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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1922)
wjti w RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I 1 L K w ' B tK WWWWrtWWWWWYWWYWV.V Residence, Bell 241 5 i Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. Mrs. Ed Amack i UNDERTAKING t BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB L T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32M IftftrVWVWWWWNWWWUWWMftrWW Need Groceries To-Day? ! .- A LAV AYS prepared and waiting to fill Vany Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no mat ter how small your order may be or what par ticular items you may want, we are ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of package, bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold out" levclj Neither do we oiler anything. in the Vega tabic or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we arc sure our pri ces will please you, P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware Quality A GOOD JOB WELL DONE ( A piece of printed matter with your name on it is your "Per sonal" representative wherever it may be found. Surely then, the best is none too good. That's the basis on which we guar antee your satisfaction with our Printing. Quality is the watchword here 'all the time whether tb,e job be big or little. v The Red Cloud 11 A We Do Only The Highest Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING Add Tone to -your business by getting the best ' 4 ,&.R In the promotion of bottor Ne braska citizenship through cdu catloiml exhibits and wholesome recreation. Lincoln, Sept. 3-8. ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY entered In the roMofflce nt Hcd Cloud, Neb m Second Class Matter A. D. McARTHUR.Edltor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, por column Inch 15c Local, ' " 10 & 12H FARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Agent, Henry R Fausch) THE HUMAN SCRUB If nature's design is the physical perfection of man and beast, and must be quite well satisfied as she looks upon the products which have been developed under the designation of "pure bred." Nothing more grace ful in creation is to be found than the high bred horse.- The pure bred bull and cow are masterpieces in con tour and coloring. The fowls of the air are not more beautiful in their In vestiture of pluinnge than our stand ard bred poultry. But what about man, who is given dominion over these creatures? Well humanity appears to have been so fully occupied with improving beasts and bhds and vegetation that it has even deteriorated. When n man wish es to point to specimens of physical perfection in his kind he l everts to the days of old, when phys'cal perfec tion of the human being was the eh'of cst aim and when sculptors preserved for all time the beauty that was at tained. Compaie man with his live stock the pure breds he has coddled into near perfection. He is outclassed, for he is really a scrub. If the culling process which he applies to his stock and poultry were made the test of his fitness to live he would be elimin ated. There is keen competition in devel opment of live stock, but premium lists at fairs do not offer prizes to encourage efforts to "complete" hu; manity. LOCAL ITENS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MUST HAVE STIMULANT The call meeting of the local Cham ber of Commerce in the Club rooms, on last night, for the purpose of go ing into recent complaints of dissat isfaction, inactivity, etc., disclosed the fact, by the treasurer's rcpr, thai while the Club was financially some what in arrears, the amount was not of sufficient size as to yiutm:$ iiji'luu nnxiety, but, that the slate could be cleaned on collecting up of back dues and the disposal of one billiard table, which long ago was considered su perfluous. Messrs. R. P. Weesner, W. G. Ham ilton and Dr. Robert Martin were ap pointed a committee to arrange a banquet and open meeting to be held, in all probability, next: week. At this time all members and others interest ed in the future of the organization are to be summoned around the' tablo, when it is hoped ways arid means, of cutting expenses in the Club's opera tion, finding out just what really is expected of such an organization and the prescribing of the. necessary stim ulant will be staged. In the mean time, it behooves us all to give the matter a little earnest thought and if possible aid in putting "the patient" even beyond the need of a spring tonic in 1023. Miss Jessie Kellog Wants Facts on The Code Bill (Friday, Sept 2, 1802) School opens Monday and the young Ideas will begin to shoot forth. Editor Wtfon and wife arc spend, ing a few weeks at Colorado Springs, where Mr. W. goes for bis health. MiescFvTrlx Mlzor and Margie Miner returned to Red Cloud this afternoon aftor spending a few dnys with Mis? Eveline Urodstonc. Superior Journal. A son of Sylvester Day's was so un fortunate as to have his arm broken last Friday. Dr. McKeeby set the nf fectcd member and the young man is getting along nicely. Mrs. Dr. Mcllceby has gone t o Jamestown, Kansas, for a two weeks' visit. Ringling's Mammoth, Circus will be in Red Cloud soon. The advance agent has bocn here and contracted for grounds, etc. (Items of Twenty Years Ago.) George Lindsey will leave Saturday with his cattle for the State Fair at Lincoln. We did not learn bow many he will take. He expects, if he can got the proper transportation, to take tho cattlo to the Knusas State Fair and also the fairs at Wicliita and .Hutchin son, Kan. Thursday afternoon one of Frank nutter's boys got his right hand in a feed mill and it was badly crushed. Medical aid wns summoned as soon as possible