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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1923)
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF mmmmmmmmm he Joy of Sidney Gowing ivin Illustrations by ELLSWORTH YOUNG ; h CopjrlRht 1023 by Sldnej Oonlnf H I I I : 'i . v CHAPTER XXVI Continued. 13 Lady Krytliea stared at her nephew blankly. A curious expression enmo Into her eyes. At lust alio seemed to detect In Alexander the one tiling she had believed wiih lacking the touch of the original Adiiin. But Lord Seville's face hardened. "Youl" he Hald grimly. "You nlso knew the truth? The action of the others, I can understand. Hut a Churchman cannot lend himself to such n conspiracy as. this." "Under correction, Lord Scroope," paid do .luasue gently; "a gentleman cannot betray u woman's conlldenee without her consent." Lord Scroope winced perceptibly. He turned to do Jussac and bowed. "Am I receiving Instruction from a layman?" he Inquired. "It Is the last thing I would dare," replied Uertnind humbly. "It Is I who seek Instruction. Does not the Church respect the seal of the confessional?" "I make no claim, and no excuses 1" Haiti Alexander suddenly. "I have only this to say. I loved Georgian Homers from the day I saw her. When I learned the renl position I loved her more. Her loyalty and devotion only Increased my esteem. Sho Is the only woman living that I en re for; I require you to remember that she Is my prom ised wife. And nobody In this room," Paid Alexander hotly, "shall address one word of reproach to her 1" "Well done I" cried Almee. "Alexan der, you're a man. I'm proud of you, cousin 1" "Thank you, Almee," said Alexander. "It Is for me," said Lord Seroopo Mcruly, "to apportion thu blame. Guor glim Herners Is here under " He was Interrupted by the volcanic arrival of Hilly through the window, panting and eager, the tuft of hair on top of his head erect like the crest of u cockatoo. "I've been looking for you every where 1" hu cried. "You" "Go out!" said Lady Krythen fierce ly. "Pardon nic," said Hilly, advancing"; "hut I guess my place Is here. What ever blame Is, I take It. Lord Scroope, 1 know Hurt what I've done Is past apology, but " "Shut up, Hilly 1" exclaimed Almee. "I've told them everything I've said all there Is to say. And," she added, under her breath, "for once I think I've made a better hand of It than you could." Hefore anyone could reply, Georglna rose, sobbing, and made a dive for the door. "Let nic go!" sho said brokenly. "I want to go uwiiy. I want to go " Hilly, glancing quickly from her to Almee and Lord Scroope, turned and llltted out again through the window. No one noticed lilin. All eyes were on Georgian. Alexander Intervened but It was Lady Krythen who, with an extraordi narily determined movement, overtook Georglna. 1'asstng a supporting arm round the girl's waist, she turned and faced the stupefied company. "Let me remind you nil," said Lady Krythea, In a voice that compelled Hllence, "of one thing that Is In danger of being overlooked. I am mlstres hero nt Jervaulx 1 I have listened with an unexampled patience. Hold your tongue, Anthony! I have welcomed the alliance of Georglna with this family, and Alexander will have such a wife as I mysi'if would have chosen for him. Georglna, your only fault Is your ne votlnit to tile mad creature there, and for that I give you absolution. I re quire direction from no one your mar riage with my nephew shall take place as soon as possible." "Aunt!" exclaimed Mr. Lambe, Joy ously, "1" "Ho not Interrupt me, Alexander I" Mild his aunt. She turned to Almee. , "As for you'icontluued Lady Kry thea, Icily, "I really find myself In your debt. I can never be sullltiontly thank ful that you did not come hero as my guest, and that Alexander was spared your authorized companionship! One shudders to rolled on the possibilities. "You appear to have enlisted the services of everyone but mo to shield your disreputable escapade, and to have enrolled many simple-minded per sons In your defense. You may have deluded these men," said Lady Kry thea. with a scornful wave of her hand towards tho company, "but you do not delude me! I tlnd in you no quullile.i but selllsliness and deceit and I am glad