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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1923)
RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1 a J r rr i 1 . WOMEN OFJIDDLE AGE Much Interest Being Shown in the Large Num ber of Women Safely Carried Through the Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The Following Letters Are Impressive) Owing to modern methods of Hvincr, few woman nppronch this perfectly natural chanRo without experiencing very annoying and often painful sy mt toir.3. Those dreadful hot flashes, nervousness, headaches, melancholia and Irritability are only a few of tho pymptoms incident to this trying ?oriod of n woman's life, and tho ollowing letters prove the valuo of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegotablo Com pound to ovcrcorio these abnonnal conditions. "FiBhorvlllo, Ky. "For Bovoral months I was undor the doctor's caro as ho said my nervousness, chills, hot flashes and weakness was caused by tho Change of Life, but I did not seem to get any better. I was not ablo to work ana spent most of my timo In bed. A friend called to sco me and asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and I cannot tell you how much good tho mcdiclno did me, as I had such a hard timo be fore taking it I can only ndviso every woman passing through tho Chango of Life to tnko Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vcgotablo Compound, as itdid so much forme." Mrs.EDWAnD B. Nkal, Star Route, Flsherville.Ky. Lydia E. Pinlcluun'H Private Toxt-llonk upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women " will bo Bent you free upon request. "Wrlto to tiiri Lydia IV. L ink hum Mcdiclno Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. Tub )ook contains valuable information. Rlflht Man Muct Be There. Cliiuu'd In manifold Instances has befriended man. Only It Is neccs Bnrj tlmt the right man should bo on tho opot nt tho right time. In In vention uiid dlscoory ns elsewhere, some men can take it hint and others never sec it. Exchange. N Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp. On retiring gently nib spots of dan druff and Itching with Cuticura Oint ment. Next morning shampoo with Uiitlcurn Soap nnd hot water. Make them your everyday toilet preparations nml have n clear skin and soft, white bauds. Advertisement Kcgrct Is the sorrowful child of not having done your best. Be sure of good bread; use The knowledge of how to make bread gives a girl confi dence in mastering other baking and cooking. Send for free booklet "The Art of Baking Bread" detwlxt and Between. "These here sc-hoolumrms don't know iheir own minds I One of 'em says Oswald's too forward, mi' tho other Bays he's backward 1" .Indue. If matrimony doi-sn't make a wise there l no hope for her. Which Is Larger the Sun or & Cent i The sun is the largest but you can hold the cent so close to your eye that you'll lose sight of the sun. Don't let a cheap price or a big can baking powder make you lose sight of quality. CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER Is the quality leav ener for real econ omy in the kitchen, always useCalumet, one trial will con vince you. The sale of Calu met is over 150 greater than that of any other baking powder. TOE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER A Michigan Woman Helped Ionia, Michigan. "I was passing through tho Change of Lifo and had been under tho doctor's caro without any relief. A friend in Lansing, Mich., naked mo to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound nd I feel fifty per cent bettor already. If any ono In tills condition doubtu tho ability of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vcgotablo Compound to help them I will gladly onswer their letters." Mrs. Max W. Haiin, 637 N. Jofferso Street, Ionia, Mich. A New York Woman Helped Syracuno, N. Y. "I was used up with nervousness, weakness and hot flashes so 1 could hardly keep around, and could not get out much on ac count of those awful prickly feelings. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound helping another woman with symptoms like mine. My husband got some for me, and after taking it five months I can get around and evpn do my housework, washing and Ironing included, and my friends can seo what a change it has made in me." Mr8.SiDNKYHUMrrmnY.82Gtf Burnet Avenue, Syracuso, N. Y. Three Queens Her Guest. Mrs. 12. C. Tyldeu of Sandrlnghatn was the proudest woman In all Kng land when t-he celebrated her ono hundredth hlrthdny nnd hnd as her guests three queens. Queen Mary called first to offer her congratula tions, nnd later In tho day Queen Alexundrn and Queen Olga of Greece honored her with a visit. "0 Happy Dayrt sang the laundress ns she hung tho snowy wash on the lino. It was a "hnppy day" because the used lied Cross Ball Hue. Adver tisement. It is n great, grand accomplishment to differ In opinion without raisins ono's voice. IfeastFoam Northwestern Yeast Co. 1730 North Ashland Avo. Chicago, ill. Many a man dM'.