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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
K - 'SV 'FVj i - ,1! ' ,jr-j , -IE :!V.. ty vi. -. i J't i-i jr 'n.vfi,iyr- I r T T f RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1L QUIT MEAT IF KIDNEYS BOTHER AND USE SALTS Take a Glass of 8alta Before Break fast If Your Back la Hurting or Bladder la Irritated. If you muBt hnvo your meat every day, cat It, but flush your kldnoys with salts occasionally, nays a noted author lty who tells ub that meat forms urlo acid which almost paralyzes tho kid neys In their efforts to expel it from tho blood. They becom'o sluggish and weaken, 'then -you suffer with a dull tilBcry In tho kidney, region, sharp fains in tho back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tonguo fs coated ijnd. Jjvh'ch tho weather is bad you havo rifeumAfc ftwlngca. Tho rlno gets oloudy, full of sediment, tho channels oftou pt gorjvand irrltatedr obliging youttoHieok rVllcf 'two or three tlmos during tho night. ' To neutrallzo theso Irrltnt&iDaVlds", to clcanso tho kldnoys and Hush off tlio body's, urinous wnsto get four,, ounce 'fet'd'ad i&lls: from lahyv -phar-1 roacy hero; tako a tablespoonful in a glass of-water-heforo breakfast; for a iow dayaandp'rlur ktdacyH wlll.thon' ct fine. This fanSouh jBulte la mudo from tho acids" of grapes ntuVlomon tulco, combined with llthlu, and has ecn ueed-for generations to flush and stlmulato sluggish kldnoys, also to neutralize tho,ncldH in urluo, so It no longer irritated, Uiuh' ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is lnoxpcnurvc; cannot in jure, and makes a' delightful' efferves cent llthla-wntur drink. Adv. The Mercy-Seat. J Thou must not look no much at tho evil that is nigh, but rather nt that which stnnda ready to pity and help and which liuth pitied and helped thy distressed soul, and will pity and help it ngaln. ' Why Is there a' mercy-seat, but for iho sinner to look townrd in time of need? Ho patient till tho Lord's tender morcy and lovo. ytslt thoo again; and then, look up to him against this v and such iiko spares,' which would come-between theo and tho nppearanca'-of " tlio Lord's love: that, thou maycflt fowl more of his abld Ihgs. with thoV, and of' the, sweet ef fects thereof. For thesp things aro not to destroy thee, but to tench thco wis dom; which the Lord Is able, through biany exercises and soro trials, to bo-, stow upon thee; thnt thy heart may bo rid of alt that burdenoth; and filled twlth all Itrlghtfyjloslres after, in tho propor 8cas6n"and' goodness of tho Lord; to whoso'wlso ordering and ten-, dor mercy I commit thee. Isaac I'en Ington. , A-Splendid Chance. "Tijrkoy raising is on arduous busi ness," eald a wholesale poultry dcalei pf Haltlmorc. "Day and night you aiust-look after -your birds 4ho name (as you look after horses. a "California L turkeys., very flno. TheynroNreryj woll ,iaken caro pf, It Is no snapj'ta work on jn California .lurkoy farm', T-tclI you. !" I was jrloltlng-a California turkoy: farm last month when a boy applied. tor a Job. . Mltf .' " ( ' I " 'Your referencea Ve good. I'll try' you,' said tho farmer. ' '"Will I'Jiavo a chanco to rl9orair?' tho boy asked, j " 'Yes, Aaic!- tho farmer, 'a grand chance. I'Jl want you to havo tho fqed nlxod by 'four o'clock every morn ing.' " Washington star. Oh, howngreat poaco and quietness would he possess who Bhould cut of) all vaia'anxiety and placo all his con lldonee In God. Thomus a Kcmpls. ' . A man novor wants a thing after he (get it half as bad as ho thought ho die 'while chasing it. Mora tfaaa 333.000 Jows aro In Eu ropean armies, It Is said. OUR NATIONAL DI8EASE Caused by Coffee. Physicians know that drugs will not v correct tho evils caused by coffeo and that tho only remedy Is to stop drink tog it . An Arkansas doctor Bays: i "l was a coffeo, drinker for many years and often thought that I could .not do without it, but after years of .suffering with our