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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1922)
4. 4Ulo litsloiloHl butk'ty Llaoulu ggegg3 E35?tf3teSSt& - aijr..-i3-5?. mikV ,fa ""to- '-'""-! Mmbmjc' ' '?yMBrg jB rTrjj"glflranfPTSjlSr I 1 I'""Cj P V--j iilili"ii v ull i B M WCt wiOPMW B g55-i.? wffinii if :E2nlffHS HjKPxfflE&P'mr!HS 4 NewsMW That 8Iym The Rem Flfty-twt Weeks Each Year Fer f 1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 7, 1922 NUMBER 36. Mr. "and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson of Denver ariifed in the city Sunday morning to visit her paicnts, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Turnure. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pulsipher and baby returned to their home nt Holdrege Sundny evening after spending ho day here with his parents. Holeproof Hosiery Wears Longer Looks Better wi t-Cj JTMH P THAT is the Holeproof - story in a nutshell. And when this desirable com bination in hosiery is offer ed at very reasonable prices you can easily understand why Holeproof is popular in all walks of life. Hole proof comes in a wide va riety of regular and fancy styles in silk, silk faced.and lusterized lisle. Made for women and children, too. Awarded Second Prize At the Hoys nud Girls' Stock .ludg na Tonttst liclil nt tho Sttite Fair, 'I'lii'sdny, tlio Wi'bsU'r County team curried oil second honors. Dawson county won first pluce. BARBKRA phares AgenfciWarner Bros. CorsetaHorae "Journal Patterns ,. STk School Supplies You will want a good Fountain Pen and Eversharp Pencil. We sell the three hest pens on the market Coiiklin, Dunn and Schaffers Eversharp Pencils from 10c to $3.50 each The largest Pencil Tablet in town--240 pages CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druist Murvel Fentress Escapes Again 1 A Murvol Fentress, who stole a car Wt Lebanon several months ago, and hfcd been a boarder at the county jail at Smith Center wbilo awaiting trial fat district court, escaped Saturday after noon. It seems as though Sheriff Ag new had aome business down town and let his daughter feed the prisoners, and while doing this Fentress stuck his hand through the door, secured the key, unlocked It and escaped. , Old Settlers'Picnic Program At Cowles Next Thursday The t'irbt Women of the County... ... Emiinuel Peters The Children of the First Stockade. . ..Mrs. A. J. Hayes, Mrs.Liutm Friable The Illilulndustrvof '71.. Chits. Gurney The First Ferries wind Threshing Machine M,C. Sherman Crinoline and Pantalets , .". . . . Mrs. Ed. Garber First Deep Well on the Dlvid...v. CharleijCowley Frock Coata'and Paper Collars'. " . Atl.-?;v'i . . .'. . .Rev. Kfoah Wagoner The KewPotsdam; : ... .Louis' Peisiger Working Bohemia. . .Miss Bessie Havel The Norwegian Settlers Miss Ada Skjelvcr The Swiss Pioneers Fred Farner The Covenanters of the East Side. . Will Crosier The French of the Northwest Mutty DeTour, R C. Chevalier There will be short talks by Mrs. Pace, Mis. Arneson, Mrs. McCuue, in terspersed with readings by tho grand daughters' of the pioneers. Anecdotes by pioneers; Short talks by sons' nud grandsons' of pioneers, and other speaker; with songs of earlier days led by Alva B. Pierco and others. The sportJ and games will be fur nished by the local committees at Cowles. The limllngton train from Red Cloud to Hastings will probably stop at the picnic grounds In the morning and evening Everybody come and bring n bnslcct Uy Order of the Committee. Mrs. BarkleyDies Suddenly Mrs. John Barkley passed away sud denly Wednesday evening at her home in the First word. While eating sup per sho was taken suddenly 111 and cot p from the tabic un 1 expired beforo medical assistance arrived, Matilda M Hattlold was born Nov. 1, 1SG8, at Omaha. Nebraska, and came with her parents to Red Cloud in 1870 and has resided here ever since. She waa united in marriage to John Bark ley July 4, 1885, and to this union were born three children, who passed away several years ago The deceased was a faithful member of the Christian church, also belonged to the W. C. T. U., Degree of Honor and the Yeoman lodges. Besides her husband and aged moth er, two brothers Bert Hatfield, of this city, Curt Hatfield, of Concordia, Kansas, two sisters', Mrs. Ressie Coin, of this