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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1921)
3 . $ B f, I! "arSKra - -? - wuAq fillers BocltiJ 1 t,lnoo& "W WI?LksSi r .-ram ,?a r-- srwrm. m' - HI T -R a'fc - fJrrt.- W fi iwu -airr . jzsr. S. . j-WP"' !!;"; JJJ i um -i - rircjrjv ht.:A ,-,i wrw - j- i msjjk - . -. -ivw tva m .tn - .v iuibw. ' - nrwu i -s .- - r-- - : - -- - - - -a. -.. v ..-iihc HhEmasM-- m-is! 11ArarFW:'Pl 4sre--.Aft'-jfc-- v. ... .,-w aas-sr,- -da:? i r waia. ia me&i - a n - la- -mmA -" - - --v..-??:" Se-"- ' , p5-- -.'vJZ "-.-i .sss?.--i-sHrt-1- 4 flcwftpaucr That tilvcs The flows Fifty-two Wccka Each Vcar For $2.00 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 27. 1921 VWJBJLLXJU JU.NFUil'VJUJ J19K -3 UiV.! I'UOIXTK KNffX I I Hill I I III r4 inn m . if di why not n IMJiaiAMm. IIMlI'ffWllaeL.WJlUHU-lWUrJUM saPr jUil lave a imeseeeer at nom will do the timekeeping for you Let us show you our nu ck Columbia Gralonolas THE JEWELER .Columbla'Kccords i-sajb-iiABa p TJ hi - r-n m-m (jar '. Ifl i fit I luii I lilE LLAr 1-9-2-1 I I I THE V.'EnSTEIl COUNTY L',iij i - In spite of bad roads, caused by the rain, sevency-nvu lanncrs MadaGain of 52 Percent' Tho Ofllccrs of tin; locnl AinnriRnn ntlenucd ,., f... ,. i i)nn.irim.ihini i.inn.iin the kick-off mooting Monday after-; fctlU, UlIlt , iMh Vml lllBtlo n ,,, of noon, lhoy came from five nearby Q2 ht of ow 1H0M1,,orfc 0Vl.r ,Mt townBhipg. The moothiff was pre- p(ip p.ily ono otliop Post In Ncbrns. sided over by the County Captain, C. 1J. Steward. lids Hiuim record, tlmt bolntf Tbe locnl I'jstwlll bo aw'urd- iiCiliittnii from the Statu Head. s. During tlio put fow wecus Un lixdt Wmslrf yr. II. IJrokaw representing the Ex- Hj h0(' iuiiiuii jyupuriincni, 01 jjincom was quartoi' the lirst speaker. He told of the hv.uiM.O iwnv nibmbors woro enrolled origin of the Extensive Department ' jn the dim-runt Posts In the state. The some years ago in tho south to help Rod Cloud l'ost expects to doiiblo its out tho cotton farmer. j mi'mberhhlp this year. Elmer Youngs, of Lexington, State . President of tho State Farm Bureau Burglars Visit Guide Rock I'odoration. came second on tho nro-i - crram and mivo ono of his snlondid . BurR)ars resumed operation In Onidel tallcs. He emphasized strongly tho ! Uock Moiidny uiht whoa they entered necessity of the farmers joining the the Orary Mercantile Qo. store and got Farm Bureau while wo have had. n.awny with about S21. Nothing else of virtue was iiiKcn. nip miai mnricei Farm Bureau for three years. It be ing supported by County, State and WM ?' , V , , , XT .. , . .. ,r, , a port bn of which was found on the National appropriations. This money . ' , , . 11V ,, . ir, . ... . niguway oy aneriu inuiur hiiii ueputy Boner who wore ItivestiRathiK the mat- appropriations. This money could only be used to support a . ... -n .. , ter, this with u uweat'ir, may provi to uu,uumi: """ "w i bo ii clue to tho hkmcit.y of the thieves, lines, to increase production and T offlco of t,0 rttl.iael. BftVntor whs stamp out live siocis uiseascs, msccis. (l,ll1..,f1 ,., ...,. PL1ihtl,P t:,mlH.,.0,i -M' Turnx Over A New Leaf Begin the New Year Right That long delayed sitting for a portrait Your children want it Your parents, ""want It You owe it to them So come in today -while the year is young and the thought fresh in your mind. Over Smith'-s -Shoo Store- TIi pestj, etc. Mr. Youngs said the rea son for putting the Farm Bureau on a paid up membership basis, of which half stays in the county, and could be used for bettering tho condition of with in otio of tho K-irapcb ami loss than a' dollars worth of chaugu taken. It Is bolloved they headed this way after their work was completed as a railroad baud car was found abandon rwiBirraniM Let Us Do Your Bookkeeping WHY WORRY ABOUT IT YOURSELF? ' . LET US WORRY. Deposit all you receive In the bank and pay all your