nntldnnl 'malady, rdyepopsia, I attributed It to tho drink Jig ?f jcpffeev-and after some thought, determined' to' uao Poetum ror my morning-drink: "I-bad, thOjPpatum-rnadQcarefully!, 'according Xo directions on'thefDktr. arid (found It JuBt 8uitcd my taste. "Atflrjjt J(iwed(it.ouly-vfoV breakfast. tut tfbuhdt.inyBolfXKettlhK sofmnch injrsolfJgettlhK soMnnch' OHnt tl.nfr T f.n.l l rt4 11 ......I- J T iu jmuuduu io guy mni i navo ooon ro ..lnA-l A .. A . - - lovod of- Indigestion. I fitataed 1 ounds in 4 inonths ana mr-reneral ealth Is greatly Improved! "I must toll you of aVoune -Tra'aVlnT UlnoiB. Sho had been in ill health for many years, the Tltil forcos low.iwlthi Dut nuie pain. I wrote her of tho good jthat Postum did mo and ndvlsod her'to" ,1ry It. I "At tho end of The year,' she 'Vtofa me that shqhad gained 40jnoundji' (In weight and 'felt Ilka hersilt acalB." . Namo given by Postum Co., Ilattlo Creek1, a(!ehRflad 'h'oba'rno'Woll. TJI ( Ret...p,f,rmnHt - - A - iimr4 fnunm -" ------ . ... . .,.- Ific nnd.2fa nackacos T-UII IJUIlvll, I Instant) PostiWiils afBOlVrowdor. A tcaspoonful dlBgolvcs quickly In a cup of'hot'water'Hhd1, witl crehni and ugar, imakoB a dbllclo'us,bovbrago,'ln vStantly. i30c and COc tln1 ' J ' Tho cost por-cup of Jbothi-Wndu'ls tVWtjthftpamfl.f , . "There's a Iteason" for Postum. r sold by Grocers ynv,., iiul , uu n ui uu Ull-UIB. UilU.1..., Xt. I STEAMER BRITISH SHIP SUNK BY GERMAN SUBMARINE. EASIER TO KILL THAN CURE No Economy In Treating Moat of Foot and Mouth Disease Cases Villa Victim of Shooting. i t )Hf Western Newspaper Union NchsiMervlct) Kleotwood. Tho German submarine 21 todncd,ocd tboNorth, Shields steam cr JJeiL'Crlittfcrion? 6ff'4bl3 port Satur day night. ,Tho entire crow, number Inin twtonty,jr wuSjljufdiid here. The captatnof tho steuiner sayB ho wad overtaken by tho submarine and or- .derqd zto; ieuvo ."Jlitf lship within ten minutes. Hardly had tho crew got into, tho .bouts whim u torpedo was fired nndttho train Lr went dovn. Tho 'lien Crunchen, which was of 1.870 tuns register and belonged to tlio Morrison Shipping company, was on a voyage .from tho Orkney Islnnds to Liverpool with a general cargo. Villa Victim' of Shooting Affray. HI Paso, Tex. den. Kruncibco Villa northern revolutionary chieftain, was shot but only slightly wounded bov eral days ago at Agnus Calletitcs in a shooting affair, the details of which havo been carefully suppressed. This was tho report brought directly from Villa's headquarters by persons who arrived hero Saturday. Local rumors had rolatcd that Villa had been seri ously wounded, 'by Col. Hotlolfo Ficrro, hid personal 'bodyguard. l Those who camo from Aquas Calletitcs said thut they had been tinablo to learn who had shot "Villa. Tho shooting occurred at his car in tho railroad yards, at about the tlmo Amoflcan.Consuriohn H. 811 llmnn at' Mexico City t telegraphed Washington officials tliut he hud re ceived a .report of Villa hnyliR:been seriously injured. --' EASIER TO KILL THAN CURE. No Economy In Treating Most Foot and Mouth Disease Cases. Chicago. Although the, quarantine estnblshed.ovcr tho .blooded herds of cattlo stricken with foot and mouth disease has hown thnt tho animals can bo saved, the expenso of such cure is bo great that in the case of ordinary farm stock it 'Is choaper to slaughter tho animals, according to a statement mado public after a mooting of the owners of tho prize stock. Tho blood ed animals' Tiavo been "In quarantine hero since tho first appearance of the epidemic .while they were on exhibi tion at tho aunu'al show.' 