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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
HHHfJHBMSP&li T -.f. .OJwrn - IWf y."TV"- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF w - r J' .v i f AN fc.Aw . " I & P 1 t-V" ,0. t-v mm i fL "."- WW ir . HOME NEWS Bulletin of Tho Week's Doings li (I narrow .stiipo SI Furs! Fin! J. 0. I'ov. Ui'i'bf wis called to Xiipoiici Sunday to pi each a funeral. Fiod Temple of Kansas City was in the i'1'y thu last of tliu week. Attorney StusenUu and JoM'ph Wat son were down from Campbell Friday Miss Mark' Ilolllster was lioini from Lincoln Sunday visiting bur parents Geo. Atkinson bus disolved partner fihip with the C B. & (J. railroad here. Miss Hazel Golly of Orleans spent last week in this city with Al Beers ami family Miss Iva Caiter loft Friday morning for University Place where she will at tend college. Miss Oretn Turnure spent last weel in Guide Rock with her parents, Miss lluth Do ml nti. Chas Woods and C. M. Smith were in Bird City, Kansas, Tuesday, buying horses mid mules. Prof. Moritz and Flave Oilce at,..l ilio funeral of .1. F. Grimes at Blue Hill Monday. Kobt. Potter of Oklahoma arrived in tho city Sunday evening to visit his parents, John (5. Potter nnd wife. Mrs. Na'.o lllingsworth and children arrived in the city the last of the week to visit her parents, J. A. Burden and wife Mrs. B. L. James who has been visit ing her son, I). W.Turnuround family at" Portland, Oregon, arrived hi the city Monday. Mr. and Mis. John Boehr arrived home Saturday evening from Fairlleld, where they had been spending hist week with relatives. sj, 11. Kizer returned home from Lincoln Friday evening where he had been spending the past month with his son and daughter. The Diamond Milling Co., has been i..,at. Hi., imst. week moving their ran- I. II BliieU ledge was in Superior W 'ii. lay. rre Burden was down from Bloom i.iglmi U t'dlii-sil.iy. (ii'DiLi- Bnidshiiw was down from l'luniiiiiigtiiu eiltiesday llcw.tid Hunt e.iine down flom IJlvi-rinn WcdiiHvday it) visit bis broth er, Will. The legular monthly banquet of the iMisiiies.Jiht.n will be held next Tuesday at 111" Wujal hotel. Ilel Turnuiii ol Portland, Oregon, went thru here Monday morning on his way to Chester. (luy Bradbrook of llysham, Montana arrived in the city Wednesday to visit Ills mother, Mm. M. Finkeiibinder. Allen and llobart Blackledgo enter tained a number of their friends at a seven o'clock dinner Saturday evening Frank Wlttwer and .family returned to Fort. Morgan, Colo., Monday evening after spending u few weeks hero with relatives Sheridan Pharos went to Superb r Wednesday morning to resume his duties as chief electrician at the cement plant. Jim Mcintosh, Wade Koontz, .lames Gather. Henry Johnson and Tom Swartz attended Wm. Forgey's sale near Esbon Tuesday. E. W. Smith, who lives on the Chas. Barrett farm 5 miles west and 7 miles south of Bed Cloud, bus posponed his public sale until Thursday, Feb. llth. The W. C. T L will meet with Mrs. .1. II. Bailey. Wednesday afternoon, February Hit h. A irond attondanee is desired as it Is Francis K. Wilhinl memorial day. Owing to tho stormy weather Mon day H. W. Campbell and .1. B Lumsou did not speak here but we wcro In formed that they will return some future date and give their lecture. .1. E. Bet, will give a musical muith. Watch for dale. The management of the Lectin o Course rec'lved a uics.ige at l:!IOth:s a, in. dated at Omaha Wednesday a. in., staling thai Sidney Lundon missed connections at that place and was uu able to 1111 his date hero. The Gardening and Canning Clubs' Rules Farm loans At best rates and terms to be had In this state. Cull for me at State Bank of Bed Cloud. C. F. C.THi:it. chinery into their new mill down by tho C. B. & Q. coal shutes. mi.... l.'.iWul.Hth Brule has returned to her homo at Campbell after a vis.t here with her sisters, Mesdames A. K. Ashcr and Joe McCallum. Miss Greta Tuinure entertained the Misses Faith Uedrick, Agnes Johnson, Marie Woolsey and Kuth Uoudnti ol Guide Bock at a week end party. Miss Cecil Thornton arrived In the elty Sunday evening from Lincoln to resume' her duties in the high school after spending hist week in Lincoln. A. X. Waechter, one of Blvortun's big Poland ( hiua hog breedeis, was a pleasant caller at this oflice Thursday evening, lie had been to loin uuu was on his way homo. In a little town down in Missoiui the marshal nabbed a man ono night for walking in his sleep. "Don't look me up," pleaded tho night walker, "I am a sonnambulist." "It don't make auy difference what church you be long to" said tho marshal, "You can't walk the streets of this town In" your shirt tail.