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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1919)
1ED CLOUD, HKBKA8XA, OIIIF k I y B -. X ,f 'TEN-SHUN! All you Yanks who wore the U. S. uniform CllC SlarS dhd SlfipGS, official newspaper of the A. E. F., went out of existence when the peace treaty was signed. But the editors the soldiers who wrote and drew 90$ of all material published in The Stars and Sttlpu did not scatter, each with his $60 bonus. They have kept close formation to edit a new magazine called THE HOME-SECTOR j of- M w ' A WEEKLY FOR THE NEW CIVILIAN' You as a red-chevron American will want to read this new weekly because it ha3 all the features that made The Stan and Stripes the mostpopular thing in the A. E. F. it will contain Baldridge's drawings, Wallgren's cartoons, untold stories of the war, pages of humor, tidings from all the old Yank sectors in France, Belgium and Germany, and SERVICE, a department to answer all ques tions about insurance, back pay, etc. It is by the same bunch, for the same bunch, in the same spirit. First Issue Now on All News-stands The Home Seclor is 10 cents a copy $5.00 n year, with special combination offer. You not only will want to read it yourself, but there is an opportunity if you write us at once to make real money taking subscriptions of others. Every ex. service man will want The Home Sector. This is a most unusual opportunity if you write at once In THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING CO., 406 Butterick Building, New York Odorous Epidemic. "A friend of mine Iiiih kept himself and Iil.s family Immune from Inlluenzn In n district sorely smitten by eutlng spring onions." Glasgow (Scotland) Evening Post. The mini only claim to Kane tlty Is a long face should dispose of a portion of his cheelc. Work Is tliu best prescription for success OLD JAGE. STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Science says that old ago hefting with Weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true, it is easy to believe that by keeping the kidneys and diges tive organs cleansed and in proper work ins order old ago can be deferred and life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by the average person. t For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL ITaarlcm Oil hns been relieving the weaknesses and disability due to ntlvano ing years. It is a standard old-tliuo home remedy nnd needs no introduction. GOLD MEDA Haarlem Oil is inclosed in odorless, tasteless capsules contain ing about 5 drops each. Take them ns you would a pill, with a swallow of water. Tho oil stimulates tho kidney REFUSED TO BE MIXED UP Spectator at Moving Picture Show Saw Trouble Ahead and Didn't Want to Witness It. "I saw you at the moving picture how Inst evening," said tho fnt plumber, "but when I looked for you n llttlo later 1 missed you." "Yes, I got up nnd went home." "When was that?" "I left when the vlllnln begnn to lay K snnre for tho wife of the man who lind to stay at his olllce on account nf business." "Did you see any more of the pic ture?" "No." "And you left at the most Interest ing part?" "Yes." "Why?" "I knew If things kept on as they were headed there would be n fuss pretty soon between the two men, or between the man nnd his wife, and I made up my mind I wouldn't bo mixed up In anybody's domestic troubles." Hlf View. A somewhat cynical ncqunintnnte tells us that the secret of happiness Is not to let your troubles bother you any . more than they bother your friends. Boston Transcript. All the women haters In tho world nre not nnchelors. action and enables tho organs to throw off tho poisons which cause prematura old age. New life and strength increase as you continue tho treatment When completely restored continue taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD MED AL Haarlem OH Capsules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent a return of tho disease. Do not wait until old ago or dlseaas havo settled down for good. At tho first sign that your kidneys are not working properly, go to your druggist and get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sizes. But re member to ask for tho original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. In scaled pack ages. United States Has Monopoly. Neither Great Ilrltuln, France nor Jtaly has been able to lind workable helium fields. Russia may have them, but that Is doubtful. Germany hns none. The United States seems to have the monopoly, nnd investigation by scientists of the United States geo logical survey tends to show thnt we have nil we need. Great Britain inny continue of necessity to till her gas bags with the deadly hydrogen, pend ing the time when she can buy helium of the United States; but here in America wo hope soon to bid farewell forever to hydrogen and ull its tragic evils. "Amen" AM Alone. 