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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
"V ' "v '"" 'K . in.iuinriw . ' UV 4 mm' , 1 1 jil ,jhlj 1 wHKJi-ir1111 xJLJdBL --Sf kJIlkM I L I m L m 4 RtwtMper That Aires Tke News Rtty-fo Weeks Each Year Fsr lt.5 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 12. 1920 NUMBER 7 iniminiirmTam Yoaf Itast Ghaneel To Buy That Long Needed SEWING MA County School Notes Come and Hear Her Lecture (By County Superintendent.) Miss Louise Murphy public lionltH AMERICAN HISTORY nur will snouk in the M. B. church In order to bring the Course of iMdfcy evening, Feb. 13, at 8 o'clock. Sludyup to date the following topics She, will nlso give a lecture on Home arc sugRCKtud. This should follow thu Nursing Htitl also h iletnonbtiattou iu work on p. 161. Itho.Otld Kellows hull, Snturtlny at 3 p. Woodrow Wilson's Administration, m. - At the ('oiigregitional church on 1913 . Special Session of Congress. Sunday at 3 p. m Thcpubllu n urged A T THE OLD PRICE ' NEVER again will they go down to FORMER PRICES. We have been assured of that fact before making this statement. FOUR months go w-e bought our supply of Sewing Machines and the manufacturer accepted our order at the old price but was unable to ship until a recent date the result is what we call a ood buy. NOW we are going to SELL THESE SEWING MACHINES AT THE OLD PRICE. After they arc gone you will have to pay the ADVANCE of TWENTY PER CENT, which took effect in January. (Thjs includes all sewing,machincs.) . JWE have a limited number of these machines and it will be to your advantage to have yours s'elcct-jC ed and laid away unUl you needit or let us deliver " it at once. DON'T WAIT. Remember every -' ' Sewing Machine is GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. We are willing to stand behipd this line. EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED. Graham Furniture Company "H's TL'RN A HOUSE INTO A HOME" to come. Committee. Boy Scouts Banquet If' 13 Tariff Revision. The ICth Amend nii'iit to the Constitution. The 17th Amor.dment to the Constitution. Fed oral Reserve System. Trade Commis sion. Movement for Philippine Indc-J Tuesday evening rhe Hoy Scouts of pendence. Recognition of Cainmza by thlsoity enjoyed iho first banquet of the A. H. C. Powers and United tholf lives iu the basement of the St:itns Kni-miPnn ':v. Purrhnsn of thn Melllinlt fllUlcll. This event com- Danish West Indies. Wilson Reelected memoriited the tenth annual tuefting ; in 191G. America Kntcrs the War. Rev, of Hi'" orjjutii.aiioii in Ameilea. The cr.ue Measures. American Council of tab.1 whs geiu-roicly supplied withll Defense. Welfare Organizations. Gov-, U' pod ilimys a boy likes to eat tot ' eminent Loans. America's Part in the v1,,SJtl tlle-v ,li(l nm',,e J'ce-and so War. Peace Conference. Special Scs- (ll(1 ?,r fatbeis. sioii of Congress in 101'J. Industrial Un DgJpaimTell presided as toa-,t nm-. rest. High Cost of Living. Strikes. g the toasts ueiu delivered by V. j 1 r i 4nii .-!.! t itiirlut n ml P. .T Orni'lrit' A 1 American incnis. loin Amendment io." 2 - In Edison Period Cabinets Grace Both Music and Home I omiiiMM RED CLOUD-McFarland Bldg. HASTINGS To successfully catch the Happy Expression on Babys Face requires INSTANTANEO US PHOTOGRAPHY The new and expensive lighting apparatus which we have installed enables us to do this and insures Gleason's Studio you the Kind of Photo- Over Smith's -Shoe Store gfapllS yOU luiVC Wanted Bafoys Smile the Constitution. Suffrage Amend ment Before the States for Ratifica tion. ROOK KEEPING The work, if done at all, must be done well. The topics to be taken up should be of real value in themselves or should make more clear the pupils'! ' understanding of other subjects of the i I noilti:i Tim lif nV trmin: ulinifM lir- elude: business correspondence, busi ness forms, accounting and inventor- 1 he business letter should