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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1915)
acnlbJ eTfHML 3fc F fll&'. OTVW",wWWilf k i m O ffl VJ pM--,-i-i-ii-tMi-MiM RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . IHfiUlRFTfif ART I creampry as mp papmpp'c Fm RCflnV Til CVAMINP FRUIT I AYATIUP I GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, UN I III r Hi HIIIAIH S JE3&igflBii-M mm appropriation dills present. Pi In him llHILII " III UWIIbLU i-WiifffTYTiTTr " t vi " M It mml -i ir ZMm9'kjA.iLjvv.,mwrmmimm wiFTMrisss-i mmmmmmmmMi i nmi No sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation by morning. Qet a 10 cent box. Aro you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cnscarets, or niorcly forcing a passageway every few days with Salts, CaUiartlo Pills, Castor Oil or Purgative Waters? Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and rcg ulato tho stomach, remove tho sour and fermenting food and foul gases, tako tho excess bllo from tho liver and carry out of the system all tho constipated wasto matter and poisons la the bowels. A Cascnret to-night will tnako you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken or cause any inconvenience, and cost only 10 cents a box from your store. Millions of men and women take a Cascarot now and then and never havo Headache, THHouBncss, Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipation. Adv. Contrary Methods. "I see that in Europo they aro having battles In the clouds." "Yes; that Is how they aro trying to get In tho sun." All Boys and Girls should write to Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., 1304 Kcsner Uldg., Chicago, 111., for beautiful "Mother Gooso Jingle Book" In colors sent free to all readers of this paper. Adv. As Ever. "Since tho war begun the women bavo been taking tho places of tho men on tho Paris streot cars." "Well, they'd do It hero, but tho men aro too ill mannered to get up " Kissing Microbes. Bolle I see a Swiss scientist de clares that mlcrobt'3 do not exist In mountain air at an altitude of over 2,000 feet. How do you supposo he's discovered that? Bculah Oh, ho's probably done eomo kissing at high altitude." Circumstances Alter Cases. Lawyer The evidence against you Is too strong, too cumulative. You havo no chance of acquittal. Client But I'm not Innocent; I'm cullty. Lawyer Ah, that's different Know ing that, I'll be ablo to get you free. The Zealous Youth. The Employer If my wife calls up, say that I havo Just gone out. The Ofllce Hoy Yes, sir, I'll say it every time sue calls up. Tho Employer You mustn't do that My wife would havo a poor opinion of your truthfulness. ' The Boy Yes, sir; she has It now. Tho Employer What do you mean? The Boy Why, alio called up this morning and asked me if I was tho new boy. An' I said, "Yes, ma'am." Aad abo said it was no placo for a truthful boy. She said you had no use for a truthful boy. Then she said. "Did you over tell a He?" And I Bald, "No, ma'am." "And what did aho say?" "She said, 'You'll do!'" Cloveland Plain Dealer. MAY BE COFFEE That Causes all the Trouble When the house la afire. It's about the same aa when dlseaso begins to how, it's no tlmo to talk but time to act delay la dangerous remove the cause ol the troublo at once. "For a number of years," wrote a Kansas lady, "I felt euro that coffee was hurting mo, and yet I was so fond of It, I could not give It up. At last I got bo bad that I mado up my mind I must either quit tho ubo of coffee or die. "Everything I ate distressed me, and 1 suffered severely most of tho time with palpitation of the heart I fre quently woko up In the night with the feeling that I was almost gone my heart seemed so smothered and weak In Its action. My breath grew short and the least exertion set me panting. I slept but llttlo and suffered from rheumatism. "Two years ago i stopped using tho coffee and began to use Postum and from the very first I bogan to Improve. It worked a miracle 1 Now I can eat anything and digest it without trouble. I sleep like a baby, and my heart beats strong and regularly. My breathing has become steady and normal, and my rheumatism nas leu me. i fAni like anotner nerson, auu w is all due to quitting coffeo and uslnft Postum, for I haven't used any medl rfne and none would havo donq amy good as long bb I kpt drugging vrab. coffee." Name given by Postum (to., Dattlo Creek, Mich. Read "Tho Rtoad to Wollvlllc," in pkgs. Postum cornea In two forms: Regular Postum must bo well boiled. 