-.n't realize how for tunate he Is when the girl refuses him. A good front Marts a business as promptly ns good hacking. Out of debt, out of danger EST T TE1T (511 n a pgwOT rT" IW01 ay a Tfa.i OIUMJ JVJfTtNTU K HS IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATlOTfAt SiindaySchool T Lesson T (Dy ItliV. P. U. KITSSWATISII. D. D., Toucher of Knellnh Ulblo tn tho Moody lllblp Institute of ClilcnRo.) CopjrlKlit, 1923, Western New paper Union. LESSON FOR APRIL 29 RUTH THE FAITHFUL DAUGHTER LESSON TlJXT Hook of Hutli. OOl.UK.S 'I i:T- lli inoplo shall be my ii'0)tu ana my Uuu my Uud. Hutu l.lti. I'Hl.MAltV TOPIC Tlio btory of Kutli. J UNION TOPIC Hulh anil Naomi. INTUtlMtiDIATM AM; HtiNlOil TOP IC Ktlths Choice ami Its Outcome. YOPNU PUOP1.13 AND AlU'l.T Tl P IC lliu Secret of Itutli a Noble Ufu. 1. Ruth's Connection With Naomi (Chapter 1 :l-ir). On account of ftiiuluu In IK'thlcheiii of Judah, Naomi with her husband ami two bons sojourned In tho land of Moab. After the death of her husband her two wins married Moablt lslt wouieti. After a time her m.iis died also. After the tleuth of her Mind Naomi iVM)hi'd to return to her home land, having heard that the Lord hud I vlsltutl Ills people in giving them bread. They went to Moab to escape trouble but unl got Into more. It was not until Naomi wits thus elms tibeil Hint she lesolved to return, Naomi It nl the good sense to recognize that the hand" of tin- Lord was upon her for good. When the lime came for her to go Until and Orpnh accom panied her, tor a distance. This .ho permitted but determined to place be fore them frankly the dllllcultlcH which would necessarily confront them. It was this lViiiik ptchcntnllon or the dif ficulties and her repented urging them to go back Hint called forth from Kuth the expression of her noble choice. II. Huth'o Noble Choice (1:K!-1S). Much as Nueml loved her datighters-ln-lnw, she would not have them go into this matter Mindly. She told them I ho worst that could come upon them. This principle to he curried out by us In all our telatlons In life. In busi ness the spirit of frankness" should bo manifest. At home we should deal with each other In the most straight forward way. The same thing should characterize our behavior In tho church and society. Note the dltllculty which confronted Kuth : 1. No Chance to Marry Again. Naomi told her that she had no moic sons for whom she could wait. In that day to he unmarried was the greatest disgrace. Society differed then from now. 2. She Must Renounce Her Gods. Her Idolatrous worship could not l;o carried on In the laud where God'a people dwelt. This was delicately touched upon when Orpah went back (v. 15). Orpah went back when it was plain there was no chance to get u husband. Now Naomi puts an addi tional test upon Hutli, that of giving up her religion. Until was equal to the occasion. Her mind was fully made up. She was willing to accept as her God the one who was able to produce In his subjects the nobility of character she had observed In Naomi. Naomi's very frankness in dealing with her caused Ituth to be more determined to cast her lot with her. Ituth's position was so definite and unfaltering that the very expressions have come down to us In words which "no poetry has out-rivaled, and no pathos has ex ceeded, and which has gone through centuries with tho music that will not let them bo forgotten." She was de termined to share Naomi's Journey, her homo, her lodge, her lot In life, and her grave In death, whatever that would be. To crown It all she would re nounce her heathen gods and worship Jehovah. III. Blessings Which Attended Ruth's Faithfulness. Until wtis never sorry for her choice, because 1. She round the True God (1 :K). Instead of her heathen gods who were unable to help her she now hnd a living God, tho God of Israel, as her God. 2. She round Human Friends. (Chapter 12). As she went to glean In the Held she was led to the field of IJoaz, u mnn of wealth uud grace. Tho servants of Ilonz treated her with con slderutlon. Even Hon, gave Instruc tions for special consideration to bo given her. 3. A Good Husband and n Happy Homo (U-l). She not only secured n husband, but a man of God who had an abundance of this world's goods. 1. An Honored Place In tho Israel Itlsh Nation (4:18-17). Though sho had to forsake her own people she be came one of a nobler people. 5. She IJeciimo a Link In the Chain of Christ's Ancestry MslS-ili! compare Matthew 1 :5). The ono who fully de cides for Christ and gives up all for him shall get it hundred-fold In this life, and In the world to come, eternal life. Sharing Misfortunes. Some people think that all the world fihould share their misfortunes, though they do not hhnre In the sufferings of nny ono else. A. I'olncelot. Those Who Mean to Be Truo. who honestly mean to be truo contradict themselves more rarely than those who try to be consistent. 