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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1918)
JJU I. lirv i i i i SltUo " f'-'llll VOLUME 4 WSVJSWVV.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.".V.V.VJ Financial Reserve - There is hardly a day passes but most of us are called upon to draw upon our reserve, either physical or financial. Have you some in store? This bank is a good place to start a financial reserve, and it cannot help but be of service to you. DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska Webster County Bank Capital and Surplus $35,000 For a good House TftAOEnAMRM. u&FAior. f vk v5s?s4 "-4.1 1 1 fl I 1 Buy Yrue Worth Dress , For sale by Ek. Barbara PharesJ yWVAV.V.V.ViWAVV1V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAVVAVi,.Wi'.W Christian Church i; Our Regular Sunday Services will not be held this Sunday, owing to Chautauqua. They have aranged an appropriate program for the day : hJlvVAv.vvv.v,v.vwAv.vJ'wv Chief ads Red Cloud, Nebraska. PfcJ Well made Dre$s Pay You w 4 Newsiaper That flUes The News Plfty-two Wcek Each Tear Rr $1.50. I n, - - - 1 i i ' ' i ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY 5, ISMS. Another Contingent Departs Twenty-three husky young men bade their l datives and fiiends good bye at Red Cloud Monday evening and left on the eight o'clock Burling-" ton tiain for Ft. Dodge, Iowa, and thence into the gieat woild war. Similar cntrainments nio going on all over the state this week and Class 1 of the selective diaft is getting n luu (I pull. In view of the leccnl Allied drives and successes theio aie many who think these soldier boys may never get to the t tenches. Our boys woie given-a loyal sendoff a banquet, speaking, music, and Homo Guaid escort to the depot. A large number of citizens assem bled at the depot to see thorn start. Following is the list: Millard Fontieas, Red Cdoul Henfy A. Sceman, Rlue Hill C. 51. Sheiwood, Red Cloud Geo. Miksch, Red-Cloud Fied Lampman, Rosomont Roy Rutledge, Inavalo Lloyd L. Heiniichs, Campbell Hany II. Baiker, Inavale , Fied C. Bangcit, Guide Rock ' Joe Rose, Blue Hill Giover Ciary, Red Cloud Howard 51. Cotnor, Bladen Lylc Jones, Bladen Edward J. Hansen, Paulino Ernest Stioit, Bladen John P. Song, Roscmont A. C. Stumponhorst, Blue Hill Beinaid L. Henderson, Rosemont Bert Ross Fickcl, Cowles Joseph Nollette, Guide Rock Guy E. Dickson, River-ton Fiank A. King, Inavale Another Contingent Gone Instal Officers The Rebekah's held an installation last Thursday ccning. Following aie the names of officers installed: Nolilo Grand Mrs. Ida dimming 1'a-t Grand 51 rs. 5Inry HuiTcr Vice Giand Mrs. E. Welsch Ticasuipi Mis. F. Smith Sicietniy Claia 5Ic5Iillan ( anion Nannie Wtight Right Suppoi t 5Ii s. Walter Wanon " High Adventure " Nothing more amazing has hap pened dining the war," said,a Fiench eye-witness of Cupt. Hall's battle with seven Gennan nil planes. Shot tlnou the lung.i, ho fell for over two mill . his motoi going full spoer'i,airthe vn Then by a iniiaclo ho iccO"Cie con sciousness just long enough lo straig ti'n his machine 300 feet fiom ground and glide safely into the front-hire trench. A man who has gone thiough an expciionco like that has something to write about. And yet it is only one of the adcntuios this famous American aviator (now dead or a prisoner of war) tells of in his new books. Written with all the vividncs-, humor, and wealth of human inteiest that made his pievious'volume, "Kit chener's. 5Iob," one of the classics of the war, this is a book that will thrill America. On 5Iay 7, a 'few days, after he had completed his book Captain Hall was shot down and captured during a battle over the Gciman linos. "High Adventuie" has just been re ceived at the Libiary ask for it. ' The newspapers of Nebraska led those of all other states in tiro Tenth Federal Reserve district in publishing nows items about the third Libcily Loan, Coloiado was second, Oklahoma third, and Kansas fourth. Nebraska also led in editorial matter, publishing almost twice as much as Kansas, which was second, Ncbiaska also led in tho space devoted to cartoons. Nebraska was third ip amount of display adver tising used for Liberty Loan, which show? that the newspaper men of Nc 1) as''a drvotod rvoio. fi ninw in boosting tho loan in proportion to the ' ad-ortiir' received than rny otiVr 'We. t County Politics 'I he open season for tiling came to an mil last Satin day. '1 1 p regular filing door is now closed anil the list complete, unless some Ia' comer slips in through the peti tion window. 