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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1921)
t $ W . . . viw ilUlotltit Bui Ml - r- -w- - -" x" - - ' .. " r "ir m r .- i - ---"-m. m rr- a - " J - . 't .---- 4 NcHsiiaucr That filvcs The flews Fifty-two Uodix Each TTcnr l-'or Si.r0 rl- VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 29 1921 NUMBER 52. m M3uit.wjKVjKnwiomnxn2r2v:ieMWHrmJ99vetamai K mamrimm't." tva TnrtjmraTaf7riggyjaoiqsMjiyi...vuv.iJra,ra -"? Are You Buying Dependable CO A IP That is The Kind Vfe .Sell Corn Eaters Banquet Jan. 4 (MlHT.MAS ATTHK KKI) CI.Ol'I) CHUKCHKS irawrnp.. ip . . ..,,.in.., i,,. T.i. -..T .. -.ti.. ,1-.. ,i.iii.TTvKmiJnmna Lincoln, KeijiHsU.i. 1'ot 1MTI e ninny committees from t!i hlncflln Clumber o( CnuinieroM are c unpllli'i; pmns fur th uom dinner unci t in st minion of tiie "uorn mters uni, CONGREGATIONAL, The device hold in this church wn.i rol'ceil for its simplicity and i t . - ... , f ! reverential ppirn. ino.e wno proper- :j MaJone Glellatly Co. ij r.'.wj'mk.w.v.vj'.vssj'j'SJWi a a a i jLigt Jiunaaaau'-a anataaaa mi-kj auuii.'gnawmgHg,.ia30aS!giH i'hk nuw w 1 11 1 naaiaiJis bell i our Cream Feed Your Calves And. Pigs Skimmed Milk You no doubt will shake your head in disaprovnl at this suiest'ion. and yet farmers over the country arc doing this very tiling and making money by it. You vr11 t Affordto Let a Calf Have Cream so lontf as buttjr fat is bringing the price that is being paid for,, it at vhe present time. Give tlic pigs and caj-ves an inexpensive- food mixed with the skimmed milk and market the cream for cash. Security Food Compound for calves or pigs contains every element necessary for their healthy growth that the cream" contains. Besides being an ideal food it acts as a tonic, giving strength and vitality. A small amount of Security Food mixed with skimmed milk gives surprising results. A special offer to prove its merits To get you to using this food we are going to make a special price of SI for a 25 pound pail, the regular. " price of which is S5-. Wc also have the Buttermilk Hog Builder. A trial will convince you., & America", whioh tuUes lace on niHiliiy evening, Jumiury. Il'i. t Duriui; Unit woclc Orximizcri Acti-! ouli mc nu'ets in lilncolo, taintui;: hiuiii'i(l of reprcMMUAlivoA froin .tin iiumy fiirni orf(nnl2siMon, nnd il M&U) (oiidfed (linl t'u-ro will bo tleWJjHm. Iroiti 1'noli of tiiC'i! orKiinimUum iVrat tjin anco iittlio diiiiier. . 1 Uiii-H.v, the prnrnni ciiIIr frtr 11 Imit ouot wltli th menu rplfin with corn ptodiiuth'-frmn corn t'Uiip to coin juu UIX'HUl, till! UOIIIinilUK liiivin thw SOliilll in i h n-jje proinlshiijiiiHiiy iniioviit(ojiw lollfiwin tut' Iinnr, Hut Uorii-131- ra Clnb of Atnuriun will l) ari(Mtin(i. 1'iiiintis "Alll utvivo tht ooin cnfu ! linttoii tuiU will uledsro I; i use mbn join pio'iltiL'li. ' '' ; Scioturiei. of thu ninny uhlunlnnof ' l iiiinlorcu urn expected,!) ho In aUjtn i iiiiet, toietnrii tu'nm tuid bs-ImI iitlie 1 introduultoii'of this movement In tlfcfr own couimuniiioh. ; I This Ujut ilic opening nun fyY'.!l , e.uiip.Uk'n Unit Mncoln bulite.s Lilian hoi o will be tiilien up m nil purtRfOf t ie btato witli the intent tho lnif.inev.nieu In thi- sluttfi I Urn mi Idlclwesi to further th-1 . . . . , nliuorii nroiiiieth n move ccrtflinao I .j .... . . . . lprellyclij;d-i,attkfiii ii'-'lUrRjir til mi'ii'lv inureiifiil use of I liuiiiim cousiimuioii. , ly eclehrated this occasion in the jtntc Christmas fpirt, wPl not have I Mid reflections in tiio days that fol 1 .. Fi.miliar songa ami envois were I muff- by all present. It was a "kiv I injj" Christma in tliia clittrch. Christ mas ftijiufc sliouui uo liom purest motives and with tho desiro to please Tlim who has made tho joy of Chrixl mai possih'c t all. They Kavo thom oIvcm over-Rcnerously and thus a !?'