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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1917)
VSRWNmmemntom . teJlB'WiWHas?'' if" -rcr rJa"rw; x- RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i J Tfre Real Man By FRANCIS LYNDE (Copyright fay Chas. Scribner'a Sons) JOHN SMITH, THE NEW FINANCIAL SECRETARY OF TIM ANYONI DITCH COMPANY, MAKES A PLAN TO PUT THE CONCERN ON ITS FEET, BUT ENEMIES ARE HARD AT WORK TO THWARt HIM. Synopsis. J. Montague Smith, cashier of Luwrcneovtllo Hunk nnd Trust coinpnny, society bachelor engaged to marry Verdu Itlchlundor, heiress, knocks IiIh employer, Wntrou.s Dunham, senseless, leaves him for dead and llees the state when Dunham accuses Smith of dishon esty and wants him to take the hlame for oinhezzleiuent actually com mitted by Dunham. Several weeks later, Smith appears ns n tramp at a town In the Hoeky mountains and gets a laboring' Job In an Irriga tion ditch construction camp. Hla Intelligence draws the attention of Williams, the superintendent, who thinks he can use the tramp, John Smith, In a moro Important place. The ditch company Is In hard lines financially because eastern financial Interests are working to un dermine the local crowd headed by Colonel Baldwin nnd take over vulutililo property. Smith finally accepts appointment as financial sec retary of Baldwin's company. lie has already struck up i pleasant acquaintance with Corona Bnldwln, the colonel's winsome daughter. -Continued. CHAPTER VIM. "You followed?" queried Stanton. "Yes, nnd when I got thcro tho colonel was shut up In Williams' of flco with a fellow named Smith. When I got a plnco to listen In they wcro getting ready to quit, nnd tho colonel was Baying: 'Thnt settles It, Smith; you've got to come over Into' I didn't catch the namo of the place 'and help us.'" Again tho gentleman with tho sharp Jaw took tlnio for nnrrow-cyedrefloc-tion. "You'll tnrre to switch over from tho colonel to this fellow Smith for tho present, Shnw," ho decided, at length. "You look him up and do It quick." Tho young mnn glanced up with a faint warming of avarice In his sleepy eyes. "It'll most likely run Into money for expenses," ho suggested. "For graft, you mean," snapped Stanton. Then he had It out with this second subordinate In crisp English. Tin onto you with both feet, Shaw; every crook nnd turn of you. More than that, I know why you wero fired out of Maxwell's ofllce; you'vo got sticky Angers. That's all right with me up to a certnln point, but beyond that point you get olT. Understand?" Shaw niado no answer In direct terms, but If his employer had been watching tho henvy-lldded eyes, he might havo Been In them ho shadow of a thing much more dangerous than plain dishonesty: n passing shadow of tho fear thut makes for treachery when tho sharp need for self-protection arises. 'Tit try to find out about the hobo," ho said, with fair enough lip-loyalty, and after ho had rolled n fresh ciga rette ho went away to begin tho min ing operations which might promise to uueurth Smith's record. I It was ten o'clock when Shaw left tho real-estate ofllco In tho Hophra IIouso block. Half an hour earlier I Smith had corao to town with tho (colonel In tho roadster, and the two had shut themselves up In the , colonel's prlvato room In tho Tlmnn jyonl Ditch company's town ofllco In mo uanter uuuuing, wmcii wua iwu squares down tho street from tho Ho iphra house. Summoned promptly, Martin, tho bookkeeper, hud brought n his statements and balance sheets, iCZJik il If liPl ffcS ZS&rJT .'Ss-s ' BS. B mm. "Try to Find Out About the Hobo." nnd tho new ofllcer, who wns as yet without a title, had struck out his plan of campaign. " 'Amortization,' Is the word, colo nel," was Smith's prompt verdict after ho had gono over Martin's summaries. "Tho best way to get at It now is to wipe tho slato clean and begin over ngalu." Tho ranchman president wns chuck ling soberly. "Onco moro you'll havo to show me, John," ho Bald. "Wo folks out here In tho hills are not up In tho iWnll street crinkles." You don't know tho word? It means to scrap tho old machinery to plained. "In modern business It Is tho process of extinguishing a corpora tion: closing It up and burying It In another and bigger one, usually. That Is what wo must do with Tlmanyonl Ditch." "I'm getting