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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1915)
fiw w8m"tm!V&WWtrfs. 5ijita Uli'orlcftl S rli-tr k "-& i J (J gV t v IV . .. i- -."-s '-" .-. .- vi.jvvau-a,-:i.-vt5isi?iJri:-r nrrr;w3'tf.-;T-rti,:, , -ih: . . - " r--n.-. .- . , --,v ' yAiJd55!.:, '-i-rrr.B :-: - i. --5i."r" ' iirr.5 - '-. '---Wi A Nr.nspapcr That (lives rite News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For Sf.SiO. Nam(M vntnrjitwwfltit WIgfcWIMHffU'Ji'f VOLUME -13 I? 151) CLOUD, MtJUKASKA, MAliCIL 11, ISMS NinililfiH 11 maww :m minwauinn wnw If You Desire I1! '---1 1 J9 jt- i I y CE VERYone of your banking connections to be a profitable one. returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the si.o of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. Popular Couple High School Girls Buy Shoe Store Prove Good Cooks ' i The (tout w..s closed this week whore-1 .,.,, ,,. Kh.n ,)y Ul(, ,,,,, s of .. a. . . ,m,i ut.riru.iu r,ui i"n, . iiin-tt It- science class to the bust-, uiumiiiu mo.c wuicu io. humu "F11CSS lm ls, Tuesday was 11 grand , f . WM miiuffiimi-iiiiiKH ' ". " Miwuhsfriim ovcry viewpoint. Muny I 'A ni'iiliM1. mid Lln hiisini'ss ! now to bo . ....... i ......i -S ' . ' om "i'N""i's iiu'ii wore Kit'iiuy mii ooinliiutLMl under the name of H' ..hmmI at tho laini- of our public iiiisaiioo auire. I scliools. Manv of tlii'tn wero hi the e Hi' lurnrmi'il by tlio new linn i ,, . . . ,...,,., f(. ,., ,...s, ... tmmmwrmmmmmmmjimmmmmmmMmmimnmmmM3KmmimrjmMarxim timwm i mmmmmmimiimti imitnitwmmtmtti iiiim m H Deposits Guaranteed by State Guaranty Fund WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA I j 823,000 !M.!i I JiliiiyilfiiG,' Ji!i!l. ',.,::.. j ' , J 1 1 !i' 1 L u sLi"1 .J. 7,Lll ,i!lu!!!!i!ii JilllllO HARD COAL USERS WE NOW HAVE PLENTY OF PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE BALANCE OF THE WINTER I HE MALONE-AVEBY CO, "Talk With Us About Coal Service' Unit it is tliulr intention to curry u complete lineof shot!, rubbors, etc. Noltlicr Mr. or Mia, Kills lira .struiiK er to tlic people of Uetl Cloud and vi ciiiity, they Imvinp resitleil in our miiKt for ttic put two and one lmlf yt'ar.H, and have taken an nctlvo inter est in botli church and social clrclcc. Mr. Kills Is it man of pli'iishiK 1'i'r sonallty, whoso word is as good hh u, bond, and possesses K'ootl business ability, nnd no doubt will umko u succfs-j of thlsnew venture. To Tlio tillis Shoe ritore, the Chief extends the Kind hand. MHk i"ii '"I""""'1''!'"!''!!1'!'1'!!" in"iif:i,'i k tfHHI i i JNhW STORE We wish to make this announcement that we are doing business at the "old stand" with a new stock of Drugs :- Medicines -:- Stationery Books -:- Paints Our Sewall Chemically Pure Paint and Chinan-el Varnishes are direct from the factory. Come in and see our new store and give us your trade. CHAS. L. COTTING -Z The Drutftfist -Zr - lli mm M gv r"r'!l!!li!;(!!'!i!llil!;il!!!IIH!!,'!,;ii!,,i H p 'II J500 0.70 1O0O or,o 12.100 C200 1700 hC Sis Pj Cil p T n R tm yb rucE " iu a. '. - i u Here's WliereHourTiioutle Ends OUR experience in vision testing enables us to correct your eyes with scientific accuracy. We specialize in the most modern forms of spectacles and eyeglasses, including the popular Toric and Kryptok Invisible Bifocal Lenses. It will be a pleasure to demonstrate for you the superior merits of these lenses in our patented You will admit that Fits-U's are the most com fortable and best-looking glasses you ever saw, E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist ,;,; t-,,y.