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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1915)
M v-'v , X.'W :tattNUifc'M4u ?ttV. ,L. tt. RED OXOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 8 u o: s uesses a P Roll Your Dollars My Way And They Will Roll Back To You Duy your harness at home and you can always oblain repairs for ihem at a very small cosl. ':' : If you are a judge of harness I can please you-if you "are not a judge leave it to me and you will be better pleased than ever. 8 8 City Treasurer's Statement Match 2, 101ft. Mayor iiimI City Council, City Ked Cloud, Nui: Gentlemen: I submit statement ciivci- Ing icct'lpls mid tlfsb'iisftnerits of my ollleu for tin- period from l hru.iry 'Jinl l'.-l'), lo March H, Ibl.'i, Occupation Kimd llaliineoon Imml Feb. '-', 'IS... 8 Il'IT Oil Dl-hiirncineiits .'ISO (C Ovi'idinft MhicIi 'J, MS S 1S( W.tor Fond Amount on liimd Fob. i!, .'in.... fill DMuiiseineuts rT) J to JOE (aieSSbSSSIs! H F O G E L n eS3SSH eetcot &s -sss23u- ss1 " ' ! ,"": : " ,n; . i i r ! 3,fW nmn 0,H"W . gy, w . Discount f5?s Discoant 8 SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE $ To clean up everything in Winter Goods, I will give a discount of 20 per cent off on the following goods: Underwear Outings Wool Hose Blankets Hoods Caps Outing Petticoats Sweaters Outing Night Dresses Fleeced Goods Yarns Knit Petticoats Mittens It will pay you to anticipate your wants on tho abovo goods. c Mrs Barbara Pnares New Line of Spring Laces and Embroideries Just Received Klllifillllillllillllllliilllillitl liEfflMffillira HENRY COOK, M. D. DK.U.Klt IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES j Uvmmammmnmnwwmn Binnttiai OUR PfMWEHTS I I Are Made Right H Well Lettered , And Carefully Erected Prices Are 1MC Reasonable come in and see II dance Mm tub '1 'IS 1 ill Water Levy Fund lliiliiticf on bund Feb '.', MS 10 l!5 No Ki'ivipti or DIsIhiisouiimiIs 10 or. Ihilnnee Mm ob '1' IS (loneinl Fund Ibibiiuv on bund Fub.'i, Mo. ... 8 7.t 71 Dhiiur-t'iiH'iits OS IK) U.tlnncn on hand March 'J, IS.. GO!) 71 l'lectiic Light Fund Uiilunccou bund Fob 'J, MS... .? S.V.i 18 Receipts 11M) b'2 'ISf.O SO Oisbmsciimnl.M Sltl To Iirliiiii-o March 2, 'In'. ...' 8 .in S5 r.lectrii! Lk'bt Levy Fund lliilunuiMin bund Fob. t,MS :i!) IK No Receipts or Disbursements Ihihtiico March y, Mo mi t'O FiivuiPii'f. Fund n.ibmwMin bund I'Vb.'J.'lo .'17 to Receipts 5 Co 1U lo Balance Mai oh 'J, Ms Judgment I'und IJalnnecnn li.iud Fnb.a, MS.... 101 87 No Receipts of Disbursements li.ilnucc lot h7 Rcctpitulntuiu Oivnp'ition Fund (Ovi'idmf ')..? IS 0! W.iti'r Fund 1 l!) W.H'i-Levy Fund ill id 'iHiiciiil (!(5'7l nii-cti In Lk'bt Fund i:r.'."i 1V1 Ub-i'tilif lAxhi l.oiy Fund. ., :j ,i FiH'ini'iiV Fund 1.' IS .liuk'iimnt 10187 Totnt 5217'J !).' No 10'Ntori'd won lints oiit-tittidiiikr. S. Ii. Fl.OKA.vci:, City TiL'Hsurer Resolutions of Sympathy. WlioioiiM, Meutli bus Kiitcifd nur lodffo ,ind tulit'ii rinm our midst our bulnvud iiok'bbor, ),lsy U-,. NulhOii; tliiTt-forc, bu It K"olvt'd, 'J'lmt (tin rmoviil of our "mdbboi" leaves 11 vacancy In our lodjru wblcli will prow n Krlnvmit o.f,. and tluit we, the inembeis of Uoscbud Camp No. a0:,i, Koiu Nck'bboih of ttierlcn, dofxt.'tnl to ,.y von our deepest H.Mnput by tb.r fore be It Iti-holvcd, Tlmt ourCbarter 1m ilnip. ed In iiiotirniiii; for n period of thirty days Mini 11 copy (,r th(.k0 ro-oliitlon-be sent to the bercavud son. AIho tbat 11 copy be .spread upon the records of our order, nl-o that a copy bo Mint o the Uoyal Nelybbor paper. Match t!, 1!US. Katik M. Uva.v. Kmm I,. SeitrvNW. Hannah l'ut.s:i' soutTTinavale AM tho-li'W: rnlksof thli vicinity arc Kelt t Of; better. 