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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1922)
BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHEEP V IF' -k f .. t w ' t Hit Ifcj . f 2$k. y t i i ! i r ttf ' HKKWaKH!8RKHaHB! Wanted Wiishlng.-Mrs. Floyd Uob- i .u.. ..1,,, t.,.l Tv.' I a I t f Mrs. Lydin Hoffman was a passcn- AS TOLD TO US paaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rcr to cowics Tuesday morning. Buy Hi-pi d ut I'mVi-U and Pope's. Eskimo Pic 10c at Powell's Cafe. Al Aullz was in Hastings Tuesday. Try a bar of Eskimo pie at Powell's Cafe. Mr. and Mr?. Ralph Shepherd of McCook spent the lut of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickenson. J. E. Butler is on the sick list thin week. Ed. Burr of Guide Rock was in the city Tuesday. Miss Hazel Moore relumed to her i home at McCook Monday after spend ing New Years with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Claik. Donald Funk returned to Hunting Monday morning to resume his stud ies in the Hustings BiHne8 College after spending hit! vacation hero. Mrs. Geo. Kailey spent Friday with friends at Cowics. Isadora Johnson was the first of the week. in nestings Gerald Kellogg returned to Lincoln Wednesday morning to resume his studies after ipcnd'np tin holidays with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hansen. Missi Christine Caldwell Thursday in Hastings. sp'cnt Miss Edith Hoffman leturncd to ' Shelton Friday morning to roaui.o her school duties after pt'nding a week with her fatlnr. Al Hoffman. 2 no Eskinn Pic 10c at Powell's Cafe. REDUCTION EXCURSION FARE To DENVER AND RETURN Via Pcto Sastwood of Riveiion was in the city Monday morning. r City Marshal Lawrence Doyle now carrying a new nip-lit club. ns Fred .Ternlierg, Burli"gton Wutcr Sendee Foreman from McCook, spnt Wednesday in Ill's city ntlcnd'ng to matters in connection with his woik. ty- ! 8t-BM !-? JANUARY 16, 16, 17 Account NATIONAL WESTERN STOCK SHOW mMtwKiMHistr umnMnauamimiii atvn mammiMmamminamTimmsmstm Eskimo Pie 10c nt Powell's Cafo. Hny Horn Kr-sli Box of C:tndy for' Xmus at I'ouull A. Popu'n Gvfe The Business Men's dinner has been postponed until Thursday, January 12th. Mr. and M.-s. Ilumicker haw re ceived word from Otho Ellisr m, who is at iteclcr, Kansas, stating that he is suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Grant Christy IUiick car. is now driving a Mr. and Mrs. P. Hcnsman of Hast ings spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Petersen. J. E. Yost & Son have installed sev eral new counters in their meat mf.r- kct and they m w have one of IhfJ best displayed shops in southern Nc ! braska. The afternoon Whist Club met at the homo of Mrs. C. D. Robinson Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. A. Boles entertained sever al friends in honor of Mrs. R. S. Mit chell Saturday afternoon. Miss Lorcne Hansen returned to Ecklcy, Colorado, Saturday morning to resume her school duties afU'r spending the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hansen. Jan. Peterson was a passenger Omaha Tuesday morning. to E. M. Ego was a passenger to feu p:rior Tuesday morning. Miss May Saladen spent Saturday with friends in Guide Rock. Mrs. .Clara Shcrcr was a passenger to Inavalo Thursday evening. Dr. Wun-luU, tin-specialist, will meet pntieitts .mil tlmxo needing glasses nt Dr. Dauicrt'll'K olllco TiU".tluy, .Inn 17. Hours '2 to Our Prices will remain Mrs. J. V. Aultx and children wore passengers t Riverdale, Nebraska, Saturday morning aftor spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Peterson. th d. th Engineer Nelson, who has been working on the swithcli engine in the local yard for the past few weeks, went to McCook Friday to take .an other position. Mrs. Guy Zciglcr returned to her home in Lincoln Saturday morning r.fter spending Iho week here with her father W. L. Weosner and with other relatives and friends. Mrs. Chr.. Starr and children ic tuincd to their home at Yuma, Colo rado, Surdity evening after spending the holidays lnre w'lh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Corbctt. e same as- during