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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1922)
ED OLpUD, WEBRABKA, CHIEF, m Pr Don't Let Your Business Slow Down pwr pwmwiwwmiiiwiiiii immnmmmmmmammmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmm iwnwwMWiw Use the Long Distance Telephone c fc2 Qrs.;j9i At this time when business is dull, do you know that your Long Distance Telephone is an ever ready aid in stimulating sales? Why not start now on a Long Distance Telephone campaign for increased sales and boost your business? Besides you reach them in a personal, voice to voice manner, that is most desirable. Try this modern business method. Put your tclcphoncon the pay roll and see how economically it can travel for you. The cost is small and our toll lines reach everywhere. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. jBmiraiOTisamuwmwiiv True Economy In buying groceries comes through selecting the better grades from a store you know you can depend upon. l We pride ourselves on our sincere desire to have in stock at all times the best quality food stuffs at moderate prices. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. Ao Wullbrandt Groceries and Q'ueensware WHWUTOOlUmaiQiim MMiiirciiiiiniiiiiiiiiMM I Buy Them With VourW nEgi 5 S3 a or o Them With and Chicken Money? Set aside your egg and chicken money and almost before you realize it, you will have enough to buy an equipment of beautiful "Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like "Wear-Ever" uten sils will make you as proud of your kitchen as you are of the other rooms in your home. wuntvti "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils MiUV( WW WW MKWJK cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because they are worth more. It pays to buy " Wear-Eva" just as it pays to buy good farming implements, "Wear-Ever" utensils are made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or seams. v Cannot crack, flake or peel are pure and safe.,' Replace utensils that wear out wjth utensils that "Wear-Ever' TRINE'S HARDWARE ll!i1!ll!!mnmn,im''mtT,,.IM, ,..,, ,.,..,,,,,,.,.,,,., , wuuiuimui Hiiiuiiiiu' !rii;iiiiiii!m;:iiiuiiMiiimi'ii!ii!niii'!!Uiiiini 'ii!iiiiiii:i!iiiiii!i"miiiimuu!i!iii!iiu!iuij Jlla.itairi,jvjjjjiin.jiwi)iiTi4UvnTrcMyjj.4vruiMijuti g: Bring 'it to ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska 'UULIBUPD KVERY THURSDAY Jnttircd In the I'ostolllront Kid r loud, Nob an gocoml Class M alter' A. U. MoAllTHUlt, Htlltor unci Owner Advertsin Rates Foroltfn, per column Inch 15c Loccl, 10 & 12i Form Bureau Notes HOSPITALITY" NO MAN IN THE 1'UKEURED BUSINESS CAN BE SUCCESS FUL WITHOUT BUSINESS HOSPITALITY Hospitality! Isn't Unit u Rood word both socially and applied to the pure bred business 7 The dictinary says, "Hospitality meanH Uio practice of cnterta'nhu; friends and strangers with kindness and liberty." In any purobrcd business it is absolute ly nocPKf-ary to the growth mid wel fare of the buiucss hospitable. It nredB no education n r outlay of cash l tnuko anyone fool welcome when ho of she comos to your place, whatever tho cause. Doesn't it make a tfood impression on tho parly when meal time comes and the housewife extends a glad hand and with a cheery smile invites the friend or stranger as it may bo to shaic their meal, no matter what it chances to be, whether a company dinner is boing seved ctr only left overs warmed up. No matter how plain tho food, it is appreciated to the utmost if the spirit in which it is offered is right. Tho guest may for get all about what he had to cat in an hour but still never forget the hospi tality extended him. Ho va3 made to fool welcome by the ease and naturalness displayed. If anyone could realize what a good-fellowship fooling is created over tho dinner table, all would call in their friends and customers from the house-tops to cat with them. There is nothing Mke it to promoto personal interest. As I am writing this I recall to mind the time a stranger came to our place to look for a male hog. It was nearly noon when he came and the dinner was practically finished, at least we had no time to prepare any "extras." It was cold weather and the table was laid in tho kitchen. V,c were having left-overs, wormed up for dinner that day, but asked our prospective buyer in to cat with us From a distance he looked like any ordinary farmer would, but as soon as he came in removed his wiaps