'tibt an anj mnl has been lost from tho disease ' " Foresees' Che'aper MeaF"ahdShoes. Washington Tho dopnrtmont of ag riculture seo3 cheaper meat and shoes for people of tho country In figures g'atheredi by Its agents showing that tho number of Hvo Btock In the United States 1b' on tho Increase. In a state ment tho department discountenanced reports thnt prices wero bound to rise and said that on January 1 thero w 3re 7,712,000 more llvo Block In the Unifd States than on tho same day n year ago. This was tho first time In many years, tho statement baldj that an In crease had been shown. Tho number of beef cattlo increased 3.4 per cent over tho number a year ago, or an ac tual Increaso or 1,212,000 head. v Rejects President's Veto. Washington. Tho houso Immigra tion committee oted to reject the president's veto of tho Immigration bill, and decided to attempt to have tho Tiouso next Thursday pass tho bill over tho veto, limiting debate to six hours. Committeemen Sabbath, (Sold foglo and Mooio voted to sustain tho veto. Armistice on Shipping Bill. Washington. An -armistice In iho battlo over tho administration shipping bill began Saturday night nt 11:19 o'clock, when the senate ended nearly thirty-seven hours. of-rontiniious',dfl-bate by taking n recess until 10 o'clock 'Monday mornlng,-nfter movtng-the bandBor tho clock nrouud. to mark midnight1 , Jiiii.: " a S tfi r ji 'Echo of North Pole .DJscoVery. "i L,3-Hvashlnkion:.-Mlss'l'j11Han R. K'lel A- n - L - York, ono of tho witness ob, Mid wliOLBahlho was a stenpgrapjier imiployttd by a magazine that printed nrtlcloirondcr-tho names' of Hear Ad- hmiralvPca,ry ond Doctor Cook on tl olr return from tho arctic regions, tekl fled Jiqtorij tho houso commttteo on ctl iicnlion' that n6lthbt of thoso articles jwas written in Its entirety by tho 'ex plorer whoso namo it bore, but that both wero ronrranged-lnnhe magazine OIHCO. 8X ttfcu Vl it kALh Big Nursery Stock Consignment "OmnhJk$l6'r$ thitnl.OOo.o'oo sriod iLnbrc:?iru- j- '- - - M tnmc )tmia, Ft-si.ti tmCtitu I. l..n..j .....1 Holland.' oonslgtibd' to 'n' fhirwfy com pany nt Shouanfloali'-lh. Millions' of tho,nlanta nps Imnoiled iiiunullyfiomo dutlatlo -and somoKren. j Tlioi ohln- wonts nro held 'far lnsp6t!tion tlytho iurv among orchuids of tho country. dejlnrtmbnl1 of' aRrleintnVo-1 to liefer dlnd 'Vholr .'troe'donf rfrpmIl"nsoc!i3:''or Voni8'"hlctf hre" liable1 tTOW In- SLIPPING (CopyrlghLi MAKING DEMANDS ON CHINA PRESIDENT WILSON PREDICTS NEW ERA IN BUSINESS. Disquieting Result of Japanese' Pres sure In Peking Carranza Is Once More In Power. Western Nowepnprr Union New Service. Washington. Another confident pre diction thut tho country will soon enter upon a now era of cuterprlse and prosperity wus voiced by Presi dent Vihj6n in-a speechi before tho convention of the American Electric Hallway association. Speaking to busl Hess men and through them to the world of business generally, tho presi dent outlined whut the democratic con gress had tried to accomplish through its trust legislation, and declared that whllo a test. period would be required to determine whether the correct rem edy had been applied, ho believed the "maze of interrogation points" which had chocked enterprise for twenty years had been cleared away. Quiet Again Reigns In Mexico. Washington. Although the rapid changes in Mexican politics have brought tho authority of General Car ranrn back to Mexico City onco more, after a lapse of two monthB, the evac uation of tho capital and redistribu tion of forcoi hus resulted In no In Jury to foreigners, according to olllcial reports thus far received. Only meager advices have come to tho stnto depart ment of conditions in southern Mex ico, but It was established that Gen eral Obregon is occupying 'Mexico City with 10.000 men loyal to Car ranza; thnt Hoquo Gonzales Garza, temporary oxecutlvo of tho convention, government, Jo ft. the capital on, Janu ary 27 for Cuernnvuca, but has .re turned. MAKING DEMANDS ON CHINA. ii i ii Disquiet in Peking as Result of Jap anese Pressure. " Peking, China. Certain political and territorial demands which Japan has madp upon China following jtho Japaneso occupation of Kla Chow, havo become known In Peking and their extont Ij disquieting to Chineso officials. Thcso demands, twenty-ono In num ber, were communicated to tho Chin ese government by tho