bills by 'check. When your monthly statement is rent you and your cancelled checks returned, 70U know exactly what you have donwith your money. There Is no question about the amount paidj for the check shows very plainly, In black and white, the complete transaction. WE HAVE AN INTEREST IN YOU. nnoE? L1S.SU VV .Li Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Fioranee, Cashier DepotUi Quaranttetlly the Dtpotttort Quarn(e FttnU of the State of Xtliraila illlirIM!t! Nineteen Twenty One Finds us prepared lo again serve you for another year. It also finds our stock of groceries corn complete, fresh and new. It also finds us con ducting our business on the same honorable basis as heretofore and our motto "Satisfaction or Your Money Back" strictly observed. LET US SERVE YOU THIS YEAR. tho farm homes, tho boys and girls, ' od near tho track betwoou hero and etc., which we now have no funds. Mr. Guide Uock. Youngs also said that each farm or ganisation had its,, program and all worn accomplishing what they had set out to do. Ho said that the Farm Bureau was not going to tread upon tho program of any existing organi zation but would lend them assist ance. ' Mr. Norton of Polk county, came next 011 tho program and he talked on Legislation. Ho said after tho campaign was over, it would bo fol lowed up with township organization and each township would have their officers, a member of the County Farm Bureau Board of- Directors, and a Legislative Committee, and the State Federation, will have a Legislative Bureau to investigate legislation, would install the Referendum so that all members could pass upon lcgisla tion pertaining to Agriculture. Eugene Sullivan of Iowa, commonly known as Hickory Gene gave one of his good talks on what tho State and National Federations had accomplish ed and the outlook for tho future. Mr. Sullivan told of tho Committee of Seventeen on Grain Marketing; the Committee of Fifteen on Live Stock Marketing; that these Committees were financed by tho Farm Bureau and represented all farm organiza tions. He told of how the Farm Bu reau, which ;iow' has a membership of a million and a half members, and havo hired Clifford Tliorno, McKcnzio and Silver Grey; what these men had done on railroad rates, taxation and other things of interest to tho farm ers. Mr. C. B. Steward gave tho final talk, which was right to the point. Ho drew n comparison of tho American Farm., Bureau Federation, to the. American Federation of Labor. Ho said that some thirty years ago tho Carpenters' Union, tho Engineers' Union, and every class of labor had their union each working independent ly of the other and when they united into tho American Federation they became tho strongest and most pow erful organization in existence, and ask with a united voico for things stni tim Amprirnn Fodnrntfon did not pertaining to agriculture. Mr. Stow L Gj.Vri A Military Funeral Last Sunday afternoon at two o'clock tho funeral bcrvlc-fb for Albeit Dewey Fuller wore held at the Methodist church at Cowles, Rev. Linlnger of lU'latlnrr. The yottmr man enlibtcd July C, 1917 In Uo. K, "ith Nebraska National Guards and went to Camp Cody with this or ganization where ho was trruitfcrcd to tho 111 Hh Infantry and received his military tralnim: He went oversea with (he 127th rcKlniout .'12 division and was killed in battle in tho fall ot 1018. Tho remains were brought back to Cowlth last Thursday. Thu church wab inadequate to hold the large number of people who were present to pay their last respects to tho only boy from Cowles who nave his life for his country. .The Bine Hill and Red Cloud Amorl-. can Legion Posts with ex Captain Ailes iu comumud bad chargo of the service a at the grave, at which time the Red Cloud Firing Squad (hod tho military Hiiluta over the liero't irrave after which Bugler Elton Pope sounded Taps. The deceased was a son of J, L, Full er of Cowles. Why the Editor Left