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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1920)
T i'7Tb f ',' fwlir' wyM," w tf "' ,vtt .s 'SMtfagWlBi iTiajjF-S?ri?,;r5aTieMfefSJU.-rr-iWi .. -ir-'aK2CSnS3EssSSi SMi?!.?ri535,S;,?S." I v &Ei !i W fi5 - n.-ri. ;.. 1 M-aygjJLjWi'glBIIg-1 Ug;vwWrE;gTfti -Mkrrf S -bo r- .?r-?-nm-MTFmwm---Mi mm m -m& - ---- m m , -z&msmmmBsak i- i f c H- iM ndP i i A M J SSULi T ' E t B.H r KH K f JftC :- ' V:I -, fv M 1 sfeo.- ' r?5 j k3& :- rs. tJli iri .'. rJU' -. P'l A'S K . 9? .-- .. BM . -6,VW ,- . -1 - ZJ.- '" v Wata. i. 1-ial.AwK Vi Z -sr-CS rJE -"-3- S3b ! SS-i tf ra - fiffl -j " firfv J' & V " - -r-1-- -ir TW-3&M.?E&!hze&i mr m, rBiOT-'iRfi - shw . .. ra 'ffl'Bio w--? ra w ' . T- r.i &,---. IK m M AU 1 H-fiffi IMVrUM l 1? - V -Jffli" - 4 . m SZMOP .Zs&f . $ft , ' V Efejq fe 'U Jtirfr W lfr?V ' y M - Kf r tenra 3-:nMBSL X 4 Newspaper That Gives The Mens Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY 19. 1920 NUMBER 0 BnumBMKmwm jiwmmiapiw tosto Contest for School Children Grim Reaper Exacts Heavy n all'lt Vfc Are You Proud of r Your Home?, Is your Home a Place of Comfort? A Place where You love to be? If Not It Should Be Why not start now and make the home a place where you can forget what worries you? You will have a place where you can rest in perfect contentment after a hard days work. Make your home a place where you love to have your friends. Brighten it up with thevrightf kind of Furniture. The cost will be small compared to the v comfort and delight you will d5- rive irom a well furnished home. Draperies, Rugs and Furniture to harmonize THE GRAHAM FURNITURE CO. Twenty million school childicui parts of the United States are prepur., Ing to givo battle to bolshovism. In thiswise the battle will be waged not) Toll in Webster County Glon F. Walker The spirit of Glon K. Walker was n I llttil in I ( u i.l mm i 1 Ilirt1 it Ml In ut with LMin mill sword but with pon nrid :, , , ., . . , , ,,,, , , Tliursiiuy pvuniiiK, iiftor hut a briof iil- i" j i I,n every oity, vtllnnu ami IiHtnlet th forces are :noholi.ln under theiiiiccl Af. s. V .v"N '.A '4tei v : ion of the teaehers. The utlaelc will ho in the loriii or a written essay "What aie the Heneiita of an Knllst metit in tlmU. S Army?" "It The movement is under the dlrcut- ion of the Wnr Department ia Wash- tin. Inn hiii! flw iri'tturi: nf llu itiri.A m ... , - -. . -..- l)tst essays will be pivun a iieo trip to Washington iiecouipiiiieil hy one par lei'.tor Kiinrdiun all expenses paid j wliero they will be awault'd one of the three prizes 1st fjold tiitiiial, 2nd silver medal, tliiid bron'o medal as well as a beautiful silver eup as a pri.H for the School they represent. Contest is open to students of nil color, cieeit and nationality, of any public or private Brhool univcrsltiita and colleges burred. The principal of eacli school will appoint three judges to select the best essays In the school,, which will be forwarded to the recruit iue officer in thedistrfct. Here judges will select the best essay in the district and forward it to Washington. Kssajs will be written on Friday, February 2uth, same not to exceed 400 words. Pencil or pen and iolc may be used. Ksxays will be judged on the basis of originality, expression and sincerity. , The nowspaper, "The Comq liacU," the otllcial orguu of the Walter Rued Army Hospital in Washington, D. C, have furnished the . Wednesday afternoon at the Ilijjh Scliool Captain K. L. MaeLivm of the SStii Infantry stationed at Camp Full' ston L'avo a leature on nrniv life and greatly tnt bused the students, about lit ty of whom will enter tho contest. fl.-. I'lienmnnia was the direct catiso pf Ids deatli The deuoaseil was born in Webster !nfn.t A ) IQfl.k 11 f.rntlmif. V''..l. , illlllll. 