Japaneso min ister here. They Include, first, that China turn over to Japan all existing German and Austrian concessions; second, thnt China pledgo herself not to glvo concessions In tho future to any country except Japan; third, per mission to build a special territorial railroad, and fourth, mining privileges in Shantung and Fuklcn provinces, in Manchuria. In Mongolia and in tho Yang-Tso valley. Home. A royal decreo has been Is sued calling to tho colors tho Italian Soldiers of the first Category, born In 1SS8 and belonging to the Hold nrtil Jery, and alsa the Alplnb trodps and the soldiers of tho. third category, born (n 1801, 1802,, 1803 and .JS94, .bolpng lug to tho Alpino troops. ( To Develop Apple Industry. Lincoln, Nob. Dovclopmehi1 of tho Onillo Indlfstrv ofllhn Stntn nn n Inn-n I'Bcalo is Hid object bt thai Loess. Land : urctiard Co,, fpr which, .articles' of incorporation have been filed ,w!tJi " Bocrotnry of state. Thp corporation Will Ktfirl l)HSln'iH ItV. n nnl.1 nn r.n,.. f . ...... ,. ,,,.,., M, vjr Jtal of $150,000 and An authorized' cap ital or .suuu.uiio. Tho company's prin cipal placo or business at Lincoln. Tho list of dlrectorsnmljin porporntors Includes, some of tho ,best known orchard mpn and flnnnclprs n the Btnto. ' ' 1 il UCl t "" ... ( Biggest Best Crop Grown In State. Scotlsbluff, Neb. The sugar factofy Jms, Justclqsodpljo Job of slicing boots, finishing -t blgVe&t crop of tho besst,beiits ever:glo"tMi!lii tlio North Dlattb 'valley ofjXobmakn.T Mnnager ?.immnnB"!mniy. wnytf this y -. - ... -.i.u,,, vtuj-D tin ear '' '-w- iim ji. niia as iMia 'fidot tfuww for- 'saortsi (ff tons wwti plltliixblho. fabtory, nnd about -10,000 token to other factories. (-. t IMMIGRATION MEASURE FAILS FOR THE THIRD TIME. Government Reimburses Farmers' for Loss of Stock Nebraska Building Commission Making Refund. Western Newspaper Union News Sen Ice Washington. President Wilson hns vetoed the Immigration bill because of the literacy test for admission of aliens. Ills message was received in the houso and referred to tho immi gration committee, whose chairman, Hepresentatlve Burnett, will move next Thursday that the meaauro bo passed over the executive veto. Much in formal discussion among members of tho houso followed the reception of tho veto and advocates of the bill ex pressed confidence, bthor members asserted that the required two-thirds' majority to force the measure into law over tho head of the chief executive could not be procured. Three times has an Immigration bill containing a restrictive literacy test been vetoed, first by President Cleveland, next by Prosldent Taft and now by President Wilson. Twice congress failed to override tho presidential disapproval and houso manngers are Insistent that the veto should not be, considered until there bad been time for reflection. Is Returning Subscription Money. Lincoln, Neb. The state commis sion that had in charge tho raising of funds for a Nebraska building nt the Panama-Pnclflo exposition, nn ultenipt which was abandoned. Is returning to thb school children thb money sub scribed by them. Mr. Mellor, who was In charge of this particular branch of the work, has mailed out checks for, that purposo. Money raised later by tho sale of m,CdalB in a, popular cam paign, amounting to, $3,257.99, after the expenses of that undertaking have been deducted, wl'l either be pro rated back to tho purchasers' of medals or else will be turned over to tho Bel gian relief fund, nccording to the re spective wishes of the purchasers of medals. PROMPT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. Farmers to be Reimbursed for Loss of Cattle. Washington. Prompt pa ment of farmers' claims for cattle slaughtered In tho federal campaign against the foot and mouth disease was promised by the department of agriculture when president Wilson signed an urgeut de ficiency appropriation bill, carrying $2,500,000 to cover tho expenses of this. work. Up' to January 1 tho cam paign had cost the government $3,129, 138. In Illinois $600,000 will be paid out, 3(1,759 animals having been killed thero, Pennsylvania had 17,876 slaugh tered and Ohio 10,111. In all the states, up to January 1, tho total killed was ,101.1,11, Includlpg 40,208 cattlo and 47,- ' ' Flee f'rom City of Mexico. " ' ' M6xW Clty.