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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1923)
t -. M.ioiionl buul.U m 1 1 4. "'I u..J4l!'-Ta iJBinrrr 3giSS2.Ta' -,. . - ..-BKii tT-'rpf?aJ??2r'';rJ "llitEtySS'tr y JffrT'i-fc'MarMHtBfcwiBBF' "" "x"' Tt """ v ?i rit i "'AuBhC IB2S?!?tI('E(i!? p'''B'TPtB55lI4;-'"ii""JBHBHHBB tf A bimBIBBBK Jtf VijwKTiiiitAtft-rjJwiPMUiijfc ?3!TK 4 llewmver That aires The News Firty-twi Weeks Each Tear Ftr 11,50" VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MAY 3. 1U23 NUMBER 10. EMSKIrSflKKiaSSSEIflii?2?. M """ SSfSSTsESif I f 6) wn kM-Mtfm Red Cloud to Have Ball Team MAYOR MAKES APPOINTMENTS DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE II ' 'A 4 B Everyone likes to save on their Clothing. That can't be done by buying cheap merchan dise. Buy your Clothing and Furnishings here. We can save you money. We sell well Known lines. The kind that give satisfaction or your money back. Hart-Schaffner & Marx Suits Emory and Cluett Shirts Crawford Shoes Mallory and Stetson Hats IN WORK CLOTHES WE HAVE Lee and Oskosh Overalls McDonald Work Shirts Hansen Gloves I WE ASK YOU TO COME AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE GOODS WHETHER YOU ARE READY TO BUY OR NOT W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. iHiiHgiiimiiMiMiramag ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK nuninnininnntt ??s. ir The Streamline Elgin, caicd n yellow, white or grer n eolJ orEold-filled-plainorcngravcd.SIOO.iS'S.JtW.SSJS, according to quality of cue When You Give a Graduation Watch Qivc It for a Lifetime Almost everywhere you go you hear people apologizing for the "shortcomings" of their watches. Poor time is a bad national habit due very largely to original selections of cheap watches, bought merely as jewelry rather than for their timekeeping accuracy. In considering your graduation gift watch, come in and let us show you our display of Elgin gift watches. J. C. MITCHELL Jeweler and Optometrist ELGIN The Professional Timekeeper Vdni'diiy while oiirotitt1 home from Lincoln vii rriH Ford, Representative Dm Harbor stopped in Ulue Hill Hiid proo-edod to sit tlt his dlflUniHies with Cecil Matthews, odltor of Lender, ac cording to the Qiieensbury rules. Dan hit Mnttuews knocking him down and blooded his nose und the bitter had Dan arrested and brought before the police judge for trial. Music Dept. Gives Play The music department of the Red Cloud high school presented their play "The Isle of Chance" to a large audi ence at the auditorium last Thursdny. and each of the students of MUs Simmon?, the musical director, did exceptionally well. Mis? Leoua Urea key presided at the piano utid Mrs. Geo. Kill ley stage director. The high school orchestra rendered several uumbers which showed their able train lug. Garfield to Have Fourth of July Celebration The Uarilctd Community folks will put on (i big Fourth of July CVlebrnt. ion this year. The details of the are not yet worked out, but the lowing plans nro decided upon. 1 A program by tho children, voting folks, and Chorus of the Community in the forenoon. 2 A picnic dinuer. 3 A concert by the Garfield Orches tra. 4 Addresses appropriate to tho day by speakers to be announced later. 5 Athletics including base ball, foot races, horse shoo pitching. Committees on Program, Platform aud athletics ure busy prepariug their part of the days doings. Other com mittees will be named hter. A refreshment stand will be con ducted by one of tho organizations of the community. The celebrution will be held In Ed Wiggins picnic meadow, about three miles east of the river bridge. Itcd Oloud, Ncbr., May 1 J923 Several of the local base ball fans Mayor Peterson called Council to aro busy organfz'ttL' a ball eatu for gcthcr in regular session with the fol this city which iicid.iubt wi.' be the lowing members present: Hoffman, best team our city .. pt...i.tced in Hummel, Amack nnd Christy, yea.