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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
t iiiu,ii 4tw tfa . ' W fit tU fca, BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ' .1 ' Mfl if ij i- J it '4 WtT : I 1 I- & POLICE BARRACKS BLOWN UP BY THE ;(. va.S - iiiftVMir tt,li h1iBKsMBRsBBiiBm llMlFlWwiM mmmI Mpwn ,:. . f .. J??v' VHki. X 1 BB msBBHBk B&-3BBrMfcgRBcBBBBBBtsiBBBwBt AHHf S wHHnBi sVHHHBHHS BBBBg 3 'Vji n T - w - . y .! f' r-'i. v.v,v ',,'. Xli A"A u . . J. ' fc-A 4 " "., , , . T.CYv 4 . . ''.!.'.! i1-- . :'t '" w,r -'" F'.vv."v! XVV t y' v a -i , w-wl sirJK?" wHSHS RIVQVVVVlBllvKlil9BBBBSBBHF' &''tKf Flfr TMMMrf? .JlsBBt'g&rAJ. 1 VK-B' wE3 MSWBM" s I '7 ""': -:- 4 WPB BjWBBMT vx"- w... a' fwvMlt f iHSKHiL. SW rVWHK(lF:. "x Bnrrncks of the Irish constabulary nrc tlio objects of f rcquptit nttucks by the Sinn 1'elnors. Tlib llluMrntlon chowM'tho ruins of the police station nt CnrrlRtwchlll, Cork county, wlilch was uttuckctl by :HH) unued men, and after a desperate resistance was blown up and captured. RIVER TOWNS SUBMERGED BY THE RHINE OVERFLOW fos5ggg??fL::. At the beginning of the new year the Ithlnc overflowed Its banks for the first time In thirty years, because of a sudden thaw In the mountains. Tho photograph shows how the embankment at Cologne was completely sub. xnerged. GIRL FLUTE PLAYERS SBBB9HM BHBWflHBji. HJHJHJHJHJHJHJHJHJQBBBJ J .''; . j x V H i aX jy 'S M jiVBaBBaBaBaiRkkSt F k Ofc"'' BB ILBVBvElBVBaBBniBliBaB HHffllRSflBBBBBBBnBBBKSiffiS ' ' wBvBwBv33BBEBftFWA ' " ViA. h v .sV v -: ; ""v ' . y JV AaSa w. rWw BBWWWfBWPfWIBBBBBwBB&vfaaiw JtivfrwAww:rtUtMft iiritwniffWfliiifrwA If n.ffcod-IoqklngiAlngHifta ivonmh'iuusiclnh worentojihlefliir fiicoiffoui ho i)ublJc,;(U'o YflulvCputiJior d(nTJ Q8 tho public with their flutes with their CouiiteiWjrIIaLtbiurtt4of qi Jnceste animals, nndfiHe3citttt67contlnstnnf r k jt . a u k. tH yl" logs. Sho Is here seen with one Sf jprltes aajjrlcjtilturalhoyy,' tfJ Ji couNTCssii68Mis WH lolfs , Jtei HSK9n -' .J.i -1 .' 1 S'Wmiil BBHBM'BffrrWv JJimrU ' ' TliBBBaafWfi' BaaaKlHaBalUlBoE KF&mh ' "'" l'1. '-A waSKBMl&w&m HitaBBBBBlnBi IS .BSvJik. . , L-,., UttM. f 1 . KBnBBBnBu.t&'kiQi BBBB1 BBBBEiBi iXBKkBmrf viKrv,'' wiffiMJPBfkit-A;.. BRU ' JBMP JBWfffi mL MiMmim&ml BBBffflBBffBMBB m5 BBBk FlBkCBL IiBBta jSBBBBk 4iH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI i-mwmikM7m.'.19A, ymmm?Wt.L. srISBBBBBBBBBBBBiR ' lBHBnKV ' BBBBBBBBBBHBBBf 'Krj JZn,BBBVB,w: ; S 'KBBvaBr BvJIbVbBBBBVBb. W;i IMBWBWBKIS oBBBBBar' ivk '''' wbvbvbvbvbVvEbI!4 IfliinK ' ' .UPBBBll m i r ,lHHHSIUHfiwiiW yfBBVB f1'' J5Ibb ' ,,! vVmiiil'wlMl bShbVbhk ' BKaRilliialBjW'Mi j mi ilJBf Mip?"tLtliBliife'wli BfiaSBBBBBiSSSSSa :BBgBBBB,iPx;.a.f?i ,ggj Vl OBBH BBBBBBBBBnBBBBBVBBL - (M3kMJRR19HK' U BwBBMqBwBwBBRBbbI BBSBVIrs:irvrtF4fM" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSB h'O., !WBiJBKgMifliHM?f ' BBjBBjBjBjBBjBjBjBBBBjBB 1 BK,w-''V' . wJ5.iAs&,u r,s iw u - - V &-( . ' Ssj -.At.-i, jtt ffflllfflrtMi MWifcnf - "hVfr WwxWwBBr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi Mf rfvBftriT.1; litiMlirtMWliHI lnilgi-.