1 2d Fey anil Ihirvi. 1'uriiliiun cucb Milppid cattle last .Sunday. Ott Ste ens moved tolli.. Itosenerans farm in I.lue tovMishlp lu,t .Moiiilay. W. U. Couley. hud the misfni tune ti. lo -se a valiiulilo Imr-u 11 lew day upi F. M. Kuiculd has moved luck to Ids farm rcceiit.y vacated by CldeMiicb ell. Frnnli RibertH and wife iro the pijiii'l paieiiti of 11 little daughter which was born last Fihlay. Henry and Whltelev spf-nt Sit unlay mid Smithy with their br itlier ami tamlly at FnwiUIn CI.Mle Mlichell mid f mllv dopiirtetl lust Tburibi, nk-lit for D.vton, Wyoin H-U to make ilielr future heme. (i Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5fi -fr JS Byspepda Taets VY.I1 Rctievn Your Jndiuosiion H. E. Griee Drug Co. A Food and Nervo Tonic is frequently required by old age. Wo s.lwnys recommend jSJ Emulsion contaimnu iJuVopliotphitcs as an ideal combination for this purpose. H. E. Grice Drug Co. COL. R. C. PETERS Generotl Auctioneer Will Guarantee Competent Service. Ask Those Who Have Had Him Cry Their Sales Wrlto or Wlro For Dates Guide Rock, - Nebr. NOTICE. OVEHlflG BROS. & GO. Tho KarmerH Statu Hank, of .Silver Creek, Nebraska, rialnttir. vs Nathan D. llllnsawortli, Dufciulnnt. Nathan D. Illlngsworth, dotendant will tako not Ico that on tho< of Decomber 1UI4 plalntlll'hereln tiled Its petition In tho County Court ol Webster County, Nebraska, tho object and prayer ot which aroto recover from defendant tho sum of ?.M0.&0 duo plain lltt' from defendant becauso of his endorse ment and sale of 7 promissory notes to plain tlir, said notcH having been fradulautly altered by defendant after their execution and delivery to defendant and before their negotiation to plalutlll' by detaching from each of said notes so executed and delivered to said defendant a written contract which was thereto attached at tho time of said exe cution and delivery of said notes to said de fendant, and by reason whereof tho legal ollect of said notes was apparantly changed from Non-ncgollablo Instruments to ncgotb able Instruments, and without tho know ledge or consent of tho maker, or makers thereof, or any of thorn. That In selling said notes to plaintlir salddefcuditnt fulsoly and fradulautly represented that said notes were, negotiable Instruments. That In tho sale of said notes dotendant mado certain false and (raudulaut representations concerning uimc to plalutlll' which representations wero relied upon by plalutlll' In tho purchase of said notes. That bald transaction occured on or about the 18th. day of July 11)14. That said notes are worthless and aro tendered into court for dotendauts uso. That on tho 'JUth. day of December 1U14 plaintlir tiled the necchsary allldavlt and bond ami secured tho Issuance ot an attachment, and gamlsheo notice against tho W'ohster County Hank, Tlmt on thelst, day ot l'ebruary said Webster County Hank, garnishee answered and tils closed that It held SSO.IW open account sub ject to check In favor ot said defendant which amount was bj the County Court ordered paid Into court to abide tho order of tho court In said proceeding. You will tako notice that said caso Is sot for hearing In tho County Court of Welwtar County, Nebraska, on tho Mb day of April 1U1S at ten o'clock In the forenoon and unless you mako answer and show cause said amount ot $U3.:!G will bo applied In satisfact ion of plalntlini claim and such other and further action taken In said proceeding as provided by law. Tanners Htato Hank of Silver