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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
I to k 'Z- k & L5... Jj-.' 6 ' iv(n 11 s'orlfA' Stokty hviuhHRmi wfiLvAvi ji j 'fty fliT r 9av3sssSnB s-ejseeeMir i ' .'-r BBBBBBMTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSaesssssssssSr Lbbbwt r"&J .r" "-"a aefcjiMwesSSya. " rrfsLjfssssssssssssefcaLBBW a aBSSSSSSSSSflBBSSSjBSpSSSahsssr BSSa sesssial SSSi fsSaBSSSSSSs mBSMraMnmawaji VOLUME -13 it If You Desire J m Deposits Guaranteed WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA OA.PI.TAIj BUn.OOO fsiUttillllJl! ll lllllillllllilii illl. if mil1 1 II llWlL I ml .: I iil PINNACLE NIT" COLORADO MINED Cleaner, Hotter and Less Ash THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "Talk With Us About Coal Service" The Diamond As an Investment E H. Neoihoase JEW CLE AND OPTOMETRIST Watch Inspector For C. B. A Q. fled Cloud ie9S9S90 wMTmvniAFmmtswtu iikwmw VERY one of your banking connections to be a profitable one. returning you the largest measure of service and accom modation commensurate with the size of your deposit, open an account with us. Interest paid on time deposits. by State Guaranty Fund ll .lUfi I I ll,ll .1 . ill III I , i! Ill , I lilllJ. lUlllllillllllll1! The man or woman who wears a diamond also wears an air of pros perity that is far reaching in its in fluence. These arc commercial times, and to BE successful you must LOOK it. 'People are always judged at first by their appearance. As an investment the diamond is in a class by itself, because, outside of its intrinsic value, it has the added value as art adornment. When you are ready to buy a dia mond, at whatever price, there are plenty of reasons why you should come here. Nebraska esesesoj 4 Newspaper Tlwit Gives The News 9 tmw urjiiiwiwnii RED CLOUD, MEUKASKA. FHllliUAIiY I, 1JH5. Mr. J. F. Grimes I Dies Very Suddenly Fiank Grimes, one of lint oldest und most highly impeded cill.cns of Uluo Kill, diuil suddenly of hum i fiillmo ut hi.s homo lust iiljlit. Wliilo Mr C.iiiiH's hud 1 1 e i' 1 1 coiiiiihiiiiliiL' some for few days piint, Mill ho was iible to bo about home mid to mal.u braislonul trl'.s up town, Lust iiilit iiboiit mid night ht got, up out of bed to k down ill thi' basement to iCKtilntu the fur imce fire and ihaft. After coming up from the basement mid miteilny tho bod loam he complained to his wife of feeling sielc. He had barely l.iin down when a deathly pallor sptead over his face, there were a few wisps ami death quickly followed. In tho meantime the family physician hud been hastily summoned but death came too sudden ly for any medical tolief. Mr. Grimes was one of the pioneer residents of Illuo Hill. IIo conducted tho first mercantile house here for .1. V. Davis of Hastings. Later ho en gaged in the drug business and was the pioneer dealer in this line. IIo was continuously engaged in the drdg business up to a few years ago when he sold out and ir tired. Fridaj's Hastings Daily Republican. Mr. (1i lines was born in Pennsyl ratlin, September '28, 1818, and was (1(1 years and 4 mouths old at the time of his demise. lie was nmrrlod to Miss Myrn Lynn in 1881 at Rookport, Illi nois, and to this union were born three sons. Kduard, Mho Is connected with the II. E. CriceDrug Co. or this city, Lloyd and John, nnd one daugh ter, Miss Irmti, all of whom survive him, together with two aged sisters, who reside in Illinois. The funeral was held in Blue Hill on Monday aud the remains were brought to this city tho same evening, intor ment being made in the city cemetery. Tho Chief along with his many friends here, extend sympathy to the bereaved wife and children. m s Real Estate IraRsTers. Real Instate Transfers furnished by M. W. Caiter, Bonded Abstracter, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Frank Pavel k a and wife to J. F. Suter, wd, eH lot 1, 2, B1U. lo, liladen 5 Samuel C. Shuck to, Clark J. Shimeall, wd, lots 17, 18, sj lot U, Itllc. 3, Garbors' Add to Hod Cloud Samuel C Shuck to Clark .1. Suhimeall, wd, lots ','(), 21, n4 lot 1!, llllc. !, Gurbers' Add Red Cloud Biyl Waugh and husband to Mary France, qcd, sej-i nwlf 3J-3-10 Cairy A. Easterly and husbaud to Albert M. Simcrson, wd, 820 nwJ4, 0-1-12 l!)000 Robert Wilson and wife to A. I). Oruben, wd, lots r, G. Blk. 0, Sweep's Add Uluo Hill 100 Alice A. Hanks aud Husb., to Al bert D. Gruben, wd, lots 5, 0, Bile. 0, Swcezys Add Blue Hill , 1 Orlu M. Hedge and wife to David P. Mclnlucb, wd, wJ4 swj, 8 212 1 David P. Mclninoh and wife to Oliver D. Hedge, qcd, wj bwJ 8-2-13 1 W. H. Rugle and wife to H. R. Rugle, wd, part nwj 10 4-12. . 