-"-Lebanon Times. Tho followiiu' Is the weather report for tho month of January, Kept ny Chas S. Ludlow, voluntary observer: lowest, temperaMiro 23 below on tho Ssth; highest, fi:i, on tho 14th; total piecipitadon, W inches; total snow fall!., Inehijs; number of days clear, J I; partly cloudy, Oi cloudy 11; sleet on the 2lii h and 3uth; direction of pre v.lllng iud for 13 days, northwest. Don't sit supinely on your ioos. but come along ami help us boost, for Letter things of every kind, and leave vmir kicking clothes behind. O, let us boost for bettor stieuts, for softer beds and longer sheets, for smoother lawns and better lights and shorter-winded blatherskites; for liner homes and larger trees, for hats and boots and bumblebees; for shorter hours and longor pay; for fewer thistles in our hay, for bolter grub and bigger pics, for two more moons to light the skies. And let the wolves of war bo loosed on every mnu who doesn't boost! Walt Mason. Special For Saturday Banana", regular :ii)e, Lie per dozen; Grape Fruit, large size, 0 forL'oc.'OE P. Wki:sXku ,t Co To The Farmers We will begin buying hogs Monday, February 3th, at tho stock yards. Dci.askv Bnos. Standing of Contestants .. ! The following Is the standing of the Contestants in The Chief's ami took s Drug Store Fieo Trip to the Panama Imposition Contest; ,o 272210 1.) .!..!...'.." 215U00 1. "".'...". SU7U85 l.'.'.'W 178.1CU l.V.l.llO .'. '. 1S3430 ''.'..'.'. 121785 , 119BS0 1U3G0 112'JlO noisri DS:nr '.'.".'. 02C00 '.,,. ooiK'O ' ' 870.10 "''.'..". 828(10 ""' 8210.1 ', 7.".0(i0 WW'.'.', 7.111110 ',..".' (Ml!!.") (51500 8. li. 11. 17. 12. 10. 13. 20. :t. 11). IS. 1. Club members shall not be under 10 or more than 18 years or age by January 1, BUS. Enrollment closes Juno 1. S. Any Individual in the stato Ir respective of ace may bo an associate member, which entitles him to all privileges of regular membership ex cept that of competition for p Izes or awards. 3. Club members shall make 11 special study of gardening and the best methods of securing greatest re turns from the garden 4. Tho recommended garden club plat is 1-10 nero. Club members who cannot euro for 1-10 acre may enroll and work with smaller gardens. 0. Club members may grow any vegetable or vegotobles he or she wishes. Tomato is rccoinmenileil as the vegetable club members should make a specialty. Instructions on tnnmtn Miltnro. will bo Sl'llt to club members. (I. Club members must keep an ac curate account or all labor, expense, receipts, observations and experiments in connection with club plat. 7. In estimating prollt the following basis shall be used: Bent of laud lit the rate of S1.00 for MO of an acre, club member's time at lOo an hour, time of each horse at 5c- an hour. Seeds, plants, spraying mixtures, com mercial fertilizers etc., shall bo charged at actual cost; price of same to be determined by local markets. Manure shall bo charged at fiOu per loud. Manure is worth $2.00 per load but only about , its value is returned In a single crop 8. Two disinterested parties not relatives of club members, acting ns local judges, shall visit tho garden at least twice during the season, approve of club member's method of keeping .1. . ..i..t .i.... ii.... 1 ..... report, measure me iuiiit niK" "' port certifying us to size of plat and yield. 0. Final lcport shall also be signed by local club leader, leachor, orcounty superintendent certifying to its accuracy. 10. Club members shall exhibit at local, county, and state club contests, report showing prollt, story of "How 1 Made, and Used My Garden Crop," also an exhibit of fresh or canned products or both. No member shall be eligible in the stato contest who does not com pete in local or county contest if such Is held. 11. All vegetables gathered from garden shall be weighed as soon as picked and record kept of same. la. Awards will be made on tho fol lowing basis: Crop report and story on, "How I Made and Used My Garden Crop" -' Profit 011 investment -'5 Quality, both fresh and canned. ... 