-miim iwfvflirf-'n'T-Myrlvh-awr i": rt-rt, ..blMIUI 1 1 1 1 1 llltTTT-rrT- 1 I TTTl f " ' '' ' " 1 F?PBWKKWiSIk'V-''i,'x-'. --wr ; ' 'f II IPatli jRaTT?5" ??v rMr' s ry?, ' . v aav. " ' sA & v JssslssBalBSBBBY'$ Js V ?V f, "VA..' ' f" HK j t- j . : v? " .tiMu'UjUHidailflUlliHll )Mmu Mwi OF KIOTO, JAPAN crnzy ,iButl?i HlotO Jnpati,1 customs; heads and faces covered by bnsket-Hko rkr ent UnJI'o irdent Ibfeffot is if iv. i j. a .n t 1 l y-:j arltsf .vihiJN vjesBccJally goiftsjhnd nnonfnllv eniWsStinil r'fvorlt"es7 which has captured several v, ,,M ) rJ T . J i.IjhjoV SkIiumLJb tiuirdunt iVfeffot Antiaircraft cunnera.of the battle- SINN FEINERS r ...?.... ' ' ?' ." s ' vtzzsiTvsmmnzgmmmmm-. - hwu ftvvwwi vjAJv1: .T.AA rft.MrtArofciWtiWw-ft DORA, RED EXECUTIONER Dor.i' Ivllnoky5, seVenteou 'years of nget womaDj cxef)tloner of tlfo Oilessa' extraordinary commission. Slio has killed, 400 'olllcers with horlown hands. KEEPIrGj THEIR ARCHIE- LEAN ! ' (-1 I f IiyhBj periodical cleanup of tho ship. !z& Bbk '' wWBEi ywprK'y Bv BPBaBBlBfiaBBBaBaBHBaBBaBaBaBr4 BBHBk' bMb9BBBBHBBB BHEBgBBgBMrSi ."BBBt B BBBHBBBBBVKBKdikJMABBBK9 BaBaBafiaB Wk" xVV" hbI BnBaBjBJBBtfK ,;, ' !yjM4vr KbI EbeSbVbbBbk "x' ' bW bI bIBhIbbBbbV " M'ftHBnMJhaaiM BVBVBVBbV':.1--' AB0f?9fBBM BBWBVBVBVBT HBHrV BMMmMBBVS3 ; 1 rSt2aaBaBBK9BaH t - i . . I 1 1 1 ship Florida, nowrtt .OuafclaHumoKO. i I. i. - I T.k -i T" T 'log over thelr.,ArcIlll, and Anu 1 tkek SEDATE ALL-DAY JBF 1 1 xS 1-f I BbBbBbBhPBbBhK KgSKrMtiwnHaKHMH BS1 I r?TK?BBVa 'iiJBlBBBBSj Hjr 1 wirK n H Ba mBkBBBBbSI BV I PMBf fJ KV4H ' By BWBBBBk 'y -mm b t sH ! ! " 1 $sQBHlKIKBHMBIPaHniV fSftlt Rj 5 Bs '1 sfVHSBnBBflyPBnV k BaB)tBlH3B8BHHBTBa! HV - 7&VaBJffi39DHBBBHUHl9,flBB r' ONIM'IKCi: lrt'sM's serving the saiiH' purposes that sult-sklrts and hloiiM'M do are better described by their newer name, all-day dresses, It tells their story of good service, morning or afternoon. The have been made In a few veiy good styles, of the same serviceable niMlerlals tint are uscil for suits, ami they have come to stjiy. The all-day dress and the separate skirt and blouse make n welcome arlety in the apparel of active women and especially of busi ness women. Worn under heavy coats In midwinter they are warmer than suits, and worn without a wrap when the weather Is mild they are less burdensome, l'.ut leaving out these practical considerations altogether, they hold a secure place In our regard because they are dependMble and of fer variety In tho dress of busy women. Nearly all these one-piece frocks arc simple In design and many of them have been converted into frocks after doing-service as suits. )t Is an ad vantage to have them simple because" one does not grow tired of simple things. We may become unconscious of them, but they will not get on our nerves ns fussier things do If we wear them often. As an example ot sim plicity the all-day dress shown above challenges comparisons. Except for a E VICKY scrap of linen Is precious these days and cotton cloth Is bet ,ter worth saving than for many jears. IJotli 'are high priced and nnthlirp l l.fjlght Just' now Indicates that they will be loyer priced, xnuiccioins nnu sheclil 'went out mucJ faster In the jn!ddo thjin about the edges and their .jisefulness can hi) prolonged by making them ovoV