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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1923)
If I A UU llUtiilonl SiH-lBtJ I.luuulH W - T J-'EBg4:-JL2aa y "J '-- wrn -r ipi fwiw to, . . Ka H ,ffl Va,s M B m& w -- Mf 3K - -"; ?:iem 4 Newspaircr That GIym The News FITty-two Weeks Each Year Hr 11,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AUGUST 9. 1923 NUMBER 3 M KEEP r illll SHE 3BE ' SUMMER CLOTHING r - i j t GABERDINE, MOHAIR, PALM BEACH f SUITS ! $13.50 to $35.00 STRAW HA $1.50 to 3.50 SUMNER UNDERWEAR BAL BRIGAN, PORUS KNIT LONG AND SHORT SIEVES ATHELETIC 75c TO $2.00 REMEMBER WE SELL NOTHING BUT WELL KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. V servlco SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and .Kansas Bell 80. - - Ind. 12 Ox 999) Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Hudson futher reduced in price $1375 Lo.b. Essex $1045f.o.b. SEE OSCAR MATTISON DEALER INAVALE, NEBR. Geo. W. Hutchison Bonded Abstracter Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Red Cloud, Nebr. A large number of the local ball fans attended the Smith Center vs Heaver City ball game at Franklin It was a 12 inning game and the Kan sas team had there usual luck and won by a score of 5 to 4. Attorney and Mrs. F. J. Munday and children started on their trip to Colorado Springs, Colorado, Sunday morning. They are traveling via auto and intend to spend a couple of days in Heaver Cit;; visiting with i datives. Weather Observer Chus. Ludlow re ports that 1 83 Inches of rain has foil since Saturday night. Si carloads of hogs were shipped from here to tho Kansas City market Sunday morning. Tho stock run thiough hoic Sunday morning con sisted of one hundred and one car londs of stock They were handled In two tiains. Notice-American Legion All (numbers of Ktd Cloud Post No. 'J.I3 mo it quested tn mei't ut the Club Uooium itt i! lfi Fiiiluy to attend the Memorial service of our late Prosi dent, W. CI, Untiling Went jour unl toiui mill bu thete. Dr. It. b Mmi-Uii, Com A It. MoArthui, Adjt Program For "Memorial Services I'rouKssinti will form in fiotit of Mu SMiiiii hull tit Q:;iD Fiiiluy affi'itioon and march to til auditorium. The Ameri can Legion will lead, followed by tho Mason-, thev followed by the chlo oiganixations. The following is tho program at the auditorium: Processional Selection by Chorus, led by N. U. Hush Invocation, Rev. D. FiUgcrald Scripture Reading, Rev. J. M. Hates Piye minute address, E J Overing Five minute address, F. E Maurer Five minute address, I. W. Edson Five minute address, L. U Mack- ledge Hymn by Choir , . Benediction, Rev. H. E. Tweedy .. Prof, and Mrs. A. II. Gclwick ic tuincd homo' last Tuesday evening from Lincoln wheic they have been spending tho past seven ai weeks. Mr. Gelwick also spent some time In Fort Dodge, Iowa, in the Citizens military training camp. Fats vs Leans TLe fat men va lean men ball game played at the Starke diamond Thurs day evening created considerably rival ry as the former won by a score of 4 to 2. The later team who claim tbey can win are going to play again tonight and the series will closo next Thurs day. Prof. Betz and Claude Frost were on tho mound for the tats whilo Gcorgo Kalloy who receives grain at the elevator did the receiving of the ball from these two pitchers. Joo Hewitt, Fred Turnure, Frank Perry and (Araos Miksch were the twlrlers for the leans and Ed. Piatt was behind the bat. Dr.. Nicholson played a stellar game for his outfit and was the star at the bat. Several of the players on both teams were injured and Hen Copley, while making a death defying slide for second base, sprained his ankle and is now hobbling around on crutches. Most all the players ha'd consider able fun and created amusement for the spectators and both teams want you to be present tonlte. Hutcbins-Johnson Mr. Itadore Johnson of this city and Miss Verna Hutchlns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Hutchins of Cowles, were united in marriage by Rev. Cope at the Methodist parsonage last Thurs day afternoon. DrR. S. Martin and Miss Rachel Cowden standing up with them. After tho ceremony the wedding party autoed to Bastings where the groom's mother served dinner. Thoy then left for Omaha to spend a few days. The bride has taught schrol here for the past two years and is an exceeding ly accomplished and charming youug lady. Mr. Johnson came here soveral yosrs ago and is now a partner in the Johnson & Graham Furniture store. Since coming here he has made many friends and is an enterprising young mac. The nowly weds returned to this city Monday and have gone to house keep ing in the Kaley residence in the sec ond ward. The Chief along with their many friends wish them a happy wedded life. CITY COUNCIL HOLD REG I LA It MONTHLY meeting Majoiess Mniy Peterson called the City Council together in legulnr sos sion, in the Council Chumbeis, on Tucsdy evening, with all membcis present except Alderman Christy. After the reading of the minutes of the .hl meeting and the presenta tion uinl approval of the monthly ic port ot the cit ticasuier, Council vrtod to lepair the ciihi'it at the end