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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1918)
ut HWotkf "Vt y"f . '! . V ?.-? "Mf?? lfe- --r;-srgn "Wh " !' a t m .T - V a nssracsj; r" --V . - 5-T? W 3Bi aL, ."T?? tfwr) n Uvl U M .Hi 9 ' il nr-- m a - ''- . a?itoa .&aa - w a -ns T w h n-Kifs-w ia t w,r -, .5r& - &- (J M. W M kKA fit-- Hl-? ,- " r.1 H--fcS.!R I - SW J? -. 'iL ..yZ.WZTI? . .-- .-- r.i ia Tirtr'm hi p?r w.t . i ., rsii-,3 w -a . rij i r?s - w ' i - i 7 ) s'. Pn . -f .: zs . - ---- m - . fi- ft fi-- Is M - v iJss w - -w 8111 r Va m9& sM! 8 sf 'sfsss feu 5 I VOLUME 47 WAV-V.V.V.VVAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W Financial Reserve There is hardly a day passes but most of us are called upon to draw upon our reserve, either physical or financial. 3 ' Have you some in store? :j This bank is a good place to start a :: financial reserve, and it cannot help but be of service to you. J DEPOSITS in this,bank are PROTECTED by the I; Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska ij Webster County Bank Capital and Surplus $35,000 For a good House Mouse Drtuts and-ApnnSm QTr. V v 'v ''T IJ U ,Ji;v:f'iM,,i; I i 1 vcsiiiXilJ i i! '; . j I C.'"51 iij Ijr fy Trwe Worth Dress For sale by ygfts. Barbafa PhafesJ SUNDAY AT THE Christian Church Communion Services Sunday Morning. Sermon Sunday Evening. Business Matter will also be Considered. All Members Should be Present. Chief ads Red Cloud, Nebraska. S r well made Dress , ' i V I J ..71 .III Pay You A Newspaper That film The News 15 ED CLOUD, XEBRAMvA, .JULY lx 1SM8. u The Pennant" It was a Red Cioss benefit. It was ptesented by an assembly from among the most attract'' vo and patriotic young ladies of Rod Cloud. Either of these facts would assure success and account for the crowded operetta at the, housse attending the operetta at the Orphcum Monday night. But aside from this the entertain ment as a feast of music, as an en semble of beauty, as a story and a pastime, was right up to the front. r'.e neighbors ami attemlaotsat the t The audience came to criticize anden-'ainmetit attracted by the dames j departed to praise. "Wasn't it good'jhireu.l to the rml-.-. ami by' were the yoids of verdict. lstrer ums efforts -.areil the ndjoiulnjr1 Those who took part, and the parts, they took, were- as follows: CVr OK CIIUU TKR- lack I awou. i stninr who ha lx'ni ivorkins Ms nrv- throuzh culletf. aN apialli ef li -foot bU team .. i:ilabtUivtirmanl,u' Lord WiMxihy titch. an helrt-w-hautinrKii- iKhuuin .- . . .Set'ic -printer Levi I.einlsr. a Jewi.h iiU!lr luf CruWll riant Green, a Irhnau from ip ewtfn tr . . .,;ir bvl.e H:liiKtfr Itrniil.ih 5oml. a itockhroker. f wer fatlier to Durli ... . J i'phin Castor rwinleOwtn thecoarh Krma Kannty! m isoa. a (rienl of jacx Josephine -nerer tr mtin. a rhum of .lack niam he Iliniur DorM Bond, aitoptvil ilatuhter of fcrpmlah IJ ud - Inez Homier '.r. lereiulah Bon J. a aclty o:'tnhr and f xter-rnther to IkirU . Anne Kanr.ej Mr I'.cno urns, s uldiiw dreta Tumure Um -wuet. frieml of Dorl Mj rtt- Hotmer Mw Vouch;. rlml of trli ttulif ICmii FOorUAIX II. .VERii JoehIne sharer. Ulnnchc Bonner. Krmrv Unnney. I.ucIlirU:e, . dr.iCf Ulej. MabH Ilotltmti?j Kluabth Ove',mn. Zelma WonderlyJ MjrtU Oonner. Udtth Keeley9 t.tunora -prluaer. fcllth Irtrrlclc. riioiscs tii.- " "1 MlnnKf.eors". - rtielnux MellrMar Hn) luon, ilaehvl l otr,l-n Jleltrti I.amiHi. (ireta K,htlnian nianebe Mclrttyre. Hazel Borden Mlklred Mrcr. MyrtioHonner Kither Storsy. Huhy dom. , sYsorst- lack 1' Jeely In love with Ijrl Mr. ttou '. oppoMH the mtch.destrin a tltiwi oi'.-!n-: i and wha U otiMr means fall. IVirua Jack eiop: Lord Wood by Rich 1 shown as a frt'-.n hunter, Portland Jack ar f : nl-ven. an t the story end In happlne. In such a list it is hardly practu.' to make special mention of sepora:-' chaiactet-s. They weie all so goi il that prae of one might easily se n injustice to another. Without implying inferiqiity in ar . Hiss Overman's "Jack Lavson;"M - Inez Bonner's "Doris Bond;" II -HaifcinfKpr's "Verdant Green;" M Ciabiir- "Levi Londei-;" Misb T -nuie's ''Mrs. Reno Grass;" 3Iis R.. -npy's "Mr?. Jeiemiah Bond;" and M Springe-.'s "Lord Woodby Rich," lr . be mentionetl as especially wor characterizations. The music was charming, the c -Mimes nifty, the sterj" intereatingr, ai : the nembl attiactive. The solo and duets manifested ca -ful study and skillful training, ' chonirea lose to the verge of mus. g.andeur, ami our Home Guards m ' have to hustle to kiep ahead of ti girls in marches and drills. Such weakness as was at all ma--ifest wai plainly due tor lack of t' ' experience which is attained only b years of stage life, and to some d gree of timidity which, even amor,- adent nlavnrs. nlw.iva nt-rnH n "fir.r night" performance. This wore off a the operetta pr)- T -" (-""" "" " " -"'--" giessed and in the closing numbe - the gills swept into the spirit of t' occasion with the graceful and danr. abandon of professionals. Miss Inpz Bonnor, musical instruct ar.d diret'-or has reason to bo pro of her pjpils. If in this brief sketch one