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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1923)
? f Sri ' "1W Lliuolu i2i iff ii ii ! mt cffl T) ?KB " K "j? iTV t vB'Sb- & Hk ,fc at rlBf f 4jFc-L.f- vbfl rfi9flP- h a? j hb pH i h ii w II if IH - vH - 'jt R9n iH -- - '' ' r ' 4 IkwsMHer That 6Itcs The Newt Fltty-twa Weeks Etch Year Rr 11.50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. APRIL 19. IU23 NUMBER 10. wzrnsrsssarr j3 - s- .-A- a - a W- 3, 'S? Ball Game at lnavale &. DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE Everyone likes to save on their Clothing. That can't be done by buying cheap merchan dise. Buy your Clothing and Furnishings here. We can save you money. We sell well Known lines. The kind that give satisfaction or your money back. Hart-Scha! Iner &. Marx Suits Emory and Cluett Shirts Crawford Shoes Mallory and Stetson Hats IN WORK CLOTHES WE HAVE Lee and Oskosh Overalls McDonald Work Shirts Hansen Gloves WE ASK YOU TO COME AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE HOOPS WHETHER YOU ARE RFAPY TO BUY OJ. NO.T fc W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. !J The Itinvtlc bull team will open llio shiio n on their diamond S mil ',v after noon ut which time Miny p'.i, lie Klv cr'oii team. Tlic in i do lnni litis an t'ct I'tloiuilly good i 'n't mil have nl reuilv liiuilieil lev ml l'ihiiis "n lie play ed tin r The Isle of Chance A two net (ipeieltii to be givnii by the Mus'e Depaittucnl of Hie Bed Clouil 1 1 1tl School on T.lmisvliiy, April Mut the Hi8sm Anditoi iuni. Follow ing U the east; UUKKD Kin of the Isle i f Chntico -Je-slr Crnblll. CAITAIN-OfTheOood bhlp Ease Mury Mcltrlde. FOLLIES Subjects of King Oreed Eva Grossman, Elsie Jernberg, Jose phine Cloud. ON-A-GBOUCH-A Derelict on tho Islo of Chance-Marcella Stockman, DriSPAIK-nisShadow-NevaBrtin. er. LOUD WHA v'S THE USE, LADY FRIVOLOUS, SIM PLITA Survivor iroin the Good Ship Eise Ellis .Tcf fery, Amelia Steward, Nellie Kalley. WHO CARES, FEW CAUES, NO CARES -Sailors from tho Good Ship Ease- Hippy Hadeil, Jennie Beezley, Mlldied Wilteidiug. ixniaiEisirairMitiauainiflinana H H ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and wo are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK I'lii'W mmw "iiiiiiiji'i'ii miiiri mil i iii Jill ii iniiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii in iwriiii mini miiiiiiiiiii iriniiniii'i i mini SPRINGTIME SUMMER TIME ARE SWEATER Sweaters lhat ie in brilliancy with the gay colors of gaturc for sports, the shore and the country. Sweaters in cool, subdued tones for street and town wear. Jacquet tes, Slip-Overs, our new Swagger Link Coats, and Tuxedo models. EVERYTHING in sweaterdom! Beautiful sweaters with the charac ter that good quality and good style alone can impart. VARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Extension Agent, Henry R. Faitsch) DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL STOCK JUDGING CONTEST A District High School Stock Judg ing Contest was held in Clay county This was a pielmiinary contest held prior to tho stale contest at Lincoln .May 1th. Then schools with 78 con testant competed. I'.lue Hill High Sch ol lcpiosentcd Webster county having won the County Championship last October. The Blue Hill team aio Wdliani Arndt, Daniel Krucgcr and Alfred Somnierfelt. The Clay County Content stalled with judging two classes of Shoit- horn cattle at the farm of Albert Hut line. Class of Holsteins at the farm of Wm. Peterson, class of Percheion mares at farm of Geo. Schnb, Shrop shire sheep at the faun of Wm. Walk cr, Dune hogs nt Geo. Driggs, Po land hogs at H. L. McKelvie, Ayahire cows at farm of H. H. Johnson, Jer sey cows at farm of W. I Holcomh nnd Shire Mare-, at the farm of H. H. Harvey. The judging was c -mpleted by 1 p. m. and in the nfternoo the contest ants gave their leasons. Obituary Mmy A Osthoimer ns born in Oernmny, September S3, 18IS, nnd do parted from this life April 13, HUM; n?pd eighty years, heveu months ai.d tivcnty-ttto diiys. She came to tho United Status with her piironts when u siunll child and tesided in Couneisvllle, Fayetto Coun ty, I it 1 1 1 it 1 1 ii lleie she ciew to woiimu hood and was married to William II Walter, October 1U, 1SC0 j In March 1872, they moved to Web. j Bter County, Nebrashn, and suttled on i a homestead west of lnavale, where they resided for twenty-six years. In 1807 thny moved to Red Cloud whero they have since made their home. To this union wero born seven children-four sons, Lewis, William, Edward, and Charley; three daughters, Auna, Alice and Ida. One son, Lewis, and a daughter, Allco, proceeding tholr mother to the Great lieyond Tho deceased has boen in poor health for several mouths, and suffer ed a strolce of paralysis Saturday afternoon, from