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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1922)
BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF V iW' !r jSkt t t i s j .A i L- AS TOLD TO US 3 Mi p. .May Summons spent Friday in Hastings. Vcrno Dickenson Bladen Tuesday. was down from Miss Ebb'a Grcgersen spent Satur day in tfastincc s& ' Alva Carpenter was up Hock Monday afternoon. 1S ft om om Guide Mrs. V. A. Kent spent Thursday with friends at Guide Hock. Tomatoes fo sale, $1.00 por bushel Chas. Rasscr, phone. 12 on 2. . Miss Jessie Kellogg was a passen ger to Lincoln Monday morning. Paul Polnicky returned home Tues day from a trip to Sterling, Colorado. Win. P. Lewis wag in the city this Week looking after his farm west of town. Robeit Hoxsey attended the United Commercial Travelers picnic at Grand Island Friday. Al Holvcrson departed Tuo-day vvith a truck load of furniture for Li mon, '"'Vorndo Joe Law went to McCook Wednes day afternoon where he will work for the Burlington. The Rcsslcr lino of coats and Suits will be on display September 4th at Mrs. Tliares store. September 4th, the Resslerline of coats and Suits will be on display at it m. i 'i I ' Mrs. Phcres store. U "tl Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fox $jPitts fcurg," Kansas, are visiting his-parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. P. Fox. F. L. Smith departed TuesenVymorri ing for Shambaugh, Iowa, wJiere Jie Will visit his step-mother. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Burden of Wil cox spent the weekend here wfth,his mother, ilVIrs. J. C. Burden. V A large number from here attend ed the anniversary celebration at Leb anon the last of the week. Miss Lottie Emcrton went to Guute Rock Sunday morning to spend the day visiting with re'atives. A. B. McArthur had the misfortune to fall off a fence Monday evening and sprained his left wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Routs '- and Jbaby of Detroit are visiting his par- cilia, mr. unu axvs. t, ivuata, :,y u. Fred H. Norris and Ruth W. Boner, both of Red Cloud, were united in marriage by Rev. Cope, Saturday. 1 l i 1 -i r T I "" Omar Wolfe went to McCook Sacur 'day morning on train 15 where will spend -a few days with friends. ' George Overing went to Lincoln Thursday morning to attend to some mallei's pertaining to his Work. U- , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crabill of Ft. Collins, Colorado, arc visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crabill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith return ed homo the last of the week from an auto trip to points in Iowa and Illinois. Mrs. John Topham and baby went to Woodruff, Kansas, Thursday morn ing to spend a few days with friends. Mrs. G. E G.rn ami daughter?, Gladys and Mrs. Carl Romjue.return cd homo Monday evening fronvOmaha Where they attended the Norris Coon wedding which look place at the bride's homo'Wcdnesdny, August 21th. SHEAFFE! k Lifetime' 4 f N 1W liwenJtHwJy MMWI J lot W ImoJ f "MrrUw Prvt uiruim UriTint' SHEAFFER'C i-1 1 For Sole by C L. COTTING the Druggist V Kflk -O UIUM'KM (wul Cm. '8- WL -JM Koy Copley of Waverly, whs in the ci'y to-day, Ira Wagoner wns a passenger to Thompson Wednesday on train 16. Rev. Thompson will preach at the Congregational church next SundHy morning. Two trains of stock consisting of ninety-four cars passed thru here Sun day enroute to St. Joe and Kansas City. Willa, the daughter of Mr. and Mis. B. F. Perry, had " the misfortune to fall and break her a-m the last of the week. Mrs. Alvena Burg is here from her home in Armour visiting for a few days with her mother, M-s. Maude Renfro. The Ressler line of fall and winter coats and suits will be on display at Mrs. Barbara Phares store, Septem ber 4th. W. G. Warren suffeied a light srtoke of paralysis Monday evening and is getting along nicc'y at thi-t writing. Mr. and Mrs. 15. W. Stewart return ed home Sunday evening from Lincoln where they had bee visiting their parents. Kenneth Johnson arrived be e day owning on tra'n 11 fiom homo vn Wa-shiglon, 1). C, for r. days visit with friends. Pii hi-f.