has i celvod pore notic than another, another less than the one, please i member if all wre mentiond alA there would be no difference. It was good from start to finish; i musical treat that reflected cred " upon eveyonc taking part. So "Pack up your troubles in you own grip sack, and smila! smile! smite!!!" - Tor the benefit of the Red Cross tho of Mr and Mrs Win. Stephens, of -St ladles of the Baptist church will serve Francis, Kan , has boon reported kill Ice creaa and cake on the church lawn e.i June lorh. TU young nun was tomorrow (Friday) evening comruenc- highly respected In his home conitnuu- Fl?tta Weeks Each Year For S1.50 Bad Fire Saturday t- McCartney whose farui I I al oat s miles soutlt of th s -uttered srmus the toss satin nuht From some unknown cau-e tree burn took tire ami together rs entire contents was burned to j t, ,ft jt),. . tho u.ron,i. v- MeCartuev and fatnllv were ab-! se i' it the tliut? atteuihns a Rett Cross entcrtniniuent, tml when the fire at-1 itn'td at'eutton it ua too lat to sir auythlnsr. bin. Iiru, nltlmu;li the root of a pran ary oreral times atlre, was badly da :. iivd. The Uaru cotr'taineil 'Jo lious n ca l") bushels of oats jusf hauled tons liny, harries, and other ur' e A carriage stamen? oiusj.te w ! -ktso d"strojetl ,The New Engine i ne new oil entftne at the power h ' ie was stH-tei! .Inly l'Jth atid Is rr.'iutnt' smoothly every day. Friday .1 D Relnne. an expert fr tu Umaha, arrived ami having made OH'eful patninaUon stnrted the motor on a highly successful trial ruu. f-iti cylinder limine driven by fuel oil an I developing 100 horse power Cuiiilderab'.e preparatory work was necessary, which ivai done tinder the 'tipervlston of City Superintendent J A. Bradford, and included ft lOxtW foot addition to the building and a solid 'Dfemeut foundation for the engine. The new motor and eenoiator nre of capacity to npply iistiaf reiuiremeuf mcluditii: the Inavale and Uiverton lines, nnd upon occasion of extra need the team pover l'H be ,,cut in When gtovvth "f busuie-s nece-sit.it1" stilt more po.ver other unit- maybe addutl. Gut-dde 'unes are all complete and awaiting nth ial In-peetlon, after which th" current will be turned on for Inavale an.l Rlvertou. i . A Big Round Barn ' A "f the Chief wa receiitty atf ,nled th- pleasure of in spectlng tl e lare rouud barn on the Chris, btarke -toulc farm about four 1 miles east of tins city. ' This preat building, erected a tew years aco. is a prominent landmark attracting the attention of, nil who travel the road between Red Claud and Oijlde Ruck. It b ID. feet In diameter and tree stories from basement to roof; bise. ment is luhtett by continuous riws cf windows, and for nlnht Use there Is h complete electric outfit, liiem n.r engine antl generator. Running wter is piped to conveinent poinU. The basement U tlnished entirely .n cement and tltte.l with cattle stal s, 1 feed racks, watering troughs, milhintf machinery, drains etc . makingjit both convenient and sanitary A giant silo of brick and cement stands In the open "nter extending upwards nearly to l"e r00'" . . , . , ine Keuoiui uoor 11 iibvuicu iy grain and feed bins, implement storage, and work shop and the upper floor holds hay, alfalfa, etc. , A large herd of high-grade cattle graze on thu pastures and arejfed from the cultivated acreaee of agrea' fertile farm extending from this barn out over a half -ection, The other buildings residences, corn cribs, Kranary most of them recently newly painted, are attractive audi modern in every detail. I Mr. Starke specializes in peci greed stock ami has a number of.hlgh-priced animals In his berl one, espt-eia'ly which eo-t lilm 52.WO He Is, jnst at present negotiating with an eastern specialist in dairy work to come and take active ch irge of this department. Private Harry Stephens, age 2ti, sui I There is a Difference in Lenses lust as there is between a plocp of purn gold and that Containing alloy. The lenses used by me are the tlnnst that can be had. These, come in the roiiidi ami are ground until they exactly meet the requirements of your eie trouble One cauuotbetoo careful about the eyes The matter of n dotlar or o should not enter into the ca'eul.itlon. This store refuses to ask for your patronage by price alone the cure is tthe thing des'red by me or well as yourself. Even so, you will tlnd the charcc unuMially low-, taking into consideration the highquatlly will bt totthc interest &f your eyes to fat:r them examtntd ktSe E. H. NEMHOUSE Jeweler ana Optometrist KTC. B. &. Q. Watch Inspector tf - idj -v ss r i i ii r r aa f "" ''ii'iiETE4A!?fiITFJtSf We caterto the class of shoppers that is accustom ed to securing satisfaction and who know when they secure it. That is why our customers are so ready commend us as a place to trade. F YOU APPRECIATE A COME TO US. IL lfr rr r?y$$ffiKfiraKt(BKA llvlHV?ifiMV7iiSLS!SudSflflP53lB Open Day DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell ii IL NUMBER 'JO to rec- SATISFACTORY SERVICE and Night & Pope i f Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor i lug at eight o'clock. lity.