and began to talk we plainly knew wc wore entertaining some highly cdusat. cd man, which ho was. Kcally a state if not a national figure in tuc agricultural world. When the meal was fin'shed, he very graciously thanked us for tho hospitality shown. The food wasn't worth praising, but his method of showing his appreci ation has never been forgotten. Hos pitality! that was such a wholesome expression and really meant nnrc than any praiso he could have given. When it is all summed up, we are all ju&t folks, anyway. For after all, hospitality is only a big sister to courtesy and no one pleads guilty to being discourteous. Of all the single qualities which may be made to lift a man above the crjwd courtesy and hospitality arc easiest to cultivate. One can hardly realize but it is true nevertheless, that d:s ccurtcsy in often encountered even in cui purohrcd business. Itoally the cssenco of curtesy if re gard for the other fellow's feelings niui hospitality is tho showing him of your feelings. It doesn't cost any thing to make a man fool glad that ho came to your plac and in doing go you arc not only buildwf up your business, and pelting the good will of your patrons but you are broadening yourself. If it isn't natural for you to show hospitality you may feel, cultivate it, f r in so doing you are establishing self confidence, will and wolf control. You can do this by always having the comfort of the other fellow in mind. You know there is a saying, "If you Want friends, be one." No man in tho purebred business can bo a success without being hospit able. It is as necessary as the sun shine to the earth. In tho words of Shakespeare, "Assumo a virtue if you have it not." HENRY K. FAUSCH. County Agricultural Agent. Pioneers' Reunion Tho Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' Association Mil) Ik Id Its Animal rr. union .Inn. 10, 1022, in tho pnrlors of tho llrnnd Hotel. I2lh & Q Sts , Lin coin, Nebraska. Thu Hussion will oomiiu'iicc at ten o'clock a. m. and ciintiinii throiiKhout tho day with n luncheon and annlnl hour at noon, At two o'clock tln annua 1 niltlre'R will bo Klven by Hon Win, II. West over, Kiishvillo, Nobr., .Imlgo of tho nth judicial district This will lo followed by u poem dedicated to tho pioneers by Dr. A' L Mix by, and ie nitni'.cenoeh and stories by the oldest iiili'iblUnU of tlio Hlatc- The Impoituiiuu of them inoel'int'3 and the lnlliu'tmu they have, on the pre ervatlon of the hiitory of tho stuto grows with oaeli Hiieuensivo anntiiil gathering Attend and oonlribiitw your early experintici'.s vicissitudes an I pleasures to tho leal history or the p-opleof our gieit beloved stato. . Anjonq who has Uvod hi tho Stato t'lirty-llvu yours Is eligible to miMiilicr Bilp. If you uaiiuol attend tho'iu union, send jour miin to the Seey. Tn n., fur reistiati in .1 'lni l) I' iMoICosHo'n,, IVcs. Minnie P. ICiiijUm'. SeOV.-Tieus Burlington Establishes Pension System Following tho auuntincpmiMit o f President lloldeti on December 1st, that the board of directors of tins Chi cigo, UurlliiKton &, Qulncy Itnilrottd hid decided to inuuguratu a pension system, thore Is boing distributed to. day to all employees, a copy of tho plan and the conditions under wlile.h the employees are extended the bene fits of the system. After continuous service of at least 23 years, pensions may bo granted to certain classes of employees upon reaohing tho age of 05 years, and to other classes nftor tho ago of 70 years is attained. In tho event of physical disability before the age limit has beeu'reHched, pensions may be award ed, provided the employee has beeu in continuous fervice not loss than 25 years. The amount of the pension is calcu lated la aucordnuuc with a rule thut has been generally adopted, aud which U In proportion to the years of service aud tho wages of the employee during the last ten years of service, but with tho provision of a maximum of one dollar per month for each year of sor or not less than S25 per month. Tho plan provides for the entire ex panse to be paid by tho company, without contribution by the employ os. Weather Report for 1921 Station at Hed Cloud. Nebraska, hit' tude JO degrees ! uiln , longitude U8, degivts .'17 min Elevation 1C37 fo-t, lutiuth of vpoorrt '27 years Hours of observation April 1st to Sopt 150, 7 a in., October 1st to March 31st, G p. m., 73th Mbiidiun tim Temperature Highest 101 dog on Aug i!t5, dates of 100 deg or more June 28, 100 deg, Juno 2 ), 100 deg, Aug. C2, 101 deg, Aug. 21 lHldeg. Aug 2.