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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1916)
wfmimmmm' la-yr; IW,4li 'I f v" V BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF IV5 IF I V t.-. fel i , V f, Official Vote Cast at Primary Election Held April 18th f" o c EI n 73 o o t v o "I w o p 7T n n 7t n a n s V) J S3 it O c C3 O 5: b s o o o Itl o O p c i o 53 it n. 53' o e. O o o o Q o s p. o c B. 10 B C - . . - - DEMOCRATIC 3'rosldent Wilson I 101 121 111 fill 111 131 IG 80 S 511 31 781 24 31 33 25 401 83, 1G C70 Hosb I 4 7 C 16! I 10 J IG 1 C! 3 41 2 l 71 G 81 31 Oil 100 "Vice-President Morchcad I 39 17 1G1 72 5 21' 13 78 8 4S 30 771 25 31 40' 32 43 80 13il 692 Colcgato nt Large Ilryan 22 5 3 511 111 81 10 3G 4 33 13! 40l 81 191 37' ITS 18 46 12' 395 Thompson 27 12 13 48l 81 171 ! 61 5 29 161 58 101 18 38 L2' 171 49 15j 4G5 J'inttl 18 G 11' 41 2' C, 9 63 7 17 19 48 4) 111 30 13 151 48 10' 371 Tliomns 17 11 10 47 4 13 9 63 6 32l 24 43 17 20' 34 20 341 39 141 458 Prlco 27 101 13 34 61 16! 8 47 3 24! 24 48 18 20, C 23 34 4G G 414 Oldham 28 101 8 24 3 111 8 64 4 27 19 4G 17 16 6 21 33J 60 7i 395 ConcH 22 14 5 21 5 G 29 3 23 13 33 10 7 8 14( 24 32 3i 276 Rational Conunlttcc J)ahlmnn 14 71 G 31 3 9 7 49 3. 21l 20 23 7 8 28 151 12 33 9 307 Mullen 30 10 11 36 5 8, C 4G C 3l 11 5G 151 23 9 1G 30 47i 91 405 U. H. Senator Hitchcock I 28 161 15 42 7 15l 111 76 4 28 24 571 12 21 it 22 27 47 5' 4G7 Duun I 14 21 230 3 G C 2I C 27 10 28 14 12 31 12 20 36 13 1 297 governor llrynn I lit! 3 4 44 III 8 8 30 4 25 16) 34 81 16 31 14l 17) 42 15 348 TS'evlllo I 26 161 13 3G 2 151 !t 76 5 3l 111 50 17 1S 10 191 33 45 4 447 Ideiitonnut (iovernor Pearson ' 18 8 4 26 3 4 9 11 4 19 18 25 71 6 51 61 7 101 4 199 Howard ,... I 13 10 G 3! 5 101 4 56 3 30! 12 4G !)' 19 29l 14 31 49 llll 398 Panning 12 1 5 91 1 5 4 21 2 6 4 14 71 7 3 121 7 IS 2 1 138 fjtnto Treasurer Adams I 1! 8 5 25 2 8 5! 471 6 26 2()l 41 8 101 311 8l 181 45 9l 345 Hull I 24 11 10 46 9 111 111 43 4 30 12 31 18 2l 8 22 27 35 8 383 Congressman Shallenborgor 3I 13 15 67' 81 1GI 15 83 7 461 21 76 18', 311 36, 28 39l 70 19i G31 Prlco 7 5 21 181 3 2 l 111 2 7 3 ( 2 5 g ll 1G 111 111 Btalo Senator Spohn 181 3 G 351 l 5 4 8 2 8 12 26 1 41 19 2 8 18 9' 189 Samiiolson 19 4 6 3l 2l 7! 8 57 2 32 12 33 17! 17' 5i 7i 27 52' 5' .341 Moimon 7 111 4 SJ G 5 2 J8 5 12 G 22 G 8 151 22 7 .t 3! 176 Representative Llndsey I 29 71 12 fill S G 121531 HI 32! It! 481 !i 7i 291 25' 16 42l 911 413 Cloud 14 111 4 191 2J 13 fi 36 G 2G 1S 32 19 21 10i 7 31 40 111 322 District Clerk MoKclghan I 31 1G 1 tl 53 10 21 15 Til 9 4 2l 65 231 2ll 31 28l 31 63l lfi'l 598 Hutchison 12) 3 23 l 3 l 30 l ll lo 22 Gl S it fi 211 2I 3l 197 Sheriff JIuffcr 261 91 10 48 fil 22l 13 54 9 42 20 47 24 15 33 1G 39 59 9ll 507 Christy 13 9 G 28 G 2 3 3G l 20 12 30 3 17 8 14 13 271 lO'l 258 Commissioner 1st District Somerholder 8 17 18 4 811 55 Hrlght 1 23 G 5 5' 40 Knlggo 8 33 7 7 55 Commissioner 4th District Crahlll I III!!1 ! I 45l I I I ! I ! I 23l :?8I 'I 10G McArthur I I I I I 16( I I I I I I I 27 5o II 93 REPUBLICAN Jrosldcnt Ford 9 21 7 11 12 4 15 25 11 13 11 19 14 3.11 5 3 14 14 1011 251 k flstabrook 6 1 2 4 1 2 12 9 2 8 1 2 2 2 13 1 67 Cummins 54 10 14 7 10 11 19 15 2 21 8 21 15 27 13 10 23 26 27l 334 Hobs 5 G 1 1 G 1 3 3 4 1 C 3 4 I 5 3 21 63 Hughes 8 2 2 1 4 16 3 8 13 1 2 14 28 9 111 Vice-President Ilurkctt 60' 20 12 13 15 13 23 45 8 25 121 47l 18! 