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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1922)
" - I V u t K.V - 6 : 1 i ,ty 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 20. 1922 NUMBER 4. WVVVVWAV.ViVVViV1VAVVAV.VlVtV.ViViWiVAV.VV Are Yon Buying Dependable j ' sJJn.Li o That is The Kind We Sell' r I Malone - Gellatly Co. WWWWWWUVnVUWWWWWtnMVWW I. 0. 0. F. Install Officers! ( Monday evening, nttMr' giving fiur candidates tlic -econd degree, lien Ail hem lodge held Installation. District , Deputy (iriiiul Master Iinliolt tiT Oniric Rook wns pifhcnt null installed the , follow luff oflloeis: B. II. Now house. P.O. I. T Am. ok, N.O. Ray Chtlevle, V. O. It V. Stewart, Secretary. M. B Corner, Tiensiirer. Dun Oarbcr, L S. N. G. (5. W, Dutnoi), Warden. Carl Oulevio, I (1. I. V OummlngN, Chaplain. Carl McArthur, K. S. B. Porter Male, L? S. B Criuit Christy, U d. V. (5. Will Kent, I,. S. V. U. Grace Church Services ATTENTION BUDDY! V ;SIGN. THE PAY ROLL Do yoa want adjusted compensation ? If so, what's your preference ? Note Iho ballot below. - ' Urq it IMMEDIATELY. ,- Miwe&mZv National Cominander of the Anicricnn Legion Hanford Mac Niricr liar, launched a nation wide refciondum ainoiig ex-service men and women on these adjusted compensation questions lie bolioyes llu e-sorvice men aic 300 percent for them, but he want it down in black and white. When the. vote is completed he will place the results before Preaidcnt. Harding and Congress. i If only a few veterans vote, the "powers that lie" will think -wn don't Avanl r.n adjustment, of compoi nation, tliat the soldier i. merely making a noise and don't, care about action. So it's; up tp you now to do something. Wo muni stick by Mac Nidev on this proposition if wo want him to win. tho magnificent fight he 11 waging for up. The Hod Cloud posL must help put Nebraska in tho lead in Una as well an all other Legion activities. Tho Chicago Tribune and other newspapon? oor tho United States will Rive wide space to what wo have to .".ay in this referendum. Don't lose a moment filling this ballot out and Bonding it in to tho local post of the American Legion. See that you;' buddy seta a ballot and cast bin voto. For extra blanks apply to A. P. McArthur, Adjutant of tho ltcd Cloud Post. Tlus bill may stand or fall on this vote. " t All that is needed to put tliis Adjusted Compensation Pill over this session of Cqngress is an expression from the ex-service men from YOU PUDDY. VOTE CLIP AND MAIL TO THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 288, Red Cloud, Nebr. Do you want Adjusted Compensation? Yes No Preference: Cash Home and Farm Aid. Land Settlement a. Paid Up Insurance. Vocational Training Do you belong to the American Legion? What Post . Name .Address Initiates Four New Members Al a meeting nt the American Legion last night four now members worn inl tinted. Thu Commander mid Adjutant wero Instructed to attend a mootingjof the ofllcers of tho posts in the ftth dis trict to he held itt Chiy Center, Feb. -7th. This Post bus made a gain of sixtyfonr peiCHiit in membership ritir imr tho pant lear. Tho following com mit toes were appointed for this yenr's work : AincrlcanizUion Ciclwiek and Koe. Relief lor Disabled Comrades Mart in and Creigbton. ; Post Activities- Johnson,' Picbler Publicity MdArthur AthleticsBarrett and Picliler. Fimtiicc Yost. At the close of the meeting thu inem. tiers enjoyed a lunch at tho Powell Cife. Preached Farewell Sermon Rev. Mary II. Mitchell, who litis been pnstur oj the chinch fin si vimuI yearn, niinoiit)o-d last Sun itaj ui,)i mi. g that she was preaching her List sermon in Red Cloud. It came as a shock b tho membeiH of the chinch altho it was known that she was soon to leave w it li her husband for another Held. llpr oiiriiibt Christian spirit has inurio many faithful friends in the church uud out. Her amnions have buen strong and uplifting and tho church and Sunday School have felt tfiu inlluouco ot her woili. The Sunday School bus moie tliHii doubled since she ciiuie and nine teen new iiieuibcis have heun added to the eh u rcli l'ho pnijuis and best wishes of her friends will tidlow'her ill hei new Held. A wolf hunt was held east of town today. Fourth Sunday after I'plphiiny Sunday School tit 10 a. m. Morning Service at It a m livening Service at 7:30 p in We shall be glad to welcome you to our services. Congregational Church Notes Pic.iiihiiig Si rvlee 11 a. lit. Sunday School 10 a, m. Kuv Ludwlg Thompson will preach next Sunday morning. All who heaid him a few weeks ago wore much pleas ed with his sermon. You are it.vltcd to be piesont. STATEMENT Tho following is tho financial state ment of Red Cloud's Municipal Christ mas Tree: I Poxes For Candy , . $ 13.17 Decorations 17.40 Candy and Nuts ... G8.CG Wire and Nails 4.00 Light Pulbs - 2.80 Printing - ... COO Express on Oranges .. 