-w Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eshclman ha "i been hero for the past week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wpi. Thomas and with other relative. Fred W. Noerenberg, of Ithaca, Nebraska, and Miss Norma Fausch of Guide Rock were granted a marriage license by Judge Ranney, Tuasddy. Mrs. W. AKent and "" daughters, Mrs. Civet Sheelcy and Mrs. Dale Montgomery spent Tuesday afternoon with hep mother at Guide -Rook. 4 " " r-rrrrr?v vv y Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eyeeir, nose and throat fjatientB an'd tliosdjnectling glasses at Dr. DamereH's Tuesday, Sept. 5th. Hours 2 to G. Miss Leola Stewart returned to her homo at Wymore Sunday morning after spending the past week here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hines. The Burlington, effective Friday, vc sumed their practice of changing passenger engines at this point in stead of running them through from McCook to Wymore. Engineer Henderson arrived heie Monday morning from McCook to taTce'No. 4 and 11-, Ehglneet'.McClure who-hardiad this run-fortfoe-'pHflt-ferw weeks going tou McCook. Mr. and JlJBy X W. Larrick and daughter rVi&Wd their journey to their home (n Virginia, the first of the week after "spending the' past week Wre visiting his brother, D. H, Larrick i and 'wife. , , jT'i" Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker ar rived here' Monday afternoon from their homo in Stratton, Colorado, for a couple of weeks visit at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ludlow and witl other relatives. .Mrs. H. G. Gicghart of Oberlin, Kansas, arrived here Saturday even ing for a couple of days visit with her sister, Mrs. II. Neurbcrg, gong to Grnnd Island Monday morning for a few days visit there with re'atives. L. A. Wagoner was a passenger to Sealtlo Washington, Thursday morn ing where ho will meet and return with Mrs. Hildobrandt, who has been spending the past few months in tho Phillipinc Islands, with her daughter, Mrs. Dot rick. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shcrer. went to Lincoln Tuesday morning lo rcsumo their woik in tho University nftcr spending the past few weeks hoie vis iting at the homo of Mrs. I. O. Walker and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trace Shcrcr. , Koii 8.r.n ott Tiudi:. Ono 15 27 Case IVrwlfn... fnn. net lrl-fiil . .u,vw. , W..U .wiu Limi: xnresiiin(r Ma. t ciunej uno KIplit Roll .Success Maytnp misicer nna Miredrier. All in rc conilitlon. Will soll-qr tratlo sc jd atoly. Cull Iiul. Phono 2.1 or vr' per K S. FHz, Rod Cloud, Nob. ite to .Miss Florence UolMngcr n tho local schools hriv . wlio taucht who nns boon ntlcnh j n!)t yeiu. aml in Ue-koly, Calife . ,g summor school summer, spent r .n .llphl tn0 i . . I " " " 1,0,0 vML'w ' riday and Saturday roii c to l,c ith frIon(1, sh0 5s on. where lu x Ume in Afl0f irot weeks ,,j wt f ,,,0 of work -- ,,-. .'.. J ocforo tiiKine uji hor whcol List of Rural Teachers The following is a list of the rural teachers and the district in which they will teach during the coming school year: Dist. Teacher Address Ruth Robertson Inavale Fred Watt Guide Rock Margaret Trucsdalo Blue Hill Blanche Pope Red Cloud 3 J 5 G Grace Bcezlcy Chas. Perry Edith Zeiss Anna Schaefcr Daisy Pichler Inavale Theodore Crowell Oathciine Carpenter Inavale Clara Koehle'r Bladen Mildred McCoy Cowles Pearl Householder Bladen Naimi Corner Red Cloud No School Nione Norris Cowles Ruth Hcmkin Guide Rock Blanche Cobbs North Branch Sadie Gamer Bladen Hownid Arnold Blue Hill Addic Thomas Cowles Anna Soncek BIndcn Leila Grcig Bladen Mrs. Emil Polnicky Red Cloud 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 20 22 23 25 2G 27 29 30 32 MO 31 35 no Violet Griffcth Red Cloud Ruth Lundstcdt Gu'de Rock Corrino Neuorburg Red Cloud Ruth Davidson Blue Hill Ruth Eshclman Rod Cloud L. C. Fi-azicr Red Cloud Geo. Grocnbalgh Gu'de Rock Floience Rolls Mabel Felly . Inavale Giar'otte Von Bocning Bladen Charlotte Von Bocning Bladen Harry Maxon Inavale Logan Ohmstedo Guide Rock Mrs. 0. A.Knulson BIndcn Marie Grecnhalgh Guide Rock Earl ForJcnicr Guide Rock Mrs. Maysel Denton Bladen ray 3s 38 3!) 