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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1919)
'it' '. wiysv 798i.jvk Hilote BOt Aot i tX i i jiCinvi'S!SHitfsjf -gJBwgHjj, 7tiJlmimj. 3-s.r,r-'';?' 3! in2..r iizx. -r, rz i. Mi-.. t . kv ..' D ' .iMiiaRfe-WH r mnKm mm t Trr r ilT i?bliir r i iIismss IHl ip; fj HmfinnsT 4 nensaer That elves The News FIfty-tw Weeks Each Year Br 91.50 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. XE BR ASK A. OCTOBER Si , ).., NUMBER 40 WiiniimrairoiMtm -i i OTiramaimroranrw We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. If you desire to buy or sell, call on us Interest paid on Time Deposits Deposits Guaranteed by Depositors Guarantee Fund of State of Nebraska Webster County Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $35000 Red Cloud, Nebraska Cdvvard Flounce, President S. R. Florance, Cashier ft mraniiMiM a g SAVE MONEY! I Deputy Sheriff Murdered O. H. Milliner, a druggist at Atliol, KunsHfe. 11 town in the western part of Smith county, was shot down Siiturdiiy mornliiR o" K roud about i mile east of Atliol. Aliout two wcelcs previous a number of dtores in tlttit town wore hurirlitrized. Mr. Muuger whs sworn lu hs ft deputy sheriff and it is believed that Ids per slsteucr In endeavoring to run down the crimiuuls wrs the reason for murder. It is reported that the two men were In the town a short time bofoio the shooting and drovB east, out of town, Munger following them in his Huiek. When out about a mile, the two men stopped their our and when Mungor drove up they hot him. He died al most instantly. They then transferred their belongings to the lttticl; and drove away. The la-t report of the murderers was from Guide Uoi'W, the iiime evening : when a BuioU ear bearing two men answering their description passed I through town. Later the lluick was found near Superior. It is reported that a rewind of S'JOOO is ottered for their enpture. The funeral of the murdered man was held at Smith Center Monday. 1 Here is a few mnev savers selected at random from our stock. Many others that space does permit us to quote. Come in and investigate. BLUE RIBBON COrTEE-r-Hfch irade coffee CCa District Court Notes Judge DuugHti is holding a jury term here this week. The following cHses have been dis poned of by a jury: Wm. Moore vs II. L'Heuiex, verdict for defendant; Snow Williams vs Jacob Koch, verdict for defendant. As we go t press the case of Red Cloud Auto Co. vs Frank derrick is being triud. Several more important ,I3I cases are on trial. m Wins Season's First Game The first foot ball game of the season to be played by the local high school team took place at Mitulcn last Friday. A hard fought battle resulted in a score of f8 to 1'J in favor of the home boys. Our representative who covers the sporting field informs us that the home boys put real pep luto the game and that it was a real one from start to thiisli. This is indeed pleasing news and we hope they will keep up the pace. Much credit Is due to Instructor ilogue for the iuterest be has shown in having the boys in right trim for the game. The Chester team will play the boys on the Hedge field Friday afternoon and you should turn out and encour age them. Waldo Store Robbed at a very low price. You should try it. Lb. If you have used MRS. ROHRERS COFFEE EHf you know its quality, if not, try a package 9UU BOOTH'S SARDINES Best on the market OCf In large oval cans, now priced at, per can ww BACON Very best quality. We know you A Eg you .will like it. Special at, per pound H'WU 1 Fine, solid, smooth CABBAGE per 100 lbs $2.25 We just received another big shipment of DISHES. Our stock oj Queensware is alwaye complete. Let as know your wants. Come in and see this big line. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware St MIIMIMIIIMflM I On Thursday evening of last week the Waldo general store at Inavalc was burglarized. Entrance was gained through a window in the rear of the store ..building. An lovSsttjTirtlon re vealed that the thieves hud taken thir teen bolts of silk, twenty five pairs of shoes and several pairs of gloves. To date no clues to the identity of the thieves have been secured. No Hand Grenade Banks Mm bi FOR. FALL WEAR. PORTRAYING THE LATEST STYLES IN Sweaters 1 1 Sliti-m Styles with Sleeves Slipon Styles wihhout Sleeves In Coat Styles- with Style Collars and Belts te. Bartea Phages Agent gor Ladies Home Journal Patterns rv All Sizes in Qhildrens Half Sox The Savings Organization of the Tenth Federul Reserve District has just been informed by the Trensury Department that the Secretary of War, deciding that hand grenades converted into savings banks should not be sent broadcast tlnoughout the country, has cancelled his arrangement to furnish grenades to the Treasury Department. A Ithough more than IIOO.OOO of these greuades has been sold to the banks in the Tenth District, the children who have entered into the savings plan dur iug their vacation, must content them selves with Certificates of Appreciation issued by the Treasury Depaitment for their services. These certificates are being prepared in Washington and will be Issued by the Havings Organization, The War Department gave its ap proval of thogreuade distribution 8;v eral weeks ago. Its recent decision comes as a surprise but was evidently made on account of complaints made that the grenades might hecomo a menace to the safety of children aud families owing to the possibility of again converting them luto dangerous weapon'. THE MOST BKAUTIlFuL GIRL IN AMERICA Olive Thomas, who will be seen in the first of, her series of Selznik Pic tures, "Upstairs anl Down," on Mon day and Tuesday at the Ovphcum Theatre, has boon called the most beautiful girl in America and justly so. With her gorgeous mass of wavy chestnut hair and chining eye of deep sea blue, her superb fcrro an! lovely face, Ml 53 Thomas moat aav.'