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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1918)
- VVv.-SKWt.-- 'U5 , ' il'HT: 'W!'" -" ifiTif WF.D OtOVD, NlBKABrA. OHIIF K w , m M it" i: i J 'C Unnallnnt Statement. i "Mischief nnd petticoats c.imo into ' tb'o world the snino day, nnd have re- i&ilncd together uyr Hlnco." "Tho ' (fato Openers." by IC. L. Montgomery. Dr.W.H.McBrfde f. .DENTIST Successor to l)r. 1 ross OVER STATU HANK - v ffED CLOUD . Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED tsfOvenr. Ovi.i: Amiuiout's SrontJ ODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Fuji Line of Supplies ROLLS PEVELOPI-:n-10c HAIL YOUR ORDER TO OS Stevens Bros.1 E. S. Geurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Tour House And Furnish You the Fixtures : r lead the Chief, Buy a Home! I will Hell on a homo ! n II u it UiOiifl so cheap nml on si u c h Eusy Payments tli.iV you cup not ilTford to pay j$nt, . Si.v p'u r cut iliite'roijUiu (lfftAi'red p u y . iu.tite It a v three looal iotM. Oct fc'lr;' Thuice 7v R 5 W JLj( 1CI 0 Snet ISGSBrofSfflsnraSBSS I 1 mo Hamilton - Gather Cloth Ins Co. -sv-": Everything a Manr or Boy Wears Red Cloud Nebraska tWhen. the Birerrvo'n. App6a.r i j the imuted "mn' fifil thouallX It one ol Ihackfuhcu that he .3 to. How abou I your thoughts ii a fwemSn should op ! pear at your home? i ;The Da,y -'Before the Fire I it the jay to iniure. At that day may ' be to, morrow (or all you can know or p do, it fcllciwt'that prudence would im- I pell you to ttop in our office today and have ut iuue you a policy, O. C. TEEL eliacblc, Insuranco jj TAIT Linvolji, Ni-1 . I -. Food Administration Classifies Candies It hati heen the dcire of the Gov ernment to interfere as little as pos sible with the progress of established industries during the war, tind yet it iH necessary to conserve the mater ials that arc 'needed Tor tho jiror,ccu tion of the war. The contro) of the cnn'dy-ntaklnjf industry lias been something of a problem because of il.." nnattv nf nfivintr RUtrar. A NEBRASKA J ,.eprMonlntlvo of the U. S. Food Ad . 'ministration has, therefore, publish ed an article in which lie indicates that the U8e of candy is notncrcBsnrily unpatriotic , but recommends that tho varieties which contain n email per cent of ougar bo eliosCn. He suggests four varieties. A part of tho aiticlc is as follows: "l'l. fnllmvltin- fnm- trmmis nf can- iv, - 0.4. - -,.. illns made from norfectly wholesome substitute ingredients which aic in plentiful .supply, with a moderate supply of sugar are good conscrvn tion,good food, and good sweetmeats, satisfying tho candy craving. "Group 1. Tills includes all the chocolate and cocoa candies with cen ters of nuts, fruit, fiuit pastes, mar malades, jam, and tho like, especially the old-fashioned chocolate creams with a bitter coating, also tho tin coated soft candies like iiougatines, turkiah pastes, etc. Our supplies of chocolate and cocoa arc abundant, thoso materials arc wholesome food, and 'you aie co-operating in the con servation program when you ent any chocolate confectionery containing such centers. "Gioup 2.