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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1921)
MED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF wr 5 W 'IH sW ' ' -"3sH Hi ' " . '.' iml Ik, rrv-iwn WOMAN AVOIDS AH OPERATION Hope Nearly Gone, but Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound Saved Her -Star, N. C. "My monthly spells gave me bo much trouble, sometimes I they would last two Iwooks. I was treated by two doc tors without relief and they both said I would have to havo . an operation. I had my trouble four years and was unfit to do anything, ' and had given up au nope or ever cottine any better. I read about vour medicine in the Primitive Baptist' paper and decided to try it. I havo used Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham'a Liver Pills for about seven months and now I am ablo to do my work, I shall never forgot your medi cine and you may publish this if yon want to as it is true." Mrs. J. F. Hursey. Star, N. C. Here Is another woman who adds her testimony to tho manywhoselotterswo have already published, proving that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound often restores health to suffering women even after they havo gone so far that an operation is deemed advisable Therefore it will surely pay any woman who suffers from ailments peculiar to her sex to give this good old fashioned remedy a fair trial. . mnevEB vmnn ihteiiiatiihu stmrSuW Lesson (By nnv. I B. FITZWATEn, D. D., Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (. 1930. Western Newgpaper Union.) LESSON FOR JANUARY 23 SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and ua-d in the Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed In tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases Moderate charges. Address DR. O. W. EVERETT. Mar I4tfc M SI. Llacola, Nek. Canada's Rich Coal Mine. The coal deposit at Lnmpmun, Snsk., Canada, is believed to be one of the best of Its kind in the world, und ono of the greatest n.ssets of the province, according to the Investigators who recently made an examination of the location, They estimated that there are 32,000,000 tons of conl In the two and three-tjuurter sections of land In which the coal is located. Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot 'Laths of Cutlcura Soup and touches of Cutlcura Ointment. Also make use oow nnd then of Unit exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. Thieves nrc bound to their profes sion by honkR of Bteul. Back Giving Out? Is backache making you miserable T Do you feel all worn out as if yoir just can't keep going! Likely your kidneys are to blame. A cold, strain or overwork has probably weakened the kidneys and caused that dull back ache and annoying kidney irregulari ties. Don't ignore these warnings. Ubo Doan'a Kidney Pitta. Doan'a have helped thousands. They should help you. Ask your neighbor I A Nebraska Case nhwy Mitli Mrs. N. S. Thomp son, 7th and N Sts., Auburn. Nob., ay a : "My back vro a weak and ached contlnunlly. There seemed to be a heavy weight across my back. I had known of the good qualities of Doan'a Kidney Pills and gave thorn a trial. They halpod me In a alinrt tltriA unit T have had no trouble since." Cat DOM's at Aay Store, 60c a Boa DOAN'S1? FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Mwa? Quickly Relieves Constipation Don't letconstipation poison your blood ana curtail your cuci u jr. If yourliverand bowels. acm't worn prop erly taice LR1 aBBBBBBBTt BBlWsW t i m CARTERS aajaaia a a ar. HlWp Hall's Catarrh Mediclna Those who are In a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In rood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh la a local disease, It la greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MKDICINE la a Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces ot the body, thus reducing the InflatntnaUOB and restoring normal conditions. All druggist Circulars free. . F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohlav It Is perfectly proper for tho thin girl to expect the drcssmukcr to make the most of her. Truth About Father. At dinner mother was astonished when my small brother, attracting tho attention of tho gucBts, remarked: "We're so glad you'ro here. Papa's nice when wo have compuny, but you ought to hear how he scolds ronroma when you're not here." Exchange. Yea, Verily. It's a poor rule that doesn't work both ways and that Is as truo of the Golden Rule as any other. Boston Transcrlnt. CARTER'S Little Liver Pllla today' and your trniihft will l. rnUairaA T?ftl UrTinKQ laClC Of appetite, headache- and blotchy akin try them. Purely vegetable. