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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1920)
1 . V" ' 1- "- - i..u.1.MMIj RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF M m n & M -15 ir l V 'f' ST.. 4k' '' if' Tar" I The Latest Columbia RECORDS We have Just received the following New Records: 2835 2844 2839 2842 2843 6137 78798 J You Alnt Heard Nothing Yet ( Come On nnd i'loy with Ilo ( "0" Oli! I Hulking Dog (v Nobody Knows j Wonderful l'al j Where tho Lanterns Glow j .1 list Like a Hose " ( All I hnve lire Suuny WeiUher Friends I Now I Know j Oh! What a 1'ul wns Mary ( Cuiollna Sunshine. I'm Forever Mowing Hubbies ' Violin J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Grafanolas THE JEWELER Columbia Records 'BUDDIE'- The US Army is calling yoit F you are out ot work, or not satis 4 Tied with your present position join the army and TRAVEL, LEARN and EARN. There are fourteen branches of service in which you can enlist, for a term of ONE TO THREE YEARS. The REGULAR rARMY has been REORGANIZED and besides THE TRAINING you have a chance to at tend a school and LEARN A TRADE. There are some seventeen different trades that you may select from, and also educational training. , Pay ranges for S30 to S121 per month besides your food, clothing and medi cal attention which' is furnished free. CAPT. EDWIN L. MacLEAN, 55th Inf.. 7th Div, At Royal Hotel :&Silafcta tasiSJ5si2a X K : AS TOLD TO US J hJ . .V. k & & & $ m k k a :: k k k : :: 'Used enrs for Halo. Frame'& Smith llros. Co Verne Ilutlor snont Mondnv in Hastings. I John Rathjcn spent Wednesday in Hastings. I Gene Ryan spent Sunday evening in Orleans. Ed Garber spent Wednesday In Guide Rock. Ben Reed returned to Riid City Tuesday evening. Mrs. Alf Sherman of Hastings u visiting relatives in the, city. Will Robertson returned homo from Omnha the first of tho week. ORPHEDM Friday and Saturday TOM MIX in the New Mix Thriller' Th e H Cyclone A story of the Canadian I Northwest Mounted "Prl i n Hair-rod.ig Stunts. The cruelty of Smugglers; The daring oi the Kiders of the Plaino. Tho sereen'w Supremo Smash. Tom Mix rides up threw storie on IiIh horse, dnshes hitek thru four floors and alights light hlilo up with cure-'then tho fun be- I ' s. Atlmiition 25c and 10c ; First show starts at 8 o'clock Sntnrdny at, 7:30 I'nt anil drink at lVmell ,v .l'npu's f,'al-. ,f s l'-e the great egg initio, "-.Mure Iv'g' old by 0. h. Cotting. licit Fry was in Kansas City tho first of the week. Mrs. J. W. Stockman spont Wed nesday in Hastings. Attorney H. S. Foe was in Mindcn the first of the week. Attorney McNony was in Wymoro tho first of the week. Rye Shcpherdson of Riverton was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Josephine Lainhorn returned homo Tuesday from Cowles. Sam Temple of Kansas 'City is visiting friends in the city. Fred Wallin was visiting relatives and friends hero the last of the week. Dr. Ashor of , ScottsblufT spent Wednesday with friends in the city. II. R. Childress of Hastings spent Sunday with his family1 in this city F. Retzman was looking after husi ness mntters in the city tho first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fearn spent Sun day with their son, Roy, and wife m Guide Rock. Messrs. Reck . and Boyer of Os borne, Kansas, were in the city the last of tho week. Five trains of stock passed thru here Sunday"to the St. Joe and Kan sas City markets. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Gellatly re turned home from Washington, D. C, the last of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver Buzzard have moved to this city from Guide Rock. Mr. Buzzard has accepted a position with Jim Peterson. Tho Misses Hazel Overlccse and Mildred Mercer, who aro teaching school near Inavale, spent the week end with their parents. Ed Sutton who lias been workijig on the switch engine was taken sick Monday and is being relieved by an extra man from McCook. II. C. Lindahl, tho photographer of Frnnklin was looking after business matters in tho city Thursday. Some of tho traveling men, who make their territory by auto, state that the roads in Webster county aro tho worst in tho state, Tho South 'vision of tho Methodist Aid society gave a tea at -tho homo of Mrs. Win. Koon last "Thursday afternoon. About seventy five wore present. Mcsdnmus Wm. Koon, Geo. and John Coon, Wm. Fry and P. L. Ilines wero tho serving committee. Tho following shipped stock Sun day: P. B. Marrow, ono car of horses nnd mules to east St. Louis; Wm. Crabill & Son, two caw ;of hogs to St. Joo; A. J. Fry, two enrs of cattic to Kansas City and Dclane'y Bros., tlircc carB of hogs to Kansas City, Lent began Wednesday. lltiv llrotul nt Powell nnd I'Opos. J. H. Bailey spent Saturday in Su perior. Uted enrs for sMe. Finnic Smith Bros. Co. Will Hunt went to Lincoln Monday morning. Mrs. J. C. Myers spent Monday in Hastings. Mrs. E. II. Webber spent Saturday in Guide Rock. Attorney J. S. Gilham. spent Sat urday in Hastings. Mrs. E. S. Garber spent Saturday with friends at Guide Rock. