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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1920)
Wwiumf " re; V . lis i RED CLOUD, . NEBRASKA,, OHIEP .-- ft ft II. I v u FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE of Surplus - Salvage - Reclaimed U. S..ARMY GOODS On account of the low prices at which this merchandise is sold our upply Is belno rapidly exhausted. Would advise prompt action If Interested. PRICE LIST ON REQUEST ONLY Address, aUimanagar 8COTT-ARMY GOODS STORES OMAHA, U. S. A. iimbiot TRY US FOR STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Sunflower and Advo Brands of Fruits and Vegetables cannot be Excelled Try "ROYAL LEMON KLEANER" for Hands, Bath and Laandry Removes Stains : Whitens Clothes 'The Best Is Always the Cheapest9 PHONES-Ind. r.; Uell B.1 M. A. Albright FMra.fmMM!l tfWrvyvrJVwvAv.v.v.vAv.v.v.v.v.vv-AAWJV IF ITS Building Material WE HAVE IT JIalone-Gellatly Go. vwvuvvvv-v.v.vv.vAV,vvAJWAwvJvvl -Chesterfield . ttLet's top it off with a good smoke " w i TVTOTHING hits the JL 1 spot like Chester fields. And the blend can't be copied--it's a secret. . No use looking for ') "Satisfy" anywhere but in Chesterfields. TlicRSargin of Safety Is icprebetited by tlio amount of 'insurance yuii ouriyv Don't lull j cxn'nftlf Imo it fanciul security. Ui'cuii(.i llijs Jias nover touched you It doesn't follow tiiat jou'roiiiinHum ToiiU'Muwiio today, if you have Mine iiml you W'tUr tlnd time come to thi ullk-e und vt-Jt write a pulley on your hou-o, furniture, btoru or iiiitiuliumlihc, EAl'HR MA'Y UK TOO DVi'h- O. C. TE R.elns'o Insurance Job Printing of Quality N1E. RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska. JHJilatlED BVKRY THURSDAY entered In the PoKtolllee nt lied Cloud, Nob us Hecond Class Matter A. D. McARTHUH, Editor unil Ovvno .'ME ONLY IJKMOUItATIC I'Al'KK WEIIBTUK COUNTY IN NEBRASKA ECONOMY THE OLD HOME TOWN Its streets were not the broadest, Its walks wore not the best; Us blocks were few ami modest, Its parks were but a jest; But all its sons were loyal And deemed It no disgrace Thru thick und thin they sailed right in And "boosted" for the place; And so I sing its praises, Tho fate has kept it down, I love it still and always will Tho Old Homo Town. Its girls they were the sweetest In all tho country round, Its mothers were the neatest That ever could be found; ' Its "daddies" were tho smartest, With hearts of civic pride Its boys, they were the bravest, sir, Of any countryside; So when you speak about it, Por.'t do so with a frown; In all your talk don't ever "knock" The Old Home Town. Some places arc much bigger More gay and grand and smart; They cut a wider figure In wealth and style and art; Put it had its own good features, And ict ns not forget, Tho scattered far, where'er wo are, Wo owe it all a debt; So when you're lauding cities And marts of fair renown, Don't overlook that little nook The Old Home John C. Town. Wright hV MX: Nfc -CV BBBMBBBMaB v 1 alHHaA TmTftmmm i . 1 . . JM CAMPAIGN Work And Sutc ' A Campaign To Lower The 'Cost Of Essential Commodities Through Tito Application Of Economic Forces. Uovcrnor Aicivoivio nns issueu an appeal to all the women of Nebraska to join in a campaign for conserva tion and production along all lines. As shortage of supply is the basis of this thrift movement, the slogan, "Work And Save," is adopted. War on the high cost of living is declared. The battle is on. Tho reconstruction period following the war is here. Present conditions have shown that the reaction, after the signing of the armistice, was too great and there was a decrease In the practice of thrift. We did not fully appreciate that we must continue much of our war time economy until industry could again furnish normal supplies of usual goods, on penalty of prohibitively high price if wc demand cu goods on a peace time scale im mediately. We forgot in our relief over the end of the war the extent to which Eur ope still demanded our food and our manufactures. And wc have spent some of the savings wc put by dunn the war for luxuries or extravagances that wc could wisely postpone until normal conditions arrive. - We have been buying unwisely and some Americans, events seem to show, have gone shopping mad. , .Prices arc enormously high. Tho ost of living has become a problem ao less serious limn that of the threat ncd food shoitagc during the wai The war revealed to America the apabilities and greatness of its splen did womanhood. The demand for sac rifice and service wns met by the wo men of the U. S. in astonishing fash ion. " So America again appeals to the women of the countrv. Economies of the home influence nil . n,pnt is nim,c bv Director It. O. luteinnsQ nnil in.liiRli-v. ftinsrwinnnrtv ' niOmcloV-.TonOS of the IilllCaU of the standard of the home sets the pro-, War- Risk Insurance that the pro duction schedule for the