the BIG SALE IE In appreciation of the cordial relations existing between us during the past year, we wish to extend to jon a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR. The following shipped stock Sun day! J. E. Yost, one car of entile to Kansas City; Win. Gnlbrailh, one car f rattle to Kansas C'ly; A. It. C a- Vill, five cars of hogs to Kansas City, j ,oc' W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. The House oi Quality Mrs. R. S. Mitchell and children de parted Tuesday morning for Uio'r home at Applcton, Wisconsin after visiting nt the homo of her sifter, Mrs. C. M. Sherwood, and with other relatives. At the wolf hunt held last Thurs day four wolves were killed and four were killed at the hunt Tuesday. Harold Coplen went to Denver Tuesday evening after spending a couple of weeks with friends here. Dennis Manley went to Hastings Friday morning tb spend a couple of days with his sister, Miss Adaline. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ludlow return ed home Thursday evening from Lin coln where they spent -''few days. Fred Wells returned to Lincoln Fri day morning after spending the past few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Tcel. Mrs. Wells re mained for a few days more visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dickenson left Mon day via auto for Huntsville, Arkansas where they will make their future home. Fred Slaby took a truck 'oad of their personal property thru with them. Sunday morning at 9:20 the fire department was called to tha Hansen laundry to extinguish a bla7e. The r: ii'-iG ni!cpl hv iloffictivo Htrht The American Legion Post will ' ... . ,, . ., ,n . .. w:hnut meet in the Commercial Club rooms - next Wednesday evening at 8 o clock. " ; I The American Legion basket b&U Rhea M. Myers and Miss Lottie tcam w,u mcct at tho nih School Appleby, both of Burr Oak, Kansas. asium noxt 'Monday evening at were married by Judge Ranney, rues- 80,dock for practice. All those aJ' 'wSatiinir fo inin should be nrcscni. 1 HIIM'tMi -- J .. ..., o - r,:,. Chas. Pichlcr, Manager, iur. aim iu, v. x. iviuin--nnui nw- cd to Bladen the first of tho week where they will make their future home. Mrs. N. B. Bush went to McCook Friday evening to visit her sister, Mrs. J. Marshal and family. Lyle Miller returned to this city Monday evening aftor spending the holidays with his parents at Harting-ton. Mrs. G. R. Beck has returned homo from Hastings where , sho recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. One hundred and ten cars of stock passed thru here Sunday enroute to the 'markets at St. Joe and Kansas City. I. At the meeting of the I. O. 0. F. lodge Monday evening tho initiatory degree was conferred on two candidates. Tho Ku miatic Kids went to Blue Hill Saturday evening whore they played for a dance and during their stay in that town some ono drove their Ford car north of town where they found it Sunday afternoon. Tho Deprpn of Honor will meet next Tuesday ovoning nt 7:H0 nt. tho I. O. O. F.linll. This Is tho first meeting in the year nml every niemher is request ed to be present as tho new olllcerR will ho installed. After installation tho first division will entertain. The P. E. O. Society met with Mrs. .Robt. McBride Monday afternoon. Mm. n S. Mitchell and Misa Ger- Gustav E. Gigcr of Guide Rock tdc Co.n were the guests of honor and Miss Magdalen B. Goos of Blue and a dainty luncheon was served t Hill wore granted a marriage Hcenio tho close of the meeting. Tuesday. The FOLKS AT HOME EXPECT YOU TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT VISIT IT 'OMAHA'S FUN UbratTfSA Bert Perry, engineer at tho piwct ntation, who recently underwent an CENTRE." THE opration for appendicitis is able to b? Exhilarating BURLESK and VAUDEVILLE out again. KtSeAlwayiFitlcJwilhPrettyGirU.rnnnyCtmi Oorfemii I'(uipl!. lirillmit Scenic Hnvironmco. m. n TUT l,n MATINEE DAILY, 25; EVNGS 8:30 Two good, places to cat, at homo everybody goes ask anydody jind Powell's Cafe. AiwaystheOlEEestandDBStSliowWestofCWcago Hr j-- 155 5, 5 i I Mrs. Win. Jarboe went to Lincoln Wednesday morning where .Mie will fpend a