381 20! 10 29 69l 38 506 Webster 27 23 H 12 ll 4J IG 22 11 21 8 22 lfi 24. 2 7i 1! 17 19 294 Delegato at Large- Gurney 52' 26! 14 14 20 10 28 28 121 29 8 29 10 35i 18 12! 20! 431 261 441 Hevelone 20 29 17 10 12 31 17 17 12 10 5i 37 6 301 18) 3' 8 311 30 316 IluldrlRC 25 261 15 15 8 14' 27 56' 12 21 16 42 J16 24i 6 8.20 691 41 402 JSprpcrson i 29 17' 12 16 5 Gl 24 40 6 35' 12l 40 2l 26 18, 7l 35 63j 36l 449 Jlodgo 53 141 171 11 5 61 10 431 6 -3li 12 43 18! 3!t 161 12' 34 62l 111 478 Currlo 47! 15! Ill 121 14 Gl 16 39' Si 33 19 23 191 41 4' 15 35 59 24, 440 Kllpatrlck 501 32 7 10 9 81 15 28 1G 34 4 24 16 37 8, 11 29 38,19 395 Rational Cominisblonor McUrow I 13' 121 13' 9 Gl ( 18 39'. 7' 15' l 23' Gi 26' 4 4' 22' 50 23' 303 Howell GSI 3l Hi 111 191 Si 21 2?l 13' 37 17! 40i 251 3S 21 12 31 40 33' 510 "W. S. Senator Kennedy 2.l 16 101 10! 161 10' 18 31 12 30, 11 IS 12 26 12' 9 30 fid 36 401 Aldllch I 531 271 12 13 12 71 211 31 S 25 91 53 201 11' 111 S 2S 39 20, 412 Governor JlndRott I 61 41 H fit 21 31 SI 11' 2 7 3, 101 3! 7' 1 4' I 2 12 96 Georne G T I I 2 I 1 15', 1, 3 5 31 2' 1 i ' li II I ' 53 MoKclvIe , 321 251 15 11' 111 7 111 13, 11 21 7 111 20' II 19 7 17 30 20 339 Sutton 401 71 4' 2i 12' 5 3' 5 -t IS ! 30 3 13i 41 5 2.V 31 13 1 2.10 Allies 61 Gi I' 71 l 3 15 30J 1, Si II 181 3 4 1 2 11 36 10' 169 Lieutenant Governor Shiimwav It' 221 II 9 12' 10 2H 25 7' 24l 9, 42' 13 38 12 13 11, 03 40' 433 Kolchel ' 15' 131 8 6 51 ! llll 25 7 24 6 13 151 19 4' 21 25, 32' 7' 210 NonlRrun 28 7 41 7' 71 3' 6 13 fil 4 G, 111 4 7 8 3 12 14! Hi 158 CoiiRrcHsmnu Uarton I 73, 341 It 16 20i ll! 23 52 17! 40 12' 49' 251 551 23 15', 47l 62 35 1 G23 Andrews 13 101 12 ll! 8 51 1T 2o 31, 1G 8 271 5113 2 31 5 38 24 I 240 fitato Senator Ueady 26 23 2 4 121 2' Si 14 9 4 4 13 11 381 19' 81 0' 16 12n 227 Spence 39 15l 7 Gl Gl 12l l!l 17 G 26 Sit 34 5 121 4, 8 231 31 31il 309 Ilutler 20 C! 171 141 91 5 15 38 4 2G 91 31 IG 19 2' 2 29l 53 1C 331 fteprcBontatlve Hunter I 291 4) 111 14l Tl 11 191 43 8i 29 111 36' 14' 311 101 51 40l Gl 29l 412 Klckard 57 40 151 Hi 21) 8l 19 23 13 33 101 121 1! 40 15 12 141 35 31' 448 L'lerk of nist. Court Warren 39 301 20! 22, 13 HI 301 51 12 411 14 40'. 181 45l 15 141 38 59 27 1 539 Slavvson I 36 111 Gl 3l 13 Hi S IT T 22) 8 2l 111 18 7 2 27 37 30l 2116 County Assessor Saladen I 39 22 17l 14 8 9 23 301 15! 25 6 111 17 39 18 G 141 25 4711 385 Hummel I 42 15 8 111 23 101 16 43 7 38 16 62 1GJ 26 6) 12 50 76 10l 487 Commissioner 1st District Chaplin I I 16 11 J ll 23 I I I I I I I 39' 90 Ileal I I I 01 14 I 15! 18 I I I I I I I I I I I 2111 77 Commissioner 4th District Thomas I 39 I 18 41 II 98 Butler 8 18 36 II 62 Koontz I 17 I 31 29 !l 7T KON PARTISAN District JudRe lllackleilRC I TTl 3G 2l! 43 161 27' 19' 371 2l 771 23 51 32! 51! 