or converting them Into 1 otlijor. articles. L Tako 11 largo tablecloth, for Instance, that' has thin spots where stains have been 'blV'iiched or washed out. When It la toot strong enough to iiimNq darn ing worth while It can bo converted Into a smnller cloth and Into dollies anil center 'pieces. Koi1 it square, lunch clojfi .ami Iheftp, parts, nro. cut Jnfo four squnres iind tnese sei logciuer wiut a .strong nanii or iianu crocnur or mu tation duny luce. This ' imiikes n smaller cloth In four sections ciossed 3ytvo hanlK oflucejatrrh;lit ingles. a'h,ogetlg$ js) ni Y"!"! rMirrow Jiein and nn edging of crochet or other hiceiliay hi 'added to this. ' m 1 . Enough lluep'inflnt bo 'salva,'ed4fcoti a .Nvorn c(l9fb .tpifiikohe handy nnd( attractive. breakfast or luncheon sets tlfnV ellhco 'cloths so ' ofteh Tho.v' Vli'tHihoreieaHM laundoi'ed iihd stay clean longer than table cloths. A clr jMi''l,etep!ocgTind' )Iok In two slzA Wso llrVuluMfrd eut'from tho bdstpuvlp pf tv clptl) nijd JlienintcU In fl yyfyiunrrow hem about the edges. After lieinmln t'ho eijges, a narrow chichccit odgo iniikes' a pretty finish, either Ini whlto ,011 colored 'inbrcdrlzed cotton ; the narrow hem may ho basted down nnd buttonliole-sfltched In white a,n,d, hVl?k ,flss ,or njochlnq-Blltcheo with a narrow torchon edging basted ovetvlt.uo tlut U10 hem nnd.lace nro putfoupvlth 'pni HtlplInsr yf'the Boe ing "siacntnofl ainny' nousvjveq' ctjn- I yert the goou puna 01 woru iiucu 1 b T? .aBaM J&& 'i fj Mi ?' VaK-rf MBc '$ ' ty 1 '' SS M'".l im&l&m. a BW : ''i 1 eP Ba r 1 3!PCd (BBS W' i Ji f f - 1 v9Hr KI.i2mH .1 ffll vmumMj. n2AP4f.s nye?-rTzatr'?,"'wz Bji 1 Bp223 ." "NT jtt aJ((laBajaB""v''''-A jjiii' " 1 taaWStiOaaBBBWaaaawaaal FROCKS little braid couched on In the slmplost of patterns and a few hone buttons' set In a row at each side, It offers nothing to take our attention nway( from Its trim lit nnd businesslike nlr. A silk cord with tassel pretends to adjust the frock to tho waist line, but that matter Is taken care of In reality without Its help. It makes a very line finishing touch, however. Silk braid has been cleverly used ns a decoration for these smart nil-day frocks, as It has for suits. In the dress above, long lines at tho sides are accented by buttons, hut In a new model short tabs of silk braid wero used for this purpose. Sometimes both braid and buttons appear on a frock and they seem even better suited to It Aid to ench other than embroid ery and buttons. Some models nro embellished with embroidery In bands or squnres, or triangles, In set designs that are In keeping with the character of the dresses, which Is tedate. Hut they make the right kind of back, ground for crisp collars and cuffs If one chooses to furbish them up a bit. Silk Culture Old. Silk culture, according to Chinese authorities, was begun In 2G0O B. C. by Sl-LIng, wife of Emperor Honng Tl. oivomy oriver cloths Into square table napkins, ma chine stitching nnrrow hems? In jheni, and use uvuuthc Iwol-n, p'nf ti W cup iw,,i;i.