wages, I and in less than four years you will have It paid for.' I "Ho wont off again. The next time bo camo back it was with his wife. Ho said. 'Wo nro going to buy tha houro but since wo havo no children you can alio $10 instead of 1 a week out of my pay envelope.' "I bought tho house nnd then Otto's chief concern was to got It paid for, which ho did in a little moro Uk".i a year. There was another house next door to him. In a short while aft-r he had paid for his first Iiouko, he 'but thoy are also helping to spread n Bulled up to mo and said: hotter understanding of financial sorv- '"I can buy that house next door 'lco and economic fact and theory up. for a i'.oi;!nr.d do'brs. Now that wo: Jon which solid business relations can havo no rent to pay wo aro goln;,ibo built. Francis l. Slason, Journal along good. What would you thluk ' of tho American Dankors Assocla ft!ut tuo lmyln tint: I'tJon. r h.iiCu IKVESTIffiRT FIELI perience to undertake to make invest ments of their money without guid ance by those who know. Many com panies arc constantly being organized to promote unsound schemes, referred to as "wildcat." There are always solicitors ready to relievo pooplo of their savings by tho promise of big returns. Tho luro of great wealth is always a temptation by which thou sands of thrifty people are deprived of hard-earned savings every year. Widows and orphans who havo In herited money aro frequently sought nnd made the targets of these fake stock salesmen. Misery and suffering are the usual results. Greed Defeats Safety Many people with small means also lose money because they Insist on a high rate of Interest on their invest ments. Safety of principal should bo considered above largo returns in In terest or dividends. Small Investors should never buy high-rate, specula tive Investments, in which thoro Is a great risk, but should stick to thoso which pay a fair rate and which nro known to be safe. To know whether an investment Is worth buying tho Investor should go to a banker, or a successful business mnn In whom ho has confidence, get his opinion and act In accordance with it. In nil probability this will mean the dlfferenco between successful in vestment and total loss of his monoy. The banker deals with investments every day and desires to give all tho help and Information bo can, nnd the business man has learned by experi ence the need of caution and careful Judgment. Thoy bellovo ono should have a clear understanding of nn in vestment before it is purchased. Thoy know tho need for avoiding stock pro motion schemes nnd gct-rlch-quick propositions which In many cases havo brought poverty and suffering. While many states have passed laws aimed to protect the public against promoters of fakb Investments, thou sands of people annually tall victims too their wile3, because they fall to seek advice of those experienced in making investments. Good advice and tomporato expec taUons mark tho only road to safe Investment and an assured Income Thero is no other cortaln way. "Ho bought that house and Jolnort tho hated landlord clas. Some years later when It was reported that a band of strikers wore advancing to sn'tit nil the factories, Otto rushed Into my ofllce nt tho head of an ex cited group of men from tho shop yelling: " 'Get us a lot of shotguns and we'll koep those fellows out of here! Thoso fools expect a man to work and savo and then walk In hero and take what ho has got without paying for It!' "And that," Farquhnr concludes, "I think, Is nlways tho way to develop a conservative." GROWING RECOGNITION OF ADVERTISING'S USE Advertising first established Its place as an economic factor as a sales aid, but as unders'anding and use of It have increased, its possibilities In oth er fields have developed until today wo find it employed In many forms of service hitherto unthought of. Ad vertising has long been hampered In Its use by precedent, tradition, con ventions, and prejudices, which, tin der analysis and experience, find lit tle to warrant their exlstenco. Gradu ally tho falsity of tholr claims Is be ing proved. We were told for many years thnt it was undignified for a bank or fidu ciary institution to advertise and this edict, born of some superstition of the past, was accopted without question until finally it was intelligently chal lenged and