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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1923)
J i P t CjI g'.tttt kiUlulkh' bn it Ij -tti?ipii!iL3 toJSarri'rMp-wr .. -ii. r.if "-'v .j . ( fm A Newspaper That OItcs The News Fltty-two Weeks Each Year Fsr 11.50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. AUGUST 23. 1923 NUMBER 34 fc "" " -' AUGUST CLEARING if ii&$io ueziaB4a .rrunwjmmj .1 MENS DRESS STAW HA1S Ks OFF MENS OXFORDS in Crawfords UNDERWEAR at Big Redactions Mens Athletic full cut 65c Porus Knit, long leg short sleeve 65c Big Reduction in all Summer Goods for the rest of August Palm Beach, Gaberdine & .Mohair Suits 1-3 OFF REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE !!--- a ... v . ii i ---- W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. mglMZMm2zMi$?MMMMmez ,ir -a 1. Ifc V SMVICO V Mi U SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 72 Ox 963 FARMERS UNION PICNIC j McBrides Grove Cowles, Nebr. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 One WHOLE DAY of SPORTS and PLEASURE Base Ball, Band Music. Picnic Dinne.r Addresses, Athletics of All Kinds. CASH PRIZES ALL EVENTS Pressional Stunts Confined to Webster Co. Residents EVERYBODY WELCOME I. 0. 0. F. Picnic , DP Rock Oil Co. and Basket Dinner , To Erect Station The Lodge will imlii u picnic ami dinner lit iheCoiiiiUi Club u'lnuuds nil Fiidnj. AugiM 'J. inula!! old Fellows mill ili-ir faiiii'tcy aii'l !!' t'kiihs mid f.itm n mo invited g l Mine will be tin 1 iniii a nice )'i ,.! inn lias lioi'ii iiriaMr. .1 Tlii' pt'i'jjui in fu iov: i II a. in. IJ I jjitin initio Kek vs KimiUli'i U"i1 Clou i wl . j lay tin tv'mnei nfter ilinliHi'. Welc mn rtdilrosi- B J. Overlng. . ' Itesp nisi' -Sherm tihipm.ui ' l.o O. V of Stnte-F. K Maurtr I. ().(). ami 11il Bible Rev. C. Ii i V I I Sl'lMMi i Fraternity Hep Daniel Unrher Addresses (Jinnd .Master mul other Hi and Lodge oHloer. Mu-ic by High School Orclif stui. 100 yurtl il'iMi. free for all Fnt Miuib fri'i' for nil fio jnul flash. 100 yard dash, hoys under 10. f0 yard dasli, boys under 1'2. Women aud girls racts, no yards, Potato ami sack races free for all A prize will be Iven to winners of 1st, Snd and 3rd places Fifty cents admission will be charg ed autos at the gate to help defray expenses FARM BUREAU NOTES The Deep Rook Oil Co., who pin ehused tint Ii M. Crnbill lots on Lust Fotitth avenue MUiii'timu ago. cum tiii'iu'i'.l cMMVatlnir lliix week nri'iura. lory t tlie erection uf an oil station then-oil I he building Is to lie 1I.U0 mid wi.l W built of In ick anil tile audi stueeoul Besides the olllee for the local inmicer, Frank lluvy, it will con t'dn n s uviuiM lor ladies and gentle, men i'Ihi- UrtihitUer is the ciintrm tor In eh n i and he states that the stntit n will be a credit to tlii- city. Webster Co. Fair Opens The WeliDtur County 1'air opened ycsleid.t) with a small crowd in at tendance. The races were ood and a larKO amount of faim pioilnets are on dlbplay but the live stock exhibit is very sinall. Owing to the tact that some of the live stock exhibitors from hero did not receive their premium money lust jcar they are not showing there this year. Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Gee. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud, Nebr. (By County Extension Agent, Henry R. Fausch) WEBSTER 'COUNTY AT ADAMS' COUNTY FAIR Webster county breeders help-ihbke Adamb Countv Fair a success from k' - . J . . ' , i , .. . A. ijivescocK standpoint.- compe tition this year made 'it worth while showing. There is as much honor in winning at the Adams County' Fairs as at the State Fair. Webster county breeders arc boosters for the Adams County Fair. Exhibitors and winnings are as follows: K Johnson & Auld of Guide Rock 12 head of Shorthorn cattle. 2 Senior Champions, 2 Grand Champions, 8 firsts, 7 seconds and 2 thirds. F. C. Buschow and Sons of Blue Hill, 6 head of Red Polled cattle. Won 2 Junior Champions, 2 Senior Champions and 2 Grand Champions, 1G firsts, 7 seconds. Herman Wessels of Blue Hill 10 head of Angus cattle. 