--Provislonal 'President, Garza left thoL'cnpltal early Wodnos- ddy for-Cuemavaca, whoro a now sent, of.' government; -will bcti established., Tho army of occupation is on tjio qut Bklrts of ,tho clty, buts expected, to enter soon., Al , jbopimercinl nouses nnd( bank's, nnd even private dwellings are' barred "and tmuttcred', nltboiigh no 'disorder ''has attended the fleeing' of (lib rore'es' of Zapata and Villa. The 'pried' of fdodstuffs has soared beyond thoirench of tho needy, and tho supply 1s very. low. h , , , . t ' ' 1 lO -I Chicago,, 111. Probability of another quqrintlno , pf .the union, stock yards, hero has 'developed. Officials of the ntate and fdorajjlyn slock buYeaua held a conference following a roport thnt nniKililfl" snrpffertl'eaW from sup' fWHeW rceatl "dlsffrkW 'In 7tltetyardB had.dovoloiiprt tHo' fbnf- iJIfrf Mouth dlst easV.1 oMnMnl of me(Jtfftmrking heioistnwwwiil feaTdjtho Is sjmnqo jfitttic-Qrden-,hjjtovenllng tho imrpineW WIM ttocMfrom tho yards, No WMTOing Mrlr?rfVl'iierA Ithe yards pdwltnw wor4- from i tho depart. mffim&gxmsi'iiiv, ,. A NEW AUTO TAX LAW MEASURE DE8IGNED TO REPLACE PRE8ENT LAW TO PIPE OIL FROM WYOMING Wants Portion of the Automobile Fees to Go Into a Special Road Fund Western Newspaper Union News Service Far-reaching in its provisions, if II becomes a Inw, a bill has been pre paredly Representative Dalby,of Gage county, which deals with the registra tion of automobiles and the conversion of the ta, into channels Intended ta keep up the roads of the Btate. ,Mr. Dnlby is president of the Nebraska Good Jtoads association and is taking muchi interest im better roads ifon the state. j t i Tho bill takes from the, sporetury ot stato the registration ot automobiles und transfers thut work to the state 'board' of Irrigation, highways and drainage In tho state house It amends tho present law and requires that all owners of motor vehicles shall lllo with tho stato board a receipt lssjied by tho treasurer of the county In which tho applicant resides showing n payment of r. registration fee of $2 for each motorcycle, $3 for each au tomobile nnd $5 for each taxlcab, truck or car used for commercial pur poses and aljo a feo of $5 for each manufacturer or dealer in motor ve hicles. Tho bill provides also that $1.50 ot tho feo on motorcycles, $2 on nutomo biles. $4 on taxlcnbs and other com tnerclal vehicles and the same nmount of tho feo for manufacturers and deal ers shall go to tho road dragging fund of each county and shall bo used by the county board for the dragging of roads, and tho remainder of tho sev eral registration fees shall be trans mitted to the state treasurer to be placed in a special state road fund. , , - f ToP'lpe Oil from Wyoming Construction of a pipe lino from Casper, Wyo to Omaha, carrying 10,000,000 gallons of oil every twenty four hours, Is the stupendous Inter state Improvement sought by Senator Uadford of Douglas county in a reso lution to be offered in the senate. Tho Omaha man proposes that thi governors of the states of Wyoming and Nebraska shall oppoint well known business men from each 'stato, who shall hold a conference over the matter, and report back to " legisla tures of their respective states ways and means for accomplishing this vast' projects "rnflnito possibilities aro in it," 6ays Senntor Bedford. "Wo can get oil in this stato as cheaply almost as if we had flowing wells of our own and as for tho people of Wyoming, they can have a market for their product and can handlo it in a manner whqh wilt net them good returns, even nt the low price at which tlio oil would b sojd to Nobraskans." For Rellnf of