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price Children's Coughs ; aoay be checked and more serious conditions f the throat often will tx avoided by promptly giving ths child a. dose of mm P I S OS PROMOTION IN THE KINGDOM. WESSON TEXT-Matt. 20:17-28. GOLDEN TEXT-The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to .minis ter, and to Rive Ills life a ransom for muny. Mutt. 20:28. REFERENCE MATEMAt-MaU. 19:27 20:16; Mark 10:32-45: I,uke 22:21-30. PRIMARY TOPIC Wanting More Than Our Share. JUNIOR TOPlC-How to Win First Place. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC Right and WronB Ambitions. YOUNG PEOPLE A7JD ADULT TOPIC Greatness Through Service. I. Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection. 1. The King on Ills way to Jerusa lem (vv. 17-19). This Is His Inst Jour ticy to the beloved city. He took tho twelve disciples aside from the croup of traveling pilgrims to ninkc known unto tliL-in what was before them. On the Journey He went nhend of the dis ciples. Tho courage thus shown by the Lord amazed the dlsclplos who were following In fear (Mark 10:32). "Christ, the conscious and certain suf ferer, is courageous. His followers who had nothing to fear were afraid." 2. Iietrnyal f.tul death foretold (vv. 18, 10). He went forwnrd fully conscious of tlfe awful tragedy of tho cross. He for the third time since the trunsllgurntlon tells the disciples of Ills suffering and death, but they aro so filled with tholr ambitious schemes that they do not understand Hltn. The treachery of Judas Iscarlot; tho fierce persecutions of the chief priests nnd scribes ; the unjust Judgment ; tho delivery to Pontius Pilate; the mock ing; the scourging; the crown of thorns; the cross; the hanging be tween two malefactors; the nails; the spear; all were spread before His mind like a picture. Though He knew nil this He deliberately pressed on. The Joyous outlook upon the victory which would be accomplished by the shedding of His blood led Him for ward. He went courageously, for He knew tho time had come for the ac complishment of His Father's will. 3. The resurrection foretold (v. 10). Truly this would have been n dnrk picture hnd the resurrection not been mnde known. II. The Ambitious Request of James and John (vv. 20-23). 1. The request (vv. 20, 21). This re quest was made by their mother. Tho request Is for a place of prominence in the kingdom. It Is right for moth ers to be ambitious for their boys, but they should know that eurth's pin nacles are exceedingly dangerous. 2. Jesus' answer. (vv. 22, 23). He spoke directly to the men, not to their mother, declaring that they knew not what they were asking. Ho showed them that the way to this position of glory was through suffer ing. Tho cup of which they were to drink was that of great suffering nnd agony. The positions which they craved wqpe attainable, but In n very different way from what they oppre hcmlcd. The way to the places of glory in tho kingdom of Christ Is through tho path of lowly nnd self- forgetful service, even great suffer ing. 3. How to Be Truly Exalted (vv. 24-28). 1. The angry disciples (v. 24). When the ten heard of tho request of .Tunics and John they were filled with Indig nation against them. Their displeas ure did not arlso from the fact that they were free from the snme selfish spirit, but that these two had thrust themselves to tho front; It was an admixture of lndlgrfutlon and Jealousy. 2. Greatness among the heathen (v. 25). The rule of tho world has nl ways been by the strong hnnd. The stnndards havo been not moral excel lence, but wealth, station nnd power. Even todny tho reason ono nation rules the other Is that tho one pos sesses sh'nrper ewords nnd heavier clubs than tho other. 3. Greatness among Christ's dis ciples (vv. 20, 27). Here the stnnd nrd Is In sharp contrast. The way to tho places of prominence In Christ's kingdom is the way of self-abasement. It Is not wrong to be ambitious to be great, but the basis of true great ness Is that which human selfishness Reeks to avoid. There will be de grees of rank in Christ's kingdom, but this rank will bo chaructcr, not posi tion or nuthorlty. 