you, a little at a time," said tho colonel, taking his first lesson In high flnnnco ns a duck takes to tho wutcr. Then ho added : "It won't take much of a lick to kill off tho old com pany, In tho shapo It's got Into now. How will you work It?" Smith had tho plnn at his fingers' ends. With tho daring of all tho perils had como a fresh access of fighting fitness thnt made him feel as If he could copo with anything. "Wo must closo up tho company's nffulrs and then reorganize promptly nnd, with Just ns little nolso ns may be, form nnothcr coinpnny which wo will cnll Tlmanyonl High Line and let It tnko over tho old outfit, stock, liabilities nnd nssets entire. You say your present capital stock is one hun dred thousand dollars. This new com pany that I am speaking of will bo capitalized at, say, an even half mil lion. To tho present holders of Tlman yonl Ditch we'll glvo tho new stock for tho old, shnro for share, with a bonus of twenty-five shares of tho new stock for every twenty-flvo shares of tho old surrendered and exchanged. This will bo practically giving tho pres ent shareholders two for one. Will thnt satisfy them?" This time Colonel Dexter Baldwin's smile was grim. "You'ro Just Juggling now, John, and you know It. Out hero on tho woolly edge of things a dollar is Just a plain iron dollar, and you can't mako It two merely by calling It so." "Never you mind about that," cut In tho now financier. "At two to ono for tho amortization of tho old company wo shall still havo something like thrco hundred thousand dollars treas ury stock upon which to realize for the new capital needed, nnd thnt will be amply sufficient to complete the dum nnd tho ditches and to provide a fight ing fund. Now then, tell mo this: how nenr can wo como to placing that treasury stock right hero In Tlman yonl Park? It's up to us to keep this thing In tho family, so to spent: ; and tho moment wo go Into other markets we nro getting over into tho enemy's country. I'm not saying that tho money couldn't bo raised In New York; but If wo should go there, tho trust would havo nn underhold on us, right from tho start" "I see," said tho colonel, who was Indeed seeing many things thut his simple-hearted philosophy hud never dreamed of; and then ho nnswercd tho direct question. "There 13 plenty of money right hero in tho Tlmanyonls." Smith nodded. Ho was getting his second wind now, and tho race prom ised to be a keen Joy. "But they would havo to bo 'shown,' you think?" ho suggested. "All right; we'll proceed to show them. Now wo can como down to present necessities. We've got to keep tho work going and speed It up to the limit: wo ought to double Williams' forco at once put on a night Bhlft to work by electric light." Tho colonel blinked twlco nnd swnl- lowcd hnrd. "Say, John," ho snld, lennlng across tho tahlc-desk ; "you'vo sure got your nerve with you. Do you know our prcseat bank balance Is under five thousand dollars, nnd n good pnrt of that Is owing to tho cement people I" "Never mind; don't get nervous," wns tho rcnssurlng rejoinder. "Wo nro going to mako It bigger in n few min utes, I hope. Who is your banker hero?" "Duvo Klnzlo of tho Brewster City National." "Tell mo a llttlo something about Mr. Klnzlo beforo wo go down to Bee him; Just brief him for mo as n man, I mean." Tho colonel was shaking his head Blowly. "Ho's what you might call a twenty ton optimist, Davo is; solid, a llttlo slow nnd sure, but tho biggest boomer cd believes In the resources of tho country nnd nil that. Hut you cun't borrow money from him without secur ity, it that's whut you're aiming to do." "Can't wo?" Btnllcd the young mun who knew blinks nnd bunkers. "Let's go and nee. You may Introduce me to Kinzlo us your acting flnnnclul secre tary, If you like. Now ono more ques tion: What Is Klnzle's uttltudc toward Tlmanyonl Ditch?" "At first ho wns nil kinds of friend ly; he is a stockholder in u small way. Hut after a while he began to cool down a little, nnd now well, I don't know; I hate to think It of Dave, but I'm afraid ho's leaning tho other wny, toward these Eastern fellows. He tried to cover Stanton's tracks In tho stock-buying from Gardner and Boi ling." "That Is natural, too," said Smith, whoso point of view was always un- obscured In any battle of business. "The big company would