451 151 811291 33 841 DunRan I 29 13 10 401 IS 15 30 12.11 4 32 2C Hli 21 34 141 281 271 45l 43,1 636 rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebrnaka. PUBLISHED EVERY THUUSDAV Entered In the 1'oMofllce nt Hcd ( loud, Nrb. as Htcond (Jlnsii Mntttr A B. McAHTHUIt PUIIUSIIKH rMK ONLY IIKMOCKATIU I'Al'KH IN WKIISTEH COUNTY Corn planting time is here. A num ber of the farmers surrounding this city were in their Acids limiting the goldeu ginin this week. The beason is apparently backward but it may make up for lost time within a week. At any rate many farmers think that the early corn is, one year with anoth er, the best. A reduction hns been made on elec tric light consumption for the res! dents. Tbo rate for homes has been reduced to twelve cents a kilovvattand tills will undoubtedly result in many more houses being lit up with electric ity. There is no question but what this is the best light and nt the pres ent rate it is practically as cheap as any other. There aro no chimneys to clean, no lamps to fill or tip over and the house has u ore light. NEW WALL PAPER We have Just received some new patterns that we would take pleasure in showing V'iu You can't afford to miss seeing our new papeis. Prices have not advanced CHI-NAM-EL Hveryone knows is the best and chcaj est vami9h to brighten up your furnitme nnrt lloor. Do your own graining with It. CHAS. L. COTTING. the druggist CL l5:c ON THE FIRE That's when you be gin to realize the kind of Groceries we keep. There is cooking satis faction in them. Buy your Groceries from us. Save your I money. Save your pa- CPrimary Election Summary County Clerk Pel ry, (157. Treasurer Knbiimon, (11 ; Henry Wright, 29; A. V. Ducker, 50. Superintendent Coon, 093. Attorney Monday, 70. Surveyor Oveiing, 32. Commissioner, 2dDIt. Hodman, 207. Republican, total 0V21 Presidential Klectois at-Large Rich' ard, 700; Byrne, 03.1. Presidential Elector, nth Dist. .lolin- The official returns from lie prlmarj election were ennvassed Friday and Saturday by a board consisting of O. C. Teel, C. F. Cather and Geo. II. Over ing, The results on most of the offices tire given in the table published in this Ibsiio, In order to shorten the tnble, the vote by precincts is not given on offices whore there was only one cau- Ulldate, and some of the state offices are , HOIli 740 also omitted. In all or these cHes, the Alternate DeleuBte-nt-Large-Ander-total vote Is given below. The follow H0I)i 4,.,. white. 107; Snyder, 113; Wood, Ing are the totals on these offices: r,;,u. BUrPHi1( -m. uh, -132, Oalusha, Democrat, total vote 845: I jju Presidential Elector-at Large-Ban-1 Delegate, nth Dist.-Ilarsli, 422; Lane, maun. 508; Gallagher, 559. r,oi, Bainett, 525. Presidential Elector, 5th District- Alternate Delegate, .1th Dist.-Gar-Teeling, 1129 ' uerp 7!J(,. l)eluli m Delegate National Convention, 5th 1 Secretary of State: -Walt 307; Smith 33ist. Shea, 353; Swanson, 371;Peebler. ; o): Wuito 1.'T: HpiispI IP. . ---. 1 241;Cleary, 330. Seorotary of State Pool, 091. Auditor-Smith, 020. Superintendent CleunnoDH, (112. Attorney Reed, 320; Berge, 401. Couuuissiouer Lauds and Buildings Sliger, 07; Shumway, 300; Oberniann, 340; Ziiumermanu, 101. Hallway Commissioner Clnte, 170; "Wilson, 250; Soghroue, 07; Ridgell 75; Italatou, 07. Regents Hall, 501; Laudls, i8. Auditor of Public Accounts; Minor 401: Marsh 392. Treasurer: Reynolds CIS; Hauler 1 3S9. Superintendent of Public Instruct ion: Thomas 700. Attoinoy General: Devoe 337; llald Orson 270; Andei berry l.'