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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1921)
p. -BfiJZ. " ,fc- -VUhU. ,.. t f F7 .cwV-', fea ft"'1" VJUWV V" l,tion 4 i L WC. . m hi i" iKr? -ktb - "sa - t y l.1 -- asB fBilBBBB'jE. jt.m frjj-juwaffCTiELfi asWv sBBBBT'?vf . i"" TfiT s Jy ?rsBawMJ ait kH H BaBaaaBLi aBaV. BkaaJaaV5?"y?""kB aav h ""."Sjl P.'Jinil-''f'1H "jij' L Ma8T-JTTy S""" ''ZjlaEQSfcF' xaaaRSaBSyBBSjaMMlMaiaPKffSaBaMJrii1 fc?awji- Ay,"alBBaMBh -V jEg(5SI?B 8P3BBaaaaVMaflT aaa99&T IViJ I JU" L-l V LlUkBaMMBSTi r'". jfluVBIilHRiHBBKIHSSIIHlUBilKHlMEk laBaK&BSBMaaaa!aaaaaySlF.vSpl5 BByHBBHBWPBraBHdMBEi&SWBBBK S2fcr rj-. M, -f' A PkwsHKr That Htm The News FITtytwt Weeks Each Tear Br 92.00 1 , 'f ' VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JANUARY 13. 1921 NUMBER 2 Have a Good Timekeeper at Home? A New Clock will do the timekeeping for you Let us show you our stock J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Grafonolas THE JEWELER Columbia Records aOTBgBSjdU-lW'3i'5gt".Mr-3J- : W'jmuT'i I'il.isAjjaagaSJ' it!dSSfSIStSBBi&9Sftt -A'- --,- dSn.lfccarag-lh? Ill' i I Mil 5T kli Fire Iiunector Via t.thiiCihr C. A. waldo elected r ' CHAIRMAN COUNTY BOARD L. J. Butcher, State Fire Inspector, was in the city the last of the week and gave the business district a care- f al Inspection and after his call caused some of the tnerohants to have the annual clean up of tholr cellars and nutbuildinea. Ho appointed N P. Phillips and L. R. Rust Deputy Fire Inspectors for this city. Mr. Butcher says that the people aro very careless in using the plnin can -for gasoline containers, and both con sumer and merchant are liable to a One for putting gasoline in cans other wise than those which aro painted red. :jFFJiKJ' TURNING THE LEAF 1-9-2-0 1-9-2-1 Turn Over A New Leaf Begin the New Year Right That long delayed sitting for a portrait Your children want it Your parents want it You owe it to them So come in today while the year is young and the thought fresh in your mind. Over Smith's Shoe Store- The Gleason Studio About Overdrafts OVERDRAFTS am not good for you orthe bank. Thereare plenty of reasons why you should not overdraw your account. You have no right to do business that way. It hurls your credit with your banker. An overdraft is in fact a forced loan without security. Your overdraft may sometimes be honored but it gets you in bad all over. Our bank tries to be accomo dating but we do not desire overdrafts unsecured Joans that ruin your credit, injure your own standing and endanger the interests of our depositors. Don't overdraw. WE HAVE AN INTEREST IN YOU. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Pretident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Cashier Depoilti Guaranteed by the Dtpotlton Guarantee Fund of the State of 2'tlra$la auiiiiiBMiiBiiiHWim IIHIWIIIIIIIHIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHI1II llllll MlimnHUimilimmiiimnmimmimiimuinJUtlJlLnnnilTUnnrn TllMiiiMiniifflm Nineteen Twenty One Mrs. Burgess Laid to Rest Although in poor health for somo time the death of Mrs. J. M. Kurgoss came us a shock to her many friends in this community, as only intimate roliitives;knew of her critical condition, Ellen Steel, was born in Pilot Grove. Lee County, Iowa iu 1838. Sho came to Nebraska in 1871. She was united in murringe to John M. Burgess, Octo ber G, 1878. Four children were born to this union. In 188 they moved to Red Cloud and since that time hits mode this city her home. She wus un active member of the Methodist church and for n uuniher of -years was Oracle of the Royal Neighbor lodge. She is survived by her husband, one son, Clarence H. of Clanda', Colorado, two daughters, Laura Mae Danker of Rlvortou and Clara M. Walker of this city. One son passed to the great W yond in infancy. Faneral services were conduotcd from her late home Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Rev. Cope in charge. In torment was made in the city cemetery, Program and Basket Supper The Red Cloud High School will give a program and basket supper in the High School Assembly room on Friday evening, January Uth. The program will bo given at 8 o'clock and the supper will be hold afterwards. The proceeds will bo usod to pay oil' a few foot bull bills and tho balance will Ul. blllllV.UUtUl bl bllU UUHIIU. ...till VUltlllB. lho young Indies aro requested to bring baskets and tho young men to bring their poukotbook. CITY COUNCIL NEGOTIATES SETTLEMENT ON PAVING 4 Finds us" prepared lo again serve you for another year. It also finds our stock of groceries 'corn complete, fresh and new. It also finds us con ducting our business on the same honorable basis as heretofore and our motto "Satisfaction or Your Money Back" strictly observed. LET US SERVE YOU THIS YEAR. i P. A. Wullbi andt Groceries and Queensware Councilman Outman, president of the City' Council, in tho absence of Mayor Amack, called the Aldermen together in special adjourned session on Tuesday evening, with all mem bers present. A request of tho C. B. & Q., that tho city place its 2300 volt wire, five feet above tho telegraph wires, was presented and taken under ad visement. Tho claim of tho Malone-Gellatly Company for 200.85 was allowed. The benefits derived and damages sustained by property owners in Pav ing District No. 4, was presented as per nn assessment sheet prepared by City Engineer Geo. H. Overing and C. R. Fulton, of tho firm of Grant, Fulton & Letton, and after duo con sideration Council adopted samo as presented. Tho claim of tho Watts Construc tion Company on cstimato No. 6, for $25,235.57, in final' settlement, as cer tified by tho engineers, was present ed and allowed less tho amount of a light bill owed tho city by this com pany. Tho claim of Grant, Fulton & Let ton for $2,803.33 was allowed at ?2, 223.47 less $579.8G to bo held by tho city until such tJmo as settlement shall bo mado between this firm and tho Watts people. j Red Cloud, Nebraska. 