15c and 25 packages. Instant Postum Ib a soluble )pow dor. A tcaspoonful dissolves qullckly in a cup of hot water and, with dream and sugar, makeB a delicious bovterage Instantly. 30c and -GOo Una. J Both kinds are equally delljclous, and coat per cup about tho Barove. "There's a Reason" for Postaim. sold by grocer. I TJIkjFMLjH mr -fiir - MflMHnHLHPYV W!mUWMWKStmKtNmw'WmMWWMw v i&i 'JBKs H M :;11 WM iASb jt vSfcVJe. iSjSVSms! Proper Method of Grading Eggs Whl (Prepared by the United StateH Depart ment of Agrlculturu ) Because of tho methods of handling and markotlng eggs in common usa among tho general fanners who fur nish the great bulk of tho supply, It Is not often that the producer can get tho full benefit of tho high prices for strictly fresh eggs during the fall and winter months. It Is customary in many sections of tho country for tho farmer to tako to town at irregular intervals a basket of eggs some of which may be clean and roiiio dirty, some absolutely fresh and some dis tinctly below tho highest grade. Ho is usually paid by number, not quality, and thus gets no additional protlt from tho eggs that aro really llrst class. The vlllago merchant, moreover, who takes these eggs Is not usually In a position to make tegular shipments to largo markets. The result of all this la that before the eggs reach tho ultimate consumer they havo deterio rated to such an extent that they aro not of a quality to command the high est prlceB. This waste can be, to a great extent at least, remedied by a Bystem of mar keting eggs through creameries. It Is not necessary for tho creamery to bo a co-operatlvo one, for even a pri vately owned establishment will natu rally be desirous of uddlng to tho prosperity of tho neighborhood and to obllgo as far as possible its patrons. For this reason it should content Itself with a moderate profit on tho eggs. This was the caso with ono pri vately owned creamery In tho north ern part of Minnesota, which may bo taken as an excellent example of tho possibilities of marketing eggs in this way. A short tltno ago about 135 farmers were selling their eggs through this agency. They were scattered over a wide territory, ono man oven driving 14 miles. Before tho creamery con sented to market their eggs for them each farmer was required to sign tho following agreement: For the privilege of Belling eggs .to the creamery company and getting a I market established for guaranteed fresh eggs, I, tho undersigned, hereby pledgo myself to comply In every way with the following rules: "I agree to deliver eggs at tho creamery that will not bo to exceed eight days old and to be picked In (gathered) twice every day. "Eggs to bo of uniform slzo (no un dorsizo or oversize eggs). "Eggs to be clean and to u'o kept in a cool, dry collar. "Brown eggs to bo put In ono car ton and whlto in another and so marked. "Each egg to bo stamped on the sldo and carton to ho stamped on tho top. "I agree not to sell any eggs that 1 havo marked with tho creamery com pany's trademark to anyone else but the creamery company, and to return stamps and oilier supplies that havo been furnished, in cuso I nhould decido to discontinue to sell eggs to tho creamery company.' Several points in this agreement are worthy ai notice In tho first placo, eight dn.ys may not Bcem sufficiently ofton in tho majority of places to do- liver Elm eecs. but tho nights in Mln nesota, even in summer, aro usually cool and this, together with tho gath orlnlg twlco a day and tho storage in dryl, cool cellars, was found sufficlont to beep tho eggs In good condition. It by no means follows, however, that 111)18 WOUIU DO JIUSH1U1C UIBUWIltSiU. Tho brown and whlto eggs were sep arated because it was found that this added to tho attractiveness of tho packages, and, secondly, because it encouraged the keeping of hens which lay whlto eggs. During tho spring y months tho owner of tho creamery . paid one cent more for whlto eggs than for brown on the ground that in tho futuro ho could obtain more for