25 Quantity, total number of pounds harvested uud used 25 Col. Ralph Peters Guide Book Friday The leturii of the Klein Play Com pany's always welcome product Inn of Charles Klein's delightful drama, "The Linn and the Mouse" to the opera house, Thursday night. Feb ruary Ith. Is expected to he an even greater success than on Its previous vist, if the demand lor seals is lo be Hie governing criterion The sale has advanced with much agility though choice seats are still to be had. Tl 0 Klein Play Company is credited with having retained tlio high standard in offering an excellent cast mid pro duct ion and much may be expected. City Council Meets Bed Cloud, Feb. 2, 11)1 G. Tho City Council met on Tuesday evening with the Mayor and council all prcaent, and thu following business waB transacted: Minutes ot meetings of Jan. Glh, Gth and 27lh, read and approved. Report of S. K. Florance read and approved and placed on flic. Clerk reported 373 light customers and 28!) water customers, Feb. 1, BUG. Tim superintendent was ordered to purchase 12 water meters. The following claims were allowed: Guy Z.'igler $110 00 W. A. P.itten 80 00 J us. K herton 7G 00 E H. Weber 70 1G S. B. Florance .114 20 O. C. Tcel 115 ill) Grant Christy 0G 00 C F. Wallin : 12 0G K. W. StevetiH G 00 PlatlA Frees 1G 80 Mayer Coal Co 250 10 John C. Moore G 8-1 Mid West Electric Co 77 10 Mutual Oil Cc 8 77 Carl McArthur 7 Sam Shuck '1 'JO 4"i99 - &3S3n GREAT JANUARY bLIIIIilnll 9ALL 8 f Men's Boys' and Children's 8 SUITS and OVERCOATS AT BIG REDUCTIONS 20 25 33 Reductions from regular plain figure prices. Only High Grade Clothing Sold Here KUPPENHEIMER D N A CLOTHCRAFT Suits and Overcoats THE BEST IN THE WORLD he Qoaiden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. City Treasurer's Statement February 2, lBi. Mavnr and Cltv Council. City Bed Cloud, Neb: Gentlemen: 1 submit statement cover ing receipts and disbursements of my oflice for the period from January 5th lldG, to Feb. 'J, 1015. Occupation Fund Halaiieeon hand .Ian. 7. '1.V..S 2.18 HI Receipts 8-0 Bl 0 1037 17 Disbursements "Ill Gl Always Reliable US TWO DAYS SPECIAL SALE 3Efo Balance Feb. 2, Mr. S .'I 7 !)('. Beg. Warrants aggregating ?:i 17.00 out standing but calle I for payment. Water Fund Amount on hand Jan. 7, '1G.... $ 1 Becelpts i"0 CD t).V Ml Disbursements 100 Oil P 8 8 I COTTON BATS Friday Saturday Balaiico fi.Vi 5! Water Levy Fund Balance on hand Jan. 7, 'If. $ '1 17 Becelpts (117 r.8 ON 8' ? 10. 11. 21. Rural Carrier Examination 000 or. Disbursements CGI) CO Special Notice About Coal From this date, all coal accounts, either town or country, will bo due and payablo before tho tenth of the month following date of sale If yon cannot meet these torms, possibly you ean malic some arrangement with us to carry it longer. We are anxious for syourcoal orders and will serve you liberally, but, for tho present, at least, wo shall Insist on settlement as stated above. Yours truly, 1'j.att ani Fiiei:s. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces 1111 open competitive examination at Bed Cloud and Blue Ilill.Nebr., on February 27, 10ir., ns a result which it is expected to make certification to llll the vacancy at iiavale, NebrasUa, and other vacan cies as they may occur on rural routes at post ofllces in the above named county, unless it is found to be lu the interest of the sorvlce" to llll any va cancy by reinstatement, transfer or promotion. Tho compensation of a rural carrier is busod upon tho length of tho route and ranges from 818 to l,2oo por year. An eligible register for tlio position of rural letter carrier for ouch county will bo maintained. A person must bo examined for tho county In which the post olllco that supplies hl8 home is situated. As a result of such an examination he may become eligible to appointment as rural carrier at any postotllco in such county. A rural letter carrier after one year's satis factory service may be transferiod to the position of clerk or carrier in a first or second class post oflice, to