1 have sung soprano for years In n church choir. One Sunday morning, while in n service, the minister nn nounced n hymn, which was on the bqttoni of the pnge, the third verso helng on tho opposite page, nt the top. At tho end of the second verso (not seeing the third verse) I snug "Amen!" all alone. Everyone, even the min ister lnughed, the organist went on playing the third verse. When time to sing the amen I let the rest of tho choir sing amen. People were still laughing, nnd it was the most embar rassing moment In my life. Chicago Tribune. You mny succeed when others don't believe In you, but you will never suc ceed when you don't believe in yourself. c!fii!lE!cligiigigjOr'iaiyiPiitiJiHriPtP'niI1VnBgl $ At the Beginning' and .the End of the Day There's health and comfort in the truly All-American table beverage The Original Bid your coffee troubles good-bye by joining the great army who now drink Postum instead of coffee. Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c. Everywhere at Grocers. SOCIETY GiRL " AS STOWAWAY Miss Weil, Marooned in Hawaii, Hides Herself in Steamer Venezuela. APPEARS OUT AT SEA Daughter of Illinois Lawyer is Herolno of Remarkable Experience Ap peals for Relief Failed to Secure Passage for Her I'eorln, III. Haying the unique rolo of society girl stowaway, Miss Jo sephine Well, daughter of Joseph Well, prominent In legal and political elides here, gave the sinatt set a dis tinct .hock when she i elated her ex traordinary experience, following her arrival home from Sun Pranclvco. Stories of travel among the Inn gunrous Island of the southern l'acltlc ocean always have an appeal, but the Interpolation of a society girl stowaway Is something s0 far out of the ordinary that even the most captious and story surfeited globe trotter will probably give attention to the remarkable nnr ratlve of the i'eorln maiden. Mrs. Well and her daughter left Te orla In May for California and. after n short stay on the coast, sailed for Honolulu. Decides on Stowaway Role. When they were ready to return to the states they were startled b.v tho Information that the United Spates government had commandeered all of the larger steamships for tho return of troops and the smaller had reached tho limit of their jiiccommodatlons, res ervations being mnilc months nhend. Cabled nppeals for relief were fol lowed by diligent effort upon the pnrt' of Congressman Ireland of the I'eorln district. He was advised that 070 Americans were nt Honolulu, Includ ing Mrs. Well and daughter, nil anx ious to return home. A message from Governor McCarthy of Hawaii wns the only response, stating thnt pass age could not bo procured much beforo October. Miss Josephine was much disturbed b.v this situation. She Is a student nt nn eastern college nnd anxious to com mence her school duties. Decides on Stowaway Role. becoming convinced that It was Im possible to obtain u passage before is5S'V'o,jii'' ImjbMP wyf sBCrm" V 9t lV lwtfw i-!.' -jp;'" f J f Hid in a Nook Until the Vessel Was Out of Sight of Land. fnll, Miss Well, with tho approval of her mother, decided upon the role of stowaway. Sho was well supplied with money and, seizing an opportu nity to enter the hold a few hours be fore the steamer Venezuela cast off, sho hlil In a nook until the vessel was ouf of sight of land and there wns no chanco to set her on shore again. Sho then mndo her appearance, much be grimed, and proffered the captain tho money usually required for tho pass age across. There was nothing to do but nc ccpt the money and the sltuntlon with tho best grace possible. Miss Well wns given quarters with the wife of the purser and tho Journey was an ngreeablo one. Tho other pnssengcrs lionized her for her nerve and origl nnllty and believe thnt sho hns tho distinction of being tho first society girl stowawny in tho history of ocean going vessels. Miss Well will be tha herolno nt n round of soclnl events hero iMjforo sho leaves for the eastern school. Her mother wns apprised of the safe ar rival home of her daughter nnd tho former hns cabled thnt she expects to sail from Honolulu some tlmo In September. Banner of Locusts. Rending, Pn. An nrtlstlcnlly ar ranged bnnner, mado of soventeon-yenr-locusts, which nro arranged Into tho following slogan, "Itctnln our Judges Endlleh nnd Wngner, 1010," hns been presented to tho Judges. Thousnnds of locusts nro worked Into the design nnd tho shells of others nro used for decornttons, Tho sign has been placed in the Law library. f Contents 151'luidPfacli Children Cry For mmm ALCOllOL-31'BUOCNT. 