-. They expect i.. Imv ti hired. Minutes of April 3, April G, April battciy nnd iiNn nnr i'. u- of tbo 23 an(l Am.j, 2J( i92;j 10ml and approv team. Let the good nik u on boys. i j Annual and monthly report of S. It. Dan Hits Matthews i KloraTO Presented ordered placed on file. The Mayor made the following ap pointments which weie confirmed by the Council. Mrs. V. A. Sherwood, member Li brary Hoard. V. A. Patten, First Engineer at $110.00 per month. C. D. Whitaker, second Engineer nt 5100 per month, Bert Perry, third Engineer at $90.00 per month. The Mayor appointed Lawrence Doyle marshal at $90 per month. Christy and Hoffman voting no. Amack and Hummel, yes. The Mayor then appoined Doyle to hold over for the next month. J.' A. McArthur appeared and re quested that the storm sewer leading to Crooked Creek on Seventh Avenue be either tiled or lilted up. Moved by Christy and seconded by Amack that we advertise for bids to tile the storm sewer. Yeas: Christy, Arnnck and Hummel. No: Hoffman. Carried. Re Cope, Rev. Hardman and Kev, Tweedy appenrcd with petitions re questing the Council not to allow carnivals within the city during this year. Moved by Hummel and seconded by diiy i Hoffman that the Council refuse to fol- ! irr;iiif cnfiiivnl lironso iltirimr tlin mi- su'ng year. Yeas: Christy, Amack, Hummel and Hoffman. Carried. John Sheets appeared asking for n license to run a taxi. Motion made and seconded by Christy that John Sheets be granted a taxi license. Yeas: Chisty, Amack and Hoffman. No: Hummel. Carried. Moved by Christy and seconded by Hoffman that an applicant must pro cure a licence for each truck or dray used for hauling within tho city limits Yeas: Christy, Amack Hummel and Hoffman. Carried. Moved by Hoffman and seconded by Hummel that the Mayor and Clerk be instructed to pay $3,000.00 on out standing water bonds. Yens: Chris ty, Amack, Hummel nnd Hoffman. Carried. The following claims were taken up separately and allowed and warrants ordered drawn for then- payments: H. M. Beard '$150.00 V. A. Patten 110.00 Chas. Whitaker 85.00 Bert Perry 75.00 Mnbel Albright . 30.00 e Edison Records 35c Each Beginning at once, we will sell you your choice of our large complete stock of Edison Blue Amberol records at 35c each. These are all 4 minute, indestructiable Blue Amberol records, regularly priced at 60c each. Now is the time to bring that record stock up-to-date by adding some new records. Come in and play them, no exchanges, no records loaned while this low price holds. KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. YOST & SON INSTALL NEW REFRIGERATOR PLANT J. E. Yost & Son have in operation, in their Fourth Avenue meat market one of the latest, enclosed types of York Refrigerating Plants, to be found in this section, in fact, the only one of the kind in this community. Tho condenser, itself, is operated by a five horse power electric motor and approximately but 250 gallons of water are required for a day's usage. The workings of the plant, outside of requiring the condenser, which is mounted on a cement base, in tho base ment and a small elevated brine tank, in the renr cooler, only requires the necessary piping in accordance with tho cooler's capacity, furnishing the desired temperature, without the la bor, etc., incidental to the installation of artificial ice. Due to these fea tures, tho senior member of the firm is frank to confess, he would as soon close up shop as to go back to the old method of filling the cooler, yet as equally frankly acknowledging lied Cloud artificial ice is excelled by none. Commercial Advertiser. y service- v) SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas BCII80. - - Ind. 120x 00.00 85.00 329.08 5.15 4.20 26.9-f 8.10 9.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pulsipher nnd chli drcn arrived hero from Holdrcge, where he is working for the Burling ton on train 11 Wednesday evening for a few days visit with his parents, ,Mr. and Ms. E. J. Pulsipher. Lawrence Doyle C. R. Lewis S R. Florance Mabel Albright Commercial Advertiser Sam Mountford .- John Hays Clins. Whitaker .... Sam Thomnson 13.50 E. W. Stevens 2.C3 Marcus McOonkcy . . 3.15 Harve Hartman -... 2.10 John Wilson -. 2.10 Northwestern Stamp Works 5.5G Mid-West Electric Co. 131.70 Sinclair Refining Co. 282.91 Crane & Co 22.35 Moved by Christy and seconded by Amack that tho appointment of tho mnrshal be reconsidered and tho Council affirm the appointment of Doylo. Yeas: Christy, Amncl: and Hummel. No: Hoffman. Carried. On motion Council adjourned. tJLAUISSA M. MAYNARD, City Clerk. Omar Wolfe came down from Mc Cook Sunday morning to spend the day visiting with friends, returning on No. 17 that evening. (Carter's (Union 1 Suits 1 Distinguish the Best From the Rest Carters Knit Underwear Ladies- Misses - Children s In a Variety of Styles Babys Vests and Bands Cotton, Wooland Silk Wool The H. P. Weesnef Go. I UNDERTAKING I 3 The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Auto Hearse in Connection : Licensed Embalmer J Dost Service to Others Means Real Happiness to Oursolvos. i BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB C WWWWWWNftrWWWWWWtfW ft n