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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1922)
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF LEGION WORKER IN CONGRESS Wh It: i . I JS.-. 'V, w r- WRIGLEYS XV MSmL, jvrj7 weA-vBtWk.-1 x5 wm&mgL a. jui &mA f A A m. This new sugar-coated gum delights young and old It 'Welts in your mouth" and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat. There ire the other WRIGLEY friends to choose from. too: -tftv LOOKING AT IT PRACTICALLY Mally There Is Something Worth White In the Assertion Made by Little Johnny. J?he physician wns telling little John ny's mother about a railroad accident In which a teamster, had both legs crushed from the effects of which he died tho same day. Little 'Johnny, about six years old, stood by, greatly Interested In the accident. "Thny, doctor," he broke in with his eyes wide open, "wutu the north hurt?" "I don't know," said the doctor. "I was more Interested in tho man, and didn't think of tho horse." "Well, I don't care," Johnny said, taking the doctor's reply as an Im plied rebuke, "but a live north 1th better'n a dead man, anyway." Completed. Teacher Wo borrowed our numer als from the Arabs, our calendar from the Romans, and our banking from the Italians. Can nnyono tlilnft of any other examples? Willie Willis Our lawnmower from the Smiths, our snow shovel from the Jones' and our baby carriage from the Rumps. Judge. There's n pleasure In being cranky that only a crank can know. HE HAD SOMETHING COMING Flve-Year-Old Got Drawing He Want ed, but Retribution Was Stalking Behind Him. It. S. Grnble, n St Louis newspaper man, celebrated his fiftieth birthday In n unique way. He gavo a birthday party and Invited 75 children. Cobb Shlnn was In St Louis at tho time, and was asked to help entertain the youngsters by drawing pictures on the largo paper hats which were given to each child. He would draw "what ever the children asked for, and the subjects wcro many and various. Finally a five-year-old handed up bis hat and said: "I want n pig." Tho drawing was started, when a brother about a year older, spoke up : "Awl he don't want a picture of a pig" und tho argument was on. When the drawing was finished, tho flve-yenr-old stuck out his chest and bonstcd : "Sec, I got what I wanted I" "Yes, but Just wait until I get you home and see If I don't ruin you," re plied tho brother. When It comes to getting his dues, his sntanlc majesty never gets left. Tailors make wedding suits, but lawyers make tho divorce suits. You wouldn't put on hobbles to run a foot race Then why load up on handicaps for the day's work? A good deal of food, unwisely chosen, does weigh the body down and clog the digestion, and dull the brain. Why put on the hobbles? Grape-Nuts is a breakfast or lunch time dish for those who want food effi ciency, and mind and body efficiency. Grape-Nuts satisfies and nourishes. It delights the taste. It is ready to serve whenever you are ready to eat. And it digests easily, quickly and completely leaving no handicap of heaviness and drowsiness. Grape -Nuts Is the food for health and action. "There's a Reason9' Made by Poatum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Mica. Sold by good grocers everywhere! AMEMN LMION (Copy tor This Department Supplied by th American Legion News Service.) IN ARMY AT THE AGE OF 14 WW Stephen S. Tillman of Washington Now Sergeant-at-Arms of Qeorge Washington Post. Stephen S. TUlmnn, Washington, D. 0., served as a private in the army dur ing tho World war at the mature ago of fourteen yenrs. He wn regularly enlisted and sworn in and didn't have to lie about his age. .Tnst before he went to tho re cruiting oillec lie cut the numerals "18" out of n cal endar and pnstcd them In the heels of his shoes. When the recruiting of ficer nBked him how old he was, Till man replied: "I'm over eighteen." They swore hlin In. Being a trllic smaller than u regula tion army rifle, he wns detailed as a bugler. He went to the Mexican bor der with his company, "B" of the Third D. C. infantry. Coming back from the border as