which sho never ralli ed. She was u kind and loving wife and mother, who thru her untlriug efforts made home a loved retreat for ber family Mrs. Walter expressed her desire to become a member of tho Christian church but did not live to be received Into fellowship. . The services was conducted from the Wfhtlnif church by tho pastor, lie v. C. G Nelson. Tho interment being made in the Hud Cloud Cemeteiy. r Edison Records 35c Each Beginning at once, we will sell you your choice of our large complete stock of Edison Blue Amberol records at 35c each. These are all 4 minute, indestructiable Blue Amberol records, regularly priced at 60c each. Now is the time to bring that record stock up-to-date by adding some new records. Come in and play them, no exchanges, no records loaned while this low price holds. : KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. V. KED CLOUD GUN CLUB At 8:30 we were given a banquet by the Home Economics Class of Clay Center High School and judging from the big feed Clay county will have some real cooks. Following the bnnquct a short pro gram was given. Mr. Epperson of Fairfield was toastmastcr and toasts weio responded to by Mr. Wood, Judge Wray,, Mr. Derrick, Mr. Flock, nnd Mr. Morgan and the announce ment of winners by Mr. Wm. Pearsin, director of Vocational Training of Ne braska. Team scores were as follows: Hastings 1638, 71ny Center 1637, Blue Hill and Milford (tie) 1590, Fiiend 1556, Aurora 1528, Milligan 1410. Individual scores woio as follows: Alfied Somnierfelt lth, scoie 519; Will'nm Arndt's scoro 527 and Dan iel Jvmegor's scoie 511. Alfeit Sommorfplt w n first in urging hoi ses and 1th on swine. William Armlt was 5th on horsei. i To put on this successful judging .tour meant lo's of work "ii the pan ,of M II. T'oters of the Clav Confer I High School and County Agent, Hall, H. E jClaylmugh and there was true co- Kailoy, Geo. i operation shown on tho pait of tho Miller Albeit , Livestock Bleeders and the Clav Cen-C ' A' , tor Uhamb r of Commerce. ""'"""i " . Cheek, J. P. Grace Church Notes Thiid Sunday after Raster No Sunda.v School Oidlnatlon of the Reverend bamiiel lLudmnti n tho 1'iiehthood bj tho ItiKht Heveiend Gem go Allen Buieher, 1). I) , HHhop at Giace Chinch Hid C ond, NebinsuH, Apul '11, UI.'.T Older of Sei vice 10 A M. Morning prayer, Hov. Samuel Iluidnini'. iu:t!0 A. RL I'liullriuatlon, prajer book, page 37; J. 10:110 A M -Oidinationocrviee Pio ccssional Hymn 505. Sermon, Kev John Al Butes. M A. Presentation of candidate, piayer book, page 514. Litany, piajer book, page 51)0. Introit iiyinu 287. Seivlce of the Holy Communion. Page 51) 1. Bxamln ation of candidate, prajei book, pnge 516 Ordination Hymn, 299 Nlceno Cieed, prajer book, page 580. Oirctoiy, Choir. Communion Hymn, 333. Gloria iu Excelsls, old chant. Nunc Dimittis, LHngdon. Boccssioual Hymn, 30(.i. Vespeia Sorvica at 1:30 APRIL 15 1923 Regular piactice shoot was held, the wind being pretty bad, but the boys did very nice shooting. Our next Regular Practice Shoot will Le on April the 29th, and everybody ii welcome, as you will find by paying us a visit, it is a nice clean sport. Tho shoot will stint at 2:30 p. in. 'Plenty of shells nnd targets on the grounds. Sunday's Scoie NAMES Petet.son, Frank Bioughton, J. C. Bioughtoiv C. BARBARA PHARES w KprygB jgBgS3EgrgMfciM Card of Thanks We wish to thnnk our ninny fi lends for their assistance and words of Fym pathy dining the illness and death of our dear wife and mother. Especially do wp wish to expiess appreciation for tho boautiful floral offerings W. II. Walter and family. I Peterson, Jim Walker, Fied Total Shot at 50 50 50 CO 50 50 50 50 50 50 Bioko 18 48 17 46 16 16 15 45 40 30 COO 440 Secictnry . ar i . H . r -ji mi it ir -si y trvlco SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer in Nebraska and Kansas Bell 80. - - tnd. 12 Ox esesesesssesssessssssssses SPECIAL IN LADIES' wib . SILK HOSE 25 Dozen Pairs Allen A Black Cat Silk Hose AT PER PAIR 69c These are "seconds" of a full length silk hose merceriz ed lisle tops They liavo only very slight imperfections- Nothing mora lhar a seam caught up in the foot In fsct you can haidly find the imperfection These ho3c do not carry the regular Black Cat guarantee but you can feci sure they will ho satisfactory and a bargaii at the price THE 1 P. WEESNER Red Cloud, Nebraska COMPANY Mr. and Mr. Clarence KUor return. Three carloads of hogs made up the stock shipment fiom hcic Sunday morning for tho Kansas City mar ket. Theo Mart'n accompanied the stock fiom hcic through to their destination. B jmSBmSBBmSfflBBL reraHsrarssa K3ia4iS:&Ui i UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Licensed Embalmer BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB t . Vr s Er . Jod home Wednesday from Denver.