-i, 103 deg, Aug 2G, 104 d g, Aug. 28, 102 deg. Lowest ou Dee 21, ! deg. I clow zeto This Is the only zeio weather wo have had in 1021. Gicatcst daily ranee GG deg. on Apill 3rd. Ltmst variation -1 deg. on Jan. lGth. Precipitation Total for year 18.2U iuuhes, our, mean Is 2527 inches 7 08 inches less than nvtwnKu. Wettest month April with A2G inoheh. Driest month Decemter with 0.01 Inch (ireutest rail in 21 hrs 1 80 inches Sept lOih. Number oT diiH with 0 til inch or more GO l)a,s tileMr 21, pur'ly cloudy !8, iloudy 7S. 111! tbundeisiorin-. Snowfall.'' inches ProvullliiK direction of thu wind N W 107 days First Uillinu frost in fall October 1th, last in spring April 10th. nrccEMUun wrath mi Temperatuie: Meiin:!l tletr , mn-xi mum 71 deg. ou l.llti, minimum -1 be. low zero on 2-ith. lireatcst daily raiiKO t'J deg. ou 1th. Precipitation: 0 01 Inch snowfall 0.1. Uftjs olonr L'0, partly cloudy 4, clonr'y 7. Prevailing direction of wind N W 10 days. Porhelia on 3rd. iiiuniiMiitiiniiy the Chief Lutheran Church Notes iv Regular services aro n,old every tlrst and third Sunday In tho month In tho AdvontlBt church, Corner of 3rd tAvo and Walnut St Preaching at 11 a m. Our annual meeting will be held aft er I lio service. lOvorybody Is request cd to be present. O. K, Ukuvitz, Pastor Itoglit thu Nw Yijar by pying your auberiptlou to thu Chief. 'Farm Loans I y hi I am ready as always to inako any and all farm loana nt the -lowest 'rate and best option. Absolutely! no wait Ing and no oxpense for inspection. , , , , , J. H.Balley.' A Letter To Make Good Must impress tho person who rccieves it with its importance, whether the correspondence be oi. a husines:; or personal nature. The mails arc flooded with cheap circular letters and the average busy man of to-day dives his mail the "once over" and passes most of it to the waste basket. A letter to demand attention in these busy times must be distinctive. Hammennill Ripple Soad . Printed correctly makes the nicest letter headlyou can possibly obtain. The hard smooth surface of this paper renders it particularly adaptable to high class artistic printing and the ripple finish places it in a class by itself for attaractivc appearance. The "crisp cackle" you notice in opening a letter written on Hammermill Ripple immediately suggests taste and proi'ossivencss pn the part of the sender. Costs No More Than Other Paper Come in and let us show you samples of work done on this stock and figure with you on your next job. Tli Red i rmirira u.iri imn I'lrinmir'riiTiTrTiTiri'iVTmm r" i"" ' -'-r-r: ir an 'muaiiii w m-am D Auto Radiator Protection $2 Our Improved Radiator Shutter is Operated from the DASH Made oi Waterproof Fiber Composition. Retains the heat Better than Metal. Doesn't Rust or Rattle. SAVES GAS, BATTERY, FREEZING Made to Jit all cars. Makes starting easy. Send us $2 and name of car for one complete postpaid. Town and County Agenti Wanted, Reference Dun's and Draditrceti. Essential Automotive Products Co. 511 W 42nd St. N.Y.City Hi Dd a COAL r-s We Sell -1 Niggerhead Naitland Arid outt County Lump D W. A S We sell for cash that's y ,4 why we sell cheaper. 9 :: m FARMERS ELEVATOR 3E iPi onr Begin the New Year by Subscribing For The WORLD-HERALD Llfttd Honzon. .. . ;.., Wlillo all mens unuer our iei w, tnny well.BtJp at nny exquisite ha-K slon, or riny contrlliutlon to knowledge that seeina by' n lifted horlzoq to' set Urn spirit free for n moment, i or , any stlrrlnB of the senses, strange dyes, strango colors, 'nntl curious odors, or work pf the nrtlst's hands, or (tho,, face of one's friends. Walter Pater, In The ltcnalssnnce. Mrs. PI rate. The. wife, of Captain Kldtl was ti'iTlfiud wlfen he enlist hor "My trons urol" S)iQ thought he wanted to bury her!'- Nebraska's Bm Newspaper The Omaha Paper With THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Every home should receive a daily paper. Keep abreast with the times. Subscribe now for the BIG Paper The World-Herald. Subscribe for the World-Herald at the Chief Office Dr.W.H.McBride IV .f. DENTIST OVER 8TATB BANK cXl Cloud Nebraska, Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. Tim best place for Picturo Framing. f P HUGHES WAY JCleaners-Dyers-Tailors VjE CLEAN HATS I ony . .frittr- j Jrt Or.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST A?ci Cloud Nebraska :: I r ,T I Y w s. '