few days with relatives and friends. Gone Biifeh returned home Saturday morning from Obcrlin, Kansas whore he had been visiting relntivcs and friends. Miss Nina Simmons arrivwi from YI-Tk Monday evening spending tho holiday vacation her parents. here after with The bride was dressed lln n conven tionnl wedding gown of white. The groom wore a flowing blnclc coat with au elaborate white vest decorated with real pearls. His shoes were of black with real lace shoestrings. Imported groy broadcloth trousers of tho latest ant and tnuke, white glovesand a white emvut of flue India linen, together with collar, shirt, handkerchief of siml lur material, completed his p.irfectco.s tiime. For a traveling suitH tlio groom wore n tailored suit of bluo hcrge with IkiikIhoiiiu tan shoes mid imported felt hut. Ohio Stiite .loiiriinl. Hard limes DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT, JAN. 6th GivOn by the Red Cloud Post, American Legion. Besse Auditorium H ! The Shabbier You Look the Better Your old tattered clothes harmonizing with the conditions of the day is the proper costume. Most of us will be enabled to dress appropriately for this cvfintwith but little effort. Everybody invited A PRIZE TO COUPLE WITH BEST MAKE-UP Admission SI. 10 Spectators 25c II. G. Britton returned to Guide Kock Saturday mrrning after spend ing a few days at tho home of his son, D. G. Kritton. .V. i Price Smashing Bargains For the month of JANUARY ONLY! BIG "CUT PRICE" on Winter Goods Before Invoicing. To clean up on all winter goods will make the following cuts: Buv a Whoat and Corn Fnrm in Fast or i Colorado from Ownors. Partinu rs, C'bmnbcr of Development, Deer Trail, Colo. Ml. and Why Come to our store and let us show you the most economical fence-for you to buy the fence that is woven from even heavily galvanized open hearth wire. The wavy strand wires expand and contract with the heat and cold ancT ALWAYS STAY tight. The stay wires are held firmly in place with the famous SQUARE DEAL LOCK that positively prevents slippingthese are only a few of the superior features of ou will nLlfi no mistake in buying SQUARE DEAL FENCE it lasts longest, cots less for repairs and requires fewer posK We have this popular fence in a variety of 3tyjesa fenre to meet your ty requirement. Como nv ul Gfe us "i 'it it nee J fenc c, . . ) TRINETS HARDWARE Miss Florcnco Peters returned to 1Kb city Sunday evening aftor spend irig the holidnya with her parents at Kidder, Missouri. FURS um m .$$$ fMFm Miss Florcnco Bollinger returned to lied Cloud Sunday evening after spending tlip holidays with her par enta at Afton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jemhcrg of Ak ron, Colorado arrived hero Sunday morning to visit his paronta, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jcrnberg. Mifls Zolla Tayl-r returned to Om aha Monday morning after spending a few days with her sister, .Mrs. C. M. Sherwood and family. Mr. and Mrs. Draco Eehelman re turned to their homo at Rockwell City, Iowa, Saturday mrrning aftor visiting relatives and friends hore. Miss Minnio Kellett returned to Clay Center Wednesday morning after .ponding tho holidays hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat tCollctt. Miss Blanche Boner roturnod to Lincoln Saturday morning after attending tho past ten days here wth her parents, Mr. and Mm. P. IT. Hon-, or i It2v. J. V Ja"hoo returned ti Mn coin Saturday morning aftor spend in? a fnw dnyn at tho homo of his ion Wm. Jaiioo, and at the W. II.Tliomna home. V V .l " Outing Gowns Do not want to carry any outing gowns over as I am crowded for space so my loss is your gain. While they last all go at 33J&.9- Discount Winter Gloves and Mittens Wool hose Fleece hose Wool dress goods Winter underwear All other winter goQds this month at 20 Discount Tn rlfinn nn on furs will make a 25 Reduction These were priced low in tho first place and this reduction makes them lower than they could be bought at wholesale. Come in and maku your choice while the .stock is complete, Barbara Phares "The Woman's Srore" Red Cloud, Nebraska c Vm v.vv-v.vv.v.v-w.v WW, I VW8 i : i ISr rt o-