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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1915)
Sl 3K aWBfJfe c K b U jO Stale Historical Society m ":Mw &. m.j-'--4r ;. r ' i "ssac. rjieji - . ' lit! 1 tKI - " .-;iil .V,. T- - i& " I'.'l UV! . l-jJiT? - T --. OI TCI KTM jt.Jut .----- VOLUME li!,l,Jl.l',l uiiiii.ii i.ti.tiiitj If You & ""Hi S Deposits Guaranteed WEBSTER COUNTY BANK. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL. 8U5.000 'j;:;::-;:;;j:.;1::1;:-:.:J!,,;:;;:li:;,:;:!l:::.,..:i':;,,::!,..! , ;,..:: ,1 HARD COAL USERS WE NOW HAVE PLENTY OF PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE BALANCE OF THE WINTER THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Coal Service" r1 -MHBS-C r"''"rf 'i''T;i't:ii:;!!''''''"'i::'!!":i OAfMlrS I rj J l Lillii,!iliil!l!iL1i!!!!.,mJi.i..iiiul.i,ill Q SBBB u I IMEW We wish to make this announcement that we are doing business at the "old stand" with a new stock of '- Drugs -:- Medicines -:- Stationery i i A Books -:- Paints i Yj Our Sewall Chemically Pure Paint and Chinan-el i .J Varnishes are direct from the factory. Come in and sec our new store lJui.A.l3. Ll, -- The Lhi.Bci::!;!!!iii!!!U!i!::!:n!;i!;:::';vi li:..;illl!!llll!!iI!i!!l!l!;i:!iifi!L!,;;!J f SHC - n eres IV V nice mu m It," liff'ffr"' ' .'..IS Desire i i VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one, returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. by State Guaranty Fund llJilitiiiluilliHlllLilllililiiilliLtiLEibhlliliu! Kii.utlitihihiliiti.iilliiiilllliiilElHIilHlllil STOKE and give us your trade. Druggist COTTING WherelfourTrouUe En A OUR experience in vision testing enables us to correct your eyes with scientific accuracy. We specialize in the most modem forms of spectacles and eyeglasses, including the popular Toric and Kryptok Invisible Bifocal Lenses. It will be a -pleasure to demonstrate for you the superior merits of these lenses in our patented ' Sm&i hmm (Zzuaij You will admit that Fits-U's are the most com fortable and best-looking glasses you ever saw. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist V'-gTi"yg.'AM, ij , "iv."i i ' '.jcm:- ' ihiiiiiiijii""!";"'""",';' A Newspaper That fiWcs The News RED CLOUD, SEBKASICA. FEIiliUA RY J5, 11H5. The Angel of Death Invades Several Homes .Itmn Elizabeth Iluwltt was born October Otb, 1012 ami (Hod February ISMi, illlQ after n few days illness. She wusthesweotlittlo daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joe Hewitt, The funeral service was beld at Mr. Hewitt's home north east of lted Claud Saturday afternoon. Rev. Deubo preached the funeral sor tnon A largo number of friends and neighbors attended tlio service. May P.'0 7idencc comfort tlio heart of the bereaved MIrs Norma Frances Hellin, aged 10 yoarc, dniifjliter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hcilin, who live norlbwest of Itmvale, died at their home Saturday night after a fihort illness. The funeral was held Tuesday at the Distriot 41 school house, Itev Scott ltlunt of Inavalo, preacliing tlio funeral sermon. The parents have the sympathy of the en tire community during their sad hour of bereavement Joseph Walter (lamer, aged -10 years, G months ami 28 days, died at his homo neat" Itmvale Saturday night after a short illness. Mr. Garner was born In Illinois. The funeral services wore held in the M. E. church at Inn. vale, Wednesday, Uov. Hill preaching the sermon. Interment took place In the Hod Cloud cemetery. Mr. Garner was a member of the A. O. U. W. lodge of this city, and thla ordec con ducted 'the services at the grave. Ho whs a man of good habits and was a kind and indulgent father, lie sides his parents and three brothers who reside in California, a wife and four children arc left to mourn his de mise. The Chief along with his many friends extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. Mrs Dai-y Lee Nelson was born in Huchanan County, Iowa, April I), 187.1 and movod with Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, to Webster Coulity, Nebras ka, in 18H3 whero she has since resided. She was united in nuuriago to Mr. Frank Nelson on March .1, ISM and to this union one bon, Warren Nelson, was born and who survives his parents. Mrs. Nelson died last Friday morning at her home in this city after more than n year's illness. When she was seven ton years old she was converted and became a member of the Christian church and remained in that faith un til death. The funeral services were h Id in the Christian church Monday afternoon. J. L. Uoebo pastor of the United church preached the funeral sermon. The Royal Neighbors' lodj.o of which she was a moluber were pros cut at the service. The deceased was laid to restju the city cemetery. She leaves a son, three sisters, two broth ers. other relatives and friends to mourn Her demise lhe Ulilof extends sympathy to all the bereaved. Methodist Mention Hooks for the orchestra are expected this week. A splendid mid week service latt Wednesday. Mrs. Mercer is the now Cradle Roll Superintendent. Sunday school board meeting Mon day evening, Marcli 1st. "Prayer meeting next Tuesday at Mrs. Scrlvner's. There were 22 at Lane's, Sunday evening servico will bo a memorial service in honor of Faunio Crosby. Special eirort is now being made by all branches of Mothodlsm to reunite by reorganization The latest statistics show a member ship in the Methodist Episcopal church in the United States of .',GW,2G3. A gain last your of 187,187. Hear Sylvester Long at tlio opera house Wednesday, Marcli' 3rd, in his most popular lecture, "Lightning and Toothpicks." A themo full of thought and mirth that has been delivered ovor 1300 times. Tickets will go on snlo Monday at Cook's drug store, . W r-V' Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For Sf.