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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1917)
J Bj if. bwlo Uiatorloftl Society ,v , k Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. .u. VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY U, 11H7. DUMBER 30 VWU1 5 w, L""-".""J v I A REAL MAN It is pretty hard to assert your independence and defy the world when you have an empty stomach and an empty pocket book. If your bluff is called, then what? The prtident man who has saved a little, who has a reserve at the bank to tide him over a month or two; isn't so afraid of sickness, nor such a coward about being out of a job. A bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. The larger the account the firmer the footing., It breeds self-confidence, is proof of efficiency and is an ever-present resource in time of need. It's not what a man earns in a year that gives him a surplus at the bank, it's what he saves. 1 s ji Webster County Bank ji Red Cloud, Nebraska WW f Summer Necessities Refrigerators We have several designs and sizes that willl please Built to meet all requirements. Priced to sell. Cool Cookers A complete line of coal oil cook stoves, one, two three and four burners, with or without oven GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER J j :: Porch Furniture While the evenings are hot why not spend your evenings on your porch? We have the Porch Swings, Setees and Porch Chairs to make you comfortable. CJWe also have a good stock of Folding Canvas Cots, Steel Cots and Sanitary Couches. Come in and let us show them to you. J THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer Red Cloud Boys Join Company K at Blue Hill On Monday the members of Co. K., of ltluo Hill, gathered at that plnco to uiobllizo, in answer to the l'resldent'a call. The following boys from here received their notification to be at Ulue Hill ou Monritty to answer the roll call and be mustered into service: ttus sol Joues, Albert Austin, James Gil bert, Lester Yost, Cecil Cmnmlngs, El ton Pope, Guy Derluger, Carrol AJles. Albert Oalbraltli, Everett Stroup) Charles Moedo and Cherrel Ivoontz. We are pleased to see this delegation of youug men volunteer for service in order that the rights of our nation may be defended and we feel that they will receive the best of training and titteur tion under the guidanco of such efllc ient oillccrs as Captain ilogate ncd Lieutenant llauney. The company will camp at Itlite Hill for about twelve days after which they together with the fourth, tlfth aud sixth Nebraska regiments will go to camp Cody, Deiulug, New Mexico for further training. We think that our so-called patriotic citizens have a calling" coming to them, as on Monday moruiug when tho boys left the city the only persons wjio were there to bid them a last farewell were their immediate relatives aiih a very fow friends We feel that the boys were entitled to a little more brotherly feeling than this aud as w1 have a musical orgauizatiou of our own a few patriotic selections ou an occasiou of this kiud would not have been amiss. Will Canvas City for Red Cross Members . i, Friday, July 20th has been designat ed as Red Cross Membership Day in this city. The city has been divided Into districts aud eBtivasers have been appointed who will call at your home and request you to join this worthy orgauizatiou. This organization aud its member ship recognises no creed or party as Its Interests aro for the purpose of re lieving the people- In distress during poace times and caring for tho wound ed ou the battle Held durlug war time There are several classes of member ship which are as follow: Annual, Subscribing, Contributing, Sustaining, Life and I'atrou. An annual membership costs 81 per year, subscribing 2 annually, contri buting S.'i annually, sustaining $10 an nually, life one payment $2.1 and pa tron ono payment $100. Every person in this city should join ou that day. He a booster for human ity, not a knocker. A Fatal Lightning Stroke It was indeed a sad occasiou when the lightning struck and instantly killed Edward Orval Dean, only sou of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Henn who resido eight miles south of llladen, ou last Thursday afternoon. Orval had gone to tho farm of a neighbor, Mr. Fred Lambrecht, to help him In his oat harvest and was shock ing oats when the lightning struck al most out of a clear sky. It was some time before the accident was known and ns speedily as possible a doctor was called but death had al ready ensued and tho body was remov ed to the home of Mr. lienn. A host of friends from near and far rushed iu to try to help these worthy people to bear their load of grief. After brief services at the homo on Sunday afternoon the funeral services were held nt the Plalnview Methodist church conducted by tho pabtor, the Rev O. T. Moore assisted by the Rev. Eugcuo White. Two mixed quartets rendered several appropriate select ions. Tho toxt wa9 "Be ye also ready, for In