that your sojourn In my house has been contlned to the servants' hall, though I dread to think what your In fluence may have been on my domes tics, from whom I require honesty and decency." Almee, very white, suddenly broke lut'o a flood of tears. Tho next moment Lord Scroope had his arm around her and held her to him. "Not another word, Krythen!" ho Bald sternly. "You have had provoca tionbut you have said enough and much more than enough. Gentlemen, I thank you for what you havo done on my daughter's behalf. And you, too, Georglna. Come, Almee, little girl. Let as go homo." Ho led her away ; Almco clung to her father, sobbing s she went. Hefore they reached tho door It wao opened quickly, u dm It ting Billy, who closed It wmmammmmmmmmm again. Over his arm was a long hood ed driving cloak of Lady Krythea's, ravished from the lobby. "Put this on T bo said to Almee. "Hilly," hIi gulped, darting nt It, "you think of everything." In a moment the cloak covered (he parlor maid's iress and tho hood was drawn over her cap. Lord Seroopo stared in surprise nt DIMy. I've told your cJiaufToiir, sir," snld Hilly, "to bring the auto round to this side I thought you would like to avoid the front nnd tho servants." As lie spoke thu big motor slid to a standstill on the drive opposite the windows. "Mr. Spencer," snld Lord Scroope, looking at him judglngly, "I include you In my thiufts." Mr. Spencer bowed and passed out quickly through the window. Ho wus holding tho door of the car open when Stood to Attontlon. Almee nnd her father got In. snapped the door to, and, steppln He to the front, spoke In nn undertone to the chauffeur. "Keep right away through the park here to the north gates," said Hilly, pointing, "nnd drive like It 11." The bishop's chauffeur gave n slight start, and let In tho clutch. "Hilly!" gasped Almee, turning to ward him as the motor slid by. Hilly stood to attention and gravely touched the peak of his cap. Ho watched the automobile disappear at a most uneplseopnl pace down the back drive. When It was out of sight, Hilly walked very slowly to bis quarters over tliu garage. CHAPTER XXVII Who's Who. "We won't scold her any more to day, Tony dear," said Lady Scroope, with the daintiest note of pleading In her voice, "will we?. This extremely naughty child. She has had a rough time." "Yes," said Lord Scroope, heavily, "that Is what I fd, Dellcla. We we must temper Justice with mercy." Almee sat between her two stern parents on the lounge In tho library at Scroope Towers. A night's rest had not restored the color to her cheeks. Her eyelashes wero slightly wet. She smiled faintly. "You dear people," said Almee. stealing a hand Into her mother's, while the other clasped the long white lingers of her sire, "you haven't scold ed me at all. What you ought to do Is to beat me. It's no use my trying to tell you how sorry I am. There aren't nny words for It." "Almee dear," said Lady Scroope, stroking her lialr, "try and look a little less tragic. This Isn't like you. It's all over now." "Is It V" said Almee wistfully. "I am glad, mummle. I've told you both the story, all over and over. I've tried to make It clear. It's a fearful tangle, I know. You havo both been so sweet about It." "It Is finished," said Lord Scroope gently. "I nm so devoutly thankful, Almee, to llnd you have come safely through the dangers which beset you at Jervaulx what might have hap pened appals mo to think of that It Is Impossible to be harsh. And and It distresses me to see you locking so un happy. For the first time In your life. I can never remember to have seen you In such a mood." Almee stood up. "Tho tiling I wat to know," sho said, plteously, "Is, what about Hilly? You won't answer me. Mummle, you, 1 know, will understand. If I lose Hilly, I don't euro whether I live or die. That Is all." Lord Seroopo passed his lingers through his snowy hnlr. Almeo's mother put nn una round her and led her out of tho room. "Go upstairs nnd rest for awhile, Haby," said Lady Scroope, gently. "You nro very tired, und thero has been talk enough." SJSt2i: Billy In a few minutes Lady Seroopo re turned. "This," said her husband, sadly, "Is the most distressing aspect of the whole affair." "I had a long talk with Almnj) this