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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1915)
mmwEggm WgggH5VBfW STT. . ,,VuI1 Pinpj i HiiaMiu fr vf- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF m I' i0 H .v M WHAT $10 DID FOR THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable Com pound Which Brought Good Health. Danvillo, Vb. "I have only spent ten dollars on your medicine and I feel so much better tnnn l did when the doctor was treating mo. I don't suffer any bearing down pains at all now and I sleep well. I cannot say enough for Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegeta ble Compound ond Liver Pills as they havo dono bo much for me. I am enjoy ing good health now and owo it all to your remedies. I take pleasure in tell ing my friends ond neighbors obout them." Mrs. Mattie Haley, C01 Col quhone Street, Danville, Va. No woman Buffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til 6ho has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingrodionta of which aro derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valua ble tonic and invigorator of the fo male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. If you havo tho slightest doubt Hint Lydia E.Pinklmm's Vegeta ble Compound will help you.writo lo Lydia H.PlnkhnniMedlolncCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mnss., for ad vice. Your letter will bo opened, rend and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. Wanted More Help. "To guide a key to a keyhole in tho dork there has been patented a V shaped sfrlp of metal to be fastened to a door with the point surrouudlng tho hole," said tho studious man. "That's all right so far as It goes," replied tho convivial one; "but who's to bo on hand to find tho key for you?" IlttTti Healthy, Strong, Ileantlfol Ejra OcullHtu and riijslclnuH uncU Murlno Eye Itrmnly many jrars before It wnn olleri-d an a Domrxlla Eye Medicine. Murine Is fcHIII Com, pound.-d by Our PhynlclanH and guaranteed by them fix a llelluble Itellef for Kyenttiat Need Care. Try l In your Eyes and In Unby's Eyes No Smarting Juat Eye Comfort. Buy Murine fif your Druggist accept no Substitute, and If Interexted write for Ilooli of the Kye Free. .MX'IUNK KVK ItRMKDY CO., CIIICAUO The Kind. "I um going to start an aviation lournal." "Will you print it on fly paper?" So-called friends are plentiful as nng as your money holds cut. If a man Is miserable It Is usually because he thinks he is. Uric Acid in Your Food Even dogs can eat too much meat. Certainly, many people "dig their graves with their teeth." Few get enough exercise to justify n meat diet, for meat brings uric acid. The kidneys try hard to get rid of that poison, but often a backache, or some other slight symptom will show that tho kidueys need help. The time tried remedy then, is Doan's Kidney Fills. A Nebraska Case W. A. Hyatt, Inter. 1913 K Bt Incoln, Neb., says: , ' "k hlncv complaint came on me gradu ally and the least heavy lifting cauied my back to ache terribly The kidney secretions were pain ful In patsaco and fllkrt with sedi ment. After the doc tor failed to help mo I used Doan's Kid ney rills. All symp toms of the trouble left me and my kid nejs were restored to a normal condi Erero JHtturt mil a Story" tion." Cat Doan's al Any Star. BOe a Bos DOAN'S WAV FOSTER4ULBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. The Army of Constipation It Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give relief uiey perma- ncntly cure Con stipation. Mil- lions use them for fill inn in!. Indireition. Sick Headache. Sallow Skin. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Wmnvf-s rturfint Knl!lrcr.mnta. Thickened, Swollen Tissue, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore ness from any Bruise or Strain; Stops Spavin Lamcneis. Allays pain. Docs not lilister, remove the hair or lay tin the horse. $2.00 a bottle. Jehvercd. Hook 1 K frco. AHSOKHINE, JK-. the antiseptic lini meat for mankind. For Synovitis, .Strains, Gouty or Rheumatic deposits, Swollen, Painful Varicose Veins. Will tell yon more if you write, f 1 and $2 per bottle at dealers or delivered. Manufactured onlv by rV.F, YOUNA. P. D. F,. 110 TMI II, Sprlnfltlild Mat. ijsBV&BSBaaBaa. it ! 41! , S If i i (LrKlfui K M'J IV? Ill MB I . f 7p MC:ARTFRS .aSSHRS1 mitti r BIKBS WlUCD aaBBaw Inine sajaas-asama. aw t .. S W !" : i &&2&&&'Z taiWIONAL SftNftarSfflooL Lesson (Hy K. O. SKI.I.r.nS. ActlnR Director o Hiltuluy School Course. Moody lllble In HtltUU'. CIlll'IlK"') LESSON FOR MARCH 7 SAUL ANOINTED KING. t.KBSON THXT-I Samuel 9.17-I0:t. GOMJUN TUXT-Fciir God, lionor tin kltiK'.