&O. John Aubushon Weds Miss Grace Steward On Wednesday, February 24 tb, lit ( high noon nt this boino of tlio brlde'H brother, O. 11. Steward, occurred tho wedding of Miss CI race Steward,1 . daughter of .1. M. Steward, to Mr. John Aubushon, sou of Mrs L. Aubushon. Those presont uoro tlio immediate family of tlio bride and groom. After tlio ceremony was per formed, a bountiful dinner was served. The bride is well known in this city, and for several years was head sales lady in the dry goods department of the Miner Bros. Co. store, and is one of this communities choicest young Indies. The groom is one of Line precinct's prosperous young farmers, and he is considered one of the sub stantial young men of the county. The happy couple went immediately to their new home, the old Aubushon farm, whore they will reside. The Chief along with their many friends wish them much joy and happiness. Miss Sadie Graham Wins Free Exposition Trip The Free Trip to the Panama Hxpo sition Contest, which was given by the lted Cloud Chief and Cook's Diug Store, closed last Thursday evening at (1 o'clock. Tlio following are the oius whn'weie fortunate in winning, and the'pries they secured: Sadie Graham, r7r,, piano or trip to Exposition; Josephine Ksslg, r,02020, 830 diamond ring; Mabel Smith, 292310, gold watcL; Edith Herriek, 23U525, L'C-pleco silver set; Gladys Wilson, 185095, 3pleco toilet set; Grace Wilson 122o,"0, gold handle umbrella; Mar guerite Fogel, 1221. 10, 10 piece mani cure set; Kdua Uanney, 131050, locket and chain; Gertrude Wullbrandt, 110500, .'piece carving set; Carrie Dledrlch, 1111910, cameo necklace; Pearl Carpenter, 1 123S5, dutch collar pin; Maurlne Caldwell, 10.1015, dutch collar pin; Grace Slierer, l)!i"8o, fancy hat pin; Pearl Ilines, 02120, dutch collar pin; Hazel Spires 0018.", dutch collar pin; Iva Hutledge, ool in, fanisy hat pit ; Hazel Sheldon, 8,1275, dutch collar pin; Marie Ross, 7r27.", fancy hat pin; Clara Warren, 7lo!)0. fancy hat pin; Maude Crtlw, (JSfnv), dutch collar pin; Helen IUIncs, 0171)5, dutch collar pin. C. H. Miner Secures Government License Tho C II. Miner Kerum Company h ive received their license from the ilurcau of Animal Industry, Washing-! ton, D. C, allowing tho producing of Ho' Chokra Virus and Anti Hog1 C.iolcra Serum under the strict regula I tlons as required by the department They aro required to undergo a very strict examination in the preparation of serum by trained government men, together with properly constructed building and strict sanitation. Their tlrst, examination was on January 12th. The license was granted February HUli, nfter "tlio second in spection, This speaks well for tho equipment and methods of this com pany as it usually takes many inspec tions to pass government regulations, Mr. Miner informs us that tho public are invited to visit tho plant tit any time and see them prepare this pro duct. The Junior class of tho high school ontertained the Senior class at a ban quet last Friday evening in tho Masonic hull. The Republican Valley Editorial Association met in Orleans last Friday, and a good time was reported by all presont Tills editor deeply regrols his Inability to be present, but tho Chief's repuutlon os an advertising medium, togothor with the fact of it being tho leading ollico in Wobstcr county whero "correct" printing can be obtained, found us with so much work on hand, that wo were unable to attoud, r Y-wefflBMn If You Wish To See I X 1 1 if4 b3 We Have Them All In The "Up-to-Now" Shades PAIL The r' lmii'piim'Nilliili'iii";illiiiicl' n ii. ...i ii, liii,!liiiii!liiiluii!!l,.M,i!. Ilii -. (?JEE3S' S; ages-. v,-rii&--i i-?W't afi? mrj Ji,wTwpw!i.M IX1UM . Fxf'TX'O'.PJXnr. !'! mom HOME, SINGER AND RUBY Ranging In Price From $25 to 945. In Five and Sovon Drawer. In Rotary or Shuttle What is more serviceable than a good x Sewing Machine. There is none better than the above makes. ,'. ,', ,'. ,', ,, R J JL L$l Jl Licensed Embtilmer .'.TRY US FOR flRTISTIG JOB PRIJlTIJiG ... We Can Please You As To Material, Style And Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Low. -a,,. - .- as?-:: -.?i V?. " iSsrrl-f r-3-S8 J3a -T. ri'-?i-----i-aavrE f-T: 3iS rr-- ..iig-.:;1 JuQjgs - 5.3S-S&A "- 'i t NUMHBUt) The New Styles In Hats Caps Shoes AND Furnishings We will be very glad to show them STOREY Clothier IF IN NEED OF A Come in and let us show you our line. We have tho 1 IjJu JL and Furniture Dealer, n H p mmmmmmti . fl Sealing Machine s a .'V Ii ., r V' J. 1 r M i . V' TV 'i a M 1 51 k'i "i ! I ii- v I" J I 8.. msBz&pm "Syes'iiiTji;