-g xzf.ViVfZ:, Real Estate transfers, Real Kstiitu Transfers furnished by M. W. Carter, Uoiulod Abstracter, Hed Cloud, Nebraska. Karl 11. Wobor and wife to A. J. Guy, wd, swK seh' 7-2-0 8 3000 Frank A. Coulson nnd wife to , Mary E. McCallum, wd, lot 12 mill south a.1 feetN of lot 11, litk. 0, LcDuus Add to Red , Cloud C. D. Robinson, Co. Treus. to Jou Chapman, Treits. Deed, lots 1, 2, In Kile. It. Kelsons sub-dlv to Kohrers Add Itlue Hill George Iteevesaud wifetoThom us Ueevos, wd, Jots :i to 8 Inclus ive In Vunce's Add to Guide Kook (icorgo Reevos and wife toThotn as Reeves, wd, lots .'1, i, 5, Vauces 2nd Add to Guide Rock Wallace A. Miiynartl and wife to C A.liishop, wd, uw.f .'l-l-O... ICinniu llorcn and husband to C. C. lloren, wd, w eswU 10-2-10 Le.slia Owsley Gillett mid husb., to J. Ed. C. Fisher, wd, se4 3M-1B Hennau Ilium nnd wife to Henry Erfmnnn, wd, mvj( D-l-ld Miunio Erftnann to llermun Ilium, wd, East 40 ft. lot 10 and all lots 11, 12, Hlk. 2, Rohrcrs Add Rluo Hill 3000 August Ileinriulis to Her mini Blum, wd, pt iiwJ4 0-4-10 aud Rlks. 1, 2, 3, iu Hoovers Add toUluo Hill 7C00 Anthony Drzewleckl to Johu E. Lutz, wd, sj so 4-1-12 7200 Mortgages Filed 832,050.00. Mortgages Released $17,r38.D5. Methodist Mention About fifty children remained to the special service for children lastSunday morning. Many words of appreciation nto of the music by tho orchostni lust Sunday. Next Sunday ovening tho pastor will tell some of the thing heard at the convention. Tho cottage prayer meeting will bo hold at the homo of Mrs. Tuulson next Tuesday, Mutch 10. Epworth Loaguo topic for next week Is- "Kpworthlans as Dylio Itullders Against Ruin." Vou are Invited. l'erhaps there is no religious excr cibe so profitable as prayer, yet how small a porcoutiige of the membership attend tho mid-week sorvico. Misses Davis, Wullbrundt, Lindsoy, and Rev. Myers ure tho delegates from tho Methodist .Sunday school to tho county convention at Uliulou, . Mr. Walker, tho choir leader, sang a a very flue solo Sunday evening nnd the- audience was fio well pleased thoy hope ho will sing again soon. Mr. and" Mrs. l'aul Popo wont to Omaha the first of the week. ill their lives, and expressions of stir prKe and pleasure were heard ou every hand lieforo the dliintr neatly all of the men went Ihiotigh the building oil a tour of inspection and many of them had no idea that t lie assembly room was so large aud accommodated t-o many pupils As the men llled into the au'rlcul tiual room, wheie the dinner was served, tlm high school orimrutin ren dered some excellent music, and this orchestra pbijed at Intervals during the entire time. Their pel forinances were ot such a high character that they called forth encores time- after time. This was a delightful surprlsii for all the guests. The dinner itself was all llhtt anyone could wish for. Tho cooking was ex cellent, every dish was prepared juit right, and otiu and all were delighted with tho elforts Unit our girls madov The serving was excellent, course tallowed course wllh ulojk like pre cision iitu! there was not u balk nor a blunder made by anyone From start to Mulsh this dinner was n success, aud success is tho only woitl that will ade quately express the idea At the con clusion of the dinner a male quart ot sang that very popular song, "Tipper ury," which was greatly enjoyed. Miss Greta Ttiruiire gave, ii leading which was very much appreciated. Fred Maurer presided over tho after dinner toasts and he did his part in a most dlgulflod and happy manner. Everyone folt at ease and thoroughly enjoyed his introductory remarks. Mr. Maurer is certainly u first class man to preside over au itlfuir of this charac ter. Ii. II. Olackledge responded to the toost, "Iltisiness and School," and ho showed