morning," said Lady Scroope, "and It Isn't u thing "we can dismiss lightly, Tony. I know the child better than you do." Sho reflected. "This Bll this Mr. Spencer appears to bo rather remarkable." "If wo can trust Almcc's account," said Lord Scroope gloomily. "But n young man picked up by tho wnysldc," ho ndded with h bewildered nlr. "My dear Dellcla 1" "Ho is not Kngllsh, Is ho?" "American, I understand. It seems curious," said Lord Scroope, pensively, "but I believe he Is tho first American I havo met." Ills wife laid a small white hand on his shoulder. "Tony, darling," sho said laughing, "you know very little of tho world, but one thing nt least you know. You saw this innn. Is he u geutlemuu?" Lord Seroopo paused. "Whatever else ho may not be, lit is that." "I rather gathered It from what I heard of him." "Hut Deliclu " The butler entered with n enrd on a tray. Lord Scroope Inspected tho card. It bore the name "Hiram H. Klvlngton," which conveyed nothing to Lord Seroopo Under It, In pencil, were tho words, "About Mr. William Spencer." "Is the bearer of this below?" asked Lord Scroope. "Yes, m lord. He wishes to see your lordship urgently." Lady Scroope glanced nt the card, nnd suppressed her curiosity nobly. "I shall leave you to receive this vis itor, Tony," she snld. "I do not think Almee ought to bo left nlono Just now." Sho retired. A very lnrge, clean shaven man with n rcctnngulnr Jaw and thin, humorous lips, wns ushered Into the library. Ho was attired In roomy gray tweeds, his eye twinkled faintly, nnd thero wns something com pelling about his presence. "Lord Scroope?" ho inquired, bowing courteously. "It's very good of you to receive n stranger. I thought that my nephew, William Spencer, would be here. He promised mo to arrive about now. I guess It's something big Hint's delayed him." "Is Mr. Spencer your nephew?" said Lord Seroopo guardedly. "That Is so. You know him, I think." "it Is hardly tho word. I know less than nothing of him, Mr. Klvlngton." "Correct. IIo feels, nnd so do I, that u proper explanation Is due to you, Lord Scroope. I don't know tho whole story, but circumstances have Impelled William, by no choice of his own, to break into the society of Kastshlre county In n way that would probably be called unusual down here. He came to London und consulted mo Inst night. He was very much distressed which Isn't usual witli him. It's only fair to William that his credentials should ho presented, nnd I think I'm the man to do It. 1 should like, Lord Scroope, to tell about Hilly." Lord Scroope stiffened. Hut there was an uncommon' dignity In Mr. HIv lngton; there was nlso something re markably likable about htm. lie ap peared to have very strongly the Spen cer glfi of attraction. "Will you bo seated, Mr. Klvlngton. I will give my attention to what you have to say." Mr. Klvlngton twinkled ngnln, then became grave. "I should have thought," he said, subsiding gently into an old bergeio oimlr, "that It was enough for anyone to. meet William to size him up. How ever, ho Is tho son of my only sister, and of tho late Linden Spencer of Den ver. Who was, on the whole, tho finest man I ever know in the course of u life that has been described as varied and comprehensive. And Hilly Is ns good as his father. 1 wish you had met Lin den." 'I appreciate what you say," replied Lord Scrope. "1 do not gather, how ever, what Mr. Spencer's occupation la." "He has developed himself as a mo tor engineer." "I know so little of mechanics" be gan Lord Scroope. "Mechanics," said Mr. Klvlngton, smiling, "are, of course, a matter of taste. They have nn Interest for mo." A light dawned suddenly on Lord Scroope. "Is It possible," ho said, "that you are the the author as It were of tho Klv lngton motorcar?" "That among other things," said tho visitor pleasantly. Lord Seroopo looued bewildered. It was not possible, however Ignorant ono might bo of mechanics, not to have heard of tho Klvlngton automobile. Nor, however casual u reader of the seeulur press, could ono avoid tho echoes of tho fumo of tluit solid manip ulator of millions, that human comet of progress, Hiram H. HIvlngton. The nnmo on tho pasteboard ud not till now connected with Lord Scroopo's mind. Ho contemplated Mr. Klvlngton