and it was found necessary to removo tho second, third and fourth lingers. Very quick timo was inado by tho doctors in getting to the house, which Is southwest of this city. In about one half of an hour after tho ac cident tho physicians were there. Hugh Minor left Sunday tor Chicago, Where he will purchase the fall stock of goods for the firm of Miner Bros. A. D. Ranney of Blue Hill was look ing up buslncsss matters in this city, Monday. Christ Zeiss, now of Horton, Kan., .was visiting relatives in this, city Sat urday and Sunday. '.J. V. Auld left Thursday morning tot Griswold, la,, for a visit with his parents at that place. , "R. T. Jewell of Hot Springs, Mo., who has been visiting with his cephow, Ed. Garber, left for home Tuesday. ' Miss Mollie Ferris returned to this oity Saturday. Miss Ferris has been on an extended visit with her brother in the state of Washington. 'Del and Fred Turnure left Tuesday morning for Chicago to purchase more goods for the fall trade. With au im mense corn crop in sight they felt that they must have a large stock of goods. The Compleat Hostess. At the Hardens', on Sunday nfler. noon, Mrs. harden, vivacious, supple, with a sort of frosty, golden beauty, guiltless of make-up, but essentially artificial, was being everything to nil men, and much to some women. "From Latchkey Ladles." by Mr. Grant. . A Verbal Salad. Tho following telegram, writes nn Irish render, was sent by a constable from an outlying district to his ser geant: "Motor Just passed nt furious rate In direction of town. Killed heifer, containing four .gentlemen and two greyhounds, one of which was n clergy man." London Morning Post. it .i ijfa i mil r t i" ------ '" ."'J; flifcSviaBMiyflrBflBUli asseroh, the PYREX way Easiest because it is transparent. Avoid the guesswork and uncertainty. Look through your PYREX and see the food baking. PYREX the original transparent oven-ware is sanitary and practical for everyday use and is Guar anteed not to break in the oven. Durable and economical saves time, fuel and dishes you bake in and serve from the same dish. Food actually tastes better when PYREXED thr full flavor is retained because the baking is quid: and thorough. Buy n casccrolc at I Buy n casccrolc at fell Ir-PSIIIIi I lllmllllK limn '"'1 lJPPr '- FW M H-flLBJI I yilliu-JLI i j J nM(Ki ii i S)oiliiE!'ire! G. W. During the week ending August Dth, tho Burlington Railroad loaded on its system G,!11 cars of grain and grain products. This was more grain than was loaded by any other railroad in the United States during the same pe riod, according to C. E. Spens, Vice President in charge of traffic. TRINE'S HARDWARE ai uwwvwwwwwwuwwuww Place Your Coal Orders Now The Malone-Gellatly Co. tMMrWWWUVUWVUWNUWWtnM .1, , y. Governor McKelvle's code law was warmly endorsed by half a dozen speakers at the republican stato com mittee meeting in tho Lindcll hotel Monday exening; but when a woman member of the committee, Miss Jessie Kellog of Red Cloud, naked to be en lightened upon its merits, so that she could nnswer criticisms of tho law in her home community, nobody could give her the desired information "I'll have to admit that our folhs out at Red Cloud are rowing over tho code bill a wholo lot," Miss Kellog stated. 'I wish someone hoio would ghe me tho facts about it. If there Is anyone who eun do this, I'd ho glad to talk with li I m aftor the tiieotlng." An awkward bilonce followed. Pre vious speakejs had praised the code and declared that if the real facts con corning It wero given to the voters the republican party would surely win Hut no one present seemed to know anything about "tho facts." .Stato Senator (J. II. Randall, candi date for governor, who helped to put tho code law through tho legislature in 1010 and who had the backing of tho code organisation in tho primaries, was sitting up front, but he had nothing to say. Culrman 13 H. Porry waited a mo ment for someone to volunteer, and inquired: ''Is Mr. Dross here'."' Dross absent, iiothirg doll)','. Hut wns promUu the Information the next day, So, whon Miss Kellog goes Iiuium to lied Cloud, she will cany with her-a grip full of dope, suppllod by the $V roo a.yeur secrotary of lliianc; in Oov ernor McKulvlu's code cabinet, Lin VT :-.ttt L VvVaj i cs1 -wsJ H-Jirr t -:.). ' -'"' "S?. -LKi2i . iisri- , .,' . 'bo -.f-.Vl J "Oh, Bad Jy boyt look what , Mother went and put into the lunch hatheta whole whopping big package of Kellogg' a Corn Flahett Buddy, I believe I can eat jutt about twice as much as you do my, hou) I lova Kellogg'sl" 7t tst tn stop eating heavy food! M A WiMW FLAKES & i wm WssI ir the whole immly Ualuro rebels against heavy food3 in warm weather. Much illness in Bummer is caused by overtaxing tho Stomach. Change your diet and keep snappy in mind and muscle f Kellogg's Corn Flakes with cold milk and fresh fruit arc wonderful for the hot days for breakfast, for lunch, for supper or for "snacks." Eat goner ously of Kellogg's because they digest without taxing the stomach and supply all the nourishment tho body needs. For children, for the workers and for tho aged tboro is no more delicious, sustaining food than Kellogg's Corn Realize what they mean to Flakes. health! Insist upon KelIo2gra Cora Flakes In tho RED and GREEN package bearing the sigoa- turo of W. K. Kellogg, originator S2lAW3s?i of Corn Flakes. None aro genuine without it I UY&n dft ?AS?h mn s MiI iTTnniMiiiBiniiiiM ii mmiiwi imaim wmwii - - rTT-wZT, J to; siscwr ""ttliUti nui LUI a. i.r AIo makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES r.ud KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and hrumblcd SGSZrrJl'lJkVMiKMl liBMga 4V i .J coln Star.: rnnvrcrrrrrrinnrm