2750 Art Klehl aud wifo to VV. C. Klehl, wd, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 0, Blk. 10, Guide Rook 052,95 John Dovey Jr. to John Dovey Sr., qcd, soi 25-30 1 William J. Sorirner and wife to D.J. McCartney, wd, lot, 7, Blk. 27, Red Cloud 1 Edison Miner and wifo to Lewis P. Whiting, wd, nwjf sec. 35-2- 0 Alexander Phillips and wife to James II. Phillips, wd, swjf , 20-1-9, pt m)i nw 10-1-9 0000 8000 Mortgages Filed 110,820.00. Mortgages Roloased 131,201.00. Bring in your cream and buy coal. J. O. Cildwell. Coats and Suits at Price for Cash. Miner Bros, Co. -t vm Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI. r0. County Commissioners Met On Tuesday Rod Cloud, February 2, 1915 The Uinird of County Commiiieioners met pursuant to hcjoumnu'iit. Mini herd prenent, Chaplin, Shidlor, Storey unci Hoiriihin. McC.ill, chairman of bimrrl, absent. Moved and seconded that Chaplin act Ha clniirmim of board in the uhuence of McCull. Motion catried. In tlif mutter of the road petition of F ederick Fumer set for hearing at this datf, now coining on fur hearing, notice of uaid hearing being pouted as required by law, und the ownnrs of the land urjoining the land owned by Fred erick Farner having been served with personal notice of said hearing, as shown by the returns of the sheriff of Webster county. The County Board after lienring the testimony of Frederick Farner and Geo. H. Overing under oath as to the prac ticability and nocisiity of establishing a road leading from the land owned by the said Frederick Farner to the public highwsy, and the testimony of John Moniii, Godfiey Moniii und Mr. Carey under oath ugainst the tablishing of said road leading from the laud of tho suid Frederick Farner. It was moved and uicondik that the chairman appoint a committee to view tho land over which the road will run if established, whereupon the chairman appointed Storey, Shidler and Huffman us said committee to report at their next Renting, vhich is on February 20, 1915, as to the feasibility, damages BUBtained und the value of the land taken for aaid road if established. On motion W. J. Myers was and is appointed overseer of highways for road district No. 12. On petition of citizens of Red Cloud I. B. Stanser was appointed justico of the peace for the city of Red Cloud to fill vacancy and his ofTU-lal bond was approved. On petition of voters of Glen wood precinct requesting the appointment of M. R. Lewis as deputy assessor for Glenwood precinct, the county assessor having appointed said M. R. Lewis dep uty assessor of said precinct with the request that the board approve aaid appointment. On motion said appoint ment was approved. On motion the annual settlements of of tbe following overseers was ap proved: John Beykc, district No. -1J Adam Alber. The following clainiB were allowed, and warrants were drawn in payment of same: General Fund. H.J. Maurer $ 42 00 W. G. Warren 8 00 H. Ludlow 7 80 Edith L. McKeighan Gl 05 T. J. Chaplin 50 00 Fred Maurer 195 90 G. G. Holt 9 01 Gert.udeL. Koon 223 49 Bridge Fund. John Beyke 3100 Whitaker& Buckles 32 45 J. H. Kudrna 4 00 D. B. Stunkard 3 25 CM. Wilson 8 00 Mike Flessner 20 25 County Farm Fund. BertPeraon 6 00 Wm. White 6 25 Fay Palmer l 50 Roy Sutton , 2 00 Court House Fund. Steel Fixture Co 1000 00 January 15, 1915. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: I hereby appoint Margaret M. Garber deputy county clerk during my term of office and respectfully solicit your ap proval of said appointment. Respect fully submitted! J. J. GARBER, . County Clerk. Moved and seconded that the above and foregoing appojntment of deputy county clerk be and 'is hereby approved. Motion carried. Board adjourned to February 20. Go to Miner Bros. Co., for all your wants in Women's Wear and in Dry Goods, Groceries aud Shoes. f -". r MppipMgk ' aaBBBalBII flaaW aw sssHjlillilW t ih , ,i i i , j lilBlliaw IA7C A Of ArDTOIMrD r vv jti ij vr 500 Suits AND Overcoats 20, 25, 333 Per Cent j Discount This opportunity to buy seasonable mer chandise at Sacrifice Prices is up to you. ( The sale includes Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats. Green Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases Goods Charged Will Be At Regular Prices PAIL STOREY IH r?4 f The Clothier V. riiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiffl mwammamn, HONE, SINGER AND RUBY Hanging In Prlco From S29 to 945. In rivo and Sown Drawer. In Rotary or Shuttle What is more serviceable than a good Sewing Machine. There is none better than the above makes. I ROY SATTLEY fl Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. mSWaaaawWaaan faaaaaaWsa u .THY US m ARTISTIC JOB WWTIflG... We Can Please You As To Material, Style And Workmanship! And Our Prices Are Very Low. r isiwi3jVW Wfffwni NUTMHJGKtt r iiiiimi ( for Cash IF IN NEED OF A Sealing Jlaehine Come in and let us show you our line. We have the I 1 J V V 1 1 k K, . i if. W A ltd W ff r? if r V :,J;ri-.L;iil1,Viiii.'wlj