he n bettor customer for the bank thnn your little one could ever hope to he. I guess that's all for tho present.. If you're ready, we'll go down nnd face the music." "By JandersI" said the colonel with an open smile; "I believe you'd Just as soon tackle n banker as to eat your dinner; nnd I'd about as soon take a horsewhipping. Como on; I'll steer you up against Dave, but I'm telling you right now thnt tho steering Is about all you can count on from me." It was while they were crossing the street together thut Mr. Crawford Stnnton had his third morning caller, ii thickset, barrel-bodied man with little plgllko eyes, closely cropped hnlr, a bristling mustache, and a wooden leg of tho homemade sort. The men of tho camps culled the cripple "Peg leg" or "Blue Pete" Indifferently, though not to his fnce. For though the fnt fnce'wns always relaxed In a good-nntured smile, tho crippled sa loonkeeper was of thoso who kill with the knife. Stanton looked up from his desk when the pad-nnd-cllck of tho cripple's step came In from tho street. "Hello, Slmms," ho said, in curt creotlnc. "Want to see me? Sit down." Slmms threw tho brim of his soft hat up with a backhanded stroke and shook his head. "It ain't worth while; and I gotta get back to camp. I blew In to tell y'u there's a fella out thero that needs th' sandbag." "Who is It?" "Fella namo' Smith. He's showln' 'em how to cut too many corners pace-settln', ho calls it. First thing they know, they'll got tho concrete up to whero tho high water won't bu'st It out." Stanton's laugh was impatient. "Don't mako any mistake of thnt 6ort, Slmms," he snld. "Wo don't want the dam destroyed; wo'd work Just ns hard as they would to prevent that. All wo want Is to havo other people think It's likely to go out think It hnrd enough to keep them from put ting up any moro money. Let that go. Is thero any moro fresh talk among tho men?" Stanton prided himself a llttlo upon tho underground wire-pulling which had resulted in putting Slmms on tho ground as tho keeper of tho construction-camp canteen. It was a fairly original way of keeping a lis tening ear open for tho camp gossip. "Little," said tho cripple briefly. "This hero blink-blank fella Smith's been telltn' Williams that I ort to bo run off th' reservation; says th' booze puts tho brake on for speed." "So It does," agreed Stanton mus ingly. "But I gucsa you can stay a while longer. I hnve a notion that Smith's been sent here by somo outfit that means to buck us. If ho hasn't any backing" Tho Interruption was tho hurried In coming of tho young man with sleepy eyes and tho cigarette stains on Ills fingers, nnd for onco In a way ho wns stirred out of his customary attitude of cynical Indifference. "Smith nnd Colonel Bnldwln nre over yonder In Klnzlo's prlvuto office," ho reported hnstlly. "Beforo they shut tho door I heard Baldwin introducing Smith as the now acting flnnnclul sec retary of tho Tlmanyonl Ditch com pany I" Klnzlo met tho Issue fairly. "I don't know you yet, Mr. Smith; but I do know Colonel Baldwin, here, nnd I guess I'll tuko n.elianco on things ns they stand. I'll keep my stoclf." The new secretary's smile was rather patronizing thnn grateful. "As you please, Mr. Klnzle, of course," he said smoothly. "But I'm going to tell you frankly thnt yon'll keep U nt your own risk. I am not sure whut plnn will bo adopted, but I assume It will be amortization and 8 retirement of the stock of tho original company. Tho voting control or tne old stock wo alreudy have, as you know." The bunker pursed his lips until the stubbly gray mustache stood out stltlly. Then ho cut straight to the heart of tho matter. "You mean that thero will be a ma jority pool of the old stock, and that the pool will Ignore those stockholders who don't come in?" "Something like thut," said Smith pleasantly. And then: "We're going to be generously liberal, Mr. Klnzlo; we arc giving Colonel Baldwin's friends a fair chnnco to come In out of tho wet. Of course, If they refuse to como In If they prefer to stay out" Klnzle was smiling sourly. "You'll have to take care of your own banker, won't you, Mr. Smith?" he asked. "Why don't you loosen up and tell a llttlo more? What havo you fellows got up your sleeve, anyway?" At this, the new financial manager slacked off on tho hawser of secrecy u