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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1922)
J J n i! c I i ! I -. r '- m. MtftUU!,'.ilonl fioitiiy fM littll'll.lj A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 9. 1922 DUMBER 0. iiiiiiiiiiMiMBwatMwmmjmuKaijiuiiiTP o versnoes wm ipmwi Four buckle, all rubber $a99 Six buckle, all rubber $n 8 Boy's 2 buckle, all rubber . . . $2, Women's 4 buckle, all rubber $3. Children's 2 buckle, all rubber $23 Will Assisr Wifli InrnmP Tav CITY DEBT REDUCED I viu Assist jffitn income 1 ax WJ SNCJ, MAY 1 1 In order to as. 1st taxpayers in llllm: , Owing to the inability of two mom incomc tu. u 'turn, Uv the year 1021, bora of tho City Council" to bo present, iii.-l tr kIvo uchii-e and information nit- atHho regular meeting Tucedny cVcn der the Income Tax law, an Iiito-nul ,,. M.ivovess Mnrv Peterson nd- Revenue ofllcer will bu listed to thu joAmod the cession nntil Wednesday .morning, at 10 o'clock, at which time i they mrt with all members present ex- ccpt Shenvood. i f ' iVction on the personal request, of towns listed below on thedates Indleat cl: Illadun, Kdbttnrv 1.1th. Blue tltll. l-'obruury Kith. Koil Cloud, Eebiuiiry 17 and 13th Grain Growers Organize 1 Hi W. Dunlccl, that the Council cause to'be removed certain ti-ces inlorfor rinry with the traffic on North Web- We Have the Best of ' EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES 9 AND Qw Prices Save You Money m m A Limited Amount of SWEET CLOVER SEE! At $600' Per bushel lmp a-'t- fl H ) Tne Firmers Union RED CLOUD, NEBR. BIJII'W"1 i miii ii hi 1 1 1 jmfwtMWM ' i immia' miLm A Bargain inXorsets Mr J' To clean up on odd numbers in corsets and brassieres will give 20 o Discount on all styles I have on display in window and counter. These are all new numbers bought this winter But am out of some sizes and cannot duplicate them, so I will offer as long as they last at 20 per cent discount. Do not wait loo long, as the sizes are limited and your size and style may be gone and there will be no more at this price. Ressler line of Coats, Suits and Dresses for Spring v. ill be here Monday, Feb. 13th ONE DAY ONLY Barbara Phares Red Cloud Nebr. st'er .street, was defened until after consulting with the city attorney. The Supply committee announced nttfnvlnrr inirt m rnti(i,nf will, linn fit). in.' lint l!.i,l (ili.nil V'.. ili..' 1T..W I... I! T ".. n uTiBoner was ducted present ,lMl . Clnir Itefmuis Co. for one year. John Itynu secretary. (Jim-, blowhid j Before allowing the following clai At a mealing of tin' local membeia 'of the tT .s. (ii.iin (IrowuiHAfcsoolatloiH I hold in tlu I. O. O. !' hall Tuesday Hftctiipon for tho puipose of orgatiiz aims was named us a delegate to attend tl c jj&foyor and Clerk was instructed to distilot convention which will he hold F Ci nnnnn .. i, n!i'a ,ii,f-..,l. UJ Vw "uv.uu vii viiw x.tK'ji y of $10 .'195.00 J at Ovfonl. Tlie county is divided into &i. voting units each of which will In uprt'bfiiteri by otic ilolviruto at Ihiu convention, wlxr (lulegiites will hoi blnHuii to nttvnd thn naUonal inuLllng at Chicigu on March 21s'. Commercial Club Elected - New Officers Tuesday Uu Tiiu&diiy i'ei)inK thn annual clt-ctlon of otlhvis fur the I'.ed Cloud (.'hutiibur of Coinini-rc'e was held at tbei club rooms. The filli,v'uig were elect oil ollleur.s fur Hid eiioiiiug year: l'resident, F. I', Mimrer. Vice President, F. W. Cowdcn Ticastirei, W. A. Sherwood. ' , Secretary, O. C. Teid. M r, Jlardiutin w'lioT Urfe vcral'mdntKtf- paj,t has been seerutary 6f this orgaul zttion and filled the olllou in a very able manner tcndeiud his re.sii;imMou olngto his nriuy ministerial dutiih. 1 1 electing Mr. Tee I to this position fie olnb lias selected another very oipable umu nei making a total lrud ninco May 1st: fl, n. Frar.icr .. ... Patten Whitukcr Buzzard ... . o. Miksrh , . - am Mountford -. ... It. Floranco -..... C. Tcel v;. a &. UIUIS. Ollio t. Doyle ( It. Lewis -r-" ?1G0.0'J 12".00 S5.00 1 73.J0 12. 0 3.00 .!) 39.07 . 75 00 83.00 12.05 i. SI 17.50 . 181.92 .. 