with wondering Interest "Mr. Spencer," he said, "Is Indeed fortunate In his uncle." "I would rather say that I'm fortu nate In my nephew," replied Klvlngton. "Hilly doesn't need nn uncle, in my country wo haven't much use for n young man whoso only assets are his relatives. Hilly has mnde good by his own efforts, sir. He U tho Inventor and proprietor of the Flying SphTnx motorcycle." "An experimental mnchlne, I under stand. I hope, for Mr. Spencer's sake," said Lord Scroope, politely, "that It may prove ah successful." Mr. Klvlngton smiled. "The present model of the Sphinx, though a big advance on tho others, Is past tho experimental stage. Of the llrst and second models, n quarter of n million have been sold in tho States. The plant for the latest, on mass pro duction, Is now being laid down. In the company that's being lloated I hold a third control nnd I'm very thank ful that I h.ivc. Hilly stands to clean up three Hundred und fifty thousand dollars on the d :il hnnl earnings." "I hnve not a very good head for fig ures, Mr. Klvln, ton. Could you trans late that Into terms of Kngllsh cur rency?" "About sevent; thousand pounds." Lord Scroo-i sat perfectly silent, gazing nt Mr. Hivlngton. "Hut tho yjr.,ngHler himself Is whut I'm concerned with not what he's got. However," continued Klvlngton, look ing out of the window as a faint whir ring noise wns heard below, "I see he's arrived, so I needn't say nny more. Hut I'm very glad to have had this chance to speak for him. Hilly Isn't good at praising himself." Billy's card enmo up, nnd Hilly short ly followed It. He looked at Lord Scroope dlllldently. "I shall bo glad to lmvo a few words with you, Mr. Spencer," said Lord Seroopo with his most nmlable nlr, "thero was a stneeoto quality about our first meeting, that rendered n mutunl understanding difficult." "Tho llrst duty of nn uncle," said Mr. Klvlngton, 'Is to realize when bo's in the wuy. With your permission, Lord Scroope, I'll go below." He retired, leaving tho two together, and drifted into the sunny morning room overlooking the lawn. In a few moments Lndy Scroope came In. Mr. Klvlngton mado himself known to her. In u very short tlnio Lady Scroope had skillfully elicited from Mr. Klvlngton nil the Information bo had given to lior husband, and n good deal more. She bubbled with umuscment nnd sympathy as tho enthusiastic Klvlngton expound ed Billy's qunlltlcs. "I had n few words with your neph ew, Mr. Klvlngton, before ho went up stnlra," sho said Inughlug, "a most magnetic nnd alluring young mnn. I tremble to think what his Influence niny bo on my simple-minded husband." Mr. Klvlngton, coloring with pleas ure, looked admiringly nt tho little lndy, wondering how she camo io havo n daughter as old as Almee who ut that moment entered the room. Lndy Scroope Introduced her guest. "Weill" murmured Mr. Klvlngton, holding Almeo's band after shaking It and regarding her vivid beauty with tho most Intense appreciation, "I can understand Billy's anxiety now." "Do you mean to say," exclaimed Almee, "that Billy Is here?" "Ho Is at present with your father In the library, dear," replied her mother. Almee departed hastily. "Almee," her mother called after her, "you aro on no nccount to Interrupt them." 'I'm going to be there when they come out!" said Almee over her shoul der ns she disappeared. The two elder people looked wit each other, and both of tlivm laughed. Mr. Klvlngton wns charmed. Lady Scroope was wholly unlike his preconceived no tions of nn Kngllsh peeress. They re sumed their conversation and drifted out through tho windows to the lnwn near tho entrance, whero stood tho Sphinx. Tho original Sphinx, with pllllon-seat de luxe attached. Ten minutes later Lord Scroope, with a countenance that wns positively animated, came toward them across the grass. "My dear Dellcla!" ho exclaimed. "I havo no objection to saying, even be fore Mr. Klvlngton, that William Spen cer Is a most remarknblo young man. Not only has bis conduct all through the affair been admirable, but his char acter appeals to mo very greatly. There Is more Innate honesty, more of the very essence of religion, In that young follow, than I hnve yet encountered In anyone of his ago." Mr. Klvlngton, coloring