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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1917)
V A r xv .4 K 3tito Ills' lotlM socuw - ti ,H ! Ji''V N.K, ff--"jBK jBBJ-i c- fx 04,7 mr&&iP3SzSficG&'0atMwM&1UDB9BhiLm t x 'rtC'Mku3vBVsBflBBBBV' A KaH9CflflHVHHh''IHlliSHtlfii7423r'ScA(H99E y A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 91.50. ?? VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AUGUST & H17. FimroBB 3U WAV.VVJ".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V-V A REAL MAN It is pretty hard to assert your independence and defy the world when you have an empty stomach and an empty pocket book. IE your bluff is called, (lien what? The prudent man who has saved a little, who has a reserve at the bank to tide him over a month or two. isn't so afraid of sickness, nor such a coward about being out of a job. A bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. The larger the account the firmer the footing. It breeds self-confidence, is proof of efficiency and is an ever-present resource in time of need. It's not what a man earns in a year that gives him a surplus at the bank, it's what he sayes,, I I I Webster County Bank I l Red Cloud, Nebraska ttWV.V.VAV.WWV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. WE TAKE THE "WORK" OUT OF "HOUSEWORK" ' '- '-8 ' Ti . "" -c HE' pleasure a; woman gets out of housework depends in a great measure upon what kind of utensils she has to work with. We have a complete stock of all new LABOR SAVING DEVICES FOR THE HOME at prices that will please the thrifty woman. GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARnWARP nPAT.FR Porch Furniture While the evenings are hot why not spend yottr eve?iings 011 your' porch? We have the Porch Swings, Setees and Porch Chairs to make you comfortable. J We also have a good stock of Folding Canvas Cots, Steel Cots and Sanitary Couches. CJ Come in and let us show them to you. J THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. ROY SATTLEY V V V Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer v v x 5 rWMW&Ht$Mi&rtirrMirW&tt Let us Figure on your next Job of Printing County Commissioners Were in Session Tuesday Board of County Commissioners mot as per adjournment at 10:30 n. in. All members present. ' The bids for constructing a driveway and curb on court house grounds were opened and found to bo as follows: Piatt & Frees $1021.02; Malonc-Gellatly $1539.00. Motion madcbyShidlerand seconded by Thomas that the Malonc-Gellatly Co. be awarded contrrct for driveway and curb around court honse according to plans and specifications of Geo. II. Overing County Surveyor. They be ing the lowest bidder all work toT be done subject to the approval of Said survey. Motion carried. County Surveyor is ordered to sell all the old iron and copper and other junk around the court house grounds to the highest bidder and turn the proceeds into the county treasury. The county clerk is instructed, to notify 0, C. Tecl that lie may continue hauling in dirt on the court house grounds from Webster street until same is filled. Dirt is to be free from cement, cinders or excessive gravel and subject to the approval of the jan itor. Moved by Thomas and seconded by Shidler that Mr. C. A. Herrick be ap pointed county assessor to fill the .va cancy caused by the death of G.J. Hummel until a succesor is elected and qualified. It being the sense of the Board and also Mr. Herrick that Mr. tlummel had practically earned the sal ary forJ917 and Mr. 'Herrick appeared b'erore the Board and offered to turn the balance of the salary for the year 1917 over to Mrs. G. W. Hummel. Mo tion carried. Proposition of E. W. Stevens to fur nish a bath room, sewer connections and heating plant in countv tail ac cepted subject to the approval of Com missioners Knigge and Thomas. Ofllclal Bond of C. A. Herrick as County Assessor approved. The application of Maxwell C. Ful ton for admission to Soldiers Home was approved by Board. Motiou made by Sliidler and second ed by Thomas that the Hoard pay not over S10 per thousand feet for rough bridge lumber. Motiou carried. The following claims were allowed aud Couuty Clerk Instructed to draw warrants on the respective funds in payment of same: Vet uou Dudley S 9 30 H. Ralph 2 00 Geo. Fisher ,... 2 00 Chas. Barrett lOl in Anton KudniH 17 OS Joe Saunders 27 CO V. A. Nickerson 47 s." 0 J. Kalley 7 21 Board adjourned to meet August 25th li. F. Perry, County Cleik. Shall We Organize? The various city papers auuouuco the organization of County Defense Companies in many of the cities and towns throughout the state. As Webster County has never taken second place in any other popular or necessary movement, why should we not organize this county? If the city Commercial Club or the County Council of Defense' will but take the matter In hand and push it wo feel that there are a sufllclent num ber of men and young men who would willingly join the company all that Is necessary Is to start the ball rolling, and now is the time to do it, not when the emergency 15 upon ns. If we are not subject to draft or eli gible to voluntary enlistment in the army or navy wo can show our patriot ism in this way. Every man in tlio county should do his duty. Now that