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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1918)
P i n ir HTtl IS BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, 0 H I E ? f'. r "The Phonograph With a Soul" fi f i jiCAORD comes from the Edison factory w a vv l I.. mat mere is soon to oe a raise m . J' GET NEW EDISON" Nflllf Un n r ! I .4 ' N c If I" te ' r t I'. 'A. V ,- i I . ' rM h"! 81 !J II u hi f a ;.i . u , tf l i:: i 1 J .k' V i: h( I ' 't 'l '' 1 t , price This due to o price other oi raw causes. terial T7 1 Tl " on j&aison rnonoarrapns. inis raise ed-freight rates, advance in higher wages and They do not tell us just when nor how much the raise will be, but you raise by can save Furthermore you can get most, any thing you want now and later there may be delays owing to factory shortages and freight congestions., - the In its day the first Edison was a wonder though it reproducedthe human voice with but a fair degree of accuracy. The "NEW EDISON" is today as great a wonder because it Matches Ab solutely Every Tone and Quality of the Actual - ..r-,. . TUG FIRST EDISON, 1877 uivillfc VUlLC. The first voice reproducing machines were invented by Thos. A. Edison in 1877 and when Mr. Edison placed the first phonograph before the people he knew and said something was lacking. His first phono graph reproduced the fundamental tones only and for thirty-six years, with his characteristic patience and tenacity of purpose lie labored to overcome the difficulties of the perfect recording and reproduction of music until in the year 1913 his labors were rewarded with complete success and he said, "Here is the New Edison" a sound reproducing in strument that absolutely Recreates the actual living tones of singer or instrument," and proved his statement by inaugurating 1Mb lUlNli llSI I i The test is simple in the extreme. I The "New Edison" is placed upon the stage; the artist stands beside it. The instrument begin to play one of the singer's records. After a moment the artist begins and sings with the instrument. The singer stops and the. "New Edison" continues alone. More than 2,000 of these tests have been staged, forty great art- icfa VmvA rnnrlA this p.nnmai'ison . .11 ii -l. it 1 T-l- J W witn tne ngnts lowered not one ol .. the more than three million peo-. fi3 -distinguish between the sing- er's real voice or the He- Creation of the voice. The "New ) Edison" is the only instrument that PROVES its claim to per- f ectly Re Create the artist's voice. THE LATEST EDISON, IMS 7-jc iimmmmsmmj WAri ifwr JJtll'tl lllHIll I f Mlitli . m ill IflfflKllli ptj :n i.i i unw, tv.wr- 1 -iti; hnr-avnu.jijim jii ni sm ' -i I'm ?i a v mmmmM j nil Mill 1 h -a i i JMiui'ilM 'fIi 1 1 It w life n fibilM 1 1 ill I A A LARGE VARIETY There is an "Edison" at a price to fit any purse from $85 to $ 6000 with different woods and finishes in each model so every, taste may be satisfied All Edison instruments use a gen uine Diamond reproducing point that never wears out and thus does away with needle changing. Nothing to change on the Edison but the record. By the aid of a simple attachment any record can be played on the MNJSW EDISON". Edison Re Creations (records) are prac tically indestructible, do hot wear out and play twice as long as any other record made. . . Most of the greatest artists in the world now make records exclusively for the EDISON THOS. A. EDISON The inventor of (ho Phonograph -:- ' mV O' tn An Edison Diamond Disc Record y!l?itffrt lfffc. JKBS There is a large list of Edison records to select from records to please every taste and satisfy every person. Ask for the cat alog of Edison Re Creations. The real excellence of the "New Edison" can orily be appreciated by hearing or direct comparison with other makes. We will gladly demonstrate at any time, or, better yet, let us bring an Edison to your home for free trial. This will place you under no obligation nor will it cost you anything. We sell any model on easy terms. We have several very interesting booklets which we will be glad to send on receipt of your request. "s". A'"l7 33 m Delays Are Costly --BUY NOW ANNA CASE Mpki,i(! oTonb Test. & y Licensed Edison Dealer Eed Cloud, Nebr. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist Red Cloud, Neb. - V! 1 W, ; j rJ ..) .( -i -St . L5-. iyimViM -tifrfm triwr,ti6rtn',. xr"'Hn-iT,- ttAtM , -t0 S-i k