such an hour as ye think not the son of 'man cometh." The pastor dwelt on the excellent life of the de ceased brother gathering what he had to' say under four heads. The casket was heaped high with floral offerings from tho many friends and there were over one hundred fifty autos in tb.3 procession to the ceme tery. OBITUARY Edward Orval Bean, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Emory llean, was born in Webster county, Nebraska, Juno 25th, 1890 and died near his home south of Bladen on July 13, 1017, aged 20 years, 11 months and 1G days, He leaves his father and mother, two sisters, Mrs, Edith Cox of llladen and little Visa, a grandfather, a grandmother, many uncles, aunts and cousins and a host of warm and appreciative friends to mourn his untimely end, We aro prone to ask why tho sacri fice of this bright aud promising life We do not know we must wait to un derstand. Qod knows best. lie is a lovlug and faithful friend. Will Hold Drawing Tomorrow in Capitol Washington, I). C, July is. Advices today to llrigadlci General Crowder, the provost marshal general, Indicat ed that the national lottery to deter mine the order of liability of- ton mil lion men regis teted for military ser vice could be held Friday. Present plans are to hold the lottery in the capitol, with the members of the senate and the house military com mittees as witnesses. Tho entire pro. ceoding Is not expected to tako much more than ono hour. Geneial Crowder conferred today with uowspaper correspondents over arraugements for drawing The press Is relied upon to carry to individuals throughout the country the informa tion as to when they will be required to appear before exemption boards aud for that renson every effort Is "being made to suit the convenience of the papers as to details. Tho task of transmitting the long lists of numbers by telegraph Is a tre mpndous problem, but the press as sociation and telegraph companies are making efforts to insure both speed and absolute accuracy iu transmission. There is more concern over the task of the individual newspapers, Iu the large communities the problem of printing the seilal numbers with the names of the men they represent Is one of staggering proportions. Attend the Red Cloud Chautauqua, July 29-Aug. 4 On Sunday afternoon there will be a ball game at Blue Hill and tho pro ceeds will go iuto the mess fund for Co K. After the game tho members of Co. K,. who saw service on the border, will give ft drill, Everyone from here should turn out aud help tho fund along as the ball game and drttl will be well worth witnessing. Oil Meeting Tuesday Evening There will be a meeting of the Big Chief Oil and Gas Co., at tho Morhart opora house ou Tuesday evening, July 4th. It is expected that the lease on fifteen thousand acres will have been secured by that time and the question of proceeding at once with the develop ment will bo taken up with the share holders. It is hoped that everyone who has been asked for a lease on their land will have decided to do so before that evening. Tho contractor has been wired for to be present if possible and arrangements have been made with a firm of rig builders to ship In a r"lg from Eldorado on receipt of n wire. Everyone Interested try and be present. Show Much Interest in Tennis Tho Southwest Nebraska Tennis Tournament was held In this city this week. A number of our people who have previously glvon but little attent ion to this sport becamo real tenuis bugs before tho tourney was over. Representative players were present from Arapahoe, Wilcox, Orleans, Hoi. drege, Hastings, Superior, Franklin and other neighboring towns. Tho play was brisk and speedy thru out somo of tho very best players In the state being present. Mr. 'Emmet of Arapahoo succoeded In securing the singles championship. Tho doubles have not yet been played olf but will go to ono of tho teams from Arapahoe Next year's tournament will be held la Holdrege. 2iiplSi -v mm -dJP RoS3fa and Supplies NOTHING IS MORE DISAPPOINTING THAN TO PRESS THE BULB AND FIND OUT LATER THAT YOU DID NOT GET THE PICTURE YOU WANTED. THAT WON'T HAPPENiTO YOU (F YOU BUY YOUR KODAK AND PHOTO SUPPLIES IN OUR STORE. WE SELL THE BEST MAKES OF KODAKS AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL. OUR SUPPLIES ARE FRESH AND JUST WHAT YOU NEED TO MAKE GOOD PICTURES. - fc-w- , - ,,- WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. B. H. NE1a Jewclor and Optometrist J3TC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector iHMKBMIC m D D m R, P. Weesner & Co. Dry Goods Special ii 11 THIS WEEK ONLY One Hundred IRONTEX PERCALE Fast Colors. Slightly narrower than ordinarily Percale, but the same quality. A large range of patterns in light greys and darks Selling This Week at 12JG per yard lyj tyj Try an Ad in the Chief if you want to buy sell or trade WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOTJIt COK LORD E R S PLATT & FREES Join the Red Cross" and Booct for It .til 4 m i V i ail ull 1 i& Q D d