little Just a little. "Mr. Klnzle, we've got tho biggest thing, nnd tho surest, thnt ever came to Tlmanyonl Park; not In futures, mind you, but in facts ulrendy as good as accomplished. If it were necessary as it isn't I could go to New York to NO SEPARATE PEACE A FRIEND'S RUSSIA WILL RESENT OVER TURES OF THAT NATURE. SAYS WAR FORCED ON HER Germany Claims Submarlno Warfaro a Lawful Measure. Amer ica Is Now Feeding the World. Western Newspaper Union News Service. New York. Russia, as now consti tuted, is ns llttlo likely to make a sep arate poaco as is tho United States, in tho opinion of C. H. Boynton of New York, president of tho American Russian chnmbcr of commerce. Mr. Boynton, who Is now in Petrogrnd, bus forwarded to tho organization, of which he Is prosldont, a statement on tho conditions In Russia, in which ho presents an optimistic view of tho Russian outlook. Wherever separata poaco has been mentioned, it has been howled down with indignation, ho writes. Efforts mado by tho Russian extremists to creat disorders havo been overthrown, not by an armed force, but by tho forco of public opin ion. "If In tho future appearances in Russia should seem ularmlng," Mr. Boynton asserted, "tho real situation will bo In tho hands of a ministry composed of tho best Russia can offor. Ho predicted that tho task of reor ganizing tho government's policies will bo accomplished beforo many months ADVICE Woman Saved From a Sen out Surgical Operation. America Is Feeding tho World. Washington. America's burden of feeding tho world Is emphasized by a food administration report that during April wheat exports Increased from 11, 392,788 bushels as a month's averago for tho procctllng nlno months, to 14, 234,013 bushels. Beef exports which had shown a comparatlvo gain of 330 per cent In tho nine month averago over tho pre-war period Increased from 22,295,972 pounds to 48,211,592 pounds. Sugar, which had shown a 1,500 per cent Increase In tho nlno months period, decreased In April from tho average of 103,486,170 pounds to 92, 283,738 pounds. A notablo decrease was In fish ex ports. Tho averago of 15,122,474 pounds exported In tho nlno motnha exported In tho nine months period dropped to 7,544,877 pounds for April. Louisville, Ky. "For four years I uffered from female troubles, head aches, and nervousness. I could not leep, had no nppetito and It hurt mo to walk. If I farted to do any work, I would have to Ho down beforo it was finished. Tho doc tors said I would havo to bo opera ted on and I simply broko down. A friend advised ma to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogo table Compound, and tho result is I feel like anew wom an. I am well and strong, do all my own houso work and havo an eight pound baby girl. I know Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound saved me from an operation which every woman dreads. Mrs. Nellie Fishdack, 1621 Christy Ave., Louisville, Ky. Everyone naturally dreads tho Bur geon's knife. Sometimes nothing elso will do, but many times Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetablo Compound has saved tho patient and mado an operation unnecessary. If vou havo anvsvmjuom about which you would like to know, write to tha Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free. TCirYWFV Is a deceptive disease IVlllMI -thousands have It TROTTRT 17 Rnd don't know It. It irvuuDLib you wnnt K00fl resulta you can mako no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney medicine. At druggists In fifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample size bottle by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling you about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton. N. Y.. and enclose ten cents, also men tion this paper. How His Name Originated. Mr. Lynch nnd his friend were dis cussing family names nnd their his tory. "How did your nnmo originate?" asked the friend. "Oh, probably ono of my ancestors was of the grasping kind that you hear about so often. Somebody gnvo him nn 'ynch nnd he took an 'L.' "Christian Register. SAYS WAR FORCED ON HER "We Are Cut Vr CHAPTER IX. make room for tho new," Smith, ox-1 in tho West; If you can got bim start-pari" When Greek Meets Greek. Smith allowed himself ten brief sec onds for a swift cye-mensurlng of the square-shouldered, stocklly