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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1920)
i u.:i.m jraaaBgrasu votv Bo ?V.W tlMootjyn W l 4 fteMMMr Hat HTM tr HM fUtftft Weeks feck Ysw Br f 1.50 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 26, 1920 NUMBER 9 WOTnanrarnnnnniauiiTini'ii r iramwira! wwmiimra SiX OF THE BEST RECORDS You Have Ever Heard. Only a Limited Supply. Get Yours Today fieonpam 1077 85c I Beautiful Ohio Till We Meet Again Saxaphonc Duct Chong Medley ( Your the One Van Eps Banta Trio 1023 85c 1070 85c I Might be Your Once in a while ( A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody Walter Scanlan IQIQgjThe Concourse March ( Let Me Dream Elect Officers for Commissioners Proceedings the Entiling Year '-In. Red Cloud, Feb. 19th. On Tuesday evening the Chamber of he County Board of Commas- Commerce held Us annual meeting end eiejMsrs met at 1 p. m., of per ad elected the following officers' for tb Jo'wnment with oil members present entiling rear A. D Ranney. President. '- C 'R HeBse, Vice President. R. P. Woesuer, Secretary. W. A. Sherwood, Treasurer At the next regular meeting the utUr- cera will name the committees for the following year's work. I Messrs. 1? K Matirer, fl C. Lctson and VA Piatt wore unpointed nn audit- except Waldo. At 2 o'clock the time Bet for the opening of Bridge bids for the year 1920, the same were opened and rend by' the Clerk. Two bids were filed one from the Western Bridge and seen -make uioet- 85c Saxaphonc Sextett iti&safcr? $1.00 The Imperial Three -' fov - Th'e Palace Trio"' t .; - .. . i BUY YOUR DRAPERIES AT GRAHAMS . Graham Fmriture Company ing committee to cliock up the tary and treasurer's books nnd their iiiiniul report at the next ing. On motion the annual meeting date was changed from the teoond to the fourth Tuesday in February, of each y,ear. Tho Secretary uas,instructed to post a list or the members in good Maiming e tuh quarter in tho club room No further matters heiug brought before the mooting it adjiurned. Construction Co. of Omaha and the Allied Contractors Inc. of Omaha, fl Nebraska. After comparison of the bids it McFarland Bid. Red Cloud UKMMM vmmmMWwmmmawm DON'T WAIT! (Season's Studio Over Smith's Shoe Star DONT WAIT for THE PLEASANT WE A THER to have that PHOTOGRAPH MADE. Our NEW METHOD of lighting makes us independent of weather conditions and we are able to tnake GOOD WORK AT ANY 7 ME. WWWVVVWtfWWWWVlrtrWWVW IF ITS Building Material WE HAVE IT Malone-Gellatly Go. wwwyyvwvwvvwrW High School Notes Much interest was shown iu the War Cisay contest held in the local school last Friilrty morning Prof. Holten appointed Uapt. Cdwiu MaoLean, "Miss Ethel Hilton and Mia. il. S. Foe as judges. In order to itiMnc against any intimation that favoritism was shown in the contest numbers were given ,) each of the contestants, the same, np peering on their papers,', instead Qf-j their names. .u .,, The result was that VernaT7rinewpB" Bret place in the contest.- There .' differences of opinion among thejudj; 8 as to winner of second plaoe... The next best essays were written by! Jose phine Frisbie, Ruth Orerlng, Corrinne 'Nenerberg and Dale Dickson. Washington's birthday was fittingly observed. A patrlotio program was rendered during the afternoon. Mr. C. P. Gather was present and gave a his toric account N of George Washington, as his gr.tudtnoiher was personally ac quainted with the great general ami statesman. Ho told many interesting facts which were received with much interest by the scholars; mi a a m . ine uig teaiure or tne program wts an address by Capt. MacLean of the 55th Infantry. He told of many of bis experiences in this and foreign court tries during the many years he has .pent in the service of Uncle Sam. Sergeants Mayo and Stanley related tales of their experiences daring the five years they have been in service. In all, the soholars anl their teacher had, a very pleasant afternoon Friday evening the High School basket ball teams went to Ouide Rock where they played the sohool teams of that city. The Red Cloud boys won their game by a score of 24 to 15. The Quide Rock girls won the honors by a score of 8 to 4. Owing to ill health Miss Ramonn Sohwer, the domestic science teacher, resigned her position this week and will return to her home at Hebron, Her position will be filled by Hrs. Robt. Reiher. Miss Minnie Christian has again re sumed her duties as principal of the Junior Illgh, after u. enforced ' vaca tion of several weeksdue to illness, Atty. BUcklcdge Eiten Race The people, pf Webster county are indeed pleased, a learn... that petitions are being;olreulated for the purpose of securing the ueoeseary signatures in order to place the name of L H.'lUaokt ltd, on the ballots as a non-partisan caadjdate for Judge of the To,nth Ju diclal jjlatrlnt. -IU Js understood that he'wlll ueoept A glance over,, history reveals the fact