7 ' January 11, 1921. .This being tho date fixed for tho first statute meeting of tho year, the now County Board met at 10 o'clock a. m. with all members present and representing the following Commis sioner Districts: T. J. Chaplin, Commissioner District No. 1. H. A. Stumpcnhorts, Commissioner District No. 2. C. A. Waldo, Commissioner District No. 3. Hj H. Crowcll, Commissioner District No. 4. Grant Shidlcr, Commissioner Dis trict No. 5. Meeting called to order by tho County Clerk. On mption of Chaplin seconded by Shidler, C. A. Waldo was elected as chairman of tho County Board for the year 1921. Chairman Waldo appointed tho following committees for tho year: Bridge Committee for Dist. No.l Chaplin, Shidlcr and Stumpenhorst. Bridge Committee for Dist. No.2 Stumpenhorst, Waldo and Crowcll. Bridge Committee for Dist. No. 3 Waldo, Stumphenhorst and Crowcll. Bridge Committee for Dist. No. 4 Crowcll, Waldo and Shidlcr. Bridge Committee for Dist. No. 5 Shidler, Crowcll and Waldo. Comratee to check County Treas urer's office, Chaplin, Crowcll and Waldo. Committee to check all other coun ty offices, Shidler' and Stumphen horst. Poor Farm Committee, Crowcll, Stumphenhorst and Chaplin. On motion tho sum of 100 was al lowed tho six newspapers of tho coun ty for publishing tho Commissioners proceedings for 1921 samo to bo di vided equally between tho six papers. County Treasurer's semi-annual statements to bo published by lho Guide Rock Signal and Commercial Advertiser, samo to bo 'published at one-half legal, rate. Delinquent tax list to bo publish ed by tho Blue Hill Loader and Red Cloud Ai-gus, samo to be published at onc-hnlf legal rate. Motion made and carried that Geo. H. Overing bo appointed County Highway Commissioner for tho year 1921 at a salary of 1200 per year and also allowed the sum of $5.00 per month for office help. Board adjourned to 1 o'clock p.m. Board reconvened at 1 p. m. with all members present. Motion made and carried that tho Budget of Expense necessary for tho office of County Agent for tho year 1921 bo unproved as filed by tho Webster County Farm Bureau. On motion made and carried tho County Clerk was instructed to ad vertise for Bridge Bids for tho year 1921. There being no bids filed for print ing and, stationery each officer was instructed to buy their necessary supplies in tho open market where ever they can to the best advantage of the county. On motion made and carried tho following cstimato of expenses for Webster, county for the year 1921 was mado and adopted: Soldiers Relief $ 300.00 Assessors and Dep uties World' Smallest Coin. The coin of tho least value ever Is sued Is the "mite," so called, such as the widow of the Bible contributed to the poor. Its shape was hexagonal, and Its value about one-flftleth of a cent It would take flva thousand salt to uaka ena dollar. County Attorney's office County Board and Board of Equalization . Books and stationery District Court '. County Supt. office Bladen Fair Assn. County Highway Com missioncr . .. County Agent's office Incidentals i Elections 4000.00 1500.00 5000.00 2000.00 5000.00 2500.00 800.00 1500.00 3600.00 20,000.00 1500.00 Prices on Our Precious Stones ARE REASONABLE i Continued on page 8 BECAUSE A PRECIOUS STONE BEARS A HIGH PRICE DOES NOT MEAN IN OUR STORE THAT WE HAVE PUT ON IT A HIGH PROFIT. OUR DIAMONDS ARE FLAWLESS WHEN WE SO REPRE SENT THEM; OUR PEARLS ARE PURE IN TONE; OUR RUBIES, EMERALDS, SAPHIRES AND OPALS WILL BLAZE WITH A NEVER ENDING BEAUTY. BUY YOUR JEWELS AND JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS FROM US. EACH ARTICLE WE, SELL IS A LIFE LONG RECOMMENDATION OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B. H. Newhouse Readout Jeweler and Optometrist ' sank YourcS S Buy Them With Egg anld. Chicken MoneyJ Set aside 'your'egg ancl chicken money and, almost before you realize it, you will have enough to buy an equipment of beautiful " Wear-Ever" aluminum dooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like "Wear-Eier" uten-) 8ils will make you as proud of your kitchen as you are of theother rooms in your home. WUfttO ). 'WlAMKt "Wear-Ever" ttiuiiimuiii.vjunjiig wicuoua maw cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because ' theyareworthmore! Itpay3tobuy"Wcar-Ei;erJj just as it pays to buy good farming implements. "Wear-Ever utensils are made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or seams Cannot crack, flake or peel--are pure andsafe' . Replace utensils that wear out I with utensils thatWear.Ever'V GEO. W. TRINE MimiyflMiiiOiiiiinniinniiiiii i 3 9 i All for Fun Fun for All All for fun fun for all the Kiddles if you cnunot take them to tho evening shows send them to our Saturday raatl noo at 2:30. Charley Chaplin will en. tortaln them. Besse Auditorium, m Mora Advice. If yon think yon are bright, keep It rkBoaton Evening Transcript Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Ofllco Ovor Albright's Btoto Red Cloud 'Nebwkm ..:aa':.)gayUlSa&&T