0. . Holmes. Fearless Minds. Fearless minds climb pooucst unto irowns. Shakespeare. DOES HOUSEWORK LIKE ITWAS PLAY Mrs. Littlo Declares Tanlac Re stored Full Strength After Overcoming Indigestion. "Since taking Tanlnc my troubles hnvo left me, and I never tiro of tell ing about It," declares Mrs. Johanim Little, :so:iU N. 17th St., Kansas City, Mo. "My food often caused me much dis tress from gns, sourness and heart burn, and I scarcely over wanted to eat. Headaches, biliousness and pains In my back kept mo In hot water, and I hardly ever got any restful sleep. My nerves wero excited nnd I was so run down It was all I could do to look after my housework. "I searched tho elly for tho right medicine, nnd consider It fortunnte that I found Tanlac. Indigestion, sleeplessness and nervousness never bother mo now, I can do my house work like It wna play, nnd am strong and hnppy. Tnnlac Is simply grand." Tanlnc Is for sale by alt good drug gists. Over J!5 million bottles sold. Advertisement. One may often wish that ho dared say "good-by" with all the enthusiasm that a baby does. WHY TAKE LAXATIVES? Discovery by Sclenco Has Replaced Them. I'lIIs nnd salts glvo temporary relief from constipation only at tho expense of permanent Injury, says an eminent medical nuthorlty. Science has found n newer, better way n means as simple us Nuturo It self. In perfect health n nntttrnl lubricant keeps tho food wasto soft and moving. Hut when constlpntlon exists this nntttrnl lubricant Is not sulllclqnt. Doctors prescrlbo Nujol because It nets like this natural lubricant and thus secures regulnr bowel movements by Nature's own method lubrication. As Nujol la not n medicine or laxa tive, It cannot gripe nnd, like puro water, It Is harmless nnd pleasant. Nujol is used In leading hospitals. Get u bottlo from your druggist today. Advertisement. Railway Seismographs. An Indication of the swift progress of the Japanese mlid In practical sci ence Is afforded by Doctor Omorl's re port on the tuensut anient of tho vlbrn tlons of railway cars 1 y menns of seis mographs. The primary purpose of the .seismograph Is to measure tho os cillations of earthquakes. Japanese engineers uso It 'r determining the proper balance of locomotives and tho state of the way of rail wnys. Many practlcnl advantages In the snvlng of eel nnd the detection of faults In construction hn-.o thus re sulted. "There's j Reason." Taylor Moore, wl o for many years has been n deputy ssessor for Center township, In which Munclo 13 situated, volunteers the Interesting announce ment thnt there tire no dogs In thnt city, notwithstanding the visible evi dence of ninny dogs playing nbout the streets. "I hnvo been assessing stendlly every day since Murcb 1," said Moore, "and have yet to And n person that owned n dog." Indianapolis News. Flattery will open a woman's heart much quicker than It will n man's purse. Nearly 2,000 women In the United States are practicing dentistry. Here's the Nature intended you to have KIND and skilful Mother Nature planted under the outer coat of the kernels of her best food-grains a store of iron for human use. Many prcscnt duy foods are robbcil of this and other vital qualities in the extra ''refinement" of preparation. Grape-Nuts, that famous wheat-and-malted-barlcy food, uupplies iron, phosphates and vitamin from the natural grain; and in its splendid, well- GrapeNuts i .'?ftv4KHaKsi(:&t Canada Offt "Last Chance Virgin Farms T'HINK of what you could produce on JL burden of high-ncrcage cost. Think of what 20-to-40 bushel wheat would mean to you under these conditions, nnd of dairying nnd stock raising on cheap pasture land. Land pays for Itself In n few crops no artificial fertilizer no heavy investment You have envied the farmer who got his start when land was cheap. Here's your chance, perhaps your last chance, for the same brand of prosperity. Western Canada Your Opportunity! Western Canndnlsthe fnrmer'a land of oppor tunity. Thousands of settlers who started not many years iiro with little or nothing, nrc today the owners of fine farms, with comfortable homes and bams, thoro'bred stock, dairy herds all the marks of prosperity. Yet land Is not dear only $15 to $20 on acre for rich, vtr uln. prai rie convenient to railways. Land is not dear In Western Canada-yet becauie there It much of it. But many settlers are expected in 1W3, nnd now is your opportunity, before the best farms nrc taken. Get Parted. Taxes are ro duced, not ratted, on land brought under culti vation. On farm building, improvements, machinery, personal effects, automobile, etc., there is no tax nt all. Canada wants workers It wants Its land farmed and the farmers, throuRh their municipal