8.91 Business Women's Club Entertains Teachers About live were pi eseiit at the Uiiblnwbb WuuiuUh Club last niKhl to help entertain the teachers of the Ked Cloud Mihoolh. The hall was nppiopriately decoiated with btiiiiK". of cupidb, in tows and hearts, Three huge tables were .set In near a heart bbapu as possible and dt1 c THlod with huiirth, eupid dolls, red candles and beautiful dowers Angel fodd cake, brick ice-cream with n tod heart in the center and eof f o was borved. (Jrcotings to each guest was found o.i tho bauk of the heart place-cards. These were in the natiiro of a fortnno told for each one, MKs Hatte Christian was toasttnhv tivss for the happy occasion, Sho liuuirfFously introduced each speaker and titnted that as hearts were tho symbol of Valentine, blie hoped all thoir hearts would beat in unison to night and thnt all would respond in happy mood. Miss Mary Peterson, as president of the lhisiuoss Women's Club, greeted the toachcrs in a splondld manner. Miss Nina Simmons, us president of the Teaohor's Club, travo a rebnonse. an appreolatlonof the evenlua's pleas- ' 11 fl nllfl ntinliitiittinni- Mrs. Barbara Pharos gave a toast to tho tcHchcra, praising thom for their hard woilc and the Ideals for which thoy stand," ending with a numerous ! piece of poetry. Mrs. 11. Y. Steward gave a responding toast to the Busi ness Ladies. Mrs. Oliver Powell gavo a witty toast on hcurls Miss Tost I toasted diamonds, saying that hearts woio usually more valued than dla I monds, but yet most girls liked the latter best. The two wore not luckily j found together. Mrs. Kd Oarbor toast- .od spades. The business woman spades and digs each day nml truly enjoys an ocHssioii Mho this. Clubs weio spokon of In genorc! by Miss Ducker. Espce iivlly was this one commended. This whole occasion wa pronounced Ihe, ui03t original and clever or any heretofore on tho calendar of this club. Tho touchers were loud in praise of their cnlcrtaimuont. Morhart Bros. Colin C. Morro Huffman Supply Co. Sinclair Refining Co. . 'Crano Co. ....... :- HOAKI) OF EDUCATION MET ON MONDAY Tho Boaul of Education, with all members present, mot in the Com mercial Club rooms on Monday eveu isg and after tho iniutcs of tho Jan uary meeting wore read and approved, tho following bills were audited and allowed: Industrial Laboratories . $ 8.25 One of Each $275 While the present stock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal - - - - f e40 A guaranteed alarm clock - - These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. H We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the PricVRight B. H. NewhousQ rcj aouj Jeweler and Optometrist' Nebraska Mra. W. A. Shenvood ... University of Nebraska Allys '& Bacon Ginn & Co .... Hnrry Topham Grico & Grimes . Red Cloud Chief Pope Bros. E. W. Stevens G. J. Warren S. R. Plorancq .. Elins Goblc - . 1.00 2.7; 27.72 04.01 3.C0 lO.Od '4.75 12.85 2.C0 10.10 5.50 Mrs. Coleman nppeared before tho Board with the request to rent tho Agricultural Farm. The matter was referred to the Building and Grounds Committee. Now comes Catherine Carpenter re questing to bo re-instated as a student in the High School. After listening to evidence from both sides, the Board, on motion by Pope, seconded by Ovcring, decided to sustain tho superintendent in his decision and p on his recommendation made tho sus pension permanent. GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. Wc will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N IwrMffiTMBrnnmMM Entertain "500" Club The "500" Club was splendidly en tertained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garbcr on Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Cathcr, of Ilolyokc, Colorado, who were form er members of this club. Twenty-eight guests sat down to a threc-coutWc turkey dinner, served at 7 o'clock. The evening wns spent in tho usual way by playing 500, then the Smoker, nnd thus ending tho even ing with ono grand good time. This was an extra pnrty, but tho regular meeting comes this Thursday even ing with Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Nicholson. BE PRACTICAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flics out at the window. T Grace Church Services Edward Flounce, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Floranee, Cashier Capital and Surplus ftjj,ooo.oo VfpoHU Quaranttedbv A Jhjtotttort Guantniij Fund of the Stale of Atbwtia f ffliroWIllgiliii SeptuuReslnm .Sunday Stiudav School at 10 a. m, Morning Servlo at 11 a m. Evening Sorvioo nt 7:110 p, in The Episcopal Church la here us the servant of nil All scats aro free, and all peoplo aro welcome to our services? Are You Buying Dependable J Ml Jj : That is The Kind We Sell Malone - Qeltatly Co.. AV-V.V.VW,AV-VAV.VAVAV.V.VV.iWArVWW S i