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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1918)
k fcV M f' I "Iff w I' , i ai$a-miW gt "- J JB - - " .. ...r...a ,.t. ... f,ia..j matSi-Sg. 1 v r'.-v -Ji EC3s3- 3Li ...,, assassasraas .- - - . raJ ' 'V Z-T""iT L "iii n 1 H ""JTT - HHa' ft aH aaaaVL f T laaaaal w k aaal aaal aav aw iaW p.X.nKntf , J-Mj ,'mi ff.Tj aW ' '.T. ' WL 'XTZTm i Tf p'T tl T" i". ''T jTT"M -Tyi 'T.'1, "" !!mTTT" I" -TTTf m'-, Tmj -- r-nnBBT. ms$f ft aiiiW ill SHIfeyGhyaaaaywaaaa UMKlwMiHMIflUMIlHBlnK3xyisllnnK A Newspaper That Gives The News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year Rr SI. 58. VOLUME 47 11ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ALAIICII 7, 1SI1H. NUMBER ft WVAWWJVW,JVAVAV-VVAVVV.V.V.".V.V'1 VAVVAWSA Save Vowr Money The chief reason for saving your money is that you will have the MONEY. ,with INTEREST later on when you may need it. It Is also a step toward financial independ ence and success.1 It makes you a better citizen. The person with a bank account is looked upon as one who is thrifty and dependable. Now is the time to begin saving. Open a bank account here, today. Deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska I 5 I Webster County Bank j V.VVV.V.VAVV.V-V.V.V.V.V."AV-V.SV.V.V."JVVVVW,,WV ?, tl f J BIB SB StBvE AND TRY A DeLaval Cream Separator ' We do not believe that a farmer who knows anything about farm machinery could be induced to buy any separa tor other than a DeLaval after he had seen the latest im proved DcLeval machine and had given it a trial. It is a fact that 99 per cent of all separator buyers who do SEE AND TRY A DE LAVAL machine before buying purchase the DeLaval and will have no other. The 1 per cent who do not buy the DeLaval are those who allow themselves to be influenced by some other consideration besides real genuine separator merit. Jf you nro thiqking about baying a. cream separator" wo Will Consider It a favor if you will perinltlis to sot up a DaLaval for you on your own place and hove yon give it n fair trial. You will be under no obligation to buy tho maoliiue if It does not make good all our claims, and should you decide to keep it and cannot convenictnly pay cash", you may do so ou such easy toims that it will actually save its costs while you aic paying for it. Geo. W. Trine Muster is Held Once a Month at' the Camp Camp Funstau,Mar. 3r10l8 l)i:Au Fiiii:m)s: Monday morning the oompnnv start, rd to drill ngaln, after spending two weeks ut the Division Schoo . In tho afternoon the non-commissioned of Ulcers attended a school of instruction, while tho test of the company put in the time at sighting and estimating distance of targets. Wednesday, evch tug companies F and 0 were on guard. Wednesday night It rained most all night. That evening wo signed the pay roll and Thursday morning held muster. Muster Is held once a month and It Is the day that every soldier has to look his best. After answering at muster we had barrack and bod in spection. Major Fisher, Adjutant Mllikon and our captain and Lieuten ants were tho Inspectors. Wednesday and Friday four troop trains left here for other camps and the trains were the longest we ever saw. Commencing Friday morning we now get up at 5:45 and go out to drill at 7:15, and have retreat at C:00 In the evening. Saturday, morning wo ail put ou our O. I) uniforms nud dress shoes and the whole regiment and the baud marched out to the drill ground where we nulled off a battalion and regiment ret lew before Colonel Sills' mid liiVMitenantColonerTayhJr "anrtMC "Certainly was line to see Mis all march ing and keeping ritcp to music by tho band and puss in review before the Colonel. Wo wero informed that we will have this cci oniony