-I I'cti-r 2:17. Bccnuso of tho nets of Sumuel tin people petitioned for a king (ch. 8:5) They aro told plainly what to expect If n king Is set In authority (ch, S ID). Qod, however, granted their petition and spoke "In tho ear" of Samuel, any Ing, "1 will send thco a man," tolllnc him of the work which this man is tc undertake (ch, 9:15, 1C). I. "Samuel Saw Saul" vv. 17-21. Snul was a man to gaze at and to admire (ch. 9:2). Ills fruitless search fot his father's asses leads him to tho city wherein Samuel was residing. There he Is advised to consult the "man of God" about IiIb difficulty a good sug gestion for us all. This cxperlnnco (ch. 9:6-14) exhibits Samuel in u new light. Tho word "seer" Indicates "one who sees," one who sees tho things God makes manifest In dreams (Num. 24:4-16). While the word Is similar to tho modern term "clalrvoyaut" yet tho latter aro not the successors of these Old Testament "seers" or "prophets." They aro rather tho successors of the false prophets (Jer. 17:14), and of those who dealt with familiar spirits (I Chron. 10:13-14; Isa, 8: 19-20; 2 Kings 21:1, 2, 6). Saul 'evidently did not know Samuel (vv. 1C-18). Samuel took Saul with him for tho night to tnke his mind ofr his father's asses and to prepare him to receive tho word from God. Christians take far too llttlo time to withdraw them selves and tako their, restless minds off tho things of time and senso to bo still and hear tho word of God. What were a few asses to Saul, to blm "for whom all that Is deslrablo In Israel" (v. 20 It. V.)? Christians who aro heirs to tho heavenly kingdom ought not to set their affections on the poor possessions of earth (Col. :t:l,2; 2 Cor. 4:18). In response to Samuel's infor mation, Saul disclaims any greatness; Indeed, Is ho not from one of the least of tho families of one of the smallest of tho tribes (v. 21). Such humility gave great promlso for Saul's future usefulness. Such was the mental and spiritual attitude of the man whom God chose to be king (ch. 15:17). It was later, when pride and powor had puffed him up, that tho kingdom was taken away from him (ch. 15:23; 16:1; Luke 14:11; Heb. 13:1). II. "Samuel Took Saul" vv. 22-24. Saul was then led Into the guest cham ber and placed in tho chief seat. Read our Lord's parable found In Luko 14:7-11. Samuel then bade tho cook bring the thigh, which was a choico pleco of meat especially reserved for thocG thus honored (Ezek. 24:4). Such a portion belonged to tho priest (Lev. 7:32). That which did not belong up on tho ultar Saul was to eat (v. 24). Samuel and Saul may havo had tho preference nnd eaten before tho other guests (v. 13), and Saul Is mado ac quainted with tho special honor con ferred upon him. Following tho feast, they return to Samuel's home, where Saul Is conducted to n couch upon tho Hat housetop (Acts 10:9). Hero Sam uel had private converse with Saul (v. 25 It. V.). What that converse may havo been we know not, but wo are reminded of ono such nocturnal conversation which gave to the world God's most precious summary of his lovo (John 3:1-16). Samuel poured oil upon Saul's head. Prophets, priests, kings nnd cleansed lopors were so nnolntcd, a typo of tho anointing by tho holy spirit (I Kings 19:15, 10; Lev. 8:12, 14:2, 16-18; Isn. 61:1; I John 2:20 It. V.). Thin act wns also a symbol ofjenliro consecra tion to God, and pointed forward to the coming king (Messiah, Anointed Ono) whom God himself would anoint (Ps. 45:7). Saul was anointed to ho "a prince" and to save God's people (ch. 9:16; Acts 5:31). Ills car is alwayB open to tho cry of his people. Even though thoy had sinned, and their sorrow was because of their own disobedience, yet God regarded their affliction (Ps. 106:43, 44). Only God's anointed ones can save (Isa. 61:1-3). Saul's solected task was to savo Israel out of the hands of tho Philis tines (Seo Luko 1:69-71). God's eyo sees tho oppression of mankind nnd his car Is always open to tho cry of tho poor nnd needy; of innocent chil dren sufforlng because of tho sins of parents; of men dofrnuded of Justice. Out tho delivering remedy will not bo brought by nny earthly king. Man kind Is today crying for a king (some times It 1b termed "democracy") and will not havo God to rulo over them. Heedless of his warnings, blessed by his bounty, they strugglo and schema to heal their own hurt. Snul's humility rapidly gave placo to prldo and prldo to ambition, ambition to oppression, ond finally to an un timely end, duo to disobedience When our king comes tho skillfully constructed scheme of man's govern ment, wherein graft and prldo, ambi tion and lust, find such n prominent place, will bo set aside for a kingdom wherein