Mrs. Davis I A bill appropriating $10,000 for thfl relief nf Mra. F! n Tnvln mMno. nt tho former deputy warden nt tho No- Dras'ca penitentinry who was stabbed and Killed three years ago by a negro convict named Prince, has been in troduced in tho houso by Hepresenta tlve Mosoley. It is tho same bill which was put In two yenrs ago, but failed of passage through tho neglect of nnyone to look after It. Mrs. Davis Is living in Lincoln. Tho 1913 legislature appropriated money for the relief of Mrs. Heilman and her daughter; Thomas Doody, Mrs. Roy Blunt and her Infant son, who Buf fered through tho penitentiary out break In March. 1911, nnd subsequent events, but tho Davis bill was over looked. Tho senate listened to the reading of a message from the governor, an nouncing the reappointment of Silas A. Holcomb ac a membc-r of tho board of commissioners of stato institutions and asking the senate's confirmation. Tho now term begins on July 1, next, and lastB for six years. Ono new member or the bbard Is appointed every two years'. Judge Holcdmb was originally appointed two years 'ago by Governor 'Morehead and served during that period. .Boosting forjRural Schools ! ,Tho county superintendents In.ppa! ion with, State, fJuporJnjQndent a. ol Thomas adopted a platro'rm or doclni ration or "principles toehiln,gJ wltll boosts 'for 'tho rural" schW nhd'ho 'ednc'atlort'1 or teachers fitted to' teacli rural schools. It 1b projiosed to nsk" Goyernor Morchcnd to issue a procla mation for tho holding of 'meetings in each, of the 7,000 school district!) In the stae.and the election qf delegates .from eaqh district to a, mass meeting to bo 'held next year In tho Interests, of rural" schools. ' ' ' .' 'A" packing plant In Do'dge, 'Stanton or Ctmlng coujitles nt which convicts of the statfirIsotLlYlll."ipako products for use at stato'lnstltutions is rocomf mMbMlUvJ? fMn9?ScJ"1 ln 4ha-' house- by I Smitb oil Cumins, j The likSflfeHdi'cies nvtZOO.OOO aironria- tlotf'.ih3''i)lant lTf!li nl-if R'Tt 1 7 ii.'MesjoftittiarMuWfcAwni control .la boidlng, .up in order to get tho presenrsessroh's Idea Ideas in tho mat- tjr. Better Biscuits Baked Witi You never tasted daintier, lighter, fluffier .m, Utenlti than tbosciv baked with Calumet $ They're always' ' cooa nritcious, u 4px rnr i:jiinrnfr in : wra-2-K.B Eures perfect --- - - if m-w - g 1 &y?IWlliA sSW"W i baking. '. I lut ' "RECElVEd HIGHEST AWARDS I- .-..," w .n mtfii- ST'KMWHYjr - Putt Expotttlon, at.a Franc, March, rrnc 1912. in l -!fl W. ?! cirvo. stoi nrcAG( I Yoi AWt mt bmt & tor clop r ltf -ca I I tun tuBoaical mora trkalnoart tint bat ralaltii I I Caluut ur iipctiar la war milk aa4 mu. ( A Nipped' Scandal. " ' ' "llo ybil kliow i hoar'd'from the' best of auHiorlty' that' young JIps is going to tho dogs." ' i "So he 1s. He's been appointed one of the Judges at a big bench show," Nothing equals Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops for ltroncliial weakness, sorn chests, and throat troubles f5o at till Druggists. Minds are Improved by exorcise. Minds nre enlarged by thinking as muscles .by working. AmoB R. Wells. bed-time a hot cup of Van Hbuten's Roria Cocoa, makes refresh ing sleep. Big red. ca, half-pound )J, JOO.OWX llriinr. ' 6;c "5- Sudan and Billion S Grass , Oromlnt00daTB(rquao((ili)Kl l'rp1uccamioriBotnly. l'OiUlTo cure for liar Bhortago. Hid OataI 0(1 Vine JoHn A. Salier Soed'Co., Box 703; La Crotie, Wli. , ..j, . i .., ,.. ., . . ,,,,i.,- - , i i i OMTCinrO WaUoBn.Cqinnii,V'iL. ITftifcnio iDKton, U.U llookMfrea. IllKb- eat rtlerrnooa. uen raaiuia. Nebraska Directory HOTEL Omaha. Nebrmka il.-TSSPS5J-atW"?"r"rLrhK' 'CAIX VR1CES-, REASON ABLK 8rtafi8,6MeffntvrrlnV. Etc. 2,iili'.(tMJHOLWWLatir -iim, i THEPflXTflN Write, .eal,B wksjus fo,r special prices. MUTUAL OIL COMPANY. FREMONTVAND SUPERIOR, NEBRASKA . a " ii J t II i 1 -p- r VtTyjWtfgJrt'fc3 .Ttwat a. ,J3 T -UTfJ ri-tts warrgats i'wbw ti .vxtrtc. rwwwrtf,JajMiiAaii Krv4-TNWraajaww,urg'aatrW''aatf