the United States entered the World war, he did guard duty along Conduct road, Washington, where several hundred attractive young women were taking an Intensive training course. But he was only six teen years old then. Now he Is sergennt-nt-nrms of George Washington Post No. 1 of the American Legion, Washington, the first Legion post organized. His fa ther Is a retired cavalry officer. THE TRAYLOR FAMILY HELPED Father, Mother, Four Sons and Two Daughters in Uniform During the World War. When the old question of "who won the wnr?" comes up, the Traylor fara- Hy of Trenton, Mo., may step forward and ad mit that they helped. The com manding officer of iuu luiuuy uiui ( i was aoo per cent i r, ;gns in active service 4W5&1 was the father, W. S. Traylor, jj$ rnnk nrlvnto. $. Mr. T r a y 1 or. U I n . I n fm S!-!- ... a ,v . , .uu. JiatjSfc sons nnu two daughters were all in uniform. When wnr was declared, Mr. Traylor closed up his general store, donned the uni form of a buck private In the quarter master corps and did his bit well, de spite his fifty-three yenrs. Mother and the sisters were on active duty with tho Red Cross. Of the four sons, Charles was with the Elghty-nlnMi division and was wounded. Frank wns tin nvlator. Or ylilc served with tho adjutant gen eral's department and Roy wns with the Thirty-first railway engineers. Vm4SsV JR&&JBaV isBy V .. vfeJbKflHIk WT'tfSaaaBE iSfc "k-airnkkB! mm JUMPING BEANS FOR GIRLS Sick and Wounded Veterans In New Mexico Hospitals Are Hungry for Cheer Letters. , Trained to leap through hoops and stand unhitched, thousands of genuine Mexican jumping beans are awaiting girls of the United States who will write a little letter of cheer to a dis abled soldier. The exchange of letters for jumping beans is being made through Hermnn G. Bucn, Snntn Fe, N. M., adjutant of tho American Le glnn of tho state. Five thousand sick nnd wounded veterans of the World wnr, recuperat ing In hospitnls In New Mexico, have trained the beans. The young men are .terribly lonesome, Mr. Baca writes, and they will send a benn to every girl who will write a letter to them. Tho Jumping beans are dark brown, somowhat larger than the ordlnnry bean. Tho animation of tho vegetnblo Is caused by a tiny worm tlint crawls into tho benn nnd consumes tho edible portion. After tho worm Is dead, tho benn keeps on Jumping. Hamilton Fish, Jr., One of Writers of Preamr's to Constitution, Seeks Increase In Compensation. Tho preamble to the constitution of tho American Legion lias been called one of the sim plest, most effec tive nnd beautiful pronouncements In the English lan guage. T h r e c men wrote it In St. Louis, Mo., In 1010 nnd it never has been, nor probably never will be, changed. The men wcro John Green way of Arizona, Judge Davis of Oregon and Hamilton Fish, Jr., of New York. Mr. Fish Is now In congress help ing to put Into effect the policies re cited by the preamble he helped write. He has a bill pending to increase tho compensation from $20 to $50 for the nurses of blind, legless, armless and totally disabled ox-Roldtcrs. He Is nn ardent ndvocnto of reclamation of land through Irrigation, to encourage ox ucrvlce men to take up farming as a vocation. At Harvard he was cnptaln of the ynrsity football team. In France ho led a company of negro soldiers in the Fifteenth Now York Infantry and re ceived tho Croix do Guerre for bravery. Presidents as Military Men. More than half of the presidents of tho United States have held some mil itary rank, according to Tho American Legion Weekly. Of tho wholo lino of twenty-eight presidents sixteen wero military men, nnd of the succession following the Civil war Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur and Hnrrison wero generals; Roosevelt wns n colonel and McKlnley was a major. Unto the End. "How's this?" asked tho lawyer. "You've named bIx bankers In your will to bo pall-bearers. Of course, It's all right, but wouldn't you rather choose soma friends with whom you are on better termB?" "No, Judge, that's all right. Those fellows have carried mo for so long they might as well