councils, have practical control of all local taxation. Get the Facts Costs You Nothing JEASTern" S" .'"'Zrn ,i""ll""lcKrnwncniiuncuueiow, locnieti neatest to you. lie i:aMAtvt IsthcofTiclal representative of the Canadian Government, authorized to JTIiT of service to you. Mail the Coupon Tell us something of your position, and IrjkJJADAT ; ; ; ; f . what vpu are looking for, nnd receive IvJVHJfS&ii descriptive uook wiiii maps, ana tree service ot the Canadian Government Asent in your territory; also Information how special railway rates can be arranged for a trip of inspection. W. V. BENNETT Desk W, 300 Peter's Trait Olda. hnn HnmAiririt 'r '" ""tii in poms orimirt. .mi- bv -s rrCQ nOnteieaa o wolnunra Tnurliti mn nmt TT-Ji " uurvuumrr-nu uwii! am Nunt n. F. D, No. P. O MOON IS NOT DEAD WORLD Recent Scientific Observations Seem to Provo Astronomers Have Long Held Wrong Idea. AKtronnmera cIIiir to tlio old Itloa tlmt tlio moon Is n tlcnil world, desti tute nllko of nlr nntl wnter. Hut recent oliscrvntlons of W. II. I'lckerlnR, mnilu nt MnntlL'vllle, Jiitniilcit.Roto show Unit tunny climiKus occur with the nlturnii tlon of lunar tiny nml nlRlit. Orcat biiow flultlH form In tho mountain val leys, ami then mult away; foj; lianlcs am seen nntl, very rarely, drifting clouilH. Tltu loftiest punks aro snow capped. The moon's surface Is pitted with volcanic crntcrs; some of these measure 100 miles across. Each crater is surrounded by it mountain ring 1.0(H) to 20.0(H) feet In height. According to Pickering, there aro few, If any, such large and continuous ly active volcanic regions upon the surface of the earth. Iiut the activity of tho lunnr volcanoes Is now confined to tho quiet emission of steam Jets, like those found In Yellowstone Nn tlonal park. Certain variable dark areas on the moon may he due to vege tation. Don't bo Impatient; It only makes people about you uncomfortable nntl doesn't hurry things n bit. Food-Iron ' m 7BPVi(J(PWvy rounded nutriment and easy digestion it is a wonderful builder of health and energy. There's a delightful charm of crispness and flavor to Grape-Nuts a welcome serv ing at any meal. Ready to serve, with cream or milk. Order from your grocer to day. There are man; servings, providing exceptional nourish ment, iii i u puckagc of this truly economical food. THE BODY HUILDEK "There's a Reason" vhp.' tfv.-'izi AvakMrrri F74arni aBS2&3SK 'for a farm of vlrcln fertility, without the Special Renter's Plan' Buy Out of Profits To old and encourace the honest worker with perhaps little capital, the Canadian Government has a "Renter's I'lan", whereby one may worlc. n new or improved farm "Try It out" for sev eral years If desired and buy a farm of his own out of profits. Thirty-Two Years to Pay For the benefit of those wishing to buy land, a national non'Piofit sharlns oruanlzation the Canada Colonltation Association has been es tablished, with head office at Winnipeg, and United States office nt St. Paul. This Associa tion offers selected land convenient to railways much of it at $15 to $20 per acre on very small cash payment; no further payment until third year; balance extended over thirty years, but purchaser may pay up and obtain title at any tlmc.if desired. Inter est six per cent. s- i-'i, ", V ". i?s& Omalit, Neb. t'UMporit rrquiriMi. wfSjrc. "1 I I I "! i .j Addrrns Nenrrnt Aisent: W. V. UENNETT. Desk W, 300 Trier's TruM Hide, Omaha, Neb, Ai.nt. of Immlrotlaa-riMM OM roar frtt ba WmUia Cuftat in.i..ku (B it rutrn Cftau I llJVlr.: I Hl Jl.l.ln. i Ult.t.lOl l.i ff.nilnf tlr.lniirttwta l.lrili $cUllUtlrlUtM Mill ...... or Bt. Addrcia... A... ..8ltt... Restored Lille Turns to Autos. The city of Lille Is again taking on an aspect of prosperity, according to n report to the Department of Commcrco from Vice Con.-.ul J. G. FlnU-j, nntl la fast assuming the character or a thriv ing center of coinmercliil and Industrial activity worthy of synonym as cap ital of the north of France A con siderable change has taken place slnco 11)21, the consul Mates. Stores situ ated In the districts not damaged nro well stocked nml ppurently enjoying a good business and electric Bigns, un known In 1021, have appeared In vari ous parts of the bushiest; centers which give much animation t. the city nt night. Tliu number of automobiles, al most Imperceptible In 1021, has In creased In an oxceptlonal decree. Rlahto, Percy 1 "And so, children, nil these modern conveniences caiuo Into being by In vention," said tho teacher. "Anil now, Percy, tell me who Invented tho alarm clock." "I ilunno'm," said Percy, "but If my tlaildy ever meets lilm ther's going f be trouble." HU'hniond Tlmes-DIa-pntch. Usually So. "He's popular with the women, lsn'1 he?" "Very; If you except tho ones ho lives with nt homo." Made by Poetum Cereal Co., Ia. BatU Crauk, Mich. P"" sV-ZTZZrZ VI .lUtllflAll PtumCercslny.lnc. products!