every Satur day from now on. Wc then marched back to tho barracks and had our bar rack and bed inspection, then wo were oh" for the vest of the day. Sunday at 4:30 this company will go on guurd. Tho first Saturday and Sunday of each month women are allowed In the camp to visit their relatives and frionds and there wore lots of people horo thoso two dys. ' - A. It. MoAmitni County's Last Quota Left For Fort Riley Mar. 5th The county's last quota of men list ed under the (lrst diaft left Tuesday morning for tho training camp at Foit Itlley, Kansas. They were es corted to the depot by tho band, under tlio leadership of Pi of. Botz, where a short progVatu was observed. Short addresses were matia by Attorney Caldwell, F. A. Good of Cowles, J. L. Itcobo and Mayor Damorcll. The following men composed the quota: Henry Schrocdor Carl lioitz Orville Rltchoy U. II. Ituugcrfc Walter L. Hood .Tosso UarrotBon Win. Q" Storey J M. Worinun Win. P. Uuschke Lloyd E. Sclmltz Andrew 12, Watson Androvv J. Corner Vorlus Helton Hallie A Robinson Laid to Rest Mr. John Person, who for the past several weeks has been conllued -to Ills home, suffering from leakage of the heart, passed to his eternal toward ou Sunday afternoon, Mr. Person lias, for a number of years served as mail carrier ou route four, but about three months ugo was com? pencil co aoanuon uis unties. j The decooscd was born in Harmony. I New .Jersey, aovcinuer sj, ipui r xne came to Red Cloud about i-'fi years ago and since that tlmo lias made this place his homo, lie was united Iri marriage to Sarah Conovor September! S3, 18!7. lie Is survived by his wlfej' two sisters, Miss Laura Porsdu and Mrs, D D. Crouoll of Galena, Kansas, and two brotheis, Harry of Summer vllle, Missouri, and Fiank of this city. Funeral services were conducted fioin his late home on Tuesday after noon at 2:00 o'clock, by Rev. F. M. Drulincr. Interment was mudu in the city cemetery. To Accomplish Good Work You Muft Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky Curve Self Filling Fountain Pen ' is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOU NEED at $2.50 to 96.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 IAV.VJVVAV.V.V.V.V.V."AV-V.V.V.V.V.V.VVVSV.VW 3 Union Service Sunday Even'g vm ....,. . 7:30 p. m. Rev, Brown, a Baptist Evangelist will Ipreach 11:00 a. m. Regular service HEAR EVANGELIST BROWN City Council Special Session On Tuesday evening, March Ath, the Majoiv called a special meeting to consider the Paving Assessment, but tho meeting was udjournedytp Match 11th at 10 o'clock,. Tho Council was then called together in regular session, with all nicmbcis present. Minutes of February meet ing were rend and approved. The ic poitofS.K. FJornnco was road and placed on lllo. Cieo. Warren appeared before Iho council, nnd tho action taken at tho lost meeting to discontinue tho phones at the power house and city superln tendents ofllce, va reconsldetcd, nnd ttic phones will be left 1n two places this month. 0. It. Lewis' reauost for a raUn in salary lor Ms servtcea on the strcot, was left with the uias'or to decide. A lottor was then read from the State ITenlth Department statlug that nouo of the water In nnd around lied Uiouil seemed to stand the test, ex cept'tho Klzcr woll on Mh Avenue. Followlug are.the judges of election Which wore appointed; 1st Ward S. A. Flncher, HonryC AYolfe and Geo. Harris, 2nd Ward J. J. Garber, D. B. Har den nud J N. Pope. ' Clerks 1st ward, F. A. Tnmure and H. S. Foe. 2nd ward, G;?W Hutchi son and Y. 0. Gilham. Superintendent Woodworth's ofllce was designated at tljo vdting place In tho 1st ward and the Fireman's Hall in the 2nd ward. Aftor allowing the claims the ing was adjourned. Make Sure Your Childs EYES ARE RIGHT and Able to Sustain the Strain Intfosed ty School Work Wc Make EXAMIlATfOS FREE E. H. NElrtiHOUSE j -..x.'K.r- - aLi - Kwiu.