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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1917)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF wtm " J i m AS TOLD TO US 1 .x:-:-x-x-X":':c v Oeoige Holllster spent Saturday in McCoolt. , Fred Carnalian spent Tuesday In Hustings. II. Neuerberg pont Tuesday in Superior. 1', Roy Sattley Undcrtaker-Anto,Hearse In'rouncctlou. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank MoIntoshVfiavc f.VS, moved to town. W Morton Smith was in InavaYetho first of the week. t If you need glasses see Wwrxiclc, Thursday, Aug. 2. l'. Mrs. Sam Fair and daughtci'faMt to Superior, Tuesday. Sy'w Fred Temple of Kansas CltJr.ViSTpent Saturday in the city. $"$5 Eyes tested, glassos fitte'if' C. Mitchell, the Jeweler. fM Harvey Rickerson spent y&otjday with frieuds at Orleans. tffiff VM. jay I'opo spent xucsuay ,yni sou, Elton, at ltluo Hill. n! 1th his v Commissioner Iluhatkn was , 'down j.-hi from Bladen, Wednesday. Ilcrt Shormftn returned horaorarom Hastings, Tuesday evening ' ' ,' Miss Elsie Dietrich spent the first of the week with friends at York. v Rev. Edson of Oxford spent Wednes day with his son, Will, and wife. Miss Inez Crahill rcturncd'home from Hustings, Monday evening. W. L. Wcesner and sons, John 'and Roscoe, spent Friday in Hastings'.' Mr. Hnzelton of Norton was in the city Tuesday attending the oil meeting. J. II. Robinsou went to GuideRock, Tuesday, to visit his son, Art, andwife. Mrs. Ed Fearn spent the weekend with her son, Oris, and wife iktHast ings Wfg Miss Florence Johnston ty-qturncd Monday evening from HayworCh, Il linois. 9tt Herb Ludlow and daughtersMisses Osa and Neva Baker, 6pent Monday at Hardy. Robt Avery went to Dewitt, Tues day, to look after some busjness uffairs. , '?'' Mr. and 'Mrs. Alf Saladcn alid daugh ters left Wednesday for "an outing in Wyoming. Mi Ed Gilbert. Geortre HarriJittrA. B McArthur were in Blue H111T afternoon. Clinton "Better of MePhe sas, spent iSSST Hazl Salii Grant Bail Sundav. 1'fle (ntlim I kXt -'3 ''UO'l '1"M Mrs. Oot Minnie. relatives &t'f&bi Everett Stroup Sunday night with and Mrs Harry Strou The Misses Luoile Tiuniln Scrivnpr rotnrned hoi Blue Hill, Tuesday evenlug,WjL:& Roy Stevens returned honwifipday from Kansas City whero h?J5$nded a Photographer's eonveutlontfQjf? Frank Peterson and Fred Arnold left Sunday for Cheyenne whero thwill attend the Frontier celebratfour Messrs. and Mesdames Chas. Jtobln son, Frank Smith, EdGarber, and Geo. nadell spent Sunday at Dewegsp. The Misses MBrie Holllsr nd Margaret Beal went to Alliance, .Frl day, where they will visit frietfosf A house in the south ward In which Mrs. Wm. Barnes resided was entirely destroyed by tiro on Saturday night. Arthur Gilbert, who has enlisted in the sixth Nebraska iegimentr is visit ing his parents, Mr. and MrS. Ed, Gil- bert. . Dr. Warrick will meet patieuts and those needing glasses fitted ntf Ur. Damercll's ofllco Thursday, ' Aug. 2 Hours 1 to 5. , Mrs. Ilollmau and children, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Baker nnd lion" Fulton lefc Wednesday via automobile for an outing in Wyoming Richard Brasch, of Guide Rock, and Miss Christina Mlkkel&cii, of Bostwlck, wero united in marriage by Judge Kauney on Tuesday. Hugh Bnlrd, who had charge of tho agricultural department of tho High School, returned to hla home at For moso, Kausas, hibt week. Ralph Foe, of C.rcybull, Wyoming, nrrived in tho city Sunday via the auto route to visit his mother, Mrs. Foe. His wife and children who have boen visiting here will accompany him home. Hamilton. Cathtr Clothing Co. tttttuon u Pisl Siortr Everything Man or Moy Wear 9d Cloud Nbraaka i 'Saturday, Sfes MEMKKAa f wmxvxxx&mBermm mffl wzcmpiX't ikir:; k v . TCffijKEronv9iHaqrv7K? jhkiw' mfmusvumimmn? Wet&nn n&Kmvmmi&st " i.ifT.