2 Junior Cham pions 2 Senior Champions, 2 Grand Champions, 13 firsts and 2 seconds. Henry R. Fausch, of Guide Rock, 2 Shorthorns, 1 second and 1 fourth. J. H. Hamilton of Guide Rock, 12 head of Poland China hogs. 1 Junior Champion, 2 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 fourths and 2 fifths. Henry R. Fausch of Guide Rock, 8 head of Poland Chinas, 1 Senior Champion, 1 Grand Champion, 3 firsts 3 seconds, 1 third, 1 fourth and 1 fifth. Alfred Buschow of Blue Hill, 4 Po land China hogs. 3 fifths. Tom McMahon of Blue Hill, 3 head of Duroc Jersey hogs. I second and 1 fourth. Emil Bluementhaf Blue Hill, 11 head of Duroc Jersey hogs, 1 third, 1 fourth and 1 fifth. Wm. Arndt of Blue Hill, 1 Duroc Jersey hog. 1 third. Emil Blumenthal of Blue Hill, won 4 first and 1 second on poultry. WEBSTER COUNTY STOCK JUDGING TEAM The Livestock team wins first at Adams County Fair and the Dairy teams wins second. In the Live Stock contest Alfred Sommerfclt wins 1st on Individual pcore, 3rd on cattle and sheep and fith on hogs. Earl Portinier ranks 2nd on individ ual score, 1st on cattle, 2nd on sneep, rna 4th or hogs. Cecil Means ranks Gth on individual 2nd on cattle and 4th on sheep. Dairy contest, Wm. Arndt wins 1st on Individual, second on Jerseys, 3rd or. Gurnsoys and 4th on Holsteins. Oscar Ramey Gth individual, 2nd or. Holsteins. Paul Guroey 10th individ ual. ' , ' ( Died at Hastings , M?s Genevieve M. Watson, who came here a fow weeks ago from Mou t&DR, and was in charge of the oflicofor the U. S. Drilling Co., passed away Satqrday evening at Hastings' alter undergoing an operation. During her abjOrsldenoc here she v made many friends ami was known as the, little geologist of the. west as she had Biderable oil wells. cou- I. 0. 0. F. Defeats Masons Thursday evening the Odd Fellows and Masons pulled off a ball game at the Starke diamond. The former team won by a scoro of 13 to 0. Joe Hen lit made a sensational slldo for home plater while the playing of Doc. Nichol son, who had an oil day, lost tho game for the Masons aud he was relieved by II. S. Foe. John Cummings, Floyd Prevost and Virgil Huff were the batry for the Odd Follows. A. B. Golwick, Jus. Silvcy, Geo. Kailey and Ed. Piatt were the battery for the Ma&ons. Kveryone present had an enjoyable time rooting for his favorite player. Farmers' Union Picnic The Farmers' Uulon will hold an all day picnic at the Mcltrldc Grove at Cowles on Thursday. August 30 h, and everyone is cordially invited to attend. The program they have nrranged follows: 10 a. m. Base Ball. 11:30 Music by toand. Noon I'iouic Dinner. 1 p. m. Address by State President, C. J. Osborne. 2 p. m. Athletics ConQncd to mem bers. RACES Men and Boys 100, DO and 25 yard dashes. Ladles and Girls 50, 33 aud 25 yard dash. Fat Men's Kaco. Competition by Locals. Centipede, Human and Relay Racos Running high jump: running brood jump; hop, step and jump; fence vault ing and shot put; ladies nail driving contest and horseshoes. Also professional stunts conllned to WebBtor couuty residents. Cash prizes in all events. You are urged to not forgot the date and to be thore. This tnornimr about 2 o'clock a young man by the name of Wilson ae-' cldently shot himself, the bullet pass ing through his left ankle breaking' the same, lie was taken to Dr. It S. Muitiu'b hospital whero his wounds wero dressed aftor which he was placed in jail. The front of tho Mouto Crlsto cafe lb being painted today, i Kodak as you go All roads lend to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak counter. Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are. here for your use. - Autographic Kodaks $6.$0 up. 3 E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist i - , CLEAN-UP S AL.E LADIES' SPRING COATS 25 Ladies' Spring Coats Values Up to $25.00 Your $ I f 00 Choice J- " Balance Ladies' COATS at Just The Thing For Early Fall Wear R. P. WEESNER CO. Bon McFarland and son, Robert, . John Clauson is shipping his houso left for Denver, Colorado, via auto, hold goods out today to Hcrndon, Friday afternoon where they will J Kansas, and intends moving his fam spend a few days. Mrs. McFarland .ily thero shortly, whero they will and daughter have been thero for the 'make their homo in the future. Ho is past month. They intend returning home together. employed there by the Burlington as coal shed foreman. , 'SmmSTJti'i'jt' "'v',MMWMKy?:itM!'!