Town Somebody sent the editor of tho Poketown Gazette a few bottles of home brew. Tho same day ho received for publication 11 wedding announce, mnut and a notice of an auction sale. Hero are tho results: 'Vm. Smith and Miss Lucy Anderson wore dispos ed of at public auction at my farm one mile east of a boautiful cluster of rosea on her breast and two white calves, boforo a background of farm implc tucnts too numerous to mention in tho piosonoe of about seventy Riie&ts, in cluding two tullcli cows, six mules atid one boh sled. Ilev. Jackson tied tho nuptial knot with 200 feet of hay rope and tho bridal couple left on ono good John Deere gang plow for nn extend ed trip with terms to suit purchasers. They will be at homo to their friends with ono good baby buggy and u fow kitchen utensils after ten months from date of salo to responsible parties and some fifty chlokcns." Exchange. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware destroy the perogatlvcs of tho individ ual organization. Tho A. F. of L. laid out a program and today they have things ( they wanted as tho Child Labor Law Compulsory Education, etc. Mr. Steward said wo havo today tho Boot Growers' organisation, tho Grain Growers' tho Meat Producers', tho Cotton Growers', tho Wool Pro- ard also said big business hired ex perts to investigate and to help solvo their problems Why not farmers hiro exports, that w,as why farmers wore joining tho Farm Bureau and putting up thoir money. Solicitors wero sent out to their various townships Tuesday and by Wednesday tho Membership Cam paign will bo in full swing and every weather ducors'. tho Farmers' Union. Grange, Equity, etc., and tho American Farm farmer will bo solicited if Bureau Federation was going to bo . conditions permit. an organization similar to tho Amorl- HENRY K. FAUSCH, can Federation of Labor, and could ' County Agricultural Agent NUMBER 4 r4ag$saggi5K2g?s .mmim Prices on Our Precious Stones ARE REASONABLE BECAUSE A PRECIOUS STONE BEARS A HIGH PRICE DOES NOT MEAN IN OUR STORE THAT WE HAVE PUT ON IT A HIGH PROFIT. v OUR DIAMONDS ARE FLAWLESS WHEN WE SO REPRE SENT THEM; OUR PEARLS 'ARE PURE IN TONE; OUR RUBIES, EMERALDS, SAPHIRES AND OPALS WILL BLAZE WITH ANEVER ENDING BEAUTY. BUY YOUR JEWELS AND JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS FROM US. . EACH ARTICLE WE SELL IS A LIFE LONG RECOMMENDATION OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT.' We Kike 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E. fi. Newhouse Red aouj jewewr ana upiometnsi Nebrska fllRllfiillllllllMllllllllllllllliM 1 ' lirik'? I miN Tfirro-u vsr iKi icvyiwir 53 w im 1 our jrasp b 82 rsi s 1 &uy 1 stem Egg, and Chicken Money f Set aside 'your egg and chicken money and, almost before you realize it, you will have enough to buy an equipment of beautiful " Wear-Ever' aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like "Wear-Ever ' uten-( sils will make you aa proud of your kitchen as you are of the other rooms in your home. WtARCVEB VitADIVtB Mra'VFm9 MUfttNUr! t n rm jt&ctiw Alitminiim Pirtlrtni I TfrAncifc -A&uaaa&uA vywxxg wiuu rwiMturai cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because they are worth more". 1 1 pays to buy " Wear-Evqr" just as it pays to buy good farming implements. Wear-Ever" utensils are made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or scorns. Cannot crack, flake or peel are pure and safcT Repluco utensils that wear out 'with utensils that "Wear-Ever", GEO. W. TRINE l)Illl!i!llllililllllllll!lilllllllllllllllll!PI!llli!li!ll!ll!lilll!lll1l!lll!l!l!lll!l!lllllllllll!llll!l!!lllllll!lllllllll!llll E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guoranteod) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish;You with Fixtures Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Ofllco Over Albright's Storo Red Cloud Nebraska "Quality" Job Printing . ..- aiwnmwWBttMJSBiiiwawrf