-) w ,, linn limine. a j. Wldo sheets fhntlinve bgcomojwornt nt tho middle are cut In two pieces. Then thit outer edges nro sewed to gether in n lint seam. This puts the unworn parts of the sheets at the mid dle. Tho raw edges aro hemmed down. If the sheet Is considerably worn It Is made much nnrrower to servo for a single Pbed and tho worn portion cut awuy. ( f 4 rt f Old sheets are relied npon to make new coverings for Ironing boards, ns tils used ones become discolored. They rferve, Jnlso, with. ql(J Pl'lpWj paseHj ,ns. pressjpg cloths when woolen "clothes need .freshening up. The garments aro pressed junjler dainnenpil- plotlu which 1 Is Ironed until dry, as every one known, anilthcsteatn penetrating .woolen fabric tfreihens thj(npupas Wthliyj else.-wjll Md J Worn pillow cases are very useful foil protecting blouses, waists nnd, cll drei)' dresses from UilHt fwHchthey' oro.kept hanging In closets. For light colored pnd dainty garments provldot hangers of wire l)r vood. Ciit a' hoio ' Jn t,he mlddjoqf the ejid of nn,.old pillow caso to 'slip the hook" on 'tho hanger through, After tho waist, or frock hns been placed on tho hanger put: t.he pillow1 caso Over It. 'Tills Is n great protection to light colors and to fabrics thnt gather dust, llko velvet. It U much liettcr tb,!mVo ono'or two pojes extending ncrpss tho clpsot and hnng the clothes from thom thnn to llatten them against walls by hanging rdlnnry wall Hooks. x ' 1 I v A KANSAS WOMAN Run-down Nervous, Weak Eansas City, Kana.s-"! found Dr. i'icrcos medicines a wonderful hrln to mo during middls life. At that timo I beenmo nil run down, nervous and waawcak. I would liavo smothering nnd dirty epclls so bad that I could not etnnd up and my back would ncho terribly all tho timo. I took both Dr. ricrco'n Favor i to Proscription nnd liln 'Onlilpn Mod. leal DlacovcrjT and those medicinca built tn up, kavo mo strength, and brought ma throuRh tho channo In tho best of health. I am glad to recommend Dr. Piorco's modi cincs, for I know they nro good." MRS GEORGE JACODS, It. Houto 3. MOTHERS Bushonft, Knns.:"I am tho mother of four children nnd from my experience with Dr. Picrco'o Favorite Prescription I fully appreciate its vnluo nnd can highly recom mend it to prospective mothers ns it helps to allovinto ono's suffering. During my first expectancy I suffered untold pains, so tho second timo I was determined that I would avail myself of some means to lessen tho agony, and I can say without any hori tation that tho 'Favorite Prescription carried mo through that trying timo with all tho desired caso and comfort. Later on, however, I made- a grievous mistako in believing that I could dispense- with the 'Favorite Prescription' during motherhood and I did so to my sorrow. It will always be my stand-by hereafter. "I hope that through this statement some other woman may bo relieved of the dread of motherhood." MRS. V. W. ROWLEY, Route 1. