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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1920)
4 f I imIa0 8oolw r . mi p, --i ' A Newspaper Thnt filycs The Mens Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 5. 1920 NUMBER 6 CTrrrrrrTTr nrjFrir,vlrTJi,,,iriranar,,JBiD ' '::t"ih TirinaiiciuXiir'iiJT.rr T"rr.a,;ri'" "-- Yopf hast Ghaneel To Buy Thai Long Needed SOWING MACHINE - A T THE OLD PSSGE n NEVER again will they go down to FORMER PRICES. We have been assured of that fact before making this statement. FOUR months ago we bought our supply of Sewing Machines and the manufacturer accepted our order at the old price but was .unable to ship until a recent date the result is what we call a, good buy. n Early Morning Blaze Con- sumes Mercantile Buildings Another dKastcrutis tire becured in tin- businesb section uf ISetl Cloud at " an curly hour Friday morning, which i entirely I'onsutned the .las. Peterson, ': I 'titter and Sci ivncr buildings, and their content, mi eb-tcr strict II -- is estimated th it Mr. IVtuisnn'it loss - wiiN between il'J.owi and $lr..uu, while Orpheum s Red Cloud Monday and Tuesday, February 9 and 10 Mary Pickford WITH TUB WINNING SMILH-1N 'The Heart of the Hills' The smile which you know turns to sadness, anger, despair; hatred, and revenge as the play goes on. This is a story of a little moantaiu girl, true to her principles, but ready to fight with list or gun for elan or against oppression. Ad upted from the fatuous novel by John Fox Jr. The third great picture from her own studios. Admission :irc ami 10c War Tax Paid P Jhoiofrasih SvSr.: i&liaJ The Neiv Studio NO W OPEN We will lie able to make you the kind oj Photo graphs yau have wanted and ask jar a share of your business. The Gleason Studio Over Smith's Shoe Store is now ready for business and extends to the people oi Rod Cloud and vicinity a cordial invitation t o come and see us. Doyle-Denton Miss Kthel Doyle, of Hod Cloud, and Eil IJi'iron nf this phieo weie niHrrled in Lincoln. .Saturday .(unitary 17, by the county judge. After a short stay there th-y returned to liludeii where they are n,iv vNltiuir among home foll-. The bride Is the talented dnugh tei'of.Mr and Mrs. .la. Dojle of Ked Cloud, and. Millie I. a tji-e tl a tesldeut oflhis fui only a slioit time, sho bus ..&. ...... . ... r. ..... . . . inaioi .Mr oioaiimit mi hiioiii -i.'-o. ; rc..v mildu nmiiv ,lirm f,,tids and Mr. Hrrivncr state, that hl o'i will ..$,,, l0 ,, tflMl0rili noritu with figure about 5:1, loo No in-iiiance wu& .,,......... si, ....... i,t tli NOW we are going to SELL THESE SEWING MACHINES AT THE OLD PRICE. After they are gone you will have to pay the ADVANCE of TWENTY PER CENT, which took effect in January. (This includes all sewing machines.) WE have a limited number of these machines and it will be to your advantage to have yours select ed and laid away until you need it'or let us deliver .it at once. DON'T WAIT.. Remember every Sewing Machine is GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. We are willing to stand behind this line. EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED. Graham Furniture Company "Wh rctx a norsL ixto a home" RED CLOUD-McFarland Bldg. HASTINGS iuinKiBBm,VMiitm Carried on any it I lie buildings or the contents, ex .opt on a Franklin cur, owned by Lr Mitchell, stored In the I Peterson building, which also hoti-ed several cars of implements mid new and used automobiles. I The cause of the (ire is unknown but 'judging from the "lay of the land" and the great headway the blnze had gain- d in such a short time before the j alarm was given the general suppos ition is that it-was the work of a "lire bug,' but in the absence of evidence nothing can be done by the property o.vners but bear the losses. Had it not been for the .stillness of the night much more property would have beu.ii destio.yed, us the lire de partment was rendered almost helpless owing to the l.ick of water. An invest! gatioti revealed the cause a gitte on the water main, at the corner of Web ster street and Fourth avenue almost closed. From information gained it is learned that this gale was closed some lime ago when the repairs were being made' on the iniiin. Just "who is re! sponsible for it being in this condition is a matter of conjecture, one deeply regreted by all parlies I'eiieerned. The Intense heat destroyed the plate glasi window in the I'lutt lumber yaid otllce. The telephone cables in the alley at the rear were damaged to eon siderable extent. H.'tJlll.S to 00 II everyone. Mm I'rnlriu school for one torin. and for the pusi year li.ii b"i'ii a v'tid-Mit at the SUUe I'liiverslly. She was held 'in f high esteem by her many classmates. ami r,s a ini-iuber ot one of the lend- J lug i-omritie The groom is the only eoii of .Mr. ai.d 5h. J. A Denton, and i well k'lowu in liladen and vicinity, hsvliig grown up lo manhood in this C'linmuiiity. He is a gi minute of the liladen High -School of the elass of Mil, J ntul took a ear at the Lincoln IStM- ness College and three years at Wcs ley an. He is well known .in Lincoln where he attended nuhool, and for two years twirled for the Wesleyan ball ' nine. This popular young couple will ' make their home hete, wheie thej groom is assistant cashier in the Sfer vlco State Hank. The Enterprise jo'ns their many friends in wishing them a I long and happy wedded life. Kladcn Enterprise. Edison Period xitvia. tujy M.JL !Lt QshJjP State Agent 0. D. Hedge . Cleans Up Danbury State Agent () i). Hedge went to Danbury. Friday, with complaints against .lames II. liobiuson anil Hoi' inson A- Uobluion for having in their possession intoxicating liiiiors for sale. Kstella Iloblnsoii, proprietor of the store, was arrested and brought to Mc Cook Fridav afternoon together with seventy gallons of home-made booze. Tilal was had In County Court Friday evening and the defendant was given a due and costs amounting to $2'J7 .'