-. -T?rjm.z-- ..' TrRaxTu-'"7Uft'c- .--v. ?, iu-,. ww&tii!.tmm imLi tu&Mii;m. mfim MSktmwmtiwtigMRm m 1 n in i iiu .22 k!fl vT' ftHaHFfKi! i'CftyiA'M'f 5'rAl iWL.'$ U1V0I rr-w4TJMICA,i4T his pafbnTK4 jtHm? -irom In in Superior , Hnrold Gilbert spent Saturday in Illuo Hill. Dr Crawford of Sliolton was in the city Sunday. A. II. Cai pouter wont to Imperial' Sifnday evening. I)r IM Ilosey returned home fioin S. Joe, Monday. Tom McMurran spent Sunday with his parents at Oxford. The Misses Rose and Irene MeGulrc spent Monday iu Hastings. Hownrd Ycfet of Blue Hill spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinsou returned home from Denver, Sunday. Dclancy Bros., shipped two cars of hogs to Kansas City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Green spent Sun day with relatives at Superior. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith were in Bloomington, Saturday evening. W. G. Hamilton returned home from Kansas City the last of the week. H. W. Gulliford of Bloomington, Il linois, is visiting friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miniuger of Hast ings speut Sunday with her parents. Miss Nettie Springer spent the first of the week with friends at Riverton Mr. and Mrs Oliver Buzzard spent Sunday with his parents nt Blue Hill Supt. Dickson of the Blue Hill elec tric light plant was iu the city Fiiday. Elwln Garretsou returned homo Sat- urday night from Vuntasse), Wyoming. Miss Blanch Barker of Inavale spent the weekend with friends In this city. Miss Anna Brommcr cntne down fiom Hastings Monday to visit frie'ids. Mrs. Barbara Fhares returned home from Colorado Springs, Saturday morn ing. Guy Deriuger and Lester Yost were down from Blue Hill, Saturday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. A. E Bernard of York spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E M. Ege. Earl Dlckerson of Arapahoe was visiting friends in the city the first of the week. Phil Sherwood and Raymond Tur nure returned home from Lincoln, Fri day evening. Mr. and' Mrs. S. C. Ellis spent the first of the week with his son, Dale, at Des Moines, Iowa. Rev. 'Fitzgerald spout Sunday Superior. II. W. Johnson speut Tuesday 1VUttf-.c''a Ul&MtodUVefMN?nnai.A'&va.eiMf f " '-J-. iirwwwwwiiiMtMWi(viMa'SMiMMtj.. t.h -. ii.-. , .,- j. .... - ... j mss-sii -l-.(&t'rw TMaMiijViaansi i wtww? w&szbcasei' initae thfs territory for Swift & Co., was in the city Monday. Ray Heaton left Sunday evening for Syracuse, New York, where he will join his regiment in the regular army. Will Kuehn of Roseland was called to the city the first of the week on ac count of the death of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuehn's baby. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and Mr. and Mrs'. Joe Britton returned home Sunday afternoon from Hheir trip to Colorado nnd Wyoming. M. A. Mercer and H. S. Foe weut to Smith Center today where they will play with the Lebanon band ut the opening of tho Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ailes and Loyd Amack wero in Blue Hill, Saturday af ternoon, visiting tho former'sson, Car rol, who is a member of Co. K. 