them in tho markot, and that ho wlBhcd to stimulate tho keeping of ono class of chickens In order to insuro a moro uniform market. The stamping of tho eggB is impor tant. Tho stamp contained tho namo of tho creamery, tho creamery brand and a serial number for ouch producer. Thus, in caso of any carelessness or failure to maintain tho propor quality it' wbb possiblo to traco tho product back to tho Individual producer and lay tho blamo whero It belonged. Each farmer was furnished with a supply of cartons each ot which hold one dozen eggs and wero bo shaped lH$L 1L te and Brown Ones Packed Separately. thnt thoy could bo packed In a regulai 30 dozen egg case, and shipped fron tho creamery to market by express Tho labor and cost of handling the eggs at the cieamery woro thus re duced to a minimum. They were novel candled becauso tho farmer was un der obligations to bring In only good eggs, and failure to do so was regard ed as sufficient ground for tho cream ery's refusing to hnndlo tho eggs ol tho off cniler In the futuro.- In thu particular case described, the eggs were shipped to a largo grocery storo In Duluth, Minn., which wns al ready taking butter from tho cream ery. This storo was ablo to soil the eggs to Its customers for several cents a dozen more than tho prevailing prices for other eggs. It Is Interesting to note, also, that tho buyers became accustomed to tho stamp on tho egga and when by accident two cases reached tho storo unstamped there was a llttlo difficulty In disposing ol them. Tho increased profit to the farmers through this method of marketing was not as noticeable during tho spring, when eggs aro plentiful, as when thoy were scarce. During tho winter the dlflerenco was sometimes as great as ten cents a dozen, and when this par ticular creamery was visited ono De cember tho farmers were receiving 40 cents a dozen for their eggs. At this very tlmo farmers in tho nearby vlllago were paid 25 cents a dozen. With the increased prices tho produc tion rose rapidly also. Before tho creamery took up tho markotlng of the eggs tho supply received by tho local storekeepers was hardly more than sufficient for tho local demand. Later the creamery paid out In ono year nearly $4,000 to producers of eggs, nearly all of which were Bhlpped away. This accounts for the fact that tho local merchants, who were at first inclined to look with disfavor upon tho Innovation, soon saw that tho In creased returns to tho community meant Increased profits to them even tually. J Thero is no reason why a system similar to the ono Just described should not bo adopted In many other localities. Local conditions will, of course, require certain changes, but the fundamental prlnciplo will remain. Fresh egga shipped regularly in good condition to city markets aro certain to earn greater profits for tho pro ducers than those which aro allowed to deteriorate on the road from tho farm to tho consumer. Finally tho profits from its egg business may well make tho establishment of a creamery possiblo when It could not bo run for dairy products alone. TO SPREAD OR PILE MANURE Answer to Question la Largely One of Location Much Loss Sustained by Broadcast Scattering. (By ALVIN KRYSKU. Colorado Impert inent Station.) Tho question frequently arlsos, Should raanuro bo spread thinly over tho land In winter when It is hauled, or should it bo dumped In plica to bo scattered in tho spring? Tho answer to the question Is largely ono ot loca tion. In a great deal of Colorado ter ritory tho winters aro dry, with dry, vory windy springs. Whore such con ditions normally prevail scattering manuro broadcast on tho land during the winter means that the manuro will dry out and frequently bo blown away by tho first heavy spring wind storm. Dropping In piles to bo hand scat tered later saves a part of this loss. Whero snow Is on tho ground nnd where winds aro not a monaco, or where conditions permit disking tho scattered manure into tho top soil, this loss by blowing is prevented. fFrom tho standpoint of labor, drop ping in piles increases tho labor. From the standpoint ot saving tho manuro it sometimes saves an appreciublo per centage, whllo broadcast scattering would Iobo all of It. Tho farmer will havo to decide those questions for himself