1 1 AVerte nbclYcporauonwrM' ....Iinilmithelond bVKCCUUf UntjuVStomachs nnd IKwvlsrfj Ml i ThcrctryItoUn?H u .. r.: ,,u?trafltosi uicenuuiKM -''" "J j bito-nl.NoTNAcoT ic JtefrefKlDrSMLWUUw , jiUStniut ','nn Jif . '. . ... in..jfif Constipation nnd DlarrhjM LOSSOFStKLP rcaltln$ fhercfrornjmmwni;. "" . lcJmitcSi4narn.u jaCn-AWCowai NEW TUS jg i ir.vsi m ii j ill slvWS5SSK!SSvHSSS What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fcverishncss arising therefrom, nnd by regulating tho Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 2Lfy&& Exact Copy of Wrappr.' In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Havo Always Bought THI OBNTAUN COMMNY.NIW YORK OITV, J Always Have the "Dough." AVnys of the Hopl Indians of north ern New Mexico, their food nnd re ligious customs, wns the subject of an address In Kansas City, Mo., the other night by Miss Ethel Ryan, for yenrs n Bnptlst missionary on tho Hopl reservation. "The Hopl women delight In decornt Ing their shoes with 10-cont pieces," Miss Itynn snld. "The shoes, which resemble moccasins, often hnve as many as five dimes on each. "They have n way of sewing quar ters to their drosses nnd using them as buttons. When they go to market and find themselves short of money they simply cut off n button." And they're never brokol Glory be I An Overrated Article. Chnrlcs M. Schwub, who believes above nil things In young men, wns de fending his belief nt n banquet. "Young men hnve energy, yes," n banker ndmltted, doubtfully, "but, for high executive positions, .don't you think experience Is needed?" "Oh, experience I" Bald Mr. Schwab. "Experience Is nn overrated nrtlcle. Whnt'n the good, after nil, of know ing whnt the weather wna llko day before yesterday?" DESERVED TO BE PARDONED It Is cnsler to protect oneself from an enemy thnn from n fool friend. No womnn objects to embarking In a courtship. QuIck-Witted Youngster Must Have Heard of Boast the Surgeon Was Fond of Making. This Indianapolis physician boasts that ho would rather do surgical work than eat. Even the children In the neighborhood know of this, as Is prov ed by the following story: Recently some of tho neighboring boys were playing bull In front of his office. Suddenly the ball went wild nnd crashed through one of tho phys ician's plate glass windows. Of course the doctor was furious and he express er his feelings to the wco fellow who lind thrown It. "Haven't I told you fellows thnt this would happen some dny?" ho demanded. Tho little boy nodded his hend. "Then what hnve you to say for your self?" was the next thrust. The llttlo fellow gulped, swallowed nnd finally sobbed outs "Well, I though tnnybo I would hit one of your patients." Had a Reason. "I stopped In nt tho drug store Ut buy n clgnr," said a Collego nvcnuo man. "Behind me rushed In a lad about five years old. Right up to the clerk he went, yelling: 'Mister, you gave me a penny too much change a; while ago!' "The clerk looked nt him n mlnuta and said: 'That's your good luck and for being honest enough to tell me, yoa mny keep the penny. "The hid still had n troubled look on his face nnd soon explained It by, saying: "Hut I bought a penny balloon with it nnd I wanted to know If yoa would take It back. They arc selling larger ones down nt tho next drug store for n penny.' " IndlnnnpolU News. A Tip. There nre two great races the hu man race nnd the horserace and if you must bet, lay your wager on tho human race It Is safer. Jacksonville (Fin.) Times-Union. Peanuts In Mesopotamia. Successful experiments In growing pennuts hnve been conducted in Meso potamia by Englishmen. Smallest Penknife. A gold-hnndled penknife thnt Is ad small It could pass through the eye of an ordlnnry darning necdlo Is on dl play In the window of Its maker, Solo mon L. Ilnxter, Jeweler, Wellesley, Mass. Baxter claims it is the smallest penknife In tho world. Tho little knife hns two steel blades measuring three thirty-seconds of nn Inch. Three tiny) steel rivets hold the sides nnd blade In position. Of every hundred men called fall tires nlncty-nlno havo been lukewarm In their work. It Is not so much whnt you earn a what you spend thnt counts. i MnE!I L. B9i r vhh m iVP j!yS 3ilHMP ..Kr5'Ni vwSSSiisSSli7 Ps--? ' WlHmmmYm . WSmffsl in II uckvW : - m o 1 HK Jth " w tmimmM 9H-M m 'aswss X ' T7i yi'tMrndwrn sssK ' sssW sT aBkMHijHL-!sMPflVVV i4 il-Tf wSsP,ssLlW aF iF Jv ami fffvi kv WmSSm Bk. .ay iiBii!'?,l VVk.StVa i ss(' m iMMHli-Hkass s- k HSaLLMsHBi 1.1 l QOOD IDEA! - Open your this waytear off part of the top only. Protects the Lucky Strike cigarette a cigarette made of that delicious real Bur ley tobacco. It's toasted. Guaranteed by i' i. ".-1.-1! ijf.. 07 Ski JrnAjviecutA ATI. - L