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith spent Sunday with his parents at Denver. Mrs. Casscy Nash of Beaver City spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nash. Mcsdamcs Bernard McNcny nnd Ben McFarland spent Tuesday, in Hastings. S. C. Ellis' was looking after busi ness matters in Lincoln the first of the week. Ray Nelson returned home Tuesday from McCook wheer he had visiting relatives. Harry Thompson returned homo Monday from Esbon, Kansas, where he spent a few days. J. Earl McKimmey of Mindcn spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKimmey. Mrs. John Arncll went to Hold redge Monday evening to spend a few days with relatives. Harry Yost and Raymond Koontz accompanied a shipment of stick to St. Joe, Sunday morning. Meredith Butler of Blue Hill spent Tuesday evenjng with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler. Mrs. Mary Sutton has returned homo from Lemoync wncio she had been visiting her sort, Frank and wife. John Aubushon returned home Tuesday from. Stratton, Colorado, whcie he had been looktng after his farm. W. G. Hamilton has rearranged the stock in the rear end of his cloth ing store and has moved the office up en the lobby. Will Rants-, and -Fred Pharos left Saturday evening for Moffet county, Colorado, where they intend to take up homesteads. Owing to the largo number of citi zens being sick the Board of Hcaltn has foi bidden the holding of dances untH furthor nolico. The American Legion has present ed a bill for $1,000,000,000 to con gress to pay the men who were In the service in the war 50 per month. Isadore Johnson was in Kansas City the last of tho week where he purchased tho new creation in fur; niture for the Graham Furniture Co. Col. J. II. Ellingcr was in Colby, Kansas, Monday where he cried 'a public sale that amounted to $7,000 nnd brought the owner $2,000 more than he expected. . Dr. Dcardorf of Imperial arrived in the city the last of the week to visit his wife and family. He ex pects to move his family to Imperial where he is. fanning. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Britton '.eft Wednesday morning for Paris, Texas, where they will visit her parents. Dennis Mar.lcy is taking Mr. Brit ton's, place at the depot during his absence. ' Tho following shipped stock Tues day morning: W,m. Aubushon, one car of hogs to St. Joe; Dclaney Bros., two cars of hogs o Kansas City and J. E. Yost, one car of cattic to St. Joe. ADVERTISE CANDY: Men-Women. Earn $30 weekly. Experience unneces sary. Wo start you in tho .candy busi ness, at home, small room, or any where. Everything furnished. Grand opportunity. Write for particulars. CANDYMAKING HOUSE. 5 Soutn 18th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Wm. Waller passed away at her homo in Cowles Tuesday morn ing after u lingering illness. A husband, ono son, Harry, five grand children, ono ..sister and two brothers are left to raurn her death. 1 he funeral services wero held at tho home this nftcrnoon after which in teiment was made lb, tho Cowles cemetery. McMAHON & VANCLEAVE Pains Smith returned home from Me. Cook this morning Hood tnonls -good service moderate prices Powell Pope's eafo Mih. Will (Jiirnoy of Lincoln Is visit lug her piiii-nts, Mr. and Mrs. Chit1) Cokitttui. J. II. Htilley Htnl daughter, Miss Mnbel, nru attending the funeral of Mis. Waller nt Cowlo today. The Inspection engine run by Supt. F. It. Mullen of the Lincoln division spont a few hours today in tho local yards of the Biitltugton looking over conditions. Captain McLean and several non coms from Camp Funston, aro In the city this week looking for recruits to join the army and "see tho world on foot." H. H. Crowcll has filed for the nomination of commissioner of Dis trict No. 4 subject to the will .of tho Republican voters at the April pri mary. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smelscr return ed home Sunday morning from Riv- bcen ei ton where they had been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Fred Taylor and family. Mis. Leetha Doroty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .las. Hewitt, passed away at lliid City, Kansas, Tuesday and tho re mains were brought to thUcity today for Intel mont. Dr. Wanlek, The Specialist, will meet eye, car, noso and throat patients and lluco needing glasses fitted at Dr. DainMi'li,.,iitllouThuisday, Foby 'JOtti. llouis 'J to r. Mrs. W. A. 