In his own localities, based upon tho points above enumerated. Grow Profitable Pigs. Wo cannot grow plga profitably without fcodlng enough to kcop thorn gaining steadily. Eggs Easily Ruined. Duck eggs aro vory easily ruined by careless handling. APPROPRIATION DILLS PRESENT ED FOR SCRUTINY. STATE UNIVERSITY BATTLE Finance Committee Makes Totals Be low Those of 1913, With Prospects of Getting Through. Western Xewspiprr Union New Srrvlco, Total appropriations covered by tin maintenance and salaries bills, whlcb today were given to houso meinbeii for perusal, arc $78f;M! less than tho total of tho same bills as passed by tho 1013 legislature The gross sum Is 13 371,030. Cuts aro mado In many depuit ments, both In direct operation and by consolidation with other depart ments Homo ot these changes arc Included In tho above figures and sonic aro not. Tho finance commit too hend estimates that tho total, when all comparisons aro completed, will bo about S'Jt,000 below that of 1013. State Institutions, whose Inmate lists are gi owing dally, naturally have to uuderg.) Inctcabcs, this coming, ol course, in tho big malntcnanco bill. The University Battle. For a second tlmo, tho lower branch Dt tho legislature Wednesday morning registered Its mandate against one- man rulo and against tho scheme to put the state unhorslty and tho statu farm under separate control by voting down tho itelsner motion, onered on Tuesday, to reconsider Its action along tho same lino last Friday. Although somu members who had voted against Taylor on tho first test changed over to his side Wednesday, tho motion to rcconsldur was lost by tho vote of forty-ono to fifty-one. Ho gained sixteen votes since Friday and the opposition lost eight. Mr. Taylor recognised tho finality of this second defeat by rising In his seat and offering his written resigna tion as chairman ot tho spoclal com mittee appointed three weeks ago to tako charge of appropriation bills for tho university nnd normal schools. Ho also asked that tho house Instruct him what to do with tho bills In his possession as chairman. Several Appropriation Bills Four appropriation bills $5,850 for Norfolk insane hospital; $7,500 for moro land at Hastings asylum; $9,600 for asylum at Beatrice, and $2,500 for home for dependent children at Lin coln, tho first or tho regular grind, aside from legislative expense and tho emergency deficiency bill, havo boon recommended by tho house of repre sentatives In committee ot tho whole. None of thoso bills aro largo and tho sum total of their appropriation 1b $-'5,350. Thoy each npprorlato money for a stato Institution and went through, as ono member put It, "like greased lightning." They wero report ed out of tho finance ways and means committee at 1:30, caino up at 2:30 In committee of tho wholo, and by 3 p. m. wero disposed of. Tho appropriation for tho homo for dependent children In Lincoln Is for tho purohaso ot three lots specified In the bill as adjaccnf to tho Orthopedic hospital. Must Complete Naturalization. In committee of tho whole tho sen ate came very near recommending S. F. 104 for passage. This Is a pro posed constitutional amondmont Intro duced by Hoagland of Iancaster county. It provides that foreign born persons who have taken out their first naturalization papers must ceaso voting after five years It thoy do not completn their naturalization. A sim ilar amondment was defeated at the polls a fow years ago. It Is alleged It was defeated because It was labelled on tho ballot "suffrage," and many voters thought it related to womun suffrage. Wholesale liquor dealers who retail their goods must obtain licenses en titling thorn to do so under tho provi sions ot tho Buhrman bill, given an Impetus in tho upper houso commit teo ot tho whole. Under no conditions can tho drinkables be consumed on the premises. Taylor ot Custer lost in his prelim inary battlo to securo the right to alter tho system ot making appropria tions for the stato university. It was tho effort of his legislative career. Handicapped by hoarsenoss caused by a cold in the throat, ho nevertheless spoko for more than two hours on his motion to recelvo an Instruction from tho houso to proceed with his pet plan, either with an Instructed committee or what ho wanted