still more deeply, looked at his lordship with up preehitlvo eyes. Lady Seroopo smiled. "Tony, dear, I hnvo seldom heard you express yourself so warmly; and ns a Judgo of charncter you huvo taught mo to regard you as Infallible. Certainly, from tho rather brief Interview I had with Mr. Spencer I formed a similar opinion. But do I understand that you have?" "Hem," said Lord Scroope, with somo slight confusion, "we appear to be moving rather ah rapidly. I feel" Ho broke off, apparently at n loss, as Billy and Almeo camo towards them ncross tho lawn, side by lde. There was something Olympian In Billy's as pect and tho splendor of his smile. Almee wus radiant nnd glowing. Lord Seroopo scarcely recognized In her the pallid and distressed young woman who had returned from .Tervnulx. It was as though an errant descendant of tho gods hnd restored his daughter to him. "Dad!" said Almee. "You've been splendid, dour. And I wnnt to say all the nice things to Billy's uncle, that I haven't hnd a chance to, yet." "I hope," snld Lord Scroope, wrin kling his brow I perplexity as he and his wife stood In the library some hours inter, nfter the departure of the visitors, "that I hnvo not been too precipitate. Have I committed my self too fur, Dellcla?" Lady Seroopo pushed her husbnnd gently Into an armchnlr und perched herself on the arm of It. "If you mean, dear," she said, stroking his hnlr, "did you definitely accept Billy Speocer as n prospective son-in-law you certainly did. And a very good thing, too." "Did I really?" murmured her hus band. "I hardly recognize myself to day, Dellcla. It seems very precipi tate. Thero are so many things to consider to verify " "I haven't the slightest doubt that will he all right. Two of the sound est people I ever enmo across." "But what" "What I like about Americans." said Lady Scroope, "when n proposition that's what they call It, I think when n proposition Is clear, they don't waste time. I like people who don't waste time It makes life so much less com plicated." "I am certainly conscious of a great access of happiness." "Yes. Because Almee Is so happy. And Almeo's happiness Is n very Infec tious quality. Still, nt the moment, Tony denr, you ore looking a little worried and anxious. Why?" "The ono rift In the lute," snld Lord Seroopo regretfully, "Is this break with the Jervaulx household. Family quarrels nro always petty and undig nified. I fear the affair has alienated Krythen. I hope I did not convey the Impression thnt I disapproved, of Alex ander's marriage. Keally It Is an ex cellent thing for Goorglnn, and he will hnvo n most worthy wife." "I," said Lady Scroope, kissing the top of his bend, "will make the ponce with Krythea. Although she disap proves of my moral character, I am tho only person she really listens to. I will go over tomorrow nnd pave tho way. I've already talked thnt over with Mr. Wllllnm Spencer," She added, twinkling, "and he will accompany me. I am porsunded ho has great Inlluence there. I suggest n double wedding hero at Scroope. It will suit Krythea much better than nt Jervaulx as things nre! Have no fear, Tony, shall be arranged." It CHAPTER XXVIII "All's Well " "Whnt," said Almee, with n little touch of scorn, "are you looking so frightened about, Goorglo dear?" "I'm n-not frightened," said Geor glna faintly, smoothing her white silk sleeve with n tremulous hand mid glancing at the spray of orango-hlos- "Isn't Billy Lucky?" soms on tho boudoir tnblo. "I'm su premely hnppy. But ono ought to feel u Httlo frightened, surely? Aro not you?" "Not a bit." Gcorglnn regnrded her cousin with a faintly shocked expression, that changed slowly Into n gnzo of admi ration. "How perfectly lovely you look, Almco!" "Yes, don't I," returned Almco sim ply, Inspecting" herself In tho long mirror. "Isn't Billy lucky I" She suddenly encircled Georglna's waist with her arm. "I'm so- glad you're happy, Georglo denr. Everybody's got to bo huppy today ; even Aunt Krythen. i" P?t vSfc In half an hour you and Alexander will stand nt the altar. Don't trqyibla like that. 1 and Billy will bo close to you. Dad will marry all four of us with splendid composure and dignity. There's nothing to bo ufrnld of. Dad Is at his best In emergencies like thnt." "I