Creek, Nebraska, lly I-'rcd Maurer, Their Attorney, For First Class & GtiRAfING PAPER EfAKGBftG SIGN PAINTING BERT CARR HTPrlces reasonable SeQSLbV (k IB AS Invisible Patches Neat workmanlike repairing is a branch of our business which is given especial atten tion. Send Your Torn Garments To Us We will clean press and re pair them so that they will give you much satisfactory wear. You are accustomed to having your shoes and watch repaired. Why not your clothes? R. G. flassinge Cleaner and Dyer Both Phones fi FIRE THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for tho man without ItiBurnnco. Evory time he seos the engines racing along his heart comes, up in his throat if tho Arc is anywhere near his. place. What folly, what mis tnUcn economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry atone is worth It many times over Have us insure you to'duy. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. UNDERTAKING UKDY KTTENDRNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES - McFARLAND BUILDING 33&3S3 SHOZSaBSD &3SS (SSS23Saf5SSSS S3S38S8S'v -ssfflSESP- SSSSSS A MAN IS AS GOOD AS TUB FOOD IIB FBBDS ON & The better the food the healthier the man. Every man, if he values himself, insists on pure, good, sweet butter and on really fresh eggs. Our reputation for sell ing fine butter and eggs is perfectly well established in this community. Our gro ceries arc the best in town for the money. k't GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOWE GROCERY : .f SSiEilPtoyy u-Mi'.yiiVi-.j.a.yit!..-rMT""fn"T B IS III CIRCLE TOURS OF THE PACIFIC COAST In planning "Tins IVifict Const Tour." or the ".See America Tour,", tccnlo Colorado Is tf (hht importance. No coast tourist could alVord to sayl that he not included "Scenic Colorado" either one way or tho other inj this world's grcatod journey do one way via Si-attlo Portland, and dnr-1 ing the henson visit either Glacier or Yellowstone National luk. Link to-j anther thu-e .scenic loutos with tlio Ocean Coast voyage between San luuneWeo and Portland. a Through the season, various publications, special folders and the like will bo available, descriptive of the Turlington circuit rates and through tcrvice routes. N. B, BUSH, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Nebr L. IV. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt, 1001 Fariium Street, Omaha, Nebr. J FARM LOANS WRITE TO U. S. Trust Co. OMAHA, NEB. Low Rates. V Privilege of Partial Pay ments. No Delay in Closing Loan. CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North of I. 0. O. F. Hall ft Graduate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free At Office Phone lnd.212 To PENSION INVALIDS If we receive 500 subscriptions to The Ladies Home journal, The Saturday Evening I'obt, The Country Gentleman, ' Sl.COCacll. C.icll innntli (III Anrtl in In JIQUAL last ycar business, the original JM.OOO, earned 1 mart. :inr. Irrm,ui Hi.. property of TI IK INVALIDS I'KNSION ;wj-"''" i!iumiiK -pT,ox) to pension tnva- liovs. ixo salaries, invalii h cet a II. 4 'OUR OK OKU or r.-iif w.,1 rnntrll.nt. 50c or more towards the support of a score ar fitvuiius who nave received pension chetiss each mouth nearly two years. 4 Aiiways auurcss your order to II idrdor, iHt ummi UWt, OqiHi, Hei, S ) l Don't Fool Good" Tliaf. is what a lot of pcoplo tell us. Usually tbtur bowels only need cleansing. ' catddXte! will dV? tho trick and make you feel Ana. Vo k how this positively. Tako on wtuguvy uii vwjr wjr ui( v VCUH, 1 S n. t. Grice Drug Co, fj V tV -imwmw tMiiriaftiihrttiiiWJfciWitat) whis) in.Wfr ?yg27ti3iffla