40 41 42 43 Anna Meents 45 Florance Frahm 46 Orville Nash 48 Earl Gray 48 Reka Steen 49 Gcsena Boom Blue Hill Blue Hill Inavale Campbell Guide Rock Blue Hid 50 Minnie Siebrass 51 Mildred McCartney 52 Lena Ludlow1 Riverton Red Cloud Guide Rock Campbell Blue Hill Red Cloud G3 Grace Hodges 54 Viva May 55 Eva Eggleston 58 Ruth Oatman 59 Mabclle Vonderferfcchtt Bladen 60 Helen- Johnson Inavale Heeln Schulz Bernice Schulz 61 Mernn Post G2 Blanche Kaufman G3 Anna Johnson Gl Mrs. F:ed Smith G5 Mrs. Ella Davis GG Rachel Bean G8 Gcraldinc Bodley G9 Loicttn McPartland 70 Mildred Pope Blud Hill Blue Hill Cowles Blndoii Blue Hill Cowles Cowles Red Cloud Bladen "Red Cloud Red Cloud Cowles Red Cloud Blue Hill Inavale Guide-ReaW Blue Hil! Blue Hill Guide Roclc Blue Hill1 Franklin'; Lincoln' Guide Rock' .72 Nnllin Fi-nnpis 75 Virginia Caldwell 77 Florence Durdin 78 Helen McCall -- -Inez-Bailey v . , 50 Glen Blanch 8L4- Elsie Huppert, 83 Norma Carpenter 84 '-Losetta Brittan 85 Marie Cahill j Anna McGrew 87 Pauline Hodges 90 M..12 Vohland . ' MrsTVohland Glen BVamwell Lloyd Ashby Helen Rosenbaum Next week is the state fair. Chris Jensen is driving a now Ford car. Fied Slaby went to McCook Wcdnes. day" evening whero ho will work for the Burlington. o Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schu" ... bl tCcn- esnw spent Sunday w the city. fl Y-cWives in Mtss Ro' S -(l McDowell liris resumed ncr u jCf(V mi Vln T .... n ... u.ifc aflcr lVo weeks', vacation. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. j, Kaley and son, Howard, and Mr. 0Tul Mrs. Dnvo Ka wy returned lir mQ Sumiay cvcn!nff ironi Colorado h tlicy liad ljcen for an out in- , WANTED ,,t men, handy with carpenter to apply now for pennanent Your tools en .nlovmcnt rate, 47c, to G3c per .iour, depending upon ability and ex perience. Call on or wirtc Master Mechanic, C. H. & Q. It. K.i " E. Culbortson, McCook, Ncbr. Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST .Hrtr Red Cloud Nebraska niNETV-THREK TEACHERS KHUISTUK AT INSTITUTE The Webster County Teachers' In stitute, under the able supervision of County Supciinlcndent of Schools Stella Duckcr and her assistants, Mes" dames Lloyd Mclntyro and Lois Cow den, convened in this city in the High School building, on .Monday and today closes one of the most interesting and instructive sessions heretofore held. The program Iwimr carried out is practically the same as previously ad vertised, Prof. A. B. Gclwick of this city and Mrs. Grace Truax of Sioux Falls taking the initiative, assisted, however, by other instructors also previously named. Prof. Olson of Kearney is today substituting for Prof Gclwick, who on yesterday, en countered a rather annoying enso of poison ivy. The following list of registrants discloses a somewhat shortage of the masculine sex, ns compared to years gone by, a shortage which, no doubt, however, is off set by the exceedingly good looking school mantis taken sing ularly or collectively: Red Cloud- Clara Bcezlcy; Violet Griffith; Na omi Corner; Chas. W. Perry; Anna Schaefcr; Gertrude Wiircins; Ruth Fry; . C. Frazicr; Rachel Bonn; Riley Hansen; Lena Ludlow; Katlt o ine Traut; Estella Carter; Virgin ia Caldwell; Vashti Law; Ruth Oat man; Lorctta MePartland; Conine Neuprbcrg; Mildred Pope C'owle- Vcrnn Fiancis Nellie FianciV; Ha -old lien en; Esther A. Sirrs; Addie Thomas; Mernn Post; Mildred Mc Coy. Inavale Bonnie Miller; Sylvia Strickland; Helen Baker; Maude Gouldio; Mil dred Fey; Geneva E. Harvey; Helen McCall; Daisy Pichler; Earl Gray; Azalee Carpenter; Catheiinc Carpe ' tcr; Mabel F. Fctty; Ruth Robert son. Blue Hill- Florence Durden; Margaret Trucs dale; Howard Arnold; Mina Sic brass; Anna Huppert; Elsie Hup pert; Florence Frahm; Charlotta Van Borning; Anna Johnson; Glenn D. Blanch; Anna Meents; Eva Egg Jeston; Bernice Schulz; Helen Schulz; Mrs. Fred Smith. Guide Rock Fred