-IIard boiled candies, such as lemon drops, stick candy, fruit tablets, peanut bar, peanut brittle glace nuts, and the like, containing a moderate percentage of sugar being made with a large poition of corn syrup. In this group may also bo put the molasses candies, such as taffies and kisses, and also candies made ith peanuts tvnd other nuts. "Group 3. Mnrshmallows arc made with u small percentage of sugar being made with coin syrup, corn dttit'ch and gelatine, all conservation ingredients and they may be eaten plain, toasted, dipped in chocolate, tolled in cocoanut, and in many other palatable forms. -v "Group 4. This group consists of gum drops, jellies, jelly beans and the like, a wide .variety of candies, made of corn syrup, gelatine and other wholesome ingredients, with a small percentage of sugar a cheap grade of gum dtops formerly sold by the car lot and entirely wholesome required only sufficient sugar to cover them, or "sandy them, as it is eallod in the tiadc. "J n chting cdndics of the above four groups' the consuming public is doing two definite things to nid conservation, t First, sugar is saved without neglect-' ing tho great American sweet tooth; second, candy manufacturers will be able to continue their industry and employ people on war time .ar.dies. In normal times the public consumes only n limited amount of the candies in these four gioups, and man ufacturers can only make that quan tity now if tho public will help by ia ll' consumption, turning from candies uchcr in sugar." WAR S&V2HQS C&KMiTTEE W&STS 450j08 MEMBERS i A Bio Cnmpalon- Is On This Month to Get Members for the Stato'j Largest "Lodge." The Nebraska headquarters of tho X.itloual War Savings ('omiuliteu has started vut to get ir.O.OdO iiieiubori lu a big Var Suhig Soelely. 'J'lie ylute lieadqiituters of the War Havings 'oiiiiiilltee,al Omaha Is pre paring to prosecute a concentrated i cuiiipalKii for the formation of War 1 1 Savings Siiclotles, OigniilKiUloiis of I cei ehnraeler In every tnvn will bo J iisl.etl to i-h1s In tlie nioveiiient. j Members of War Savings societies pledge themselves to support the gov- I eminent by refraining 1'ioin iinneees- Miry expenditures, b.v nysteinatle sav- ' lin's and by obtaining new members. j'l'ea or more permiim may. oignnlze. a War Smltigs society. They may nt?ct lu the fiietoiy, school, church, club- 1 biuse, Hie home lf one of. the mni- b rs, or at any other convenient place. The purposes of the War Savings s-ocletles, a Ket forth by the stato committee, Is: '"To uwtiUcn a roallzit Hon among the men. women nnd chll dien that hi their lunnls lies ho key p the sumwul proscenium , ot; the war; that they can render the mot far.'reaching, patriotic, servho through lefralnliig from the purchase of all unneccss.iry articles, confining them selves to thu use of such things as life neccH$ar,v for health and etfic lencjv thus releasing labor imil mate rials for the support of our armies In the field, mid lu biilng War Saving Stamps to help finance the war." Love. 7 Poor Henry loved a girl named Grace, llo rolt Dan Cupid's dnrt: And every rtlmplo in her faco Made it' dent in lita heart. ( , Names Is Names. ( 'Ui-n Butcher Is tho name of n mnn la nifiOhlo town. v DOING WRONG TO DO RIGHT Manufacture Form Combination to Assist Government Directly In VIo. latlin of Sherman Antitrust Law. A manufacturer connected with one of the hlKKCit plants of Its kind In the country told a writer for the IMillailcl jihtn Ledger recently that tile govern ment wanted one of Its product -i, but wanted it In such enormous quantities anil In inich haste, that It Wntttd have been Inipnslblo for uny one plant to turn It out. The manufacturer wanted to help the government, so lib called together the representatives of more than a dozen other large plants in the same line of hiiHln"t' and explained the situation to them.a "Wo mtt8f agree oninjjiPvii a low price, so tiio'gdrertiiticnctui get what It needs." All were competitors, but they came to the government's assistance and agreed to make tho product and de liver It for a price so low thnt there not only' would be no xccsq profits to