'Mayard was called to Council Bluffs, lown, Sunday evening on account of the illness of, her daughter, Miss Isabolle, who is visit ing at that city. The Red Cloud High School Boys basket bull team wore in Hastings Tuesday evening wheio they played the High School team of that city. Hastings won tho game hv u score of V2 to 28. Miss Maude Williamson of Denver arrived in the city Monday and has temporarily accepted a position as lntcitype operator in the Advcitiser ollicc. The young ladv is a sister of Col. W. B. Smith. Through the courtesy, of Mr. J. B. Slanser wo are informed of the death of Mis (itoige Hewitt, a former resl dent of this county, which ouuuried at lleiliiinds, California, Februrry Sin1 wn. among the first of the home. sti'Hih'is of thl scci Inn About twenty jiiir ago tiu fami.y moved to Utah, lait'i- :oiiig lo Callltii nl.i. She is sur v'tv. (I bv hr hiUb.u'd, two dainjliteis aid thtot' on., ! of whom weio ma 1 1 led to two of the (laughters of Mr. mid Mrs. Gus Uolingraln. Territory Taken From' Spain. At the close of the war with Spain tho American government obtained possession of Porto Rico, Guam and the, ugreelug to pay Spain $20,000,000 nnrl give Spanish ships spe cial trailing privileges in the Philip, pines for ten. yours. Neither state linod nor citizenship was piomlsed to any of the Islands Intern over nnd they are governed as territorial possessions. When Legislators "Pair." When a legislator wishes to he ab sent at the time when un Important vote Is to he taken, he finds .some mem ber who Intends to vote on the other side of the question and arranges a "pair" with him. That is, the second legislator agiees to refrain from vol Ing, as nn accommodation to the first. Tho net re.still when neither vole U cast Is the same as If both had voted on opposite sides. Both legislators can then be absent If they wish without loss or gain to either side.. Real Estate Firm Wilsonvillof Nebraska. -180 acres, 320 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, 4 room house, base ment, barn, granary, henhouso and oth or improvements. Farm a!lr fenced. 16( I a,crcs of alfalfa land, 270 ocies of wheat goes to purchaser, 8 miles from town, Vj mile to school. Posse 101. March 1, 1020. Prico $55.00 per acre. Will carry back 9,000 at G per lent. Wo have sovorul other good piopo sitions that wo can give posses Ion March 1st nnd it will pay you to ico us before buying. All prices subject to change without notice. Wouldn't you like to save 700 1 Dusneis oi corn cacti time you tin your silo? In filling a 100-ton silo you put in about 700 bushels of corn when the cars are run in with the stalks. With a JENNEY SILO-FILLER-HUSK-UR you can take the ears off, put them in the crib and still have silane with Just as much food valucand sivc you just ns good feeding results. Figure out how much 700 bushels of ear corn is worth at present market price that a your savins. Let us tell you all about this money jayinir. money.makinE way of making silaite. It is opening the eyes of farmers, Experiment Stetions and stockmen everywhere. You don't have to fill your silo at just a certain time you can fill it and rc-fill it from f (yrtHe JENNEY SIM3-FILLER,. H-D) uufi.iv. iii ;i snurumc. Now is the time to look into ) this rnrnyiavinfr, corn-savinu pjan. v.ui(iu in unuscc us a uout it. fc 1ht FfilKAT HOME EXPECT YOU triC rUi.lvTO TELL 'EM ALL APOUI' "OMAHA'S FUN Wmgjt VISIT . CENTRE," THE57Wirfr' itj Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudcvi'ta Stit ly Flllid ltd rntli Olrle, Funny Clovr. CJ giui " MpiUi bllllant Xeiilo Eoilrcpmerl . LADIES' IIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKCAV vv I Clias. E. Gurney Red Cloud, Neb. eTU be your partner for this number" Chesterfield COMPANIONSHIP in a cig arette? Yes, sir! It's in Chesterfields, sure as you live. Chesterfields begin where other cigarettes leave off. They not only please they "Satisfy!" J l V WVUVWWWHAVUW-AM Mr. and Mrs. I . ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING I i Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB vsvv.vsv-v.vvW,v.w.vv.vvw" Selden, Kansas, Lands Ilolow wo jrivc tt brief description of a few of our choice bargains tn farms and lnnchc?. All thos-t fauns nro underlaid with an abundance o sheet water, which is of (he host quality, pure, clear and free from alkalL Tho soil is a rich black loam, as productive as tho Nile Valley. We have no haulpan, no locks nor htamps to harrass the farmer in tilling the soil. ' Our climate is healthful. The air is pure, the nights are cool in sum mer, mo.t of t'10 winters aio open and mild, we have more days of sunshine in thin section than in any other spot in the United States The wheat sown on nijny of these' farms will, if