be oner and to tle point. The body of the let tor should be paragraphed and prop erly punctuated. The sentence should bo easily understood and should per thin only to the business to be trans acted. Usunlly a business letter Is short, but it must be complete. From your language or grammnr learn how to punctuate the heading, salutation, body and close of a letter. Rring to the class business letters from business concerns with which you do business. Compare the wording, form mi?, punctuation with the models giv en in your texts. Prepare lists of Intro ductory and closing phrases and dis cuss the suitability, of each one. Example: "My dear Sir:"; Yours sincerely." Remember that at all tunes your let ters must be written neatly and leg ibly. Learn how to fold the letter and to properly write the address on the envelope. Do not study only the ex amples given in the grammars, but also study carefully the letters receiv ed. Actual business forms should be studied. Examples of most of those forms may bo found in your Arith metic. The actual forms should be se cured, however, fiom banks, tdores, oifices, etc. The usual forms ore: re Jceipt; bill; check; draft; note. Learn how to write or fill out proper ly. How is a check, draft or note cn- T irr;, futhei pnisont expressed theii of the excellent M Ege. I()fs enough to Miy the boys had the Unto of their lives. heartv iippieuiatiou wofk of Scout Mas' or K ;? What Our Schools are Doing ELOQUENT OF CULTURE. WHEN SILENT! VIBRANT WITH MUSIC. WHEN RE-CREATING! The New Edison matches its ART with its APPEARANCE Its period designs are notable for their authenticy. The better you know furniture, the more you will appre ciate the beauty and purity of their lines. Miss Elsie De Wolf (Amerisa's foremost designer of house hold interiors) says: "The superior furniture value of the Edison cabinets can scarcely fail to impress the lover of good furniture." The NEW EDISON "77f Phonograph with a Sou" i Today Lincoln's birthday U being observed iu the city school, as will be February 22, the birthday of the I'nth or Cf.Our Country Wushingtoii. . Jl'LTH (! P-.PIIIH- fnr Mm Lincoln . fctmwTWulltIrngbio arrived- and will be put up just as soon as workmen can get here after completing a job at a neighboring town. After its eompiet ion lire drills 'will be given in the schools. Hooks of instruction buvej been teceived ftom the Slate Depart ment. The Deputy State Fire Wnidem, stat ed that the Senior High school build ing was tire proof and needed no Iho! escapes. Tha boat d did not order an , escape for the old school building as it,M will only lie used for the icinainder of the term as the east wall of it is giving away. At the beginning of t lie year a rival ry was started in the t, ft, and G grades iu spelling and arithmetic. Three eon- tests weie held aui the ten bot out of t eiich room selected nnd last Thursday another contest was hold, in which lbs nth grade defeated tho t and OMi in oral and written spelling and Friday the 0li defeated the I and fitli in until-' luetic. . j Las'. Friday night tho Chester girls ' dofeated the Red Cloud girls 10 to 9 in ' the bisUet ball game. The boys fiom the Mime, town defeated our bojs23 to H , Attention Formers Sheraton, Ilepplewhite William and Mary, Chippendale Adam,. Italian, Jacobean, Louis Wj etc. t Nor nre these instruments beyond icacb of your poeketbook. Come lu and find out how modestly they arc priced. B. H. NBWHOUSB dPTOMETRIST and WWULBR iwa Mnu3a'iHuii;.ii!:rir.';it'ii!:i'i,r ., i." rraricTi; ' 'n'" TUVOWJ Stop! Read! 60c Sprague-Warner Best Grade of Coffee, Batavia brand, per lb. Farmers Union Coffee, lb. 50c Every pound sold'under absolute guarantee. Try a pound, jTn W n nM& tffvy IflVIt- &Jfj4 $2.75 Friday, February 27th will bo DeLi val Uiiy In Kcd Cloud. Au experienced nu'cliiiiiio from the factory will be at our s'ore on, that date and wishes to meet all DuLaval owneis in