lav, but there was a strong belief that there would be no pollts at all. "This combination," remarked the manufacture!', "was directly In viola tion of tho Shernuin antitrust law, and at any other time we might all be put In Jail, Hut it was the only way." WOULD DE IT The Old Man So you're the prodi gal, sou, nnd are. going home, eh? I suppose your father will kill the "fat ted calf." The Young Man T hope not; for I think I've been the calf. Big Hauls of Fish. The fishing fleet landing fishery products ut Plosion and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Me.. (i;lng Aug ust, 1017, Included 2M1 steam and still vessels, 'Those vessels lauded nt Ronton :U) I tr'ps aggregating 10.fCT.020 pounds, valued at ?03,130; at Gioiwestor J7.T trip". asTrcgntlng V).14S.::h! pounds, valued nt ?-t51.'J0O, and at Portland. 1" tr , . aggregating '.1.1 17,S'.T, lMUinds, vulu il ni SIM.010. -The total, Cor the tbiVe piiitH ntnor.ntcd t',,.v. gregntlng 22.5)21,748 jiouii.K (if frch ? nd salted thm, lmi? a v.ilue to tho Jiiheimon of Jjil,lfls,;JSs " ' ' ,, Twanly-Fbur-Hour Qay. l)y a royal il"ti' the iKUtyilc rail roads, poHts, telegraphs nrhry, navy. sicuiitElUp cotrtpttnl "i, etc., hftvo artopl rulillor, which grtuL u uch lower than teni brings Greek im' rniN and stvnm vhlp chodiile.s In Uii" v. h Ilallan and other continental h.mci'h. The day begins at midnight and th liours Min consecutively until - o $cl. which will lie niidnlght of the e.i .iiietedday. This system htm beta in iiJq la astro nomical observatories i "' t-ian'y years. Cultivate Rubber Plant. Successful attempts havo-bcen made to bring under proiitalde cultivation I he doseit rubber plant, guayule. The vlhl (ihiubs have long been collected 'ii great quantities In Mexico, and tho nibebr, which grades ninth loWiu" than L'ara, Is extracted by sin-h "jlpiplo proc esses as (o make Us production veiy profitable. Telephone Convenience A useful addition to tho telephone consists of a small, circular disk, to which are attached a pair of our tubes. Uy merely placing tho receiver over the disk and the tubes lu tho ears, the operator Is left'freo to 'Jot dov njeinnratula or use both bauds for ooniulting recoius or muico. Russla'sVatorvasV More than 179,000 miles of rivers, lakes ati'd .canals. i jniicovlto,t-Upry ii'ii ' navrgable. In 'JOtfi "thoro were about HO.OOO-miles open to traffic, V2, 000 "miles In construction and many moro projected. To Havo Boer Bible. t Tlcro Is a movement among the Roers of Smith Africa tofhave an edi tion of the Rlhlo In their, own patois tho Tital. At present they read th initio iu thu pure Dutch oMlelluttd. 111 M W JW A Double Wedding ' To tho E-IItor, Red Cloud Chief: In ronr Inst Issue of the Chief I reported tho mnirlngoor Mls? Inno Kiliot and Mr, M. 1'. Cslllglu'is which look place hero n short time ao, but la'orwas in forme, that thine was u double wed iltiw at the (.tune time, plncu, and the niarriago cojeui'iny performed by the sumo cleigyii'Mi, the Rev Kutliei O'Hellly, of ICsbon, Ivuimis, I ho iicwp being received too Into for last wcelc' publtt'iitloii which tho uriter much re lrots. The bride Is Miss .lulln Klllol. daimhtorof Mr. and MrsrDnvid-KIHut, nd tly glodm being Mr. Pearl Rich unison, (thlest, son of Mr.,Htid Mrs. I' .1. IMoliiinbion, both rcsidiim In th 4nmc nelKhboihoQd. The britlu is most nmliibb) 1m1.v, possoHing man iccompllflhmcnlrt and is pattlcitlaill chin aoteristlcffit'liOr skill iukJ cneigi not only in tho management of lions hold duties, but also lu many thine peitaitntig to manual labor. Th groom is a young man of refinemoul Knsesblng mmiy friends, besides helm a practical