that Webster county has never bad-nueof Us,etlzvion the' beuchi This combined with facte that Aiiorney iimcuuge ia competent to was found that the Allied Continct- -vi VIM m lliu lUWCIh 1HUI.IUII made by Shidlcr, seconded by Hubat ka that the contract be nwarded to the Allied Contractors Inc. for what ever bridges are necessary for Web ster county for the year 1920. Motion carried. A delegation of tax-payers from Pleasant Hill precinct appeared be foije the Board and registered com plaints regarding the conditions of the roads in their precinct. After discussing same for some time with tho Commissioners they were prom ised some relief as soon as tho weather permits. Report of James Doyle, Road Over seer of District No. G, was approved by the Board. Board adjourned to Monday, Feb. 23,' 1920. B, -F. PERRY, County Clerk. .Z. ' Rrqioud, Feb. 23, 1920. The County Board of Commission ers met as per adjournment at one p. m.. with sir members present. ' W. L. Crawford appeared before the Board and complained in regard to his 1919 assessment on lots 1 to 10 Block 13, Rosemont Said lots being assessed for $700 tor improvements which were removed prior to 1919. Motion made nnd carried that the County Treasurer' be instructed to -strike off this $700 and complete his 1919 tax accordingly. Report 01 Lloyd Sweeten, Road No. 7 was ap- as aaaiitue ine tuutes orjhU' omn, belng pbaeaaed ofikren lateUeot. learning, practical law, experience ajad a disndslt ion to k-lve ta everyone, who tuin knit 51?!!f M'B VH Mm, a r fair deal; etoti(li)ouiwanu ifeeattenMou of me uipr or enin auuriei. r Overseer of District proved by the Board. Tfio bond of tho Farmers' State Bank of Cowles as a depository for County Funds was approved by the Board. The following claims were audited and allbwed and the County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on the propor funds in payment of same. GENERAL FUND Frank Starr xr $138.48 Howard S. Foe Seth Greene E. M. McBride C. p. Vaughan O. C, Teel Thoa. A. Friend . E. 8. Garber C. F. Pease Co. Bv W Sftevens May .L. Huff er Annie'B. Spanogle Henry R. Fausch. Malode-Gellatly w r Arnot. Co- Webster County Argus. E. J. Emcrton Red Oloud Chief. A .0. y. W. Bldg Assn, 'Cowles E. W. Steveas- 22.56 3.00 2.50 5.00 11.25 1.50 2.60 3.00 10.84 45,00 41.66 150.00 60.00 20.00 28.00 24.80 20.60 6.00 600.00 BRIDGE FUND Connie Starkts 10.33 R. B. McIllicJ 15.95 J. A. Silvcy Lbr. Co 93.00 August Thompson 26.60 Geo. W. Trine 1.98 Joseph Jelinek. 4.00 Albert Alber.... .. . 38.50 Jesse Deidrich 12.00 Bert'WInslow 2.50 1 POOR FARM H. Ludlow 5.00 F. G. Turnure & Son. 176.34 Dr. 'A, L. Ambrose 23.00 Denton ft Huschke- 1 '22.69 Lloyd Reigle , 18.70 Board adjourned to March 16, 1920. ' n v .peprv rnnnfw riofV n r j Baptiit Church Notes Preaching at !J p, m., by Rev. Brace Eshelman. Singing conducted by Mrs, Kathrya Hshelman, it Sunday School at d p,m Hlstqr N, M'tlrtfen baa been quite aiitk but is roported as improving. ltv. I. W, Edson, a former Pastor of the. Ilort.Claud'Baptfet chureb, end his J UHifiuier MHrgHrei wqrsjjn xuo cjy thUWeek, He is now pastor o( the lUpUat'uharchiat'Junlata' Carnival Kt High Bchool March l3tb. pi Hi I Edison Period Cabinets Grace Both Music and Home ELOQUENT OF CULTURE. WHEN SILENT! VIBRANT WITH MUSIC. WHEN RE-CREATING! The New Edison matches its ART with its APPEARANCE Its period designs are notable for their authenticy. The better you know furniture, the more you will appre ciate the beauty and purity of their lines. ' Miss Elsie De Wolf (Amerisa's foremost designer of house hold interiors) says: "The superior furniture value of the Edison cabinets can scarcely fail to impress the lover of good furniture." The NEW EDISON "Tw Phonograph with a Soul" Sheraton, Ucpplewhlte William nnd Mary. Qhlppendale Adam,, Italian, Jncobean, Loot JCIV, etc. Nor are these instruments beyond reach of your pocketbook. Come In and find out how modestly they are priced. B. H. NBWHOUSB - -:x OPTOHBTWStf and iEWBLER - "- irV w o. v t. 1 ! ' We outgrow otir old Foolish feati I Who now if qfraid of COFFEE t i People onco were afraid of .the steam engine. "It will blow up" "It will, jump the track" they said. But we all know better now. Time has disproved mnny old fallacies. Yet, some gosd people still believe that coffee doesn't "agree" with them, a popular delusion encouraged by competitive products. , In reality coffeo is more healthful for more people than any other beverage. It ia consumed in greater volumo than any other. Our coffee will delight you with its rare fragrance nnd flavor. Try a pound, and learn from your cup how truly good coffee is at its beat. ASK FOR BATAVIA HUCO FRONTIER LOYALTY ROB ROY r Coming Butternut and Paxton-Gallaghor's Farmers Union, Red Cloud Dr. WW.McBricfeiDr. R.V. NrCholsOB , vmmrmr DENTIST h .OVKR STATE BANK omceOver Albr.,hV.tore HEDCLOUD NEBRASKA rf "v" ' ''' i-j . 1 r ,' i'VH "p-tr- K ..AJJA. t