-oat spirit resulted. A pleasinR feature of the program was the le gend of "Boiiifaci" or "Keep It All," told by Kcv. Mary Mitchell. In ac cord w'lh l!ie story, the collection was jriven as? a mis'onary offering. CHRISTIAN AND MISSION Thii was a fine prbjrrnm, ard tho' we know thai many method of cele brating Christmas do not savo of ro!ij;i m devoVon u."d many fail to honor Christ, but ralhor dHtonor Iliin by worldlinee.s and FelMndnltrenco wh'ch jircclrde all thought of Chris tnn worship, Uee scrvirrs had not this fault. In add't'on to the Fonp;3 readings, music nnd oxcerciscs, Miss Owens t III thn Christmas story in dialogue form with the children. She deprecated the idea the chitdrou about Star hi- proper nlaco Is in legend or myth, i; JLJ i u Chief Begins Fiftieth Year Next Week RED CLOUD, NEBR. One of Each' $2.75 While the present stock lasts I am offering two bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal - - - - $Ii4Q en of deceiving jj Santa Claw- ty' n letrend or mvth. I Such delightful stories of tho Ik-bo of ' rothlol'cm to wn'rh little es 1'fhm, tsaoztatauasxixstsxajsasraaiisutxxsasasssttsofJUVKti itnj tfrai.'acgMLjre swiiwiiamuiitti BE PRACTICAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her eyes and the golden haze of autumn in her hair," but .remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank like ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provido the three square' meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flies out at the window. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floianco, President Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Flounce, Cailucr Capital uid Surplus $jj,ooo oo I), '1)0 nit Guaranlctil b'j lt Jhioltor Uuinmhj I'anit of thf iilale of S bruit, i nMssmKiraiinM Tins inm nf the Chief complete? the I'.illi volume and nest weelc this paper eiih'ts itb f.Mth year. It hnriliy seems possible that the city of Rud Cloud nnd the Chief huve ben in exist enpti fur half u eu.luiy nnd yot such is the uacu Thu liist issue of thin pnpur made Vr appearance, ill July of tho year HT- niiil bus never misled an issuo since, i that tiui". A iHiue number of the old settler', distinctly remember th i tbtit whs published. Itwusqulto an ticliieremeiit. in those frontier diyi, In the near futuio w will hnvo sonic uf tlinso who v.'eie present when the 1 ll st fHper CKino from the prets t"ll us about it. In looking over the flics of i the paper we notice that news uiad iff- eri'iit tbtn and advcrtilng not very , plentitul. - Vet the Chief bus survived through advoi-fclty and thrived with pnsperity. H ban boon edited by tliliteen diiroreut editors Hiid wns operated tit one time an a daily Tho endear the hy to them. The Christ mas oxceivlse.i in 'which they lako ravt, make d tmas memorable. DAPTIST After the rtudy of the Clir'.tma 1 'Vf on on Sunoay mornihg, the pii vt'ivy derartirent a short . .ram of Bon.-', and 'tcitati ms. Spe. ial hymns woro Ming and tho pastor preached an apin-opriale Christmas sermon. The church was beautifully decorated for tho glad season. GHACK CHURCH The customary sevvico with holy communi in administered by Mow j Hates; tho Ch-Kmas sermon on "Up- mombrances" bv Kov. Hardman, and a program of song wan the celebra tion at Grace church. Tho offeit rv anthem, "Wo Have Seen Ills Str.r" was beautifully rendered. The pro gram was rather more elaborate than in former yours. They had their tree and treats on Monday evening. METHODIST Members -tf tho Sunday School prc- A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 9 These are bolh special values at the prices. eight clay jr Llso a very few guaranteed alarm clocks at the right price. Wo Hike 'Quality' Right Then tho Price; Right jj JO ItcJ ChuJ .,Ho-New-house Jeweler and Optometrist A'ttr.M An ttsomzxitt .jgr-isCTnnttin iuiMiiunmgjairM 'f'-i"'"" ' i BTAmwmtinxiJimuu.tijft h 43f smnaixanxxmeeusisxvMjuaxaMHMWt FALL STOCK NOW HERE My Fall and Winter stock of PLUSH and FUR ROBES have arrived, and include some handsome patterns. Also am still dohuj expert auto top and harness repairing. 