moro, a commltteo which would follow him. He lost on roll call Just at dusk) by a vote of 25 for and 59 against him. Tho senato, by a vote of 19 to 7 ap proved Dodge's hill to mnko It un pleasant for tho anonymous political ngent who circulates printed or writ ten mattor signed "Leaguo of Tax payers," or any other similar mislead ing nnmo behind which tricksters in politics often hldo Just beforo olcctlon tlmo, when it is too Into to find out who is back of such circulars or adver tisements. Tho bill Is S. F. 8!), by Dodgo of Douglass. It provoked a splrltod debnto between Mattes of Otoe who opposed it, and half a dozen other senators "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs" that this la tholr Ideal laxatlvo, becauso thoy lovo Its pleasant taste and It thoroughly cleanses tho tender llttlo stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. When cross, Irrltahlo, feverish, or breath Is bad, stomach sour, look at tho tongue, mother! if coated, glvo a tenapoonful of this hnrtnless "fruit laxative," and In a fow hours all tho foul, constipated wunto, Bour bllo and undigested food pasBca out of tho bow els, nnd you havo a well, playful child again. When Its llttlo system Is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, Indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "lusldo cleaning" should always bo tho first treatment given. Millions of mothors keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a tcaBpoouful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Auk at tho storo for a CO cent bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on tho bottlo. Adv. Activities of Women. Miss Alma K. Boyd has been ap pointed private secretary to Lieuten ant Governor McClaln of Pennsyl vania. Mary Plckford, tho moving picture across, receives a Balary of $2,000 per week for 52 weeks In the year. Tho only real profit-sharing Indus try In tho United States Is owned by a woman, Mrs. James P. Warbasso of Brooklyn. Get man tnllors and drcssmnkcrs havo dcci cod thnt tho prevailing color for tho now spring fashions shall bo tho Held gray of tho Gorman army uniform, nnd In regard to cut tho military stylo will bo followed. Horrors! "This, then, Miss Fickle." said tho young man us he started for tho foor, "1b your final decision?" "It is. Mr. Smithers." snld tho young girl firmly. "Then," ho continued, his volco bo traylng an unnatural calmness, "Ihoro Is but ono thing to add." "What 1b that?" sho asked, toying absently with tho Iobo of her shell Uko ear. "It Ib this," ho muttered. "Shall 1 return thoso black satin suspenders by mall or will ou havo them now?" Strange Conclusion. "It Ib tho vote that dooa the tulk Ing." "Yes, especially tho silent voto." LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES They Are Closely Observing Pub lic Health Conditions. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on tho subject, made tho astonishing statement that one reason why bo many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the largo majority of those whose appli cations are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. According to this it would seem that s medicine for the kidneys, possessing real healing and curative properties, would be a blessing to thousands. Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y., who prepare Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the well-known kidney, liver and bladder remedy, claim that judging from evi dence received from druinrists every whcie, who are constantly in touch with their customers, and also indisputable proof in the form of grateful testimonial letters from thousands of reliable citi zens, this preparation is remarkably suc cessful in sickness caused by kidney and bladder troubles. Every interesting statement they receive regarding Swamp Root is investigated and no testimonial is published unless tho party who sends it is reported of good character. They have on file many sworn statements of recoveries in the most distressing cases. Thev stato that Dr. Kilmcr'a Swamp- Root is mild and gentle in its action and its healing influence is soon noticed in most cases. 8wamn-Root is nurely an herbal com pound and Dr. Kilmer & Co. advise all readers who feci in need of such a rem edy to give it a trial. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottlse of two sizes fiOc. and $1.00. However, If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, JJ. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Noncommittal. MIbb Qushmore Don't you Just lovo danger, major? Major Grlzzley H'nil I respect It Its Sort. 1'rlHonor I embezzled this money becauso I am not rich. Judge A poor excuse. A simple remedy against oouuhs anil all throat irritations aro Dean'H Mentholated Cough Drops 5c at nil good Druggists. Mnny a man is such an enthusiast that you can't evon dampen his ardor m:n u urinx. BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur iant and Remove DandruffReal Surprise for You. i Your hnlr becomes light, wavy, fluf fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus trous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Dandorluo hnlr cleanso." Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Dandorluo nnd carefully draw It through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time. This will cloanso tho hulr of dust, dirt nnd oxccsslvo oil and in Just a few moments you havo doublud tho beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying tho hair at onco, Dandorluo dissolves ovory particle of dandruff; cleanses, purlflcB and invig orates tho scalp, forover stopping Itch ing and falling hair. But what will ploaso you most will bo after a fow weeks' uso when you will actually bco now hnlr fino and downy at first yes but really now hair growing all over tho scalp. If you caro for pretty, Boft hair and lota of It, Buroly get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Dandorlno from any stora and Just try It. Adv. Diagnosed. "How dftl on know your patlaat had appendicitis, doctor?" "I operated on him." Somo men reach tho top through their own shrewdness und some through the stupidity of othors. Mealtime Should always find you waiting with a hearty appetite And your condition should en able you to enjoy your food. A "don't care" or a "no thank yot" disposition indicates A lazy liver, clogged bowels or impaired digestion. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Will tone and sweeten the stomach and bowels Regulate the appetite, assist tho digestion Help Nature in every way to wards improving your general health. Try a bottle today, but be sura you get Hostetters. SprainsBruises Stiff Muscles Sloan's Liniment will save hours of suffering. For bruiso or snrain it cives instant relief. It arrests inflammationand thus prevents moro serious troubles dcvclonine. No need to rub it in it acts at once, instantly relieving tho pain, however severe it may be. Htn'irmf Charltt Johnton, P. O. Bo 108, law ten' Station, If. Y writes.- "I sprained my soldo nnd dislocated my left blp br (idling out of a third story window sis month bio. I went on crutches for four months, then I started to um soma of your Unlrnent, according to your direc tion, and I must anv that It ia halnlns ms wonderfully. I threw my erutohes awav. Onlv used two bottles of your Liniment and now I am walking1 quit well with one cane. I nerw will be with out tUoaa'a Liniment." AU Dealer. 2Se. Scad four cents In staarpe far m TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan. Inc. DepL B. Philadelphia, Pa, SLOANS LINIMENT Kills Pain BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTEB far Cutter!) OlaeMM fills. Low iwei 10-daie pkie. duties Pills 11.00 SO-dote pki. Blaeklts Pills. 4.M Via any lnloctor, but Cutter's beet. The raperlotltr of Cutter products l due to oter : uu Dru jean of ipecUMiInf In Mlm and serums ealy. cr u nalt a TuHir'a. If unotit&lllfctila- order dlnet. Tke Cutler Laeeratory. Otrkeley, Cat., or Celeste. Its W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 10-1916. j tTskw IlliisBSjr'!i Ur 3HsssslsTVOff( I Watch Your Colts For Coughs, Colds and niitenipor. nnd at the Bret symptoms ol any euch ailment, kIto small doers of tiiat wonderful remedy, now Uasj must used In eileienoe, Bl'OHN'B DISTEUFKR COMPOUND U oents and II a Kittle; 16 and 110 the doten of anf druasH. SeaTtu-ror dellVered br ' Hl'OllN 1IKD1UAI. VQj, ' """ fham sla ssvnil ItaUltarlaftLnirlsltss UtflAh.aA iMCaL. Ha &. A. 'm m n sip GCJ m t L'thvWvlnefa'fpiWX-'t rrtUfiilmtivi'i