built man with a gray fnce and stubbly mustnche sitting In tho chnlr ot authority at tho Brewster City National beforo he choso his lino of nttack. "Wo nro not going to cut very deeply Into your time this morning, Mr. Kln zle," he began when tho oyo-appralsul had given him his cue. "You know tho history of Tlmanyonl Ditch' up to tho present, nnd well, to cut out tho do tnlls, thero Is to bo a complete renr- gnnlzntlon of tho coinpnny on n new basis, and wo are hero to offer to take your personal allotment of tho stock off your hands nt pur for cash. Colonel Baldwin bus stipulated thnt his friends In tho orlglnnl denl must bo protected, and" "Ilere, here hold on," Interrupted tho bank president; "you'ro hitting it up a llttlo bit too fast for me, Mr. Smith. Who aro you, and whereabouts do you hold forth when you uro at homo?" Smith laughed easily. "If wo wcro trying to borrow money of you, wo might havo to go Into preliminaries) nnd particulars, Mr. Klnzle. Wo nro not nlono in tho fight for tho water rights on tho other sldo of tho river, ns you know, and until we nro safely fortified wo shall have to bo prudently cautious. What w6 want to know now Is this: Will you lot us protect you by taking your Tlmanyonl Ditch stock at Not Going to Deeply." day and put a million dollars behind our reorganization plan In twenty-four hours. You'd say so yourself If I were at liberty to explain. But ngaln ye're dodging nnd wasting your time and ours. Think tho matter over about your stock and let me know before noon. It's rather cruel to hurry you so, but tlmo is precious with us and" "You sit right down there, young man, and put a little of this precious tlmo of yours against mine," snld Kln zle, pointing authoritatively at tho chair which Smith had just vacated. "You mustn't go off at half-cock, that way. You'll need a bank here to do business with, won't you?" did not sit down. Instead, he smiled genially and fired his final shot. "No, Mr. Klnzle; we shan't need a local bank not ns a matter of abso lute necessity. In fact, on some ac counts I don't know but thut It would be better for us not to have one." "Sit down," Insisted tho bnnk presi dent; and this tlmo he would tnue no denial. Then he turned abruptly upon Bnldwln, who had been playing his part of the silent listener letter-perfect-"Baldwin, wo ore old friends, nnd I d trust you to the limit on nny proposi tion that doesn't ask for more than tho 8trnlght-from-the-shouldcr honesty now much is this young friend of ours talking through his hat?" "Not any, whatever, Dave. He's got tho goods." Baldwin was wlso enough to limit himself carefully as to quan tity In his reply. Again tho banker mnde a comical brlstlo brush of his cropped mustache. "I want your business, Dexter; I've got to havo it. But I'm going to bu plain with you. You two aro asking mo to bellevo that you'vo gono outsldo and dug up a new bunch of hackers. Thut may bo nil right, but Tlmnnyonl Ditch hns struck n pretty big bono that mnybo your now bnckers know about nnd mnybo they don't. You've hud a lot of bad luck, so far; getting your land titles cleared, and all thnt; and you'ro going to hnve more. I've" It wns Smith's turn nguln nnd ho cut In 8mnrtly. Germany Claims Submarine Warfare a Lawful Measure. Copenhagen. Doctor MIchaells, the new imperial German chancollor, In an address to tho reichstag, declared his adheronco to tho German subma rine campaign, asserting it to bo a lawful measuro justifiably adopted and adapted for shortening tho war. Doctor MIchaells opened his reich stag speech with a hearty tribute to Doctor von Bethmann-Hollweg, the retiring imperial chancellor, whoso work he said history would apprcclato. The chancollor declared that tho war was forced upon unwilling Gor many by tho Russian mobilization and that the submarlno war was also forced upon Germany by Great Bri tain's Illegal blockade starvation war The faint hopo that America, at tho hand of tho neutrals, would check Groat Britain's illegality was vain; Gormany's final attempt to avoid tho extremity by a peace offer failed and tho submarlno campaign was adoptod, said tho chancellor. Rigid Test for Army Service Washington. America's armies will bo mado up of tho finest physical man hood of the nation. Army surgeons ostlmato that nearly 40 per cont of