S. Watt; Mrs. Edyth Chil dress; Lloyd Ashby; Rebecca Ho ward; Inez Bailey; Gertrude Mas singer; Ruth Lundstcdt; Orville Nash; Glenn W. Branwell; Pauline M. Hodges; Grnycc Hodges; Gesina Boom; Lorctta Britten; Thcndorc Crowell; Logan Ohmslcdc; Norma Carpenter; Earl A. Portinicr; George Grcenhnlgh; Niont; Norris. Franklin Marie Cahill. Ayr Florence Rolls Meadow Grove J Helen Rosenbaum North Branch -Blanche Oobbs ' - ' Riverton . Mildred .McCartney . Lincoln ' . . Anna L. McGren Campbell . Mrs, Dora Lemmerman; Reka M. Steen; Viva May Campbell. Bladen - -' - -,.. '" Ginna Soncek; Edna M. Bushee; Mrs. Glenn Denton; Sadie Garner; Mabel Vonderfecht; Clara Kihlcr; Blanche M. Kauffman; Ruth David son; Lola Grcig; Geraldinc Bodley; Mrs. O. A. Knutson. , & s Lawrence Wins. Yne Double Header r i r . .r 8Ubdny afternoon a doublo netldorball gatne wau played at the tarko Field between Lawrence and Red Cloud in which tho vlsltinp tenm wns the witiner of both gomes by tho scoro of 6 lo 7 in the ilrst game and 10 toji In the second Our boys' were experiencing ono of tholr oKrtnysf being unable to hit when hits mennt scores and could not field tbelr bulls at critical times. However, wo loht the two games and bollove It will be the causa of our boys putting more ofrorl in tbu remaining games and will go out from ubw on to win all gittnes. Lutheran Church Regular horvh-os every Hist nnd third Sunday In the month In tho Adventlst church. Coming Sunday, Sept. 3rd, tho Lord's Supper will be administered. An nouncements will bo received uuruiu tho week or Immediately before tho services. Short confessional service at 10: Li n in. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Subject: "The Sin of Making Othe B Sin." Tho public is cordially Invited. O. It HJiiiillz, rusior Mrs. .Iiilln Wurren is moving Into her resldeiico in the cast part of town, and Mr. and Mrn. Irving UununliiK have moved Into tho rcsldoneo vacated by Mr. nnd Mrs. John Uurress August AT HAMILTON'S Summer Suits at Very Low Prices Palm Beach's, Gaberdine's Mohair $12 to 925.00 Children's Wash Suits 33 1-3 per cent off Extra Specin Men's QKa Per White Oxfords, ? pair Boys' Sport Waists, age from 6 to 12 years, 75c Men's Summer Pants" 20 per cent discount Men's Dress Straw Hats Vz Price Men's Union Underwear, 65c to $1.50 White Shoe Dressing, 10c per bottle Men's Oxfords, 20 per cent off Ve ask you to come in and lake advant aMv of these Bargains W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. School Days Are Here Fitting Oat the Boys9 For School is WW We Shine Shirts, Blouses, Pants, Shoes, Overalls, Hats and Caps . Big New Line of School Suits Knickerbocker and High School Long Pants Suits New line of Sport Suits' $18.00 to $26.50 Knickers - - $6.00 to $12.50 One and Two Pants Suits Our prices are low considering the qual ity of our merchandise The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. Always Reliable A Financial Rainbow SAVING ACCOUNT is a most welcome rainbow to the financial storms of your life. After the clouds have rolled by and you find your Savings still there, tho future will look ever so much brighter and cheerful. And you will be glad that you started an account. Mii nni iiel busv to-dav? Take a few dollars and start an A Account with this bank. plus the interest we conmDuic, yo wi uuu"wvi au...i ..., .. .v.a of any financial storm in the future. if not already a depositor open an account today. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, Pre.ident , Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance, Guhier Capital and Surplus $js0-00 .. ..... I... ff,. ntiAiM. tlilill'iintl hiiml fit thu Stfltt (if Xthraglfl i ( 1 ... GENERAL CONTRACTOR I We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco, We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Couty Judtfo A. D. Kannoy wns nt- tending to business affair in Hastings Wcdnciday. , Specials And with a little added each week ...!ll liniin r eii t r nllitr nil fnlt-o acr: Mrs. Alton Pope went to Byron Wed nosday for u few days' visit with i datives.