justlco and love, equity and service, will be meted out to every man; ono wherein Ideals will become realities. Children Love Don't Deny Them Dentists affirm its helpful ness to teeth and gums. Doctors attest its aid to appetite and digestion. Give the kiddies all they want. Use it yourself regularly. Keep it always on hand. Cultivate the saving instinct with the United Profit Sharing Coupons around each package, good toward high-grade merchandise. Have you seen "Wrigley's Mother Goose" newest jingle book 28 pages in colors? (Bern Is m sample verse and Illustration) There was an old Spear-woman lived in a sitae For her many young hopefuls she knew what to do! She made them most happy with WRIGLEY'Sfor c7 kept tliem in trim at a cost very small! The "Wrigley Spearmen" want you to see all their quaint antics in this book, free! Write for it today to war. WRIGLEV JR. CO., 1304 Kesner Bldg., Chicago Precaution. Nodd You don't mean to say jou keep a diary? Todd Not ejulto so low as that. I'm Just looking up to seo the day I was married. This year I propose to pass a safe and sane wedding anniversary. Life. ENDS CrSPEPSIA. 'Tape's Diapepsin" cures sick, sour stomachs in five minutes Time It! "Really docs" put bad stomachs In ordor "really does" overcome Indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness In tlvo minutes that Just thnt makeB Pope's Diapepsin tho lar gest selling stomach regulator in tho world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructato sour, undigested food and acid; head Is dizzy und aches; breath foul; tonguo coated; your Insldcs filled with bile nnd Indigestible waste, re member tho moment "Pope's Diapep sin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the Joy is its harmlcsBncss. A largo fifty-cent caso of Pope's Dia pepsin will glvo you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. It's worth its weight In gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your homo should always bo kept handy In caso of sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night It's the quickest, surest and most harmless tomach doctor in the world. Adv. Curious. "Curious thing about human van ity," Bald tho costumer. "To what do you refer?" "The moro knock-kneed a man Is, the moro ho wauls to appear at a mask ball as a Scottish Highlander." CUTICURA SHAVING la Up-to-Date Shaving for Sensitive 8klna. Trial Free. Prepare razor. Dip brush In hot water and rub It on Cuticura Soap held In palm of hand. Then mako lather on faco and rub In for a moment with fingers. Mako second lathering and shave. Rub bit of Cuticura Oint ment over shaven parts (and on scalp It any dandruff or Itching) and wnsh nil off with Cuticura Soap and hot water, shampooing samo time. Ono soap for all shaving, shampooing, bathing and toilet. It's velvet for sen sltlvo skins. NoBllmymug. No germs. No waste of time or money. Freo sample each If you wish. Address postcard, "Cuticura, Dopt. XY, Boa ton." Sold everywhere. Adv. People boast of their ancestors only after tho world has forgotten their records. INDIGESTION. GAS I come off I w?sBHHV;-Br K&toa PULl ewibI ' aW avrTTvsflBaBaaBuS V.TWluUvtV H DBaEsaBBBVvaaYBVBBKBBBaV M aY It MmauZ1!mBSmBBtKlrt9 r it sKras"BBai II H 507 Remarkable Case. "Hero's a remarkable account of a mnn who returns homo after 20 years and finds his wlfo married again." "Thoso cases aro not so remark able." "The romnrkablo part Is that tho narrator does not alludo to tho re turned husband as an Enoch Adrcn." IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Don't Look Oldl Try Grandmother' Recipe to Darken and Beautify Gray, Faded, Lifeless Hair. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brow of Sago Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this Blmplo mixturo was applied with wondorful effect. Ily asking at any drug Btoro for "Wyeth's Sago nnd Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a largo bottlo of this old-tlmo recipe, ready to uso, for about CO cents. This Blmplo mixturo can bo depended upon to reBtoro natural color and beauty to tho hair and 1b splendid for dan druff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known druggist Bays every body uses Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur, because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it's bo easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, tnklng ono strand at a tlmo. Dy morning tho gray hair disappears; after an other application or two, it is re stored to Its natural color and looks glossy, Boft and abundant Adv. Gentle Hint He Onco for all, I demand to know who Is 'master in this houso? Sho You'll bo happier If