the opportunity presents Itself, why dodge It. Shall Webster county fall In Its duty to the nation? Let our men who have leisure timo get together aud take tho necessary steps to organize this com pany aud we feel certain that the nec essary members will be found to make up the company. Local Red Crons Chapter ; Now has 460 Members I As a result of tho active campaign 'l by enthusiastic Bed Ctoss workers this chapter now has 100 members. It Is vory pleasing to record that almost to an Individual our citizens needed no urging but were highly pleased that they could do their bit. All bcem anxious to help in this great emergency and ore willing to do anything they can to help. The twenty nine little folks who gave the benellt under the supervision of Miss Josle Igou were all given memberships in the organ ization, the balance of tlie returns amounting to 812 80 will be turned in to tho war fund, Red Cloud a Busy Place The business district of this city has a very wrecked appearance at thts time as the crossings and curbs have been torn up, huge mounds of sand piled on the street aud n number of trenches dug to permit the plumber to make connections onto the water mains A large number of teams are hauling suud into the town aud stone and earth away. No less than four construction com panies have their equipment here and men at work. The Elkhorn construc tion company are busy finishing their work on the construction of the seyex system, contractor solilestger'a tqasons carpenters and helpers' are making great headway on the new high school UUUUIU VUUhlBtlUi UCUUOf IIU9 UID supply and tool house erected and lines run for the aew library building and teams are hauling brjck and ma terial from the cars to the library site. The Abel Construction Company has a gang of about fifty men at work on the streets with pick, shovel and wheel barrow, preparing them for the dress of concrete and brick. The big steam mixer is set aud the hiss of eteam and the rattle of gears may now be heard on the State Bank corner. Good wages are being paid and any man who wants to earn a few honest dollars aud is uot opposed to work now has an opportunity to add a little to his bank account, This Is tho greatest spurt of activity that the old town has ever seen and pessimists who say that times are hard the town dead canuot continue this cry as Red Cloud is boomlug, saving nothing about the big oil boom that is about to break forth in Webster County's oil field, ns wo are Informed that almost all of the necessarv fund has been raised and the drill will soon start on Its loug downward journey, to fortune, fanjo,nud oil. C I . BBcfgrTrnjii-!1- n ; A li A W KaMm L'mmmmm&ttimm&sziiLmm JmmwW -j-r" fflMOf wmVvmX course JHL II l I A I JW whiu -i, e-ra v Hit VI V 7 Come see Ours x want . Elegant Cut Glass Colored Gentlemen Fined On Monday, Sheriff Buffer and County Attorney F. J. Munday took tho following colored gentlemen to Hastings where thoy plead guilty be fore Judge Dungan to the charge of gambling iu public places; James Battles, Jim Martin, Carl Spencer, John Cunningham nnd Con ductor T. P. Spenton (white). Attorney Art Rellhau of Smith Cen ter, Kansas defended the above named gentlemen. The amount of their flues aud costs was S175, they agreeing to pay their fine as soon as money can be received by them. Thoy were brought back to this city to await the arrival of tho funds. The judge was somewhat surprised to see such a largo daU'Railon and asked the local officers whore they had secured this army of violators of the law The eentlcnnm nil maintained thot they were Innocent of the charges but through tho strategy of our efficient county attorney he pursuadod them to plead gnllty Instead of luylng In the. county jail to await trial beforo tho Ootobor term of district court. Mr. Munday deserves a vote of thanks from the taxpayers for this deed as he saved the county a snug sum of money that Would have been, spent for boarding the criminals until the court should decide on tbolr case In tho next term of court. THERE ARE DIFFERENT QUALITIES OF CUT GLASS JUST AS THERE ARE DIFFERENT QUALITIES OF ANYTHING ELSE. ONE DESIRES THE BEST QUALITY OF CUT GLASS OR NONE AT ALL WE CARRY THAT ON WHICH YOU CAN DEPEND. ' THEN WHEN YOU BUY YOUR CUT GLASS AT OUR STORE YOU HAVE ' SCORES OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS FROM WHICH TGELECT. - V OUR PRIPPC ARP-Aq-fA:nflRrulr:UniYAi itv uiim iifAQDAiir iV VM "."- -" " -w -! WWII lllvll VwnLII I IIIL.L. (IMIIItnilll WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THEIPRICE RIGHT. ' H..NBWH0USE JW0f0r mud OptottftrM Bye. B. It Q. Watch Inspector Have You Had Trouble in Getting Good Silk Hose? Try Black Cat Silk Hosiery Ladies pure thread silk hose, extra quality, in colors of black, white, sky, pink, maze, silver, copper, grey and Palm Beach Price $1.50 Ladies white and pure silk fibre hose Ladies pure silk hose, in colors of black, white, grey, sky tf 4 AA pink and Palm Beach Z I aUU Ladies white fibre JC silk boot hose, pair OOC 75c R. P. Weesner & Co. Try an Ad in the Chief if you want to buy sell or trade WE WILT, APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COH L. ORD E R S PL ATT & FREES & y. ? r- x.-i 11 .,, .( TSv'V'i,i, 'Wl 4 h