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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1918)
r V r f. rj L f, w. wwviTSKJjI'T" Jp9f ' VV ... V J .1.1 rn- 4 Newspaper That Gives The Nuns Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far $1.50. VOLUME 47 1?EI CLiOUl). NMIMIASKA. ITISBKUALIY '-M, ) Si 1.1. NCTMJIBR 8 Wi,AVAV.V.VA,AV.ViVAV1V.ViVA,.V.VVliVAW s . Save Your Mmiey The chief reason for saving your money is that you will have the MONEY, with INTEREST later on when you may nefcd it. It is also a step toward financial independ- . ence and success. It makes you a better citizen. The person with a bank account is looked upon as one who is thrifty and dependable. Now is the time to begin saving. Open a bank account here, today. Deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska f- Thirty Eight of Editor's Company go to France Soon I Libi JJ fast and get ready to go to tho 4 ision school which is being held at Webster County Bank rary Board Molds Meelingon Monday A rcirular mcctinjr of tho Library On Sunday evening wo were issued ' Hoard was held on Monday, February bayonets and scabbards and also" cov-iisth. All members were present, ors for our contcens so wo would be j a motion was made to use tho lec fixed out. On Monday morning we turo room of tho library for oducu had to get up at Ave o'clock, outbreak- tional and literary purposes. After an dlv- extended dificiiRfttnn lhn motion was tho withdrawn. ;. Smokey Hill flats about a milo and a a motion was made to permit the ,' half south of Fort Riley. Each com- Webster County Chapter of tho Red W pany must attend the school two Cross to use tho lecture room for Red ;J weeks and our company has one more Cross work. The motion was seconded. week. There arc several classes held An amendment'was then made to use ; which arc: bayonet, automatic rifle the room only when tho library was and hand grenadiers. Yo editor is in not open to the public. The vote on ,; the bayonet class. It was very hard the amendment was as follows: ! , work and tiresome the first few days. For Stoncbrcaker, Kaley.-Whitchcad. C , There are twelve companies out of the Against McCall, Overing, Tumurc, P.four regiments attending this school Sattlcy, Foe, Cather. Amendment lost. 5 and each company has field .ranges. The vote on the motion was ns fol- 2. The cooks come out every day and lows: prepare dinnei- for the men. On For Cather, Overing, Turnure, Mc- Thursday it was very windy and dusty Call, Foe. IWWWWVWV.VAVAWJWW C and the dust blew into our dinner, but Against Kalcy, Stoncbrcaker, Whitc- ij.. we were very hungry and ate dirt and head, Sattlcy, Motion carried WW f'tf- utr nwKm sjrt casstbb IWsv r JUL': jjv L tfflu bbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbH U Ss.v fei 'Jjy AND DeLaval Cream Separator We do not believe that a farmer who knows anything about farm machinery could be induced to buy any separa tor other than a DeLaval .after he had seen the latest im proved DeLcval machine anil had given it a trial. It is a fact that 99 per cent of all separator buyers who do SEE AN TRY A DE LAVAL machine before buying purchase the DcL,aval and will haveno other The 1 per cent who do not buy the DeLaval are those -who allow themselves to be influenced by some other consideration besides real genuine separator merit. If you arc thinking nbotit biiyiug u cream separator we will consider It a favor it yon will permit us to sot up a DeLnvul for you on your avu place uud huve you give it a fair trial. You will bo under uo obligation to buy tho machine It It does nut unite Rood ull our oliiiuiH, and should you dectdu to keop "it uuil cannot uouvcuietnly pay cash, you may do so ou such eaby terms tlmt It will actually save its costs wbllo you aiu paying for It. i Geo. W. Trine all. It is a seven milo hike out to the Application by Christian Science So- drill grounds. All the men are- very cicty for permission to rent thelccturc tired when they get in nt night and room of the library for services on go to bed early. Sunday morning and -Wednesday On 'Saturday morning about six evening resulted' in the motion being tfcloclMhc fire, whistle blew and we mnde that tho lccturoaorrf be not had -''to .pack up our blankets and used for sectarian purposes. The vot6 stand-out doors for about an hour as on this motion-was ns follows: it. Avos a fire-drill. , For McCall, Kalpyr Btqncbreaktiv, On Sunday "vvc were issued ouv ideppCather, JTurnufe, Sattloy, -Whitehead, tificatidn tags "which bear our, 'name Foe. """ and tho company, and regiment and wo 'Against None Overing not voting. have to wear these tags around ouv ! The president of the, board then ap, ncck. In tho morning it was pay day pointed a committee of three, compos and vq were all, -happy to draw our ed of Sattlcy, Turnure1 and Foe, to money as many of the boys were make final arrangements for a formal about broke- opening of tho library. Within a few days thirty per cent The library is completed with the of tho'men here will be France, exception of a few days work on the Tlitt-ftr .ilnlif tfrill tt flitf C 41-tio rr,i 4!t ...l.:l lUn str.i-OT t .ivrAtf. In 1 4.IU&VJ ifel.V ftlll U VUb VI WIIIO IUIII- tilt! llli:il bill; bUll&blUbUl flAJFVlM) IU pany. finish this week. It is the intentions As Friday is Washington's birth- of the board to have tho building op- To Accomplish Good Work You Mut Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky Curve Self Filling Fountain Pen is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOl NEED at $2.50 to $6.00 Lower 'Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Make Sure Your Childs EYES ARE RIGHT and Able to Sustain the Strain fyfoscd by School Work We Make EXAMINATIONS FREE A'iWji J E. H. 1SE v'E jktLt n 'ON r'ij II , Jw4lr an Ofrtwtrbt B. tvQ.Watah laifieUt J. A'. V , ' kr r- ' 'i. !9 rx , tt , &, t 'IW m wkm x&u m :a- day it will bo fittingly observed liere as a big program has been prepared for the day. A. B. McArther. iftiVAVJ'AVJVr.VV.V.VAV.VV.V.VVJ'rV.VAVWWiV.