'I ho Webster County fair will bo held at Bladen, August 20 to 2.1, and the premium list and speed program is now being distributed over the county. Mrs. Stoncbrcaker and daughter, Miss Ella, left Saturday morning for Bristol, Wisconsin, whero they wcio called by tho Illness of a sister of the former. William Letsnn nccompauied them. Wm. Barnes wab taken into custody by Deputy Sheriff Honcr on Monday and btought bcfoie the insanity boaid on the eliHrgo of boing Insane, but owing to luck of evidence he was ie leased. Attornoy B W. Stewart, Father Fitz gerald, W.'L. WeeMier W.I l'aterson, Clarence Carpenter, Dr. Hoxscy, Will Montgomery, C. II. Totter, S. II. Flor and Ilcv. Bcebc attended au oil meeting nt Guide Ilock, Monday even ing. Messrs. and Mesdames Ed Garber and Cliiifi. Frisbie left Tuesday via auto for Cheyenne where they will at tend tho Frontier day celebration. They will visit several of tho parks in Wyoming and Colorado before return lug home. ff A largo crowd from hore attended the ball gaiuo and tli ill given by Co. K. at Blue Hill, Sunday afternoon, Tho ball game, was won by Campbcli who defeated Blue Hill by n seoro of 8 to 7. Between the fourth and fifth innings the members of Co. K., who had seen service on tho border, gave a drill which received u loud npplauso from the audleu:e. Powell Bros. Smoke House CIGARS that are Good The Brand Your Dodbr Smokes Most complete line of Cigars and Tobaccos in Red Cloud AH McCall has purchased a new ... i Bulck automouiie. . KdCook leturned to Nowato, Okla-i lioma, Wednesday. Mrs. Bessie Cornell returned home Wednesday evening from Shelton. Tho Misses Mabel and Nellie Lam born went to Ayr, Wednesday morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Hunt returned home from Rlvertoti, Wednesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Slmdbolt are the parents of a baby boy who was born Sunday. Dr. Stockman went to Lincoln, Wed nesday, to accompany his wife home from the hospital. t The Misses Elsie Pavlick and Teresa Kellett returned home, from Hastings, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Fred Wittwer went to Guide Rock, Wednesday, to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Art Robinson. m nn.i Mrs. n. M. Waller and' children of Cowles spent the weekend' at the J. H. Bailey home Conductor G. L. Ellis has returned) home from Chicago whore he was caU ts ed by tne illness ox nis aaugmer, 79 Mrs.1 Harry CWfter vislUngM -V ' i UV.'tn. .'tf ft'A'ricMn.-kfe fibril' ,'nd, m a. TA'asUnffcfc qw UaiCUtDl 1H3T..,MH -- w-- - --r iTforTwFmiftlrwlSTffTu ftseltottMgft: round on notbeiige &Ab ttmt warily returneKW r.i. 1 WT -W 'brifn' iMrs. Gov Bradbrook. of-l&ffaati, Montana, arrived in. the olty Tuesday evening to visit with Mr. and -Mrs Mike Finkenbinder. Mrs. W. N Richardson went to Hast ings, Monday, and met her grandson William Barber, of Osceola, who ac companied her homo. Russel Amack, Floyd Turnure and' Miner Sherwood attended tho Nebras-t ka Stato Tenuis Tournament at Super ior, Wednesday of ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M Tlioukinson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thonklnsonof Kear ney spent Suuday with their daughter and sister, Mrs. C. M. Phillips. The basement for the Auld librarv building has been excavated und the contractor is busy building a supply shack and work on the nev buildlug will soon cqmtncnce. A very fine program has been ar ranged for the Red Cross Benefit to be given