the men brought to tho colors by tho se lective draft will bo rojectcd upon tho first physical scrutiny, so severe aro tho examinations. Nearly ono million must bo drawn to got tho 625,000 for the first levy. At present the rojoc tlons In tho regular army averago 40 to 60 por cent ot tho applicants. FOR PIMPLY FACES Cutlcura Is Best Samples Free by Mall to Anyone Anywhere. An easy, speedy way to remove pim ples nnd blackheads. Smear the affect ed surfaces with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off In five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot wnter, bnthlng some min utes. Repent night nnd morning. No better toilet preparations exist. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, DopL L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Might Happen Again. Mrs. Euphemla .Johnson wns attend ed by a confidential colored friend of her own sex when the railroad, com pany culled her In to effect a cash set tlement for the denth of her husbnnd, killed on his honeymoon. Mrs. Johnson hud clouded her fea tures with a heavy veil up to the tlmo tho corporation attorney hnd men-' tloncd the sum, but when ho produced tho bills she threw back the badge of mourning nnd gazed eagerly on the bundle that flashed green and yellow In thick streaks. The lawyer withdrew after the signing of the release nnd tho two wcro left alone. "Euphemla," snld the compunlon. "I suppose you'll bo gettln' murrled again, now thnt you're so rich." Euphcmln paused with n thick thumb half-way to her mouth for moisture nnd reflection. "Ef Ah do," she observed beforo resuming tho counting of tho roll, "It'll be somo pusson on do Senbodo Aych Line." Reading Matter for Soldiers Washington. Magazines and news papors bearing one-cent stamps hero after may bo posted, unwrapped and unaddressod by persons other than publishers, and will bo forwarded by postal authorities to American soldlors and sailors In Europe The next Installment describee a sharp clash between 8tanton and Smith. The fight ceases to be merely a battle of wlls and becomes deadly and desperato and bloody. (TO B13 CONTINUED.) Roots Must Have Room. Tho yield of cotton is dependent upon tho number of flowers wo aro able to Induco tho plant to form, and root spneo Is necessary to Uowering. Tho cotton plant's normal rootlug may occupy two squaro yards of earth, which is several times moro than given it In prnctlco, nnd tho yield may often be reduced by this fact as the root mast Intorlap, Cuba Raising War Funds Havana. The Cuban congress unan imously has passed a bill calling for a tronsury bond issue of $30,000,000 to provide funds for carrying on Cuba's part in tho European war. Tho bonds will bo offored for salo in Havana and Now York. Now York. A now "Amorlcan" so cialist party is in tho making, its leaders to include sovornl of tho old socialist party who havo beo.n unablo to agreo with tho anti-war attltudo of tho prosent ono. Montenegrins Dying of Hunger Paris. A dispatch to tho Havas Agency from Homo says that tho 'fribuna publishes an Intervlow with n Montenegrin patriot wno uecinrou that tho Austrlans aro devastating his country moro terribly than Bel gium, Serbia and Rumania woro de vastated. "Tho Austrians," tho Mon tenegrin is quoted as saying, "aro proceeding with a ferocity intondod to oxtcrminato tho Montenegrin rnco whoso Indomitable fibro cannot bo broken." Tho population la dying of J hunger. Had Short Memory. Lnndlord (to Pat, who has Just paid his rent)-7-I hear you nre a good Judge of whisky, Pat. Now, hero aro two different bottles nnd I wnnt you to tell me which Is tho best. Put takes a glass of ench, smncks his lips nnd looks wise. Lnndlord Well, Put, which Is tho best? Put Begorrn, yer honor, they nre both good, but would you mind fllllno mo another glnss of tho first. I hav forgotten tho tnsto of It, Going to Land Him. "Ho was cngnged threo times beforo ho proposed to her." "Yes." "And she ncccptcd him?" "Yes, but she's Insisting on nn lmmo dlnto marrlnge. Profiting by tho expe rience of the other girls sho Isn't going to tnko nny chnnco on his breaking an other engagement." Power is powerless unless its pos sessor is conscious of his ability. r i Cool Food on n Hnt iw i mrmj m SAYS TRY Post Toas ties for lunch ! THE NEW CORN FLAKES w A .h . ft a V .l A N