city, Mrs. Ethel Pylo, of White Cloud, Kns , aud a niece, Gieva Coin, aro left to mourn her demise. The funeral services will be held Sunday morning. GRANDMA FOX WAS WISE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR PROPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND FIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. FOUNTAIN PENS WITH CLIP $1.50 BLOTTERS FREE ASK FOR THEM "RITE-RITE" MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c it LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EVERSHARP AND OTHER PENCILS , 10c PER DOZEN . , Pocket Ben Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50 Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. acffiaaggsuaeascagrTOty uL.jjea hi iiwiihi V imI Mw1ktj fv79VH VRIF "-? MNIHII .TTtfTKyryfcrjKusaujBBEngj: SCHOOL DAYS Singing tho Praises of Allen A Black Gat HOSIERY Many a mother feels a little bit of her own girlhood return as she buys Allen A Black Cat Hosiery for the children these days. ; , For these are the:; same sturdy, long wearing stockings that her mother bought for her. It's the same'good brand to-day. And to it has been added the Master Brand Allan A as a further as- 1 surance of value. Every pair of Allen A- Black Cat Hosiery carries i t hosiery for the children and for all the family as LAID AT REST SUNDAY Funcinl services, in chargo of Rev. Samuel Hardmun, for Grandma Fov were conducted from the J. E. Fox home, in the Second Ward, on Sumiuy morning, after which interment wus made in the" Garfield cemetery. , JLiaunv -Afeuu ivunuuu wus.uuni in Genesee county, NewvYof'ttafe, 'Au gust 10," 1836 and passed' away at the home of her son in this city on Fri day, September 1st at tho age of 87 years and 21 days. Her girlhocd was spent in Ohio and on October 8, 1855 she was united in marriage to John Fox. Their early married life was spent in Michigan where their children were born and grew up. A number of ye us ago the family moved to Nobraski and jellied in Garfield Township. Four children blessed their mar riage, John and Sanf rd of 'his city, Cora Beauchnmp of Ada, Oklahoma, and Katie, who passed into the fuller life in 1890. John Fox, the husband of tho deceased nassed away Feb ruary 17 1001, since which time she has made her homo in Red Cloud. Early in life sho united with tho Methodist Episcopal church and for over fifty five years proved herself to bo a faithful christian, devoted mother nnd grandmother. Besides her two sons and one daugh tor die also, leaves to mourn their loss twelve grandchild! en nnd fio great grandchildren. m m COUNT! Ij PROCEEDINGS Don't Buy Your Peaches, Pears and Plums X"f u,wiW"t'v" Too early. We will have them when the price is right Farmers9 Union School Days Are Here well. :Zr'rtmt' In' Silk, tislo, Wool and Cotton. AND LISTENr-For a short time we will give a Lead Pencil FRXfe with every pair of Children's Hose. R. P. WEESNER CO Red Cloud, Nebr. September C, 1922 Mayor Peterson called Council to gether in regular adjourned session. Members present, Crabillt Hummel, Hoffman, Amack absent. . Minutes of meeting of August 1st and 14th read and approved . t Report of S.tR. Florence presented and ordered placed on file. The "request of Clarence Lewis for a raise in salary was denied. On motion Council instructed Mayor and Clerk to pay $2000 and interest of E. L. Ordinance No. 6. On motion the following claims were taken up separately and allowed: H. M. Beard .$150.00 Fitting Out the Boys' For School is Where We Shine "W. A. Patten .... Chas. Whltaker Bert Perry Mrs. M. A. Albright -..-,- C. It. Lewis L. Doyle Frank Clawson Dell Hollidny Geo. V. Trine MUl-Wcst Electric Co. ... Tho McGrnw Co. Entcrprizc Electric Co. . Sterling Fulton Works .... 110.00 85.00 75.00 30.00 85.00 75.00 27.30 9.00 7.05 103.45 12.55 12.15 190.20 2.00 19.01 Shirts, Blouses, Pants, Shoes, Overalls, Hats and Caps Big New line of School Suits IHh a M KnickcrUcker and Hif h School Long Pants Suits HM New line of Sport Suits $18.00 to $26.50 Knickers - - $6.00 to $12.50 One and Two Pants Suits Our prices are low considering the, qual ity of our merchandise ., The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. Always Reliable 1 Mi-. M. A. A'bright . - . S. R. F'oranci as rcf!jneaimKJUsrv'jwsta 3-yTnffirs hfirrjr6 a bw 9