at the Orphcum this evening. The ndmission will be 15 and 25 cents and you should turn out. On Saturday afternoon Deputj Sheriff Boner arrested a Justice of the Peace from Smith county who imbibed too freely in l'eruua and had a bottle of It in his possession. He was taken before Judge llauney who fined him S17 for his spree. All children will bo admitted to tlu- Chautauqua on tho opening day ftce of charge. Viorra's Royal Hawniinns will entertain them with their welt I and enchanting melodies of the South Sea Isles played on Iluwnlian uknloh-s and steel guitars as only the Hawaiian- can play them. Bring tho children with you and let them enjoy them selves. Prices of season tickets for tho Chautauqua are the same as in for mer years, adults, 82; children, 1. Tho Government neods farmers as well as fighters. Two million three hundred thousand acres of Oregon .V Califomiu Rullroad Co. Grant Land. Title revested In United States. To bo opened for homebteads and sale. Con taining some of best land left in United States. Large copyrighted mop allow ing land ty sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, tem perature etc. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 010 Portland Oregon, lL-1 ISP sin " - w Young Men Drawn for Selective Jlrait Army The following nre the first 1C2 num bers drawn for Webster county, the county registrntion numbers ami the names of our citizens who were drawn on Friday at the great lottery held in Washington to fix tho order of liabil ity for military service of each of the ten million icgisteicd men in tho Unit ed States. The first call is for 1,370,000 men to njipcnr before the local exemption bonrds. The full number to bo drawn is 10, 500, which takes in tho highest num ber in any one district, nnd Webster county, having a credit of forty-threo men on enlistments, is only required to furnish sixty-eight by draft. It is estimated that about fifty per cent will be unable to pass tho examina tion, or will be exempted for cause, nnd until the examination is held it is impossible to stntc who and how ninny men beyond No. 08 will be sum moned from this county. There nro 941 men registered in Webster coun ty, nnd all will bo drawn, and given their numbers in consecutive order, from 1 tq 1)11. Of these, In their now order, there nppcnr the first 1G2. This list was compiled from the numbers appearing in the state paper nnd while we nre convinced it is cor rect ns taken from them, yet do not guarantee it entirely accurate. As soon as the local board receives official information ns regnrds the numbers nnd names of those persons in its jurisdiction, they wll instruct 'them by n call which will bo published in the local pnpers, when to nppcnr for examination. From tho day tho notice that you are one of those called is mailed and posted, you have seven days to file n claim of exemption or discharge. Complete details ns re gards the draft can be found in bul letins which will bo supplied by any member of the local board. 1258 Hubl, Thomas Joseph 2 458 Johnson, Charley 3 851 Tooker, Vernon Ross 4 78! Clopine, A. Logun 5 837 Reinfeldt, Frederick Wm. 0337 Nelson, Arthur Albert 7070 Snylor, Enrl Edward 8275 Luhn, Jake Fred 0509 Gerlock, A. II. Wm. 10 504 Renkel, Monroe 11 590 Shuck, Ray Churles 12 530 Dunn, Hiram J. 13 548 Jones, Neumnn T. 14120 Fentress, Millard L. 15 784 Connor, Jumes Albert 10 755 Killough, Oscar Samuel 17 107 Shermnn, Howard Bert 18 010 Kent, F. Louis 1937!jGoll, Herbert 20 775 Baldwin, John Clarence 21 480 Anderson, Henry G. -22 092 Fry, Emile 23 GOO Sutherland, Gilbert 24 810 Holz, Edman Henry 25 507 Fuller. H. Wilbert 26 309 Bright,. Alfred Lewis 27 137 Banks, Alpha Alfred 28 C04 Barton, Melvin John 9 43Soderlin, Albert ; aO-f-924 RuBselVLge Ward u. un uvhijiivm"v X.