(." which were paid. The home-made wine was emptied into the sewer. Monday':, Ked Willow County Gazette. State Agent Hedge arrested poker players in a Danbury livery barn, last Friday night, and they wero lined by the local justice of the peace S10 and costs. There were some fifteen iu the gumo but the others escaped, Monday's Mc Cook Tribune. THE COUNCIL MEETS IN 1. REGULAR MONTHLY SESSION .. Mayor P. C. Pope called the City Council together in regular session, nt the Council Chambers, on Tuer'iay evening with a'.l members present ex cept Alderman Hamilton. The minutes of the January Cth,l flth and 21st meetings wcie read and approved. Likewise the report of S. R. Flo.-ance was presented and onfer cd placed on file. The matter of .Ins. Mcintosh haul ing sand to the power Tioute was brought up and Mr. Hradford stateu that he had not ordered any band hauled by Mr. Mcintosh. Mr. Wallace, of the Fairbanks Morse & Company was present and request ed an audience. The question of the payment for the engine was discussed and it was finally decided to Issue the warrants for the engine, and the Fair banks Morse Company will stand all accrued interest on the warrants from date issued to date of delivery of en gine at Red Cloud. ,This action wan taken by the council upon advice of its attorney, Uernard McNeny. The following claims were allowed: Grace Both Music and Home ELOQUENT OF CULTURE. WHEN SILENT! VIBRANT WITH MUSIC. WHEN RE-CREATING! The New Edison matches its ART with its APPEARANCE Its period designs are notable Cor their authenticy. The better you know furniture, the more you will appre ciate the beauty and purity of their lines. Miss Elsie De WolC (Amerisa's foremost designer of house hold interiors) says: "The superior furniture value of the Edison cabinets can scarcely fail to impress the lover of good furniture." The NEW EDISON "''he Phonograph with a Soul" Sheraton, Hepplewhlte William apd Mnry, Chippendale Adam,, Italian, .Tacobeau, Louis XtV, etc. Nor aie these instruments beyond reach of your pocketbook. Come iu and llnd out how modestly they are priced. a H. NBWHOUSB OPTOMETRIST ahJ lUWELOQ. II .T. B. Watts Watts Const. Co. .. C. R. Lewis . Mayer Coal Co. .. Crane Co ... Nat'l Refining Co. Loses in Pie Eating Case , Lincoln, Neb. Jan. 111. Josie Cheney, a participant iu a "pie eating" contest iu the village of Rlverton, whioh eud ed disastrously, has been denied a judgment against tho village by the state supreme court. .losie, with other contestants, dlli'linr a villaim i!iriilviit. was trying to win a prize by being tho ! 1c(l CloU(l IJaml llrst to dispose of a pumpkin pie in the regularly prescribed manner. The surging crowd of spec-tutors knocked down the temporary stand on which the contest wn taking place, injuring Josie'8 arm, causing Iter to bring a diimauo suit against the village. The supreme court holds that the village was not responsible for a stand in the streets, and, that it was a nuis ance, anyhow, and therefore donles thcit a claim for damages exists. Sun day'rt World Herald, J. A. Bradford ,. V. A. Patten A. Clark, Leo McArthur ... S. R. Florance O. C. Tcel - Itcd Cloud Chief . .' Clarence S. Dick . - (irant Christy ......-.. Sam Mountford - Hamilton Clothing Co Mrs. W. N. Richardson Grant & Fulton 293.6.1 $ 135.00 1. '10.00 115.00 GG.80 780.58 39.35 5.00 7.5U 33.13 150.00 G0.C0 fG.fiTi 10.38 18G8.81 13.00 283.G0 5.05 77.G0 125.39 KNIT GOODS OFFERINGS It will mean a BIG SAVING to you to buy your Sweaters, Caps and Scarfs now as wools will be no cheaper. Every indi cation points to higher prices. . Ladies Wool Sweaters $8 to $12 Misses Wool Sweaters - $4.25 to $7.50 Misses Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters $2.25 to $4 Childrens Part Wool, Cotton Sweaters $2 to $4.50 Childrens Part Wool and Cotton Sweaters, Caps and Leggins from - - $3.50 to $5 Mrs. Barbara Phares Mrs. Will Rcardsleo, who left here . a tow nays ago wmi nor nusoanu, via auto, to visit relatives in Long Island, Kansas, was taken sick shortly after arriving there and was forced to re turn homo this morning. ' idd;ik ?Arch Uasser returned homo from St. Joe this morning. County Agent Henry Fausch, Chas. Steward and Chas. Whltaker are nt tending Smith llros. hog sale at Super ior today. Wednesday, Tho Chief received a nifty little birth card from Mr. and Mrs. Russell Amack, announcing the arrival or Uussull, .Ir , ut their home, in Holyoke, Colorado, on Monday, February 2nd This being the tlrst little visitor it is a foregono conclusion t'uit joy reigns supreme, iu tho Amuck household. As the fond father served in the army of tho lato wfr we predict; Hint he will spend many a night, walk-. ing the lloor with his son, while snlfer-i ing from children's ailment, counting the army cadence. HARDWARE An Important appear in this papei Anuuneemcnt will soon Wat eh for it! GEO. W. TRINE MMMmMM -r'k rSSsptWW-S fc i WWBJJ7" 4PQMVt0tettUftMHUMAriM&ttby(A!JMbdldl"tfaihUjdtikS4kiA l"-- litVi .,g;ti ii thLAmjAfru