of Eighth Avenue with tile. A le-o'-iti in lelativc to tho collec tion iof the paving tax assessment) was dulj passed, after which the mayor .uul cleik wcic instructed to transfer the $2182 50 in the Water Sinking Fund fiom the county ti en surer to the city trcasuicr and apply the same on water bonds. The city clerk was then instiucted to certify to the county clerk the cost of cutting weeds on private pio perty. The mayor and cleik wcic instruct ed to dinw a wanant for $2000.00 on the Water Chsh Fund and pay same on water bonds. The City Superintendent was or dered to purchase two traffic lights and Install same, after which the fol lowing claims were audited and al lowed: Power House Employees ... $-150.00 Mabel Albright Lawrence Doyle C. R. Lewis S. R. Florance .. Mabel Albright Malone-Gellatly Piatt & Frees l Geo. W. Trine Marcus McCbnkey Henry Kolbert Frank Clauson John Wilson 30 00 DO 00 85.00 58 50 9.00 62.80 88.41 7.18 .58.70 1:80 6.00 43.50 G. A. Crow 7.15 A. B. McArthur 7.95 M. C. Sherman .. . Fairbanks Morse & Co .. . Star Sanitary Rug Co. Mid-West Elec. Co. Crane Co. The Korsmeyer Co. . Nebr. Machinery & Supply Co. Lew Simpson . E. S. Garher . 2 40 7.44 38.72 17.67 59.63 12,17 11.75 8.00 53.30 HOARD OF EDUCATION MAKES 1923 LEVY The Board of Edcuation met at the Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock p. m Members present: urimes, Sherwood, Overing and Perry. Mem bers absent: Crabill and Pope. The minutes of meeting of July 2nd were read and approved. The following bills were audited and allowed and Secretary instructed to draw warrants for the same: Harry Dedrick $105.45 E. H. Newhouse 7.50 Wm. and James Crabill 10 05 Raymond and Robt. Bnrta 6.65 Hubert Beezloy A. B. Gelwick E. W Stevens Art Nelson Piatt & Frees .45 17.60 1.10 116.90 636.06 28.74 J. C. Holcomb Mfg. Co. The next matter taken up was the making of the estimate necessary for levy to conduct the Schools for com ing year. On motion the following estimate was adopted for making the 1923 School Levy: Teachers salaries $25,000.00 Janitors Repairs and Labor Fuel Licht. Water. Phones;Etc. Text Books and Supplies . Incidentals j Total Less cash on hand 1,900.00 - 1,000.00 , 2,500 00 .. 500.00 - 2,500.00 . 1,000.00 .$31,400.00 .. 4,000.00 $30,400 00 Less Estimate of 1923 tu ition . . 9,000.00 UShoats wt. 40 or 50 lbs. euch, strayed from my placo July 19. Notify D. Danough on Cobb placo 8 miles hotith y, east of ltcd Cloud. Mr. unci Mrs. A. H. Crabill and chil dicn left via auto for Colorado Springs, Colorado, Sunday morning. They intend spending a couple of weeks in that vicinity and in and around Denver- Am't Necessary to raise bv taxation . $21,400 00 The 1923 valuntion of the District being $2 439,825.00 the above amount $21,400 can be raised by n nine mill levy which is the same levy as made . for 1922. I It was decided to levy 3 mills Bond take to take care of intorost and re- tiro Bonds on Lincoln School Build ing which mature in 1927. Total levy for 1923 to bo 12 mills. I On motion September 3rd was fixed as the date for opening of School for .coming school year. I No further business nppcarlng tho Board ndjourncd nt 0:30 p. m. B. F. PERRY, Secretary. m The Former Easier Picking. You can pick out your fools by their questions and wise men by their an wera. Boston Transcript. 3aSiSSi rf .4 U, " .M p fc$V V.' vrf i i i i n i si i hi i VL I.I ' I'M. "v- Ci'rlilTr---" !MJ T'9BUftaiLXkVv AUV "'..' '-v'VKHHri'MAJVlYI n-..; .,.,, iVxHIHIHBIklll- sSi JLt ll 7lii.W-iET--"Cr-, 7' Z.vr s&z?jz&s3fi " Kodak as you go All roads lead to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak counter. Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size are here for your use. ?t r 7 Autographic Kodaks $6.$0 up, E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist LOOK AT THESE PRICES SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES DOES'NT IT? 25 Cases Fancy Evergreen Corn WHILE IT LASTS, 3 CANS FOR .25c This is not a cheap Standard Pack, but a strictly Fancy Evergreen Corn. NO. 2 CANS YELLOW FREE PEACHES, PER CAN 18c LIGHT HOUSE LAUNDRY SOAP 10 BARS FOR 25c LARGE OANS SWEET POTATOES, PER CAN 12V.:c 10 dozen hand made brooms made from last year's broom corn strictly fresh stock good heavy brooms We have just two kind3 of these brooms An extra good broom and we are offering them at special prices for a few days only. ONE ASSORTMENT -ONE ASSORTMENT 65c each .. 80c each R. P. WEESNER CO. BUSINESS WOMEN TAKE NOTICE All Red Cloud business women uro earnestly urged to moot at the Bar bara Phaies stoic on Friday after noon at 2:30 sharp to participate in tho march to the Auditoilum, where a I duo and proper program, in commem oration of the death ot riesuient nam ing, will be can led out. COMMITTEE BUSINESS MEN TAKE NOTICE All business men of Red Cloud are respectfully urged to meet at tho Johnson-Graham furniture store, at 2:30 o'clock s-harp, i Friday after noon, to join in tho march to the Au ditorium, where the city will coopor ate with tho national movement, which has set aside this day, out of respect for tho late President W G. Harding. COMMITTEE X 'jll v. "i-MT"jr ' "WWf-WsW'