and successful farmer, II is an iiiticaii of much repute A fie the doulilu ceiemoiiy ail elaborate dii -nor will piepitiri'd, Its general pi a tiou manifesting everything that ootid he (leslrcd"tind refiected great ctcdit on I ho cooks, for their taste and energy About seventy poisons pnrtleipntod in llie feast incluillng relatives of the con traoting purtios, as well as many friends nnd neighbors. After dinner, music, (both vocal am uibti omental), was in full progicss, tin uoily weds, asslstod bv tho slstuifi ol tho lespectlve parlies, rendoreilseieirti beiyitirnl pieces, which were well ap plaudcd. Several recitations were siven by the" school children. Soon after all dispel sod wlshlmt the newly weds many happy dnj& in their new SphtMC of life. LuKo imcuuko Uayc: When they aro first married fcho Isal ways feeling bin shoulders and waiting for the wings to sprout, lffil later ou she Is afraid to rub his head for foai blie will feel the horns growing through. Cheer up! Hope doesn't coot any more than despair. When j on want to work other people ail .ounce of llattery will get you more than a ton of truth. A college education Is a good thing, hut you h.ive to go to the school of ex perience l learn how to mind your own business. When a girl tells n icllow that she ill earned of hh.i the night before she intu us that he had better be saving up enough money to hhe a carriage that isall decoii.wd up with white ribbons and old shoes. Theie Is no pltuu like home. Maybe that's the reason why some married men never spend any more time there than they have to. Anunlas batted .000 in the Llaia' league in his time, hut if he lived nowadays his averago would bo about .00!. What has become of the old fash loued orator who used to make the welkin rlii'rV ' A little regular phi money early In tho game may inert a lotof legulur all ifiony Inter on. f Deafness Is said to be tin afllh Hon. But the any with the six cvlindu mouth never picks out a deaf m.m when he wants to orale about the win In Krii'opc. I know it,v.-aa coialag. ".v hl'.l prchih King the manufneture or consumption of oIg.m;ttti in Ohio I- ntiw bi"fue the legislature. If tho refoimers r.illy want to do WWnoililna: for the p lute tvhy don't they rlnko out the word "cigarettes" and nulwUtuto the word "tans.0 shirisV" A rc.'on.icr could ItiiU more vhttie lu a city than vlie. only ho uuvir h.ip pens to Ih hwkliig for virtue. The (( ok Jieix't get nnnv kisses when a man's wife prepates his ittctls for him. The only man who doesu't be-lleve In luck Is tho fellow who wits born on I.usy street and nevir ncedi d any. It Isn't haul for a jilrl to be reserved and bashful when her fellow calls on her nl'ter she has eaten a lr ut raw onions for supper, because she didn't expect company that night. Some people IniUKlno the eagle Is the American national bird because It roosts on the silver dollar. Aiinnhjs wasn't the blgucst liar. The doormat with tho word "Welcome" on It usually takes first prize. After a woman gets on the nhadj Mo of thirty sho beirlns to notice that her mirror Isn't as good as It used to no and mnkes her face look older. Notice of Suit O. Il.SiindcisiuulJoliu l. iMwaiils iu n rtRiilrut (lofciulntitH will lake willee thnt llm Montnim Nntlonnt UniiKV)! llllllusrt has lilt it Km otUIoii ii ml coiiiiiit'iiceil an aollon iiKalnst llicni In UietUiitrlctvomtuf Webster County Uieoiijert and prayer ol M-lileh tirolo recover Irom kiild deleiiil.mtH the kuiu ol SlMiijHlililntrttHi at 12 per cen i r nu- . ... ff.r...v.l..i..... it nil- .....I -.111 .ftit UlllU P.JIPIH ll'l-'IIIIPt. ... lull nun J.w wuvn neys lcB aud'eosts ol