13.00 Lumber -. 1.50 Setting up Tree .. - .. 7.80 $1.40 Engineer Ficd Nelson returned to Oxford Sunday evening after spend ing tho tlay here with his family. Amount of Contributions $134.23 $131.23 ISADORE JOHNSON, Chairman Finonco Committee Win, White, who is working on tho Burlington bridge gang at Oxford, spent Sunday here with Ids family. 4AWVVVJVVVUVVV-VAVAV.V1r.VJ',V.VVV.VV.V-AVVVSrt I Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING Lynn Rush, who is attending college at Hastings, spent Sunday hero with Ilis parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Push. Edward Pulsipher, who is working as switchman for tho Purlington ut Holdrcgo, spent Sunday hero with, his parents. BOTH PHONES TIED CLOUD 'NEB ; I. T. AMACK-PHONE 1ND. 76M ' tWV.rWWWVWWVWWA cUtle td Ka,ms Two hundred and twenty five cars of stonk ilicllllll'nir flinf Innitml nf T?od I Cloud went through hero Sunday morning for tho Missouri River mar kets. They wero handled in five trairn Horn here. Shipments from Jierc were as follows: A. P. Crahill one car of cattle to Kansas City, Arch Rasscr one car of hogs to Kan sas City, A. P. Crahill three cars of . llDCS to Kansas CAl.v. lMlnnov Pi'no.. , two tars of hogs to Kansas City, Clydo Powcn two cars of cattlo to 5 ivansas vny ana .). J'J. lost one car New Series For Gardeners "TluTcdTtor of TlTe Ulilef Is pttiased To announce that arrangements have been made to publish for tb next twelve weeks a series oT articles under the general heading. "The Cottago Garden er" designed to secure moie Satisfact ory lesults in tho operation of the little back-yard faun. The tir&t at tides ap pear tliih week. The series will take the cottage giudener through the sue cessivo stages of feeciMioxes in tho house, preparation of the soil, tians. ( planting and seeding outdoors and cut livailoii Whilo Red Cloud and vicini ty luib always been famed for its ex cellont gardens, discussion of back yaid competition will be moie keen this, year than usual if these ailicles have a general reading and following, 'l'hls department will be appropriate ly illustrated. eaoh week. Bellaire Oil Well News The stockholders of the Itollalre Oil well held ameotlnglastSaturdayafter. uoou and heard the report of the com mittee that had boon appointed to ju oure waivers on the and also to get new leases on land not alieady leased. The. committee's report was very encouraging in that they bud se cured nearly all of the waivers requir ed and some new leases. They asked for ten more days in which to get more of them and such extra time was given thorn. Their report must be in by the ildth of January. Mr Jones, of Johns town, Pa., was present. He bad been out to Denver and examined the books of the company and also bad given the prospects at Bellaire bis careful con sideration He stated that the condl tion of the company's books was all that could be desired and that he was considerably impressed with tho pros pects at Bellaire A Mr. Myers, of Colorado, an olllcorof the company was also present, and expressed himself as very favorably impressed with thu con ditions. It looks like oil for Uellairo if they can just make tho arrango. taunts that will enable them to boro through tho remaining atrHta of rook, Smith County Journal. . John One of Each $2.75 While the present slock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal - - - - $ 1 .40 A guaranteed alarm clock - - $1.40 These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. We Mike 'Quality1 Right Then the Price Right I J9. H. Newhouse 4 Jeweler and Opiomctrist Red Cloud Nebraska mamjLMWw GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N Edwarda was down Rivcrton Sunday nftcrnoon. from Rev. D, Fitzgerald was a passenger to Superior Saturday morning. Miss Helen Stunkard was a passen ger to Naponco Sunday morning. Mrs. Harry Cramer was u passen ger to Grand Island Monday morning. FOR 110 BUSHELS OF WHEAT Left at the Red Cloud Elevator and Credited to My Account, You Can Have Your Choice of a SOUTH BEND OR COPPERCLAD RANGE The Above Price Are Less Than These Ranges Can be Laid Down For in My Store Today. These Ranges Will Not be Reduced in Price. This Offer is Good Only For The Stock I Have Now on Hand. TRINE'S HARDWARE