'lime are twehe offices to bo filled, and thirty-four names on file; two or iiwic aspirants for every office except ing those of County Judge and County Su oyor in which the picseut ineum bi u -. Judge A. D. Ranney and Gepigo H. Ov oiing, respectively, hold lone ll.Mid-. I' i- plainly apparent thcie is plenty o i n diii ml i'r.i tt lit fill rtfi iiiti'i ifin tint. u, tho next thiee weeks. It.iUno vvoik will evidently center a i! the sheriff and county liens ui i lontestants, there being four and I'm aspirants foi these offices. I ollowing aio the entires: ' For State Senator, ' Alvie Pieice, R. Red Cloud J. B. Wisocaivei, I). Red Cloud For Congressman, fitlr, DKt. .las. S. Gilham, R, Red Cloud For Stale Representative, -lGth Dist. .1. L. Bccbe, D. Red Cloud Dr. I. A. Pace, D. Guide Rock 51. F. Rickard, R. (present incum bent) Guide Rock For County Clerk B. F. Perry, D. (present incum bent) Red Cloud H, A. Roats, R. Red Cloud W. A. Carpenter, R. Inavale For County Treasurer A. V. Ducker, D. Red Cloud 0. A. Arnold, D. Blue Hill C. R. Rakestraw, D. Bladen . Frank Stair, R. Red Cloud W. C. Co, R. Red Cloud , For Shoiiff Frank Huffer, D. (present incum bent) Red Cloud f . Grant Chnsty, D. Red Cloud 0. D. Hedjrp, R. Rod Cloud , Wm, K. .illnco, R. Bladen For Count Attorney Frank .Mumlay, D. (present m- cumbont) Red Cloud II. S. For. R. Rod Cloud B. W. Stow ait, R. Red Cloud For County Judge v A. D. Ranney, non-paitisan, Rcci Cloud For Count v Superintendent Estelle Pucker, non-paitlson, Rod Cloud Jossio 51. Kellogg, non-partisan, Red Cloud. For County Assessor C. A. Her rielc, R. Red Cloud J. 0. Butler, R. Red Cloud A. F. Ilaitwcll, D. Innval." Tor County Survoyor Geo. H. Ovbring, R. (present in cumbent) Red Cloud For County Commisionoi, Dist. ' C. L. Wickwiio, I). Inuvalo, C. A. Waldo, Innvalo Geo. P. Cather, It. Bladen For County Commissioner', 3.d 5th Dist. J. W. Hamilton, D. Guide Rock Leo DeTour, D. Guide Rock Grant Shidler, R. Guide Rock Theio remains only tiro settlement of the lules and regulations or in other woids, platform and policies by the Conventions, to make politic.1 a leading subject for the next thice months. 5Ioio stringent checking of sugar put chases has been asked of tho re tailors of tho stato by the Federal Food Administration for Nebraska. Retailers are requested to keep re cords of tho pur-chases of sugar, tho amounts purchased, and tho nnmo and address of tho puichasor. That tho 2 and G pound niles will bo enforced to tho limit is indicated in instructions to all county food administrators, that whorovor a retailor violates this rule, his certificates for tho ensuing month will bo lcfuscd. Tho niles stipulate that not moio than 2 pounds may bo sold to city or town customers at one time, Irrespective of tho number irr tho family, and not moro than 5 pounds to ruial customers. I ' , I There is a Difference in Lenses Just as llioio Is between a piece of piirn gold mid Mint containing alloy. Tlio lenses used by me are the finest thntiMii he hud. Those oiune in the rough and nto ground until they c.Mictly meet the requirements of jour pin llcuhu t'.vo tumble. One ounnot bo too cat of ul about the eye- The matter of a dollar or so should not outer into the calculation. This stoio refuses to ask for your piitionnco by prion nlone the cine is klhe thing defied by me or well .is on i ieir. Even no, you will find tlio cliatge unusually low, taking 'into consideration the liigh(uality Tiv" be to the interest of your eyes to hove them examined here E. H. NEW'HOUSE Jo we far and C3TC B. &. Q. Watch Inspector If -, - We caterto the class of shoppers that is accustom ed to securing satisfaction and ivho know when they secure it. rjphat is why our customers ore so ready to roc 's, commend us as a place to trade. 1 F YOU APPRECIATE a. LUi'lfc 1 ) UN. JJ l i i " T Mil MIIM IHIWWIIIPWIWiWfilinr Open Day and Night AT OUR CAFE Powell ii IL Show the "Chief" n3&- vjl!l. -NUMBER tiO Optomotrst JL Wr SATISFACTORY SERVICE IN Li & Pope to Your Neighbor -m ; I T