null, jit. the iiuioinit due ptolittlllflroin tlibde(ipulniitJiiiioii a uoii Ihhory note cMjcuted ami dellvortd by Uelcn duilts to plnlatlll, dated Uotolxr '$), ItUT, Deloiulnnls me further untitled Hint an nf ildnvlt forattiiolinicntMamtledliiBaldiieiloi and an irdi.r f1' nttiir)unenl Iwiaed out ol mild court by virtue wliereol flie followlnn described real eHtiitoln Webster t'oimty, No brimKnhftS been levied upon and nltiii'liedns the property oldetendimt John K. Kdwnrd lo-wlWlhOROptheaiit (SH) ipinrlerof eclon lourlcen (H) hi township two C-) nuiyo ten (10) and the nluliitllt'HuekH to (subject tliesuld jiropcrly to the payuiciit ol enld debt. llulpnunniB nro require 10 nntr mi in petition ou lllu In tlio oiling ol tho t'lcrk ol wild court nt Ucd Cloud, Nolir.ikkn on or be fore March It, 1UI8. Dated Jmuuiry 31, 1018. TiikMoniana Nat'i. Hani: of iiii.i.imis. iw, " ". . ' II' Ii.'ll. IlLACKLKtOK, ., . lilt . I.ts Attorney nam f he New Government-Irrigated Farms In the Big Horn .Basin, Near Deaver, Wyoming, are Going Very Rapidly! On'y u'fow uood farms of the Deaver tii'o lcflf Jf y..u net quickly, you cm get hold of one of thesft for a 10 ;S crop thnt will bring you tho highest osslblo price. Exce'leitt Government water light, with water nil ready for you. It 1h jorelyup to you to tOco hold and get uinlor way. The big horn IJu-lii Is cs- tbllshod, It is on its way towards a t lull coiiimoiiweiilth, with a solid I nsls of U, irrigation, alfalfa, live stock nut sus;iir beet industries Our ndvci Using nutter will show j on that we forKoid all this over ten years ago Government ilguteil faitiH nrotind I'owell, nearby, Wostom Nebraska and Eastern Colorado Lands T dug sold out from largo holdings along! ss Is Kolng on steadily through the ye ir. bent rnWng, live stock and general farming ami tiro the best lands of their iinl in the west. Sccuio my surviee.s; they iie free. SB i-iaHaM3gB3MyjuHaeaagwigEBi8iwaao ;i 'Keep ImprovingYour Equipment. Do not worry about the shortage of ciops, another yiar is coming Do riot wait for cheaper bulldiiig.nialeilul Do not let the war some you Do v"U know material will incica'-e when the warisoverV Ruropo must le rebuilt Supply and demand will take a hand then Do you know w'o havejiip to date infxiiiuation on .all farm buildings? Do you want ideas on farm buildings? Wo furnish tl em KRRB ffialoDe-Gellatly Go. TALK WITH US Auto Hearse ED. A UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) Phone, Iiid. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUO, NEB. W.V.VAiVAVAVVAVAVAV-V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.VAW H ? I I Will Sell at Public Auction at l g i . M ( &? xSA 'j$ " g KaHtf f7h jPfl w-A w & J IScileStarting at 10 o'CIock 1 M Saturday, Mar. 9 1 These mules are broke and ready for spring work. They will be scM without any reserve and this is an excellent chance to secure some good ones. Will load mules on cars free of charge for buyers coming from a distance. -i TERMS :---Cash or note with approved security, interest at 10 per cent. Conrad G. Starke Red Cloud, Nebr. Chief Ads are colllntt at over SJOJ nil acre 1 'hese nro 4 This pro fjr m dairying, f 5 lo llttrlingtoi, m.ihi lines Tlny am excellent for S. B. Howard, Immigralion Agt C. B. & Q. Ry loin Furniim "st, Omalia. Kebr. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. -Z 7- ABOUT LUMBER" Horse Hearse ACK 4 an( 5 yrs old, all M Pay You 4 A N v I : A.t t n?rvfl JIM. u.. .1.. . ilitf..liMir', f ,r.rf(TI ii- ' - if. V rws WWiHWMWftUi Hl,Wtli' irfa WM i WW " nmw$mf ,, ujn v'(i11iwtlrH-HrtMfMiliilil.i'n'if.' ilium "I l t ' MtHkC 'M&JU.Zhlt'ZiZ bLUaJKH . A t - J l