this vioinl fk JTlMnjflVGO Fine quality Wincsops and Spitzonbcrgs i i White Fish, in pails ft $1.25 Also Select Salt Mackere Good Brae Remember the i; W. THINK. Riuiiuiiinurwt'iUiUUiiiunminKiiJifitiUPiii !'iUiiui'UHtWitnT'iniiininnitiffiiirii!iHii!itfUiiui.iHfuifiiiiii:;urm rmiititiiafUTtuaiinutnt'!mtinuii.i auitiiicmuiuufuuuutKJTc IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY A TRUCK Why not havo the BEST that Is Mode? Come in and let us demonstrate and tell you' why you should own a f?eo Speed Wagon The best and speediest Truck on the market Low cost of operation; time saved in making drives durability; and many other points that make it superior to others that's why its so popular dorsod? What nre the essential narts ' of each form? For example, tho cIjcck' lV- ns,woH V "thcr,si BrinK '" v"r c . , , .. , I,,... hppnr itor If it Is not In perfect, work- must contain tho place and date, tho , , , No charges for Inspection namo of the bunk, the amount of mon-'orsei vice, the only charge being mado ey, etc. Keep cash account, showing what ia received and what is paid out. Each item should bo plainly written and . dated. In the same way keep accurate J accounts with persons, showing what they receive from you and what you Red Cloud, Riverton, Blue Hill and Amboy "Products ds of Flour 48 lbs. $3.50 Is for repair parts. date -anu conio. receive from them. To the People of Webster County Ah 1 started a proposition somo time Why are such ago to erect n publio monument to the 'accounts important? Accounts might '-f" e ""inrBminuti ,1 ,.. f ..,,,. , i , of Rd Cloud, a pioneer minister, a .also be kept with fields, cows, poul-' colintv gotumissionor, State Senator try, etc. Secure paper properly ruled wui a loyal cltlKon of Webster County, for such accounts. Study actual ac- I would suggest that ouch of our towns ' counts 1 appoint a person to look after tho in- I toreat of said cause and boa commit ten Examine u real inventory. Notlcn' in npiMnora or bids unon aaid uioim- how it is ruled. Mako un inventory ot'i'it ". t it be given to a reliable tho nhool onuinmont. l,ooW. mn. Ilrm and may we thus show our appro- Chewing and .Smoking Material All tho popular brands carried in stock and still Selling at the Same Old Prices Farmers Unio J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red-Cloud "NOT IN THE COMBINE" l . . mo scnooi cnuipment, hooks, mans pictures, apparatus, etc. Make an iu ' ventory of farm macliinery, land, an imals, grain, cash, house furnishing, etc. Of what importance aro inventor ies? How often should they' bo mn.lo? Remember that all work should re ciution of truo manhood. I am Of ever yours U. W. Shannon. A deal has been made whereby Kd CUbcrt has mild his pool and billiard 1 parlors to Keith and IlecU, tho former i Le iil' a rcsiuonr. or uuiue uocic. i as ui!iiim!iwiiffliii!i!3ii!U!.naii!nraj E. S. Gacrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) W VllffM70 AirtfiitA Wf-Al i.hito t0 nctuul bus,nof,fl- t,00(l wolk '" ucmIoiiwIU be given February lo. The Klectrical Goods of all Kindl V UUllOll S uCl V1CC Uld.tlOn I bookkeeping will mean good English, stock and Hxtures will bo moved Into UecintUl UOUUS Ol Mil IVIUU9 f ''V v itafA "ivv MiUUVU II ,.'..., ., , ..... ,!, Tiirntirn build nir. Mrmor v occun . r.,, r- . -ir tt aj Authorized Sales Agents Red Cloud, Nebraska 1 irnnd ili-nwlnc. Mod writing nnd imml tll. Turnuro building. Mrmorly occupl ' in n ed by Hoy Satt ey. Workmen aro now arithmetic. .9 ' . ', .nr....i i .i i..i.i....i Will Wire Your House And Furnish You tho Fixtures ni Neb. I Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Oillro Over Albright's StoM Red Cloud mfi Dr.W.H.McBrl'M OKNTIBT OVER STATE BANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA i reiUOlltJlliiK iio ruum mm wiicii uiuoucu I (Coutlnued pn page 8) M will bo up to date. iiiiiiiiiiuoiiniiuiiniininnitini awPjatnpMiAOK JtfimJA$ldi t ji&