finish the Job." American Legion Weekly. i' BlB GETS FUNDS FOR CLUBHOUSE Spokane (Wash.) Girl, Post Historian, Successful In Procuring Cash for Comrades' Headquarters. When the Legion poet of Spokane, Wash., needed help In raising fundi for n new club house for the city, It turned to n girl holding the unin spiring Job of post historian. Miss Myrtle Wil son there upon made and wrote post history by securing pledges nmountlng to $8, 000 for the club house. In addition to writing history, Miss Wilson Is adver tising mnnager of the post newspaper, and wns a delegate to the Legion na tional convention. During the war she served In tho nnvy at the government hospital In San Diego, Cal. In a popu lar contest In the Snn Diego Legion post she was chosen queen without opposition. TRIES TO TRACE ARMY SLANG "Doughboy," "I'll Tell the World" and "Out of Luc," "Old 8tuff,' New Yorker Says. If the American "doughboy" who started "I'll tell tho world" as a char acteristic expression of the A. E. F. took pride In having coined a new ex pression he wns "out of luck," accord ing to Henry Dwlght, Yonkers, N. Y., who has been trying to trace army slang to its source. In relating his uncertain success and asking Uio assistance of tho demobil ized world at large, Mr. Dwlght de clares that each of the three supposed Innovations is time-worn. Referring to the expressions quoted above, ho claims that Genernl Custer, the Indian lighter, used "doughboy" In letters to his wife, and that Arthur Young, writer and traveler, announced himself us being "out of luck" when hunting for mail at Dijon, France, In 1780. "I'll tell the world" remains un traced. It is thought to bu very old und verification of this belief Is now sought. WASPHMH WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 Ublota Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists'. Aspirin ts the trade stark cf Dirtr Manufacture or aloaoeetticaeldester of BaUerlleaeia The Surprise. "A pnssel of his neighbors gave Jtird Lopp a birthday .surprise party ttitlier night," related u resident of the Straddle Ridge, Ark., teglon. "Some how tho word sorter punctuntod nrotind to .Turd' thut they wcro com ing, and on tho morning of his birth day ho woko up with tho grip. Ho got worse during tho dny and hy night ho was fooling meaner than thunder and plumb hostile. Ho loaded up his old Khotgun nnd Mowed, b'gud, If any body surprised him. they'd run their selves ragged getting awny from there." "Well, did they sure-enough surprise hlmr "You bet! They found out how he felt about It, and' didn't come." Kan ens City Star. To Be, There Is No Question. When nn ellgiblo man proposes to n maid of thirty summers there Isn't upt to bo any Hamlet's soliloquy business. Boston Transcript. Happy tho man who knows he enn't tell n funny story; others, too. I'eoplo who never get down to busi ness seiuom get up in me worm. Total of Nothing. Tliero wcro seven of us In nil, nt lunch. Ono proposed: "Gentlemen, for diversion, suppose wo each take a piece of paper und, without consultation, write, down ns ninny benefits of wnr as wo can think of, und then put them together nnd see what they tnnke." So, being essentially children any how, each busied himself with his part of the Job and delivered the result to tho teller, who proceeded t tnlly six blank sheets of paper and one on which had been written: "Yuh got me, Rill. I enn't think no more." Richmond Tlmcs-Dlspntch. The charm of a bathroom Is Its spot IcBsnoss. By tho use of Red Cress Ball Blue, all cloths and towels retain their whiteness until worn out Advertise ment. Apropos. "Where are you going?" "Hunting." "For what?" "Money. I'm on tho cent I" Judge. Pleasant Life. "A fortunate ninn. Always sure to I sco peoplo at their best." "Who Is that?" "The photographer." Dl'EaOflfflllfflMBfflMMfflOTKIEyiaaE Carrying On With the American Legion ci-aisas2amfiE3iffiuaa5ffiffiiiffii3CM!aKiKimi Government controlled institutions nro schooling 00,000 former service men and are directed by the veterans bureau. "Legion Park," named nftor the local post In Uucyrus, O., contains a