- edly deserves tne title Destow..a on her. When this dainty bit of femininity came to New York a few yetrs ago from her homo In Pennsylvania, she made this blae '.own sit up and take notice. She create I a sensation. Shu began her career the way many beau tiful girls do in the Follies. For three years she continued to attract nation-wide attention in the shor which is reputed to contain the most beautiful girls in the country. At the Orpheum next Monday and Tues day. For Sale The MoFarltmdroosiwff house trlcU. f modern aud doing oaptdty biulusM, jv e. ukts , sea uiwta, steer.- The First Month of School Last week marked the dose of tho first month's work In the city schools, showing'an enrollment of 'JOG pupils in the Lluodln Urade School, 132 In the Junior High rind Or In the High School. The following is the personnel of in structors: A. T rioltzen, Superintendent. Ethel Hilton, Principal Senior High. Helen Keiher, Mathematics. Elsie Gather, English. Holeu Vuuce, History and Physical Culture. Romona Schwer. Domestic Science- Eltina Riukard, Commercial Edna Frey, Normal Training Myrtle Gelwick, Science, Ethel Owen, Music. II. C. Hoguc, Agriculture, Manual Training mid Athletics. Jessie Kelloug, English Junior High. Aimee Arnold, Physiology aud Classics. Minnie ChristiHU, Principal Junior High Grace Beezley, 6th grade. Mrs. H. C. Hogue, 5th grade Margaret Leonard, Principal ward building and 4th grade. Kathryue Burke, 3rd grade. AnneRanney, 2nd grade. Maurine Caldwell, 1st grade. Mary Belle Hassinger, Primary, Kathrlne Traut, Assistant Primary. The new state health law which re quires a physical examination to be given all of the pupils have revealed many good health repoits. In some cases pupils havo been found to have one weak eye, others whose hearing is slightly affected and mauy other min or ailments which are now receiving careful attention Work is piogressiug nicely in all tho departments and Prof. Iloltssen states that teaohers and pupils are exhibiting m unlimited amount of iuterest lu their work. ' The Professor being a new man In our midst and all parents being anx ious as to the manner in which the schools vf'lll be conducted under his guidance we have secured the follow ing information regarding his qualifi cations, Bis career as an Instructor begun In rural schools where he taught for three year followed by three years of teaching to city school. Later he was elected to the office of County Sujerlntendent of the scboolsot Tuay. er County, holding this office for seven vears. An investigation of his career has brought out facts that leave no doubt as to his ability to preside over oar schools, 1 '1 JEWELS of SOUND in Cabinets of Exquisite Beauty You know, of course, that so far as the reproduction of music is concerned there is but one instrument which RE-CREATES it with proven ability. That instrument is The NEW EDISON "77f Phonograph with a Soul" the only invention which has successfully met the tone test, the test of direct comparison with the living artist. To achive this result cost 53.000.000 in experimental work. But do you realize that the superiority of the instrument is now reflected in the superiority of the case which con tains it? With but two exceptions, each New Edison, no matter what its price, is now encased in a period cabinet. Built of thoroughly seasoned and selected genuine Ma hogany or selected quarter sawed White Oak by craf rs men whose pride in their work is apparent in its perfect ion, these cabinets are masterpieces. We ask you to in spect the display of Heppel white. Sheraton, Chippendale, Jacobean. William & Mary and Eighteenth Century Eng lish cabinets now on view in our store. They,, arc replicas of those exhibited this month at the Hotel Commodore, New York City. E. H. Newhouse Optometrist and Jeweler 1 rTEO'"'1-" ! M Stockholders Meeting Stockholders of the Farmers Inde pendent Telephone Co., will meet in Annual Session at the Court House at Red Cloud, Nebraska October 11, ipi0 ataxTeloolr P. M. - . tend. 0. 0. TBfiL, Secretary. ErmjjnjHEsnaaim Only 3 More Anker Holth Cream Separators Left on hand that we are offering at a liberal discount for 3 days A sharp advance in wholesale price has announced for October 15th. Better take advantage of this liberal discount and get a first class shyarator at a very low price HURRY This is your opportunity to get a high grade sepa rator at a Big Saving. They are all new onei, in perfect order, subject to your inspection. Offer good ten days only, and a limited stock. If yon want one HURRY. Come in today. Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Rod Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THK GOMMINK" ' ; mmtmimmmmm iwmmmmm -i i i 'i ,1 t -w t ttfc" H