'm, 1J'V' ..C f.t.t.l.l.U' j en iroin iue Ufii uiouu uigu aeuooi in W.), after w hlcli he attended the state unlveislty, later joining a male quai tutto ou the Ch.iiit.iuijua circuit. He was united in marriage to Miss Somj'ffliEBirjB Baby's Smile- To successfully catch the Happy Expression on Babys Face requires INSTANTANEO US PHOTOGRAPHY The nezv and expeiisive lighting apparatus which we have installed enables us to do this and insures Gleason's Studio you ihe Kind of Photo- Over Smith's Shoe Stora g'(tpllS yOU kdVC W (lilted l McFarland Hotel Sold The McFarlauil rooming bouse, on Fourth uvooue lus changed manage ment, Mrs. Louise McFarland letlring and Goo. F. Fletcher, of Hastings, as suming control, 'he having puiohased tho furniture and fixtures, but not the building. If reports are true, the house will bo continued on tho same courteous business-like lines, with probable improvements, as the new proprietor is said to bo thoroughly ex perienced in this line. During tho many years which Mrs McFarland has conducted the house It has enjoyed a liberal patronage, and owing to advancing years and the short age of competent help she was compell ed to dispose of tho same Without a doubt under the now management, it will continue to enjoy this same liber al patronage. Clara Uurgess June 18, 191'i, ono son having been born to this union. His musical ability was far above jho average, and on many occasions took part in both prlvuto and publiu nusioal entertainments For some line he had beeudlrectorof the Metho- dist chinch choir. For several years he was muuager of jliB lied Cloud Auto company, and in 4hl9 capacity served a. large circle of patrons. Some months ago he disposed of his interests thete aud duvoted his Butlre time to the sale and distribution pf the Dodge cars. t He Is survived by his wife, three year pld sou, his father and mother and sev. ral relatives. Funeral services were conducted from tho home ou Sunday afternoon. JRov. II. W. Core In charge. Interment yas madoju Hie city cemetery. I Doretta M. Weldeman 1-Mrs. Doretta Weidcmunto'ne of I,ed Cloud's oldest citizens, passed awiy at tho family homo in ths city last Frl day, after a liugeriug illness. Doretta M. IJartllng was born in Ger many, March C, 1830. When about three years of age she, with her par ents came to the States locating near i'lghi, Illinois, a few years after mov ing to Iowa. In 1803 she was milted in marriage with Adam Weldeman at .Jasper, Iowa. To this uniou five chlldieu wore born. About 15 years ago they moved to Webster eouuty. During her entire life she was a devout christian, tlist selecting the German KvangellsMo church as a houso of worship, but in later years uniting with the Methodist church, of which'she was a member at the time of her death. She is "survived by four children, brother, sister aud several grand chil dren. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon. Edison Period Cabinets Grace Both Music and Home ELOQUENT OF CULTURE. WHEN SILENT! VIBRANT WITH MUSIC. WHEN RE-CREATING! The New Edison matches its ART with its APPEARANCE Its period designs are notable for their authenticy. The better you know furniture, the more you will appre ciate the beauty and purity of their lines.,. Miss Elsie Dc Wolf (Amcrisa's foremost designer of house hold interiors) says: "The superior furniture value of the Edison cabinets can scarcely fail to impress the lover of good furniture." The NEW EDISON "77? Phonograph with a Soul" Sheraton, Hepplewhlte William and Mary, Chippendale Adam,, Italian, Jacobean, Louis XIV, etc. Nor arc these Instruments beyond reach of your pocUetboolt . Come in and Und out how modestly they are priced. h- B. H. NEWHOUSE