0 Fogcl Bldg. TLER Red Cloud Nebraska mpo.taut events in the entire. UfV,jnted tho beautiful paRcant "Cnrry lUtorv of homo of our citizens nro re ln Christ lo Kver C,u,(1',! ?n Sun- irr--. ..... .--r., ..-. .i-.h-.t-t.-. GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. Wc will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. Wc build screen door and vrudow screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland -Hotel. Res. phone 72N !. (lordiid in tiie tiles of this paper from the notice of t libit- birth to the time of their obituary. Buys Shop at Bladen Chas. Dickenson and sous, C A nnd Clyde, wore in IJIwden Wednesday and olos&d a deal with I'Yunk Whelm., pt'Pb- ..... il. 1l I t.l. .1 IV... Ij I'll I, UWilPl 111 IIJC JJIHim.MUIUl IIU U ins Dunning unci niiMiiefcs, poosbiou g j to bo jjiveu about the ilMt of the your. Mr. UicUeiihon also puiouusoil Iho reil deneo property youth of tho Car UiiHi'liico homo now oceunied by Levi Yost. Iiuth Mr. ntokein-on and ls boys expect to ninlco their future homo in Illadeu Mr. Whelnn expects to look up a new loentloii but is yet unde cided ns to where ho will locate. Illiid en IhiterprUo. mvtamMaitamnxOKBaamntaamjaruam rJdAV.v.v.v.v.v-v1.vrvvMvv.'v.-lA :! Mrs. j Grace Church Services Services for timidity, Jan. 1st, as fol lows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. Holy Communion nt 11 a, m. Hvonliitf Sorvh'o at 7:30 p. in. i Start the New Yenr rlht by coinlnu to Church. Choir Rehearsal atS p. in. Saturdny. i Wednesday Hfternoon at tho John Kellogg farm northwest of UiIh city n straw atack and hog shed waa destroy ed by fire. i known," day oveninx at 7:30. Tho lights were turned low and a fireplace -was tho decoration on the staK A mother r.nd her children were- discovered sit ing befn-o the fire, nnd she wns toll ing Christmas stories. They asked for the story of St. Christophc-, and sir she told of tho characters in this lepcnd they appeared in tho fire place. About twenty-five children took part in thi pageant. Miss Cent White played tho mother's part and Irene Mr.ys, Mary Hamilton and Nel lie Kniley were her children. Tho congregation sang Christmas hymns and carols. Tho offering taken will apply on tho Centenary apportion ment that m'nisters to the welfare of childhood and youth. DUKTIIREN The evening was given over entire ly to a special Christmas prrgram, on Sunday. Tho primary department gave somo splendid songs; Mrs. Ruth Eshohuan rend "Tho Christmas Carol" by Dickens; M'ss Nollio Frnnt. gave tho reading, "Tho Christmas Spirit Speaks;" f,overal eolos woro given, in splendid manner, by Mrs. Bruce Ksholman and Mins Frantz. Th- -yc-c-ial featuro of the evening was tho spectacular play, "The, first Clrist mas." "Joy to tho World," concluded this beautiful service. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack jj Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING jj BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB J I. T. AMACK-PI IONE IKD. 76M it ,AVlVlMlV." "irTrrrTrrrr"w,r"f,'t'HrJH'PJtJWW p ' i F fill Y$tfVTY-,J' '-1 ' VTftttt 'i'HffyKB w Mr; and Mrs. Downey havo return. The cause of the flre'ls uu-t cd to thin city after pending a few E take this opportunity of ex tending to our friends and patrons the Season's Greetings and wish ing you a happy and prosperous New Year. The splendid patronage we have received during the past year is thoroughly appreciated and we wish to express our thanks and give assurance that we shall put forth every effort, during the coming year, to make our business relations even more satisfactory if possible. J- C. MITCHELL The Jeweler Red Cloud, Neb. ' days at Ilolyolcc, Colorado,