.O, Commissioner of Publiu Lands and Buildings: licckmauu 376: Leedom 135; Cook 281. ISnIlivnv Pnmnilkiiiriiinr-..1?niwlnll IT') Clark 211; .lohnso n 2".; Long 1,'0. Regent of State rnivorslty:--Scms J(U; Seymour 3S1; llassett 39s, .VcOII ton 2'.' I; Hewitt 30.1 County Clerk :-ti.irber 811. County Tieasiiren-Robinson 8M County SupiMlnteuilent:"I)iiclcer Ho; Coon liO; How cis 17. County SlieiilV:-Hedge 7.1','. County Attorneys-Foe 770. County Surveyor:-!) verlng 791 Commissioner 2nd Dist.-McCord 1:18 The following Is the total of theXou Partisan candidates: ChierJustleei-Fawcett 083; Morrisey tWl. Absociate Juhtic-Hastings4C8; (ioss 370; Falloou 234, Dean fil."!; Barnes 484; Martin 117; Cornish 438; Hunt lr.3; Palmer 370; Sedgwick 103. There were J8 Prohibition votes, 10 Socialist ,7 IPooplcb Independent and no Progiesslvo votes oast, Four Demo crats and one Republican voted by moll. These votes aro not shown in the table in this issue, but are includ ed in the totalvote In the last column. m The Iron Claw At the Tepee, tomorrow, Friday. One lady free with eauh paid admission. Mr. and Mr,. Noble Hall of Guide Rock were in town Wednesday. 1NAVALE Roy Palmer and Haly Lawsou went to Hastings, Monday. Mable Koont, of Red Cloud, spent Sunday with Maude Moranvllle. Miss Blanche Barker was on the sick list last week. Mrs. Waldo, of llloomiugton, is visit" lug her sou, C. A. Waldo. Mrs. M. C. Ilummei is visiting at Dan Norris' for a few days. Mao Fulton Is again on the sick list. John Rutledge and family attended the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Rut ledge, at Red Cloud, Monday. J. Barker and Mrs. Guy Barker and daughters were in Red Cloud, Saturday. A large crowd attended the Easter Bazar, Saturday, at Hunter's Hall, given by the ladles of the Christian church. Mr. Pierce, of Red Cloud, gave a short interesting talk nt the M. E. Church Sqnday momiug while wait ing for Mr. Simeon Thomas, who gave a very interesting Easter sermon afterwards. The Iniivate District heading Con test was held at the M. D. Church, Friday, April 31, between the lnavale School and Dist. No. 11. The couus was well attended by patrons and friends. While the judges Mc-danies Miller, Waldo and Sllvey, wet u making their decision, the Tenth Grade gave a veiy iutuicstiuu debate: "Which 1-, the Mote Harmful to a Community, A Saloon or Pool Hall." The follow ing Is a list nt the best ieadei: Fitth and Sixth Grades: Girls 1st Katherlne Nonis; 2nd Mabel Fetty. Boys 1st Harry Myers; 3nd Alva Myers. Third and Fourth Grades: Girls 1st KrniH Carpenter; 2nd Jose phine Cloud. Boys 1st Clarence Grisham; 2nd Ivau Barker. KANSAS PICKUPS (from Smith County) Little Irene Payne was quite sick Friday and Saturday. Andrew Upp was on the sick list the fore part of the week. Miss Blanche Lull spent Saturday and Sunday with Zella Green. A few of the Mount Hope youug people spent Saturday eveuiug at the homo of Mr. aud Mis. Urvil Upp. The Farmots' Union