do love dignity," snld Goorglnn gratefully. "Don't say nasty things to mo on my wedding day. You'll got all tho dignity you want. When you emergo nfter the wedding breakfast, the car riage with the two fat horses will ha waiting for you; It will convoy you to tho train, and then away for wlierf did you say you wero going?" "Closemlnster," said Georglna rap turously. "Alexander Is to ho Induct ed as assistant to tho prebendary In six weeks time. I wns so glnd when ho suggested we should go nt onco to the place whero later his duties will lie. There, under the slindow of that glorious old cathedral " "You'll spend nn Idyllic, sedate hon eymoon," snld Almee. "How perfect, dear. Aren't you grateful to mo? If It hadn't been for my stunt, you might hnve missed n whole life's hnpplness. But Hilly nnd I" "You're going through to Harwich on the car, aren't you, denr? Alex ander told me " "There's Aunt Krythen 1" snld At nice. "I'm glad mummle Induced the old terror to come." "Who Is thnt with her?" ,1 "My new uncle-ln-law, Mr. Riving ton. He's a peach! Aunt seems to bo getting on with him splendidly. Loo! nt her back! Who's the funny littlo mnn thnt seei. s half asleep, over by tho cedar?" "My Uncle Joseph," murmured Georginn. "Ho didn't realize till aftei wo left Jervaulx, that I ought to have been ut home with him nil the time. I don't think be rvnlly grasps tho po sition, even now." "I don't wonder. These professors never do grasp anything," chuckled Almee. "We've beaten Dlnnu and Rprtrnnd. They're to be ninnicd In London next week." "Isn't nil this delightful to think of," sighed Georglna, "after 'the hor rors wo went through I Did you ever hear what became of that woman you told me about the wife of the bur glar?" "Never heard n word more of her; I think she got away." "It all seems like some fearful night mare now," shuddered her cousin. "As the wife of a future bishop, you'll wipe it off your memory, Geor gle, dear. But I never shall ! Tho greatest time I ever hnd In my life. Tho Joy of Ihlng, Georglo!" Lady Scroope suddenly entered the room. "Children," she said gravely, "In live minutes wo start for the chapel." Almeo bolted Into her room, fol lowed by her mother. "Do you seo 'em yet?" whispered an apple-cheeked woman eagerly. Tho red popples In her bonnet quivered ns she raised herself on tiptoe. The stuff of the Seroopo Towers household wns grouped on either side of the grent porch, behind tho assembled guests. The npple-chcoked womnn was Mrs. Sunning of Ivy cottage, Stanhoo; the only envoy from the Jervaulx district. Her eyes sparkled, she clutched grim ly to her breast a large bag of rice, a barbarous custom still permitted nt Scroope. Almee nnd Billy suddenly emerged from the porch nt speed, followed closely by Alexander und Georglna, unild cheers, llower-petnls and con fetti. Mrs. Sunning, with a shrill cry, opened her batteries. Alexander and Georglna, swerving to the right, climbed Into tho waiting carriage. Billy, escaping through tlfo shower of rice, shot past to tho car. "Beat it I" he cried to the chauffeur, nnd caught Almee by thu hand. To gether they scudded on foot down tho drive. Tho guests pnuscd In astonishment. Lady Scroope, her eyelashes sparkljng, laughed gently. Aunt Krythea Jutted an Inquiring nose round tho pillars. Tho bride nnd bridegroom, having mnde good speed for two hundred yards, turned Into n clump of laurels thnt olllelontly hid tho Flying Sphinx. Hilly snatched up a hluu cloak that lay athwart tho saddle. "On with It!" cried Hilly, glowing. In a twinkling Almee donned tho wrap; as Billy bestrode the saddlo sho threw herself upon tho pillion and her arms about his waist. "Keady partner!" Billy snld. "Let her rip!" panted Almeo Joy ously. Tho Sphinx hummed bwirtly along tho park road and swung left onto tho highway. "hold tight I" Tho Sphinx breasted tho long rlso nt sixty miles nn hour. Tho wind screamed past them. Almeo laughed aloud. Leaning for ward from tho pillion, sho pressed tho smallest, soft round kiss on tho bnek of Billy's neck, as they disappeared Io u cloud of sunlit dust. THK I3ND Harvester Works Past. From ICO to 200 tons of sucnt- -nni enn bo cut and sorted In n dav with u New Orleans Inventor's harvester. ". i t .. M