you lon't find out Philadelphia Ledger. OVERWORK and KIDNEY TROUBLE Mr. James McDantol, Oakloy, Ky writes: "I overworked and strained myself, which brought on Kidney and Bladder Disease My symptoms wero Dackacho and burning in tho stem of tho Blad der, which was soro and had a constant hurting all tho tlmo broken sleep, tired feel ing, nervousness, puff ed and swollen eyes, shortnessot breath nnd J. McDanlol. Rheumatic pains. I suf fered ten months. I was treated by a physician, hut found no relief until I started to ubo Dodd's Kldnoy f'llls, I now feel that I am permanently cured by tho uso of Dodd's Kldnoy Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills, GOc, per box at your dealer or Dodd's Mcdlcino Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Writo for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and Gorman words) and re cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent freo. Adv. Many a woman boasts that sho can mnrry any roan Bho plcascb who doesn't plcaso any of them. y'W It mmm) mSv ESI "Chew it f5f after every tf this ts 1 rrwK's-fv iTPfSWiv!??'." ra8W::Avx: &! MmEJ HOC-1 Compliment That Went Astray. "I lovo to hear you speak French," remarked tho sweet young thing. "Indeed?" said the pompous youth who plumed himself on his linguistic ability. "And why?" "ItecauBc It Is so different from most people's French," explained the young thing. The youth plumed hlmsolf some moro. l!ut only for a moment, becauso' tho sweet young thing con tinued: "Yes, so dlffen-nt from most poo plo'B French especially French peo ple's." The widow of a henpecked man can I look as Bnd as any. fcoof ing that must last r I Yot can't tell by looking at roil of roofing hoytT I fuug it win lass on us roor uui wiicii jintp get the guarantee of ft responsl uk" vuuiwbt, you Know tup dy -w j .rour rooting matt grnBr v3L fctMwtfr tw Mtisfactory r gg lafjlfcjgjsj errice Buy materials that last :jt, Ask your denier for prod ucts made by us tbey bear ear name. - AtBasltftooflat -4U gradu atut jHm) Slata Sntf scad Solatia Asphalt Falls Psadsnlna Faka Tarred Felt Building Papan certain Roofing l'plypuruteei 5 jean 2-ply fmartBteed 10 yean 3-ply guniteed 15 jean I General Roofing Manufacturing Company WorUe lartrwt mawnfoeturtr RwTstkGtr kbVan It. La car fCanadianWheat to Feed the World' The war's fearful devastation crons has caused an unusual demand for grain from the American Continent. The world must be fed and there Is an unusual demand for Canadian wheat. Canada's invitation to every industrious American it therefore especially attrac tive. She want farmers to make moneyand happy. prosperous homes for themselves while to raise immense wneai crops. You can get a Homestead other lands can be bought at remarkably low prices. Think of the money yoa can make with wheat at its present high prices, where for come time it fa lia ble to continue. During many years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels to the acre many yields as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful crops also of Oals, Barley and Flas. Mixed farming is fully as profitable an industry a erain ralalnsr. The excel lent grasses, full of nuttitlon.arethe only purposes, uooa sciiocis, marKcis i ,-jv rauiury semco is not compunoiy m vaoaaa, out iuciu is au exua acmaua iot nis . '-J labor to renuco too many young men tinmeni uus yeir is urging larmeu 10 Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway sates to -""-v fioulnttndont Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or r s-si&s IHilirT.',r.VTA frVTmm. . V. Denaell, 229 17ih 3L, JPk" H"". ?R$u BoomiBelig..OmaaaJlk, TkS. gs "V4aU ttgAAV? Canadian Government Agent l.sTaSB)aW Both Bomb Proof. Maude I Just hud a letter from th duke. Thoso horrid Germans nav bombarded his castle. Chorus How romantic! Do tell us. Maude Yes; nil they left stai.dlnf was the mortgage und the mechanics' Hens. Dry-cell-fed incandoscont lamps fea turo u recently Invented spirit level for use In dark places. 1 Lovo makes the world go round, but rovengo tries to squnro It. Few sermons aro as broad ah they aro long. Chicago News. The only real test of roofing quality is on the roof. m irceei f nsaUtiaf Papara wauBoara Flattie Rooflaa- AsphalttanM jtoofCoaUae M tai raiats Outdoor Pafsta SUnaUStala Ta? flaadCoall uw I at of Baojing a4 BwtUHmg Jrqpsrs MlilisjMs AaVaU Omiasl harraadtat A. of European people of the helping her of 160 acres FREE and food required either for beef or dairy i convenient, cumaio exceuem. wnoniTOToiuuioereaiorins wax, iuuot- put exua acioago into grain. ft' Wl V's t Sj "3 . n f-" r 1 U- "i't'ri''-v-tf,i! aag'WiWW!TWCTSffiaajBM"Wai