4. Christ is tho supremo exnmple of greatness (v. 28). All who would be great should study and Imitate Christ. Let them forget self nnd servo others, even to give their lives. This will eliminate all scrambling for place and power. Tho ono grand test by which to know whether Christ's Spirit controls ono Is whether ho la serving or seeking to bo served. Christianity Is Still-Alive. The greatest tribute to tho neces sity of religion is, that It survives Its outworn forms; tho grcntest proof of the essential truth of Christianity Is, that in splto of tho tyndillo talked every Sunday In ihe name of Christ, Christianity Is still alive. H. R. Howes. The Instructor. My hurt has been my Instructor, and I wish It may mnko mo more cau tious and less simple. Thomas ft Ketnpls. SE75 ABigDrop May Send Trees to America. The college of agriculture nnd for estry nt tho University of Nnnkln In China has undertaken to export tree seeds nnd Is trying to find a market In America. Many of tho, trees listed uro Indigenous to America, but among them nro nlso tho xnnthoxylum plpcntum or toothncho treo nnd tho nllhanhus glandulosn or treo of heav KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Eastman Kodak Co.) Dept K, 1217 O St Lincoln, Nek en. Patriot. "Pa, what Is n pntrlot?" "A patriot, my boy, Is n man who continues to love nnd servo his coun try whether or not Its elections go to btilt him." The mon who lives to no purposo lives to n bad purpose. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present time for young- women orcr nineteen years of sge who have had at least two years In high school to take Nurses' Training In general hospital. Our graduates aro in great demand. Address Supt of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln. Nabnulca 126 MAMMOTH JACKS I hTO a bantam for yon, corns qulek. 1 netlLOW'H JAUK JTASBK Udr Itaplds, low n, 11U dELIrO 4 es' Wall: The Genesee Pure Food Company, LeKoy,JN. Y. o- mmamawmmmmmm mm warn i iwinsju i i muhi sw--tr III Mil lllli II I In Mill I jmmmiSX r i&wiaaYi' " '" w' .amJk smmEm XaBlW.sT tniYJHHVjHHBmv'rv' irw mZ&mmMMMm WSfc 1 nil MSI i I SMII '! ! I I E&tfttetjfiH ThtnVwhst that tneani to von In nod hatd dollars with the Brest de mand for wheat' at hloh orices. Many farmers In Western Canada have paid for their land from a single crop. The same success maystui be - vours. lot you can buy on easy terms. Farm Land at $15 to $30 an Acrt tocstrd near thrUlng towns, good markets, railways land of a 10 SB ausneie or wnsai to tne acre. kind which Good araxinglands at low crrnm Z t lands at low orices convenient to vour araln (arm en able you to reap the profits from stock raising anal slalryifig. Learn ihe Facts About Western Canada low taxation (none on improvements), healthful climate, good schools, churches, pteasaat social relationships, a prosperous and Industrious people. ... . . ... . rr IlluitraUd litmtnrt, BMP, doerfptlon of farm opportunity , In Kanltob. Sukatchtwiin and Albert, mluctd railroad raUf, U., writ rpartm&t of Imoilaiatwa, Ottawa, Canada, or W. V. BENNETT, Ream 4, Bee Bulldlif, OMAHA, REEL Canadian Government Aient. A Whole Family Meal of m u SKIMMERS FREE one package of your favorite SKIN NER'S Macaroni, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles. Tear off the coupon, take it to your grocer, buy one package and he will give you another free. If he will not supply you write us, giving his name and address. One package of SKINNER'S Macaroni Prod ucts should make a full meal for the average tfamily. If at any time you do not find the superiority of SKINNER'S immediately noticeable return the empty package to your grocer and he will re fund your money. ' Hundreds of appetizing dishes can be prepared from SKINNER'S Macaroni Products. Write us for our 48-page book of recipes, enclosing 4c in stamps to cover postage.' Macaroni Unfortunately there are grocers that do not handle quality merchandise, because the whole sale price is higher thanton goods made up of cheap raw material under unsanitary conditions. Demand SKINNER'S Macaroni Products for your family's sake. REFUSE TO USE MAC ARONI THAT COOKS UP MUSHY AND DOES NOT HAVEA REAL FLAVOR, EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR GROCER. Just tear off the coupon that appears below. It's "legal tender" at any store will buy you one package of SKINNER'S Macaroni Products if you buy another. You get two packages for only 10 cents by presenting this Free 10-cent coupon. wi-yEjxfsr .. t..uir FRKnWMKTflWLCMW EGG HOODIES x ,rt' I iww$ fTW. Ml6 vti 1 '. It J V. 1 !l"A'i "tW?., ".;" rriatcv w"- M BUY ONE OF THESE s ST. r. M. LtSfflGfl K :t: 'if, 1 k-.V'.':. :i rWi;-.f I f-f&hrr mm .! I.'SUI l'J"Mi I nii1". rut..l" NOTICE TO GROCERS: -i ri - erri dVi- iLalL WE GIVE YOU THIS W. 2 s .BrtfsaalsJIpjaisWaiaiBaB MMiiriPi MMiaiwii 'WW ii a stiMa 'i er This coupon, signed by your customer, will be redeemed at 10 cents in cash. Return coupon direct to Skinner Manufacturing Company, Omaha, U. S. A. If you do not have our full line stocked send us name of your jobber. NOTICE TO PURCHASER Coupon, if presented within 30 days, good for one package of SKINNER'S Macaroni Products if you purchase another at the regular price. SIGN THE FOLLOWING hereby certify that 1 have this day purchased onm package of SKINNER'S Macaroni Products from my grocer and received ono package free. Nome.. Address... jurti.iJiWtWAi(a.fc