industrial , virions for reinstatement of lapsed wm-lil. Tf lnviirins nri ilomnndoil in tin.' or canceled insurance, within IS home, production is turned to luxur- months from date of discharge, upon payment ot only two months pre miums on the amount of insurance to be reinstated, provided the instiled is in as good health as at the later date, and so states in his application, still hold good. The provision that discharged ser vice men arc permitted to reinstate at any time within three, calendar months fo'.lowng the month of dis charge by merely paying the two months' premiums, without making a formal application or a statement as to health is al.o still in force. The provisions for reinstatement do not protect a man until lie ac tually loinstutes. If he waits he may not bo in as good health as he was at tho time of discharge and consequently may not be able to se cure reinstatement. Don't put ofr icinstatcment. Do it now! Reinstatement Of Wr Risk Insurance Withm 18, Months Still Holds Good To relieve any confusion that may exist in the minds of former ser vice men on account of the special provision of lapsed War Term Insur anco which authorized reinstatement up to December 31, 1919. Regatd less of date of discharge, announce 1CS. As the buyers for the family, wo men may wield an enormous influence. They may say, "I will not pay that price, I will use a substitute or do without.". A man can't piofitcer when people don't buy his goods. A determination on the part of the women not to pay high prices would tend effectively to bring prices down. Every housewife who studies the mat ter of buying food and all tho other commodities for the family, who uf what she buys carefully and practices rea,l thrift, gives a definite forward moving impulse towards the righting of economic conditions. The women of Webster county nru asked to co-operate as enthusiastically and as efficiently in this new cam paign as they have in every other. Sign the membership pledge and hc eome a worker with tho Woman's Army of Nebraska, pledged to help reduce costs by curtailing demand. C. W. Johnston's Second Annual Duroc Bred Sow Sale New Besse Sale Pavilion RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Friday, Feb. 27th 48 Bred Sows and Gilts 48 Sows .are sired by such boars as A King, the Colonel, Critic's Wonder, Valley Illustrator, Joe Orion 5th. Tried sows bred to King's Colonel Supreme, one of the good sons of King's Colonel and Big Bone Wonder 2nd, sired by Big Bone Wonder, 1st prize boar at Iowa State Fair, 1918. 10 Scotch Topped Bulls 10 will also be sold, ranging from 8 to 15 months. These were .all sired by Village Avon, he by Augustine he by Imp. Villager out of good American dams. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE V Johnston Red Cloud, Neb. C. w. Route No. 1 BaiiwjBiiiraM WHAT A BANK SHOULD BE Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 M interest Paid on Time Deposits HTHE RELATION BETWEEN A. BANK and its depositors is different from that between oilier lines of business and their customers. And a bank can be useful to its clients beyond the mere de positing, paying and lending of money, A bank stands in confidential relation to its depositors. It has opportunities help them and opportunities lo lake advantage of them. It becomes familiar with their financial transactions, it .knows what deals they are planning and making. Not only their money but their business secrets are in its hands for safekeeping. Further, the bank is the support be hind the man, upon which lie can call for help. Your bank, tn be really useful, ihould be honor able; strong enough to furnish help when needed. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florar.ce, Cashier Vtpotflt (!mii(iHtnlbij tit' DtpotUot Ginfrantet J-'imtfcftfit .V of .Wlin'lu wosm "One Minute" Politico Announcements A fee of & will bo olmnrod fur nil P'utii HiiiiQiiiicini iliflr cnudidHcy for otllee in Ibis column, whether Democrat or RupiibUimn, and will lo run until Urn I'llninry Eleullou In April THE WOMAN'S ARMY OF NERRASKA Crusaders Against The U. C. Of L. Membership Pledge. 1. I shall purchase nothing which is offered at excessive prices but will content myself with some other ar ticle or do without. 2. I shall plan a special budget this year or keep a careful record of expenditures. ;i. I shall not consider it nrccs.n'V to follow tho whims of the h"iv but buy when necessary for serv'cj and t cononiy. I. f shall help other women in this movement to set standards of careful, conservative and economical buying. Signed ..' ,.r The Delphian Society have resolv ed to endorse tho Nebraska Economy Campaign and will give 'their support to the "Work und Save" movement. !