-W.V. : OkiJ S-RiJ 38132: "1 . - .1 6bd. jsm nft"'io" ter.- Vdusk tiflkvfv. 4 652- ttHnr. John tniarlftfli'S '41-92Ti tevenu,' LloyUfflWIf """-W-F "Z- -" "'Tl m pewr. rm 44 ti 46&1I iaon. j 461-S13Lw. Don 474f2lThrtne,' Bert Edgar " 48 223 Lambrecfil, Theodore 49 117 Baird, Hugh Edwin 50 602 Watson, Andrew Elmer ' ,51 390 Lopez, Miguel 52 75 Geer, Curtis Jonathan 53 772 Wagner, Robert 54 721 Tyler, Melville Jnmeg 55 786 Cruse, Harley 56 280 McCauley, William David 57 757 Lamnman. Henry U 58 868 Bauer, Louis M. 59 332 Good, Leigli waiter GO 379 James, Russell Lee 61 542 Gilbert, Leo B. 62 791 Fairfield, James Edman 03874 Dusek, Edward 04 194 Mitchell, Everett Robert 65 552 Lovejoy, Homer Y. 66 298 Svoboda, Theodore 67 675 Sustro, John 08 343 Scott, Guy Albert 69 726 Zimmerman, August 70 15 Huffer, Earl 71905 Moss. Blaine K. 72 933 Snylor, Oscar It. 73 452 Eckhardt, Henry E. 74 355 Blumcnthnl, AuguBt Emil 75 530 Copley, Ben F. 7G 809 Holz, Otto Carl 77 845 Schaffcr, Amanuel J. 78 218 Johnson, Albert Charles 79 620 Mudd, Lincoln 80 550 Lovojoy, Perry D. 81 31 Phillips, Ernest Daniel 82 770 Schutte, Frank Joseph 83 882 Green, Cloyd F. 81 077 Leo, Frank Harrison 85 749 Johnson, Renwick Charles 86 525 Bean, Percy Eutaco 87 7150 Rose, John Matt 88 183 Gurney, Joseph 89 56 Butler, Merlin Arthur 90 5 Carnahan, Harrison Fred. 91 350 Anginus, Jenu. 92 51 Buzzaul, Stewart Oliver 93 870 Cox, Wilhcr E. 91 549 Benker, John Frederick 95 410 Bctzer, Ray Jacob 96 741 Gestring, Frederick Albert 97 711 Riehaidson, Christie Irvin 98 841 Schutz, Edward Lloyd 99 638 Berns, Joseph Julius 100 623 Payne, Ritcy Noble 101 269 Kent, Emery James 102 685 Bangert, Reinhardt C. 103 335 Long, Douglas Stanley 104 493 Brune, E. William 105 823 Moranville, Ezekile Marian 106 341 Richcy, Wayne Orvillo 107 391 Mertcn, Charles Frederick 108 353 Buschow, August Alex. 109 037 Alexander, James Ashley 110 360 Buschow, Otto Alfred HI 571 Worman, J. N. 112 188 Arterhurn, Frank 113 701 Hoffman, Leonhard E. 114 72 Garretsou, W. Roy 115 350 Rauer, John Walter 116 112 Walker, Fay Glen 117 128 Holliduy, Doll Mnrtcl 118-M579 Vuvrlcka, Vencel 119 805 Heitz, Carl 120 11 Deer, O. Leo 121 900 Kronnn, Gus Adolph 122 363 Corner, George WLWBm tfflm&zmmmi k s.M . A&ryZKii SET 11 f5 "- 14; Powerful1 (SO- : ipf: I) C. Lamps ; hiaKe possible a ffihauff working dtey' Don't Ruin Your Eyes Using Inferior- Lights Kerosene, gas and other make-shift lights are no cheaper Chan cledlricity once installed and (hat cost is moderate, iC you have Stevens furnish (lie fixtures and install them. Then (lie safety and convenience arc important factors to be considered. We also have a complete line of home electric appliances chafing dishes, toasters, curlers, power washers, irons, fans. t For wiring and all things electrical see E. W. STEVENS Plumbing Electrical Work Heating iiWi'jn'v ,ii ,; i, i,' iiim&mdmiHmi mi CHILDRENS DRESSES Have a nice line of dresses for boys and girls. Made in a cood clean faclorv. Workman- !jM2'jiiimmi"jFrTaiaKmwriii 1 ''raTrrF.i.TnMwcvdiiw.t . n i , .