-' - & ... r'?K,irif :r rrr-'w . v . . e meet- Farm Loans Lowest rates, best terms and option ana in any amount. IJo Inspection eiw penae, sua aosolutely no delay. Six plans to choose from. Sole ageut for Trerett. MattU ic Baker, v J. H. Bailey. Butler Boys in Quarantine , - Camp IlaucocU, Feb 24, 1018 DKlvit Folks At Homi:: Well, Uaddie, wo received your lot lernll O. K , but did not get a bos, but suppose we will soon. Do not kuow whether this letter will reach you or not ns this entire section of motor ma chinery Is in quarantine. They found a case of sinaHpox, the fellow being on tho aviation field Saturday but they would not suy what company, so all wero 'quarantined until his company is locuted. I will throw tills over the Hue and muybo it will reach you. Wo had our pictures taken but they nro rotten. Wo will have them taken again, nso n cortiflcato of service, our street und the entire com puny. I walked up the sticet the other day and ran aoross two boys from Ulue Hill that had been transferred from "Camp Cody. I sure was glad to 6eo them. I then went over to tho mall distributing station aud saw on the bulletin board that Verno had nit un called for paeltngo, so I got it and ft was your box. livery thing was nil right aud many thanks dud, us wo will now lmvo a smoke. Come again. Tnln is a lovely day, makes mo want to go fishing, as It Is most too warm to bo comfortable, but would rather it would bo too hot than too cold. We wore called to tako our lust ex amination recently, and the dootor said to Verne, "kid you are till broke oat." Vorno said, "Oh, It's just tho wool underwear." The doctor laughed and said, "Son, yon had better go to the hospital," So Verne 19 in the Base hospital, sick with German meas les. Just came from tho-hospital and will llulsh my letter. Verne Is not a bit sick, bo don't worry about him. I will send him your letters. We nve out of quarantine now. I was on duty today when they came in and Bald that they wero havlug trouble over at another cook shacland for mo to-come o.ver? and .'help them out, so .now Ian mejw sargeant. I iAuVafrfrU Verae and 1 will not stay tpgatber jr sea be1 comes back, but will try and get lilm transferred. Bc't Coatlaned on Page 4 , , ' ' . )Sftring$Garments Ar-whig Evej'jyD(iy IV. ? ,i lU.m m. ........ -i..- .. j. , fl. , l . Smart Coats YBT INEXPENSIVE Leading designers of women's coats recognizing tho need for conservation' of fabrics, cut the new garments for Spring with an eye to saving materials. But the didn't forget that women want smart looking lines and clever fashion features, so all our new coats show , ?'" 7 n cio ideas as to lines " new thoughts in belts ' tuczti models in ockets? n civ effects in collar K' new taste in trimming . - All made up on standard of service and all at prices that mean real economy. - sl F. G. TURNURE & SON We have Our Nciv Stock 6f Waists aud Childrens Presses K. J VWW.TWJWfffmmJWmVmWmW Keep ImprovingYour Equipment i ' Do not worry about the shortage of crops, another year Is comlDg Do not wait for cheaper buildlng'iuateriul Do not lot the war scare you Do you know material will incroaso when tho warlsovor? Europe must be rebuilt. Supply and demaud will take a hand then Do you know we luwcfup to date information on nil farm buildings? Do you want ideas on farm buildings? We furnish them FREE IWalone-Gellatly Go. "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" WSftWJWWAVWVVJVVVVVVtfVVVVUSftrtftWrtWWVW.WAflAM Chief Ads Pay You : I 1 1 M rl ) ' ffl h A 41 ; ,. j- 'ppl m i. Ki H 5vv '1 ! ' MS 3 f ("' t ' ifiut(fA ,K r tjktiAn z&&J&i' .aaAt tB&i-W flA a,t tt.x