the yield is good, and tho piospccts nevrr looked better, pay for the land. If in the market for land you can't afford to neglect to investigate the propositions we hao to offer. We have resided in this territory for over twenty years and when you deal with us you deal with an old reliable firm. Agents will find us on tho square and willing to cooperate in helping them sejl to their clients and will find our commissions and our business methods satisfactory. Wo solicit their business. y No. 50 320 Acres, well improved, 8 mifes from town, 70 acres In wheat, 100 acres in grass, S-voom modern house, barn 00x40 new; ull outbuildings new; .1000-bushel granary. Price 50 per acre. Buildings on this farm cost $ 10,000. No. GO. "21C at res. I mile of town, 6-room house, 170 acres of plo'v'Iand, all in wheat, 1-.'! of crop delivered at tho elevntpr goes with the place. Onu mile of high school.. Pi ice 15 per acre. No. 70. HM acres, 1 (. miles of town, 7 room house, granary. Farm all Sliced. 2SC rc:cs in wheat, 1-3 of crop delivered at tho elevator goes with tho IandvlJrido C0 per ncie. One-half may be carried on the land at G per cent intercut. 'No. 80180 acres, i miles of town. 1)50 acres in wheat, -li delivered, all smooth, fine land, ull fenced, five room house. Price $G0 per acre. One third of purchu'C pnVc may lie carried on land at G per cent interest. No. 00320 acres, 1U miles to town, 280 acres' in wheat, all gocs'witA place, nice smooth land. Price 15 per acre. Good terms on prut at G per cent interest. No. 0r,-4t20 acics, 7 miles from town, all smooth, 250 acres In wheat, goes with land. Price 10 per acre. No. .10320 acres, 2 miles from town, nice lying land, 280 acres inwheat U of which goes with place. Price lf per acre. Good terms. No. 30-200 acres, 4Vj miles from town; good G-room house, good barn, 00 acres wheat, 4(f acres fenced hog tight, 40 acres first bottom alfalfa land, running water. I'iic,c 11,500. ' No. 20 Id; acics, 100 acres in wheat, 1-3 .goes with place. All smooth, fenced, well. Price a5 per acre. Good terms. No. 10 1G0 acres, 7'. miles from town, 100 acres in wheat, goes with the farm. J'nco $35 per acre, h cash, balance at 7 per cent. : No. G 100 acres, 0 miles county seat, 3lb acres in cultivation rented, crop goes With place. Prico $30 per acre. ., No. 2 1C0 acres, 5 miles to town, all in wheat, 1-3 of which. goes with, nil smooth land. Price $35 per acre. " ' No. 1 1G0 acres, adjoining, townsite, good 10-room house, 100 acres la wheat, 1-3 goes with land. Price 85 per acie. Will carry fc at six per ccnL A 180 acres, ull level, improved, 4 miles from town, 300 acres ia cul tivation qnd in wheat, 1-3 crop goes with land; GO acres meadow, 120 acrea pasture. Prico 50 per acre. H 1G0 acres, 4 miles from town. Prico 1000. C 160 acres, 7 miles from town. Price 4000. No. 411G0 acres, 6 miles from railroad station, ISO acres'in cultivation. JO acres pasture. Some improvements. Fine, level farm. Price 30 per acre net. .No'cJ,T1C0 acrcs' n11 lovc!' 5 miIcs lo town " in grass. No Improve ment. 30 per acre, net. One-third cash. SE.T Gt 480 acrcs, 5 miles from Norcator, good nearly now house, 9-rooms besides pantries, closet and batli room, good basement barn, all cement floor, room for 20 head of horses, big hay mow with hay fork, large bin for ijraia in barn, good cattle barn, stanchion room for 31 head of cows, stanchion for about as many calves, 3 box stalls, separator room, 130 ton silo at end of cow burn, good cattle shed, good hog house, new garage, good big hen house, coal house, good well and windmill at the house, water pumped into "cistern pipes running from bottom of cistern into galvanized tank at horse barn, also good big cement tank at cattle barn and another tank in tho pasture, good cement arched over cave, GO acres fenced hog tight, all fenced and cross fenced, an other good well and windmill, with 130 barrel cistern, water piped from bot torn of cistern to stock tank with float in tank that keeps your tank full ot water in tho hack pasture, 210 acrc3 under cultivation which lays almost level, 210 in pasture. The abdvo improvements nro in h good stato of repair, most of thorn aro nearly new, Vj milo to good school house, good main travel Cd road, mail route and telephone line. Prico 50 per acre. ' Tho reason this farm Is for salo at this prico, the party who owned it was killed in an automobile accident, and tho cstato has to bo settled. Possession can ho given at any time. The above list ubjt to prior sale or chanjjj In price, without notice A. H. Cacrperter & Co. Homo Office, Red Cloud, Neb. 1 i 'B m it ii wi j m , n m jd uwinmiiNEiiiuiuTwawr- ' - ' Agent i I gVti-ntm4mmibm. nmmM&UttM MdL .' . L- m zzL . ; .ywriM, j !riMM