--V;V- ,nCiltVilJ 'lll'A-VlW;1.!!!!.' AMIllfM i.'r.v vv - - f immmmmtdi 'Wtmssrj? i L-Jr7.3K7SIEW i tfit??Xe rnrRHIIUt IIOHIUlirjIUiTIl . J. J WIHHaKHHH JI.TW.ut, - " " '- --- ---"-- - - L. V I YmC BbT : J3 M - n " mbfoselthd ' "" ' "v . ; - ' - - ,?sv) Come in and let me show yo7i these before bttying Mrs. Barbara Phares Afient for "Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns 123 6 Camp, Ivan 124 327 Bruhaker, Pnterson Fred 125 664 Helton, Pertus 126 93 McArthur, Arthur B. 127 3-15 Schrocder, August Henry 128 103 Storey, G. William 129 151 Sanders, Willie Adlemere 130 51 Yost, Howard 131 717 Springer, Frank Joe 132 30 Meyer, Fred Carl 133 199 Strntton, Guy Robert 131 388-LuhnK Eric 135 77:u-iAndrcH, Frank 13(5 608 Elwood, Cfarcncc Roy 137 106 Noenck, Willinm Frank 138 519 Thompson, M. Guy 139 25 Myer, Lnird James ' 140 393 Mngurin, Henry Albert 141 889 Hickok, Eugene V. 142 383 Keneger, Wm. Roinhaidt 143 588 Kaminsky, Walter Merrill 144 806 Wichtmann, Bernard 145 705 Kolcr, Emil 146 576 Zunpe, Willis R. 147 122 Ethcrton, Jnmes Claudo 1 18 6 12 Buckles, Enoch Delbert 1 19 939 Whelan, Clarence L. 150 222 Lamhrecht, Ernest Walter, 151 906 Morey, Arthur Bruce 152 700 Hiutt, Aldcn John 153 297 Svoboda, Mike Joseph 15 1321 Salazer, Trace 155 707 Moranville, Irvin, Dr. 156 368 Englehnrdt, George Alfred 157 320 Rics, Herman Hans 158 926 Spence, LeRoy Clinton 159 919 Pnvelkc, Antone 160 656 Johnson, Oscar II. 161 814 Conzack, James 162 738 Connor, Edward William Ou Wednesday morning the wash house at Pnt Kellott's home cnught on fire and burned to tho grouud. William Harold Kuehn, the eight months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuehn, passed away at their homo Mondav noon after a short Illness. Tho funeral services were iield nt tho Christian church. Wednesday after noon, Rev. Becbo otllclatlng. Tho bereaved pareuts and relatives havo I the sympathy of the entire community, l'll I'M . nil iiu at 1 Hfl HBfl 'I M7 I I-V BJLVJI 1 1 USE! , J nffi ." ir ,'. Colored Men Quarrel Over the Spoils of a Poker Game At au early hour Friday morning Harold Llttlejohn and John Cunning ham two of the colored gentlemen Who are employed in tho 0. B. &. Q. dining car service disagreed over the spoils of' a poker game which was in progress at that time, with the result that Llttle john was severely Injured. Cunning ham struck LUtlcjohn with a goodlv portion of n bed rail, fracturing tho hitter's skull. A physician was sum moned and after au examination it was found thnt an operation was necessary iu oidcr to save the man's life. Jainoi Battle, Jim Martin, Curl Spencer, John Cunningham, colored, and Conductor T. P. Span ton were tak en Into custody and lodged in the county jail, charged with gambling At the request of the defendants tho prellmiuaty homing has been postpon ed. Wednesday eveulng Llttlejohn was icmoved to the Parks hospital as a guest of the county, where ho will re main until he recovers Gerard in Germany At last the world is to hear tho in sldo facts of what happened, to Gerard In Germany. His book, "Four Years in Germany," will appear exclusively In this territory in tho Lincoln Dollv nnd Sunday State Journal commcuolnr August 5th nnd will bo continuod in llboral dully installments for about Umi months until tho whole of the wonder ful story of Intrigue is laid bare. Send one dollar to the State Journal and havo tho dally and Sunday issues sent to you during this two months and fol low this most intensely interesting story tunc recites tne faots leading up to war, as no ono else can tell them F i I w m V ' Si t ! . vl