-JVVV'.VJVLn I Sunday at Christian Church s 10:00 a. m. Suaday Sohool. 11:00 a. m. Preaohiag on a much misuaderstood subject, Sunday evenia Union Service. Monday evening Semi-annual buaiaeat meetingr All jjj oflicial members to meet and give reports of work 5" done. North room of church, VWWftftVVWWAWVVWNAr Writes From San Francisco Mr. T. V. White received tlie follow, lug oominiintcatlou from Ids son Paul, who joined the nuvy some months no at tho Den ver recruiting btution: San i'Vauelsco,' Feb. 'J., 1'JlS Denr Follcbl' Iieucivud your letter the other dny and also i lcttur from Grucu tolling me sho whs to be miirrlcd. Am "till tit Goat Island. A big plot by Ot'iimtu sympathizers mid I. V. W. to' blow up the plurs on thf const uud the wiieh'ha station on the I-duod thb frtihti.iled about two weeks ago U'hoy put it bunch of us from the guurd to gutiid lug the wirelcni. Htntiou. We walk around ttml urouud it, eueh guide iu tight of the niun uliead of him, wllh tho htiyonetii ilxed on our gun rcmly for business. It is one lutlf mile around it mid wi; witllc round it IS timus in four hom-6. We are on four hours and off eight. It in otic half .mile up thoro ami we make two trips J up and buck, nuking us walk 20 miles and curry u gun, every 21 bourn. 1 was on tho 13 to 4 shift every day. Go to bed at 7 or 8, get up nt 11 o'clock that night, guard from 12 to 1 mid go to bed again at 4:30, get up at 0:3U. So you see our sleep is nil cut up and iU a long tlmo between mcalh. Will send you a picture of myt-olf and somu kodak pictures uud dims. Keep the films where they won't be de stroyed, so if I want any more printed from them, It Is fine weather hero, with green grass, llowers, etc. I am living in a tent with an oil stove in. it. Weigh 145 pouuds in light clothes, " It rainod boro last night nud I bad' to Wear boots this morning. Will b'p.mW for somo time yet. Tbcro is a DuU-h battleship in the bay nepr the rshind rind a lot of Dutch sailors here. Will close for Ibis time. Yonr Bon, 1'AOI. en to the public on or about March 1st. , o Income Tax Officer In City C. B. l'eery, a federal income-tax officer is in the city this week and will bo here until March 1st to assist citi zens in making out their tax sched ules. His headquarters are at the court house, and his scryices arc en tirely free to the public. All married men having a net income of $2,000 per year, and all single men having an annual net income of $1000 or, more must make a report to the Gov ernment. It is estimated that there arc about 400 citizens to make this re port. In calling upon his Income Tax In specor each taxpayer should bring with him a statement of his business foj- the year 1917. If you arc a farm: cr and have never kept a set of books, you can secure this information by in imiry at places where you have made salps, at the creamery, at tho elevator, stock yards, etc., and by reference to ycgur bank deposits. Brjing the following with you: state ments of all salaries, wages, commis sions, pensions received; Btatomcnt showing any profit from sales of land or other property; statement of all rents and interest received; statement of any income received from other sources; statement of income received from your business, farm or prefev A farm statement should contain tho following information; Total cash received from tho Bale of farm pro; 'ducts listed as follows: cattle, hogs, horses, wheat corn, poultry,, butter, cream, alfalfa, hay, straw, oats, bar ley, rye nd mules; tho amount re ceived from the sale of other farm products and tho value of produce traded at the stores. Tho total cash paid for .business ex penses should bo listed as follows; cash paid for hired help, seed pur chases, livo stock bought for rc-sale, rent, feed purchases, threshing bills, all interest paid on indebtedness and taxes paid on both personal and real cBtate. .Pe not include the following ex penses: Xjiwrpersonal liying expenses Complete Your Corset p. 'i nitl zn TT,I il'i 1 1 i I M i ..! BIbw-' V-"-" ifYiS' I I bj hw, tifly' if I mW The coritour from shoulder to knee is important There should be no brek, but an easy sweep of line over the jiir top of the corset straight down the hips. wcjfflt Warners ; insure this sweep of ' line and "blot out" the break one otherwise would find. They are well-made, prettily designed and tiimmed, and as strongly guaranteed as the celebrated Warner's Rustproof Corsets: firs. UMn Phages Farmer's attention, l Ho more auc-t tioHs. Buy your karses, collars and sweat pads bow wklle yow ean get exjmsesWthe dwelling iu walck you at-a ,Mc avtef;.- Fegvl. iHve, cost t sew sHxUaery, i Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse 5 . ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT)' i Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB., ItoFOmSvgg&JRS Farm Lhm $Zm &&&& ? !;T8t rat"' b!8t ST "?iiU jPtViartm RsvlsassMH wsshsmisbs a,,d ' BBy Hoaat. No iaspectiea sz , cwiwataniawiwssi, w - A MbaoiHteiy no del. Mx If WVara riWiVVHi IPlPwrtl"! wtWWWPBbpsh "j Urt Ufrm, wu UmbtninmiifiZJ i plana to" ehooss S row. Sole ageat Mr4 'iiavr bum hitmme ran bkubst i- -.. i..,: - .,,..., (t,'i wT-Trirri7rririrjrzrr ixrovtii, nio nr. ..wx, uZTZwtttmSmm h J. H, Bailer, -lv '$. , i''' A af'-tt Wim'i &fi -jn ip.-j rsWuMaasKiiji, fe ,;-t!-r 1 'u- ,'i.t