it was discovered under analysis that thero was no sufficient reason for Its support. Tho Inevitable conclusion of logic is that, whatever is of genuine use to human bolngs, whether It be goods or services, can, with truth nnd dignity, bo ndvortlsed and sold, and that It Is Just as proper to merchandise forms of servlco as .various kinds of commodities. In the logical development of this ,now understanding of tho power of advertising during tho last decade, wo have seen many of our banking , fiduciary and investment institutions 'actively employing tho sales valuo of advertising In the marketing of their sor'ci-j In tills ::;;in; uso of publicity they nro not only Increasing tholr own Immediate tnnines3 return, 110 Why Pay Excessive Rates The Great Northern Steamship Company (Incorporated) Announces that Arrangements are Now Being Made for Monthly $ 1 1 0 Round Trips to Europe Boston Southampton $110 One Way $65 Connecting for London, Liverpool, LeHavro Uanzlg, Kiga, Copenhagen THE ABOVE PRICES WILL INCLUDE RAILROAD FARES TO POINTS AS FAR NORTH AS STOCKHOLM The Company plaus to carry approximately two thousand passengers monthly. Make your plans now for a trip during the coming season. A round trip, with all expenses on shipboard included, at no more ex pense than a vacarion right here at home! To meet the ever increasing demand in this country for an in expensive and at the same time thoroughly comfortable and enjoy able trans-Atlantic voyage, is the pi imc object of the Great Northern Steamship Company. Organized by progressive business men who realize the exceptional opportunity offered for inexpensive travel in Europe, the Company will cater to the thousands of intelligent persons WE WILL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW YOU MAY BECOME A PART-OWNER IN THE MOST TALKED OF ENTERPRISE IN YEARS Wo have an oponlng for an energetic representative in your locality. This is an excellent opportunity for a person of character to build up a permanent business both for himsolf and tho Great Northern. Z3 Cut out and mail with your name and address C A. Wikstrom Information Dcp't. Edmunds Bldg., Suite 54 Boston, Mass. I am interested in sccuriug full in formation regarding a trip to: (Mark a cross) One way Round trip England . France - Germany ...... Italy Sweden Noaway , Denmark Baltic Provinces Finland Russia . Name . Street or R. f. d. City or town ... State YWUWWSfWW. WE HAVE THRESHING COAL The Malone . wvwuswwvVAVJvwL rir - fafelau IV vftW ft ASTOUNDING IN IT5 (A Million I MMtiN jI I Y cents on incomparable in (An indication of the progress of the State's citizens ITS wealth OF EX- for fhe Dast vear aorfculfurallv Industrially and C IIC.IVF FFATIISF.? JJ...i (educationally. NEBRASKA AT A measuring rod of the States Vealth.resources. A GLANCE land possibilities NEVER ON A BIGGER SCALE ?K Ifte Slate's Expression ofifs Citizens' Ideafs and Purposes. REDUCED RAILROAD RATES-FARE AND ONE THIRD ROUND TRIP. l V Boston Gothenburg $138 One Way $75 Connecting for Chriitianio, Stockholm, Helslngfors who wish to visit the battlefields of France, the Shakespeare country, Scandinavia, the Land of the Mid night Sun, etc. A chance of a life time! So it would seem; but it is more than that. The company will build for a permanent busiucss. planning on setting a new standard of high-class ocean travel on a one class basis. That this can be done at a fair margin of profit has al ready been proved and is further outlined in our prospectus. You 11 find it extremely intcicstuig. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK .19. United States Service, Inc. Head Office, Edmunds Bldg. Boston, Mass. ( Check ) Enclose find P. O. Order for ( Draft ) iniPart as payment for. full units of the shares of The Great Northern Steamship Company. Inc. Price per unit $50.00. (Four Preferred aud two Common Shares to each unit.) Have Certificate aud Receipt issued in the name of: Name Street or R.f.d .City or town State The above price quoted for immedi ate acceptance only. When buying ou installments 25 per cent of purchase price must accom pany order, balance may be made in ten monthly paymcutc. 'JVJVA i; WEIR CITY j - Gellatlv Co. 3 r,H XVT irr. B-irruw ifcrir - :ijif wtn. &mN kpilli -J Dollar Investment RclurninqaHundred me uoiiar in oenents every year. II.. ' f i .-j.