tree In memory of the unknown dend In the war. Abraham Krotoshlnsky, the "Lost Rnttnllon" messenger who was cited focjds deed, hns gone to Pnlestino to accept an offered farm. A building worth $25,000 and a pledge for $10,000 for Its renovation have been given Leo C. Prentice post of the American Xeglon by the people of Fairmont, Minn. Twenty-four lodgers were rescued from tho burning Y. M. C. A. nt Somer vllle, Mass., by tho American Legion, which clothed and lodged them In tho post's club. The success of the Centraltn (III.) post of the American Legion last summer In giving outdoor dances hns led to n scries of Indoor dances for tho winter. Tho series Is sponsored by the post A year elapsed nftcr Gcorgo Reld, Montevideo, Minn., was discharged beforo his friends discovered that ho had the D, S 0. Reld, an artillery man of tho Rainbow division, con tinued to flro his piece after being wounded and routed the Germans. Yeast Vitamon Complexion Secret Banishes Skin Eruptions, Puts on Firm Flesh. Strengthens the Nerves and Increases Energy. If you want to quickly clear your skin and complexion, put eomo firm, healthy flesh on your bones, increase your nerve force and power and look and feci 100 per cent lcttT, simply try taking two of Maatin'o tiny VITAMON tablets with each meal and watch results. Mastin'a VITA MON Tablet contain highly con centrated ycast-vitamines as well s tho two other still mora Important vitamincs (Fat Bolublo A and Water Boluhlo C) and aro now being uxed by thousands as a tonic rrstorativo end eniating complozion secret Pim ples; boils and ekln eruptions oecin to vanish liko magic, the complexion bo oomM freak and beautiful, tho checks rosy, the lips red, the eyes bright. So rapid and amazing nro tho results that succeas is absolutely guaranteed or tho trial eorts you nothing. The aourco of a Jowinit. radinnt com plexion Is from intidc. You can't expect external applications to benefit n condition due to internal conditions. Get some vitamincs into your system I Be sure to nmemhor tho name Mastin'a VI-TA-MON. You can get Mastin'a VITAMON Tablets at all good druggists. mMASTIHSj fcBBefvSCT4 x if nv II I V. llf Vk M W THE i V utMuiiruLi H r.i rsn THE UGLY BLACKHEAD UNHEALTHY SKIN THE BEAUTIFUL1 , CLEAR I VITAMON SKIN Of Waat Uio Ara Daautlful Fcaturaa II You Ha. An Ugly Skin, Flabby FU.Ii, Hollow Chcak., Or a Scrawny Nacfcf Ma.tln. VITAMON T.bUl. At. Post Guaranteed To Cln You N.w I h. Beauty And A More Hounded Face end Figure, or Money Deck. mom OHM. IMS' AND.. comit irTyaBjrV vcAvr m vIa Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back restemCanadaOffers , Health and Wealth and has brought contentment and happiness to thou sands of home eerkers and their families who have settled on her FREE homesteads or bought land at attractive pricee. They have established their own homes and secured prosperity and independence. In the crest irrain-srowlna sections of the prairie provinces there is etill to be had on caay terms) Fir! Hi Land at S 5 to 530 an Acre land similar to that which through many years liaa yielded from zo to 13 mtaucia ox wneai to the acreoats, barley and flax also in great abundance, while raisins horses, cattle, sheep and bogs is equally profitable. Hundreds ot farm ers in Western Canada have raised crops in a single reason worth more than the whole cost of their land. Healthful climate, good neighbors, churches, schools, rural telephone, excellent markets and chipping facilities. Tho climate and soil offer Inducements for almost ejeiy branch ot agriculture, ine auvawages jor Dalrylnff, Mixed Farming and Stock Raising make a tremendous anneal to Industrious set tiers wishing to improve their circumstances. ForlllaatraUd (Iterator., ra.pi. ducrlptlon of fna opportun'tlen la M.nJtobi, bwketchewan, Albeita and Urltua CoJumUa, reduced railway rate, etc., write W. V. DENNETT Boom 4, Bee BIdg., Omaha, Neb. Authorised As eat, Bapt. of Immigration and Colonisation! rtomlnlon ot C.naSa E-ysTd?rpotisH Baajjl Hm Shtnm Im Wandmrtui BBaeBal Bare the orapons for klubn aprons, elartia Martin, llfrs., Cb!csf