-& gg B g& "B J; Notice of Referee's Sale. For Cleric of District Court I lieieby aiinounvu myself aw neimcli dtiti', for tho iioiiiltiatiuii for CU-rlc of the District Court, ur. tint priniriry, April 'JO 1!)20, Hiibject to the will of the Democratic votum of WubsUr County. EDITH L. MrKKlOUAN. Commissioner Dist. 4 I bin uby iiiiuouncu no tU us u candi date, for re-uoiuinntion for County Couunisfilotiur of DUtriul No. 1, n tho primary, April 2i, 1t).'n, Mil.jrut to tbu will of tlib Kupubllciiu voters of ob. stcr County. u U. THOMAS High Prlco Paid for Beefsteak. Tho highest prlco ever pnlii for beefsteak was probably nt Circle City, Aldskn, a town that sprang up over night during tho Klondike gold excite ment. 'J'ho first beefsteak to reach thrro sold for ?18 a pound. Every one wanted porno of It, n"nil so tlicy raf ilul it olT for the bcnellt'of a hospital. Tickets were sold from f0 cents to ."?2..r0 for tho privilege of drawing u tllce, In tlu DlHtrlct Court ol Wulwter County, NbhiiiHkn. Conrnd Itnssor, I.orn, ItaHMr, MnllUla .Salad, on, Joint It. salailcii, lMwun! Hasten Kimim KiiKScr, .lulm ILT-scr, llnd llnsscr, Veronica llolfonil), .lolin Ho! co i nl,' Henry, I'lllllltlll'M. VH Albert UliloiiHptru'tr. llunry I'lilcnsporKcr, Allien I hlciitfixTKir, .lr Veronica llrusn (nct. VcronU'ii l'hli'iifterk'or), Walter I'll luiiBpcrucr, Kiltwirri UlilcuspcrKcr, Hrwln UltlcnspcrutT, Helen UlilciiHort;r.r, Mary ItaMor, William M. I.tulley, Ollvu Minllcy, Ailn l'rcy, diaries I'rcy, Cumin, Froy, Jnrob Froy, UlaraHoiiiinerliiililer, Albert Moutnier liaUler, I.cna Harris, Archlo Harris, Walter Hasher, Anna Itasscr, llcnjaiiiluo HriHser llaol Itatstr, Wllllain ltasser, Arllo ItasRcr, DoftmlntitH. Ily vlrtuuol anorilcrol the District Court of WubHtur County, Netrat4;ii entered on tliu II Hi. day ol Vubruary I!i20 In an action there. pemlln wherein tho above naineil parties were plaliiUll'H and ilutemlnnls dlrectlut; mo asI(olorietoi,eU litHlxtcen (IG) Iilock Thir ty One (HI), Het Cloud, Webster County, Nc lirnska, NOTIOi: Is hereby given that 1 will on tho Kith, dny of March l'J.'O, at ono o'clock oftmlil day, at tho front door o'l the; Court IIouho In Itcd Cloud, Webster County, Ne braska, sell Knld real f Rtato nt public auction to the highest bidder for canli. TorniK of Halo 10 pureent cash on day of ealo and lialnnco cash hen Bale Is conilruicilniul deed rendy for delivery. Ahstrnet of title furnltdnd piireluiKer. Dated thin llth. day of lVlunary 1P20. Cred Muurer, K. tl, Calilw Ol, Kefercc. Attorney. Gnioralds of the Aatscs. the Attoc tmi niton of MeX- o, ltKlrte8 qtl,ior prrtcioim stoits, mny ejt.iinlilel nit wwralj) vrc 'nundtiufrit la from ydj? ksuioo ilint .i ,,i,t'Mt fli tr,tf ntuAHittiTj Ti. A, I It 11M 4U IIUs,lt(,VV III- .,UV.. l Hto .''11 1 ft tV .ri o tuo rnyai roiufiniu in ? j cu ore supposed to Ins i a-, e. Attention Formers Friday. Februniy 27th will be DoLn. val Day in Rvtl Cloud. An t.peiienocd nii'elinnlu from the tnotory will bo at our store on that dato and wishes to moot all DeLnval ownors In this vlolnl ty us well as oliiers. Hrlp(f in Ym,r sepitrntor )f It Is not in perfect woik ingoidnr. No charges for Inspection or berylcPjUtconly chaivo being ptiide la" for 'riy pnrts. Itumembor the date-ntid como.' G, W. TRINE. Brings Joy and Comfort to the Home There's one way to solve the wash day problem One Minute Washer Constructed along simple, durable lines they cleanse thoroughly without injury to the most delicate fabrics or the heaviest woolens or spreads. Operate smoothly, noiselessly, requiring but very little personal attention. They -are made in three types but in various sizes hand power, electric power and engine power; operating direct from line shaft: Tubs are built of carefully selected, kiln-dried Louisiana red cypress "The Wood Eternal." All metal parts ex posed to water arc heavily galvanized. Lid double thickness. Lid and bottom are double lock jointed, assuring additional strength. Mechanism simplicity itself. Driving gears are cut from solid metal, carefully and acurately assembled and will last a lifetime: strong and durable; smooth and quiet. See these models today now in stoolt at our store. Sold Under A Guarantee GEO. W. TRINE MaaKKMaataMraang Many Women Use Glycerine Mixture Red Cloud women will be surprised at tho INSTANT pleasant action of slmplo glycurtnu, buckthorn bark etc., as mixed in Adler-Uka. Ono spoonful relievos ANY CASE gas on stomach or sour stomach, lieeausn Adler.Uut uc's on HOTlI upper iml lower bowul H pfteu cures constipation mid prou'iMs nppendiuUis One lady repnris lieihijf CUIUSD of a bad case of lioty'l tn.u'l,' Mid constipation, T-C L.Cotttiig, dmi.'. gist, ' FARM LOANS I am ready to make you a farm loan In any amount and at the low est rato of interest. It is a we'.l known and conceded fact that I car: get you a loan with absolutely no delay for inspection or otherwise. All "that is required is Hi .b tract of title and your money Is or you. Office opposite- tho E. (1. uiclwcll law office. ju J. II. BAILEY, f 3