OPTOMETRIST atui IDWBLP.ft IMmOHEiIJW Oils : Greases tuniEmiiiiiumnuin iinnuuiiwi) a IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY A TRUCK Why not have the BEST that is Made? Come in and let us demonstrate and tell you why you should own a . Reo Speed Wagon M " anna a w wwmu The best and speediest Truck on the market Low cost of operation; time saved in making drives durability; and many other points that make it., superior to others that's why its so popular R. C. Sutton's Service Station Authorized Sales Agents Red Cloud, Nebraska Henry G. Hansen snenry O.. Hansen, who had been In poor health or many months, finally auswerod the Atastet'sCall, in Colorado Sprlugs, Colorado, Tliuisday, February lath. The deooased was1 born in Garfield township, Ncombor 1H, 1883. lie was, united in marriage with Miss Kittle j Murphy December 2!), Ifit2. Tills union was blessed with three sons. ' About a year Bgo It was deemed ad- Early I. Aukcr nnd Miss Stella M. visable for him to seek a higher altl- Foley, botli of Norcatur, Kansas, tude and upon advice of his physician wove' united in marriage Tuesday by he went to Colorado, but the chango Judge Rannoy. Orvil F. Simpson tailed to produce the desired resulte. and Mrs. Anna M. Simpson, both of, He is survived by his wife, three sons, Red Cloud, were united in marriage one brother and several other relatives. Wednesday by Judge Ranney. Fred The lomains were brought back from Reist of Seneca, Kansas, and Miss Colorado ami funeral horvices conduct Muuy A. Ilumm, of Guide Rock, were ed from the home in Gartleld Suudny trrantod a marriao-e Hrerisn Tnnsdnv morulm?. in charce of Uev. lleobe, In- Lubricating Oil, the best v7Cri quality, per gal ' vt Separator Oil, the kind Aflfi that you should use, gal ""! Axle Grease, in 10 lb D OS pails, each . . tpltiO Hog Oil that produces results, per gal . 45c Marriages and Licences Harness Oil that's guar- 'TO anteed, half gal. . . tJt Kerosene, the best for all purposes, per gal . 20c BUY your Gasoline at the Union by Judgo Ranney. Church of the Brethren Sunday School 10 a in. I'reaohingat 11 a. m. Welcome to everybody, Come and woihhlp with in, Kkv. li. N., Pastor. I The County Commissioners are in session today, , Mr. and Mrs. F, W, Cowdon went to 1 IlHHtlnuH thin inornlncr. " i . .i.i..i... ii .... h...iuim.i .--.. -. I woaropieaaen wu.iuieKoouiyiiui.. UvU1v..,.,uu. ,,mCi "'- her who attend theso afternoon meet tending the Arnold Itros. sale today. ,,. tboy Bhowthll,r appreciation of Chas. rioifor bt Axtcll is in the city. ' tho earnoit gonerous spirit of Hrothor He has rented tho J. K, Wlsecarver' Kshelman in making the sacrifice ho farm and will move his f amUy onto the J does la adding this labor to his already Bame jardtqus duties. termentwas made in the Martin ceme tery. Baptist Church Notes Preaching at :i p. in. by Rev. bruce Hshelmau. Singing conducted by Mrs. Kathryne Kshelman, Bumtny School at 'J p in, Serviceb woro omitted at tho liaptist vall Paper, Paints, Oils and church last Sunday afternoon out of i . . . respect for tho funeral of UrotherOleu I Vamisn uaiKor ami syinpuiiiy iur win iriuuim. n(rT,,DCi 17 D A 1W 1 1VI (Work Guaranteed! Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Ngr. Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THE COMBINE" BmiiiMtimmiiOTiiiw Ef. S. Geurber Electrical Goods of all Kindt Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures , Dr. K.V. Nicholson DENTIST Ottlco 0 or AHirlglU's Btoro Red Cloud Nebraska Dr.W.H.Mc Bride OENTmr OYER STATE UANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA .iih'.f if.ri.-j tMMj...-ti.k-.-J..JJ1.ii-v i-..t Mi 7 fs-fa .,? riirT't'iif1itift is iiiVf hW y,4 -- '- .. i..., r .f,, rt MirtmWlWm.mfolk rhf&llir