that our school was really a big business institution. It hud n larger monthly pay roll than any other institution in tho county except the Burlington Railwiiy company. This institution is nil managed in tho most business-like manner, every detail planned and nil fitting together iu one harmonious whole. He showed tlio largeness of this business aud stated that it was our biggest euteiprlso, and woudercd why we as h people did not know moieabont what was going ou under our very eyes. Ho usked the men to ralso their hands if they had been in this Institution during tlio past five years while the work wus being actually carried on. There were about five hands raised, and they were presumably members of the school board. Mr. P. J. Munday spoko on "Voca tional Training" and culled attention to the fact that this side of school life was of very recent origin but stated that for real usefulness it was the best tiling that had ever happened to our public school system. He said that It used to bo said that a high school graduate was looked upon with con siderablo disfavor by all business men because they could not do anything. But now these courses, in domestic science, shorthand and typewriting, manual training and agrlculturo fitted our boys and girls to do things and did not deprive them of a single bit of tho cultural education. Prof. Morltz hrielly Introduced his subject, "Tho Future of Our Schools", by stating that tho schools of. America has aped the schools of Europe, had copied them ontlro, and that while tho methods employed Iu Europe were satisfactory thcro they were unfitted for the use of American schools because in Europe they believed in educating tho classes while here wo believed In educating the masses. He stated that ltookorT Washington audit Professor IIM If You Wish To See The New Styles In Hats Caps Sh oes AND Furnishings We will be very glad to show them We Have Them All In The "Up-to-Now" Shades N a. jJ PAIL STOREY The Clothier ANNOUNCEMENT S. C. and Gertrude Ellis wish to announce that they have purchased the shoe store known as Carpenter's Cash Bargain Shoe Store, and the business will now be con ducted under the firm .name of The Ellis Shoe Store, where you will always be able to find a 'complete and up-to-date line of shoes, rubbers, etc. We hope to merit the patronage of the old patrons of the store, and invite all to COME IN AND SEE US M ELLIS SHOE STORE lit Gary, Indiana, wero tho two first men iu Amorica to break away from tho European pressure mid advocato training for American needs. Ho said that this community was not alone iu feeling rostivo o.vcr the school situation but that all over the state and nation evory community was beginning to ask ror rosuits irom tnu money putu oy tno tux-payers. Wo aro now installing a system of education which fits our needs and the monoy spent will bo re turned to tho community because our graduates will bucome members of our community. Ho stated thrft the prime object of teaching'wns first to disco vor the potential possibilities of tho iu dividual pupil and thou t,n direct those possibilities in such a manner as to produce the greatest amount of indi vidual elllelencv. As we said In tho beginning so wo say now this dinner was a succoss and an eye-opener. Following is the monu served by the young ladles of the domcotlc sci ence department: Ambrosia Olives Nuts Tomato Soup nnd Crackers Cream Potatoes with Pimentos llroadetl Pork Chops Cream Peas en Rusettas Nut Broad Sandwiches White Bread Sandwiches Cranberry Jelly Strawberry Ico ' White Grape Salad Ntiblscocs Steamed Pudding and Suuco. Colfeo ' Mints , k 1 - i I?, --"-"f P w i If 'iMyy " a'mLemmr!:: r.