of Oriole held a meeting Friday evening and was well attended. A nice lunch was served. The youug people of Oriole had their Easter egg roast at the Robert Lau:ii gan home, Satuiday evening. Misses Laviuiu Payne and Ester Bell Paths of Lebanon spent Saturday aud Sunday at the Mark Payne homo. Misses Elta Lull aud Hazel Buugaid spent the weekeud with Mclba Spun-ier. Little Luis Lauuigau had quite a severe uttack of the appendicitis the last of the week but she is better at tliis willing. The Sunday School at Oiiole was well uttended last Suuday. Theie be ing twoutynlne in the Young Peoples Helping Haud class. Fay Upp and Ethel Grcwell, Will Stautimore and Pearl Upp, Earl Ab bott and Melba Spurrier and Dewey Snow and Clarieo Payne atteuded the Eastor services at Cora. tience, and then your home will indeed be a happy one. Remember The Trading Stamps HALTER W- MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY 'AAVJ,ArVVAVWA,.VAV.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V-VA,VW i Farmers Listen! Stock Raisers Stop! Clean out and clean up do not be deceived-WORMS DO KILL Farmer's Friend Remedies DOES REMOVE THEM Give us a chance to show you, that's all we ask. Demonstrations made free. Results GUARANTEED. Writh or PltOSK TO W. H. TABER Inavale, Nkdf. He will endeavor to show you that they are all the name implies, FARMER'S FRIEND '-..-..""j ij I f S M Mt; A awv y -.. v- I 1 Can You Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engine? AT present average prices for kerosene and gasoline, Titan kerosene engines save their owners about i.ic. per horse power per hour over gasoline engines. Figure it this way. On an 8-horse engine the sav ing is 8.8c. an hour, 88c. in a 10-hour day, $88 in 100 days of work. Say that is all your engine does in a year. It would cost you $88 more than you need to pay, to run an 8-horse gasoline engine one year. That is mote than a third of the price of the engine. Can you afford to throw away $88 a year? Can you afford even to think of buying a gasoline engine, when you can get a Titan that uses kerosene? See the Titan dealer and talk this over. He has some interesting figures to show you. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Card Of Thanks Wo tuko this means of thiuikiiif,' the mHiiy friends anil neighbors for their sibslbtiuice ami kindness shown during the blekuess and death of our beloved nlfeund mctber. 11. X. KutledKc. John Uutledge. .. . . Titan kerosene engine are told by J. H. Morris, Riverton, Neb. Advertised Utter List The following Uthe list of unclaim ed letters at the post olllce In this city for tho week ending April 27th: Rev. W. G. Uunhard, Dr. Carper, James C. Hughes, Mrs. Beulnh Ham-! mer.Mrs. It. H. Hovls, Jr., Klsio Hund berg, V. IL Holm, Leonn Taylor. If not untied for before May 11th., they will bo sent to the dead letter ollce. 11. C. LhT-ON, P. M. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consultation and Examination Frkk 'Osteopathy tho Science of Healing by Adjustment." Given to the World by A. T. Still, A. 1). 187. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE Ho in Phones I RED CLOUD, NUI3R, 1 ' " ' ,"t?' "-f ifc a