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is non-alcoholic remedy that any ailing wo man can safely take becauto it is prepared from roots and herbs containing tonio prop erties of tho moat pronounced character. Send lOo to Dr. Picrco's Invalids' Hotol. Buffalo, N. Y for trial package of any 01 his medicines. BAD BREATH Often Caused by Acid-Stomach How can anyone with a sour, B"J' "tomch. who Is constantly belching;, baa heartburn and suffers from Indlsratlon hava anything; but a bad breath T All of these stomach disorders mean just one thins Acid-Stomach. KATONIC. the wonderfat new atomach remedy In pleasant tastlnc tablet form that you eat like a bit of candy, brlmcs quick relief from these stomach miseries. BATON IC sweetens the breath becuuse It makes the stomach sweet, cool and comfortable. Try It for that nasty taste, congested throat and "hoady feeling" after too much smoking. If neglected, Acid-Stomach may cause yom .a lot ot serious trouble. It leads to ner vousness, neanacnes, insomnia, meiancnoua, rheumatism, sciatica, heart trouble, ulcer and cancer of the atomach. It makes Us millions ot victims weak and miserable, listless, lacking In energy, all tired out. II often brings about chronic Invalidism, pre mature old nge, a shortening of one's daya. Tou need the help that EATONIC can glra you If you aro not feeling as atrong and well aa you should. Tou will be surprised to see how much better you will feel Just aa soon as you begin taking this wonderful stomach remedy. Get a big BO cent box from your druggist today. He wilt return our money If you are not satisfied. FATONIC fcB ( TOU YOUR ACtP-STOMACg) HHtts'l K rSSKSMffreM&llTO IILUnLLI mall. D-c rr DOM pr.K. ""WHhhW C..2tSMlClM(MaWW, Pessimistic. "It Is nil over but the shouting." said the politician to his friend the night before election, "and, between you and me, our side won't have to attend to thnt." Huston Transcript. IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat less meat If Kidneys feel lead or Bladder bothers. Ilks Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bevels, get sluggish and clogged nnd need n flushing occasion ally, elso wo have backache and dull misery In tho kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, ncld stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys t active. nnd "clean, and '.the momont,yout feel' nn ncjiesot pain in inoKianfy j regmrf, etJnhoiitfi)ur ounces joflJatl Salt's from any good 'drug st'oro here; take n tablespoonful In n glass of water before breakfast for n few days nnd your kidneys will then net fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthln, nnd Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulates them to normal netlvltv. It. also, neutralizes tho acldf f ?n (the utlne so' 1 no longer, irrltate. T Ji.... Jl l...M. 'rllant-VlAVU1 ? II1U3 I'UUIIIK U'uuvl uwviuww Jad Salts is harmless: Inexpensive; makes' a delightful effervescent llthla l, water drink ... which t everybody should taKO now nnu meu iu uuuji um siuuojo clean, thus avoiding serious compli cations. ' . U ' 1 . " A well-known local druggist says ha sells lots of Jad Salts to fojks whoj- niinvn"ir. iwoWmninc kioitev trouBia -Llli uvi.ju . --i w" m tt ir - tc i, II ta otilv.ttouble.-Js-Adv.ff. s V f- V1III7 : g - - - Being, funny is the most i'i I serious 'Wnfl of 'work.' 112 Millions' ' used last year to KILL COLDS HILL'S afCav)BK CASGARASiQUININI SBSBSBB. SsbTsV BJtoHfO ndard cold tsmtdy for IS yaara -In Ubist lorm ais, sursk opiates breaks up a cold In I BVssW. I BaIiIIAsBi H Wst. Bsjura gsiier af w E5y McWirit Uluufj Ay. 8 kl4lTfffe'Wvv '&M Dietary MAmunm M 1 v v.- JJJJ2jw Ldo. -W jsgji'"- .. .l-.VWfil