tho position of railway mall clerk, or t other positions In the classified 6ei vlce, bitbject to such examination as may be required by the clvu-sorvice nil s. Jons A. MoIliiennv, President. Total scoro 100 Valuable prizes are always awarded to club members in both county and state contests This will also bo ttuc for tho year 1015. Such prizes, no matter what tlio nature may be, are a ... - 1 1 ...m recognition 01 acnicvi'im-nt, "" always be given to boys and girls who complete- their club work wltli ac curate and most successful results. For enrollment blanks write to the Agricultural Bxteiislon Service, Uni versity Farm, Ij'ncoln, Nebiaska. Balance 1 " General Fund Balance onhandJan.7, '15 ? 279 81 Receipts GUI 80 till 07 Disbursements 200 10 Balance on hand Feb. 2, 15.... 73 1 71 Electric Light Fund Balancoon hand Jan. 7, 'IS SIO'18 r.l Becelpts 10 00 2008 ri Disbursements 1110 ()3 &&- February 5th and 6th M A Food and Nerve Tonic is frequently required by old age. We alwayB recommend 00 Olive Oil j!ga0U Emulsion MWidealcombinaUonforthispurnoB. H. E. Qrle Dru Co. If You arc troubled with heartburn, gases and a distressed feeling after eating take a flfoofig. "WEE?" before and after each meal andyou will obtaiaprompt relief. Sold only by ua,26o H. E. GriM Drug Co, Ownership oE Webster County Homes The United States Census Depart ment at Washington has just issued a bulletin dealing with the ownership of Webster county hmues. The import ant facts contained lu tho bulletin relating to this county are as follows: There aro 2707 homes lu Webster county. Of this number 1001 are farm homes, ft 11 of the furm homes are owned by their occupants and are free of mortgaged lucumberauce. Tho mortgaged farm homes number 451. Routlrs occupy G38 farm homes lu this county. Out of a total of 2707 homes lu the county 1101 aro urban homos. There are 09.r urban homo owners In the county. Of this number 111 ure mnrtimued. 5.12 of tho urban owned homes arc freo of lucumboninco There aro J172 rented urban homes in tho county. Tho census, enumerators were unable to secure data pertaining to tho ownership of u small percentage of both the rural aud urban homes in tills couuly Cowles News. Delicate Children usually only need a food tonio to mako them strong and healthy C04COUK rmi,icinn Balance Feb. 2, M5 8 KM) 18 Bleetriu Light Levy Fund Balancoon hand .Ian. 7, '1.1 HOI '-'7 Becelpts DOS .17 872 81 Disbursements 8112 0 1 Balance Fob. 'J, '15 !ll DO Flremou's Fund Balance on hand Dec. 1,'U I 32 4u Becelpts & 00 Cotton Bats, regular 1 2 I -2c size, special - 9c 41 18c " ' - 13c 20c " " - 17c 25c " " - 21c 35c " " - 28c 2 Pound Cotton Bats, regular 75c, full size, special 54c 3 " $1.00, ' 73c 4 ' 1.25, ' M " 98c Full size Wool Bats, regular price $2.00 Special - $1.48 These Prices Aro For Friday and Saturday Only oseoe P. WeesnjF & 8 8 8 GoJ 9EnJ Emulsion containing llyfovhotpHMtt, is not only tho beat food tonio bul is pleuunttotake. Sold only by ua. H. E. Qric Drug Co. Balance Feb. 2, '1.1 37 45 Judgment Fund Balance on hand dan.?, Mb.... none Becelpts 101 87 Balance 10187 Becapltulntion Occupation Fund 337 00 Water Fund 555 59 Water Levy Fuud 10 ().'. General 734 71 Electric Light Fund 859-18 Kleotrlc Light Lovy Fund. .. 39 90 Firemen's Fund 37 4.1 Judgment 101 87 Total 82077 01 S. U.'Flokakck, City Treasurer "I Don't Feel Good" That is what a lot of people tell us. Ilminllv their bowelflonlv need cleansioK. 3exatt.(tdeiie will do tbe frisk and mako you feel fine. We know tMs positively. Take on tonight. Sold only by us, 10 ceaU. H. E. Grlot Drug Co. 8 Pianos and Musical Merchandise 8 UNDERTAKING t-KDV RTTENDKNT Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONE McFAHLAND MUILDINQ FOR BENT A good 5-room house Hutchison k. Baladon. adv The thoroughbred stock breeders of Smith County will hold a combination r.ale Feb. 36th, consisting of I'eroheron hordes, Durham, Hereford and Holstein cattle, and Poland China hogs, about 73 head all told.-W. II. Lewli, Sso'y. Farmers Take Notice Bring in your hogs on Tuesday and Saturday as Suuday and Wednesday are our only shipping days. Don't bring them on other days, ' WEK8NK8 k KOOHTX. v- 1 I . 1 fl rK n )l r " ii tt "A Iff 1st V 42 - mm w T iwww pirttum