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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1914)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF . Red Cloud, Nebraska. HUBLIBUBD EVEIIY THURHDAY entered In the I'Odlolllce lt lied Cloud, Nc1. X1 an Second Ulium Matter A. B. McAIlTHUU I'UIIMsiikh tlK ONhY DKMOUUATIU I'AI'Kll IN WKII8TKH COUNTY Political Announcements i i " .Announcements Aro Run Under This Head Only By Paying tho Sum ot Five Dollnru irfl.OO) Whleli Must Do Cuoh In Advance. Our Colrmns Aro Oprn For Any ii' It. mate Advertising and Wo Welcome Announcements Kecurd loss of I'nrty Affiliations. FOK SHEIUM? I ntel announce mysely u can didate Tt tl fflcu of Slmrlir of Web kliTl'iutM. subject to tlio will r Urn volets of tin' lU'iiMTrnllp patty "t, U prlmrty olrolloii to he lii-ld AucMhtiH. j,14 lii'.N Hudson Tlio lndlunola llep'urter Is now being edited by C H Halo foi merly editor of ithc Kcd Cloud Grief. May he live pong and prosper. Mr. lien Hudson Ih seeking tbenom 3nntlott for ttiu oillce of county HliurllT nn the Democratic ticket. Mr. Hud on Is a life loiiK Democratic and lias aiever befoto been an aspirant for county oflleo. He Is not seeking the office from his own desires but In to .ppon'so to the earnest solicitations or flito friends and nelghbots who have rfulth In his integrity l""1 etllolency. ZMr. Hudson has been a resident of thu osonnty In Still wate.i piechtct for iioarly forty yearn and la well liked by m1 who know him. lie Ik honest and fearless and a man for whom no parly accd blimh. Ills record Is clear and slean. embezzling fnuc a to the extent of ovei a million dollars, says the Hustings Dally ltopubllcan, are more evidence of thu recklessness and rlsksotuo mini will take In speculating with money Unit does not really oolong to them. In the ease of the president of the Memphis bank ho frankly admitted his guilt when ho said, "My life Is spent. When Wall street stacks the curds against you, tlio end Is there. These wero words of self-condemnation ami Ht the saino tlmo thoy were an arrnlngntpnt of Wall street, one of tho wot st, and most deceptive gambling spots on tlio face of the earth. When a ni'tn goes up against the game at Motito Cuilo he knows lie Is taking al llin eliiilitVH of the game of out and out gambling. Wall street shaikH havo subtle ways of throwing out bait, to catch the sockets who bite. The developments In the grand jury Inves tigation of the Sutton bunk aro dully beeninlng more nsaMoual, as, for in stance witness the indictment, of Thomas Matters the former well known llarvaid attorney who tho indictment chargeH with being Implicated with President liitebheu In the wti'oUiiitif the Institution. Xo doubt the dRp Hire and return of Kelt, tho runaway cashier of tho Superior bank, will re sult In full pubtlcity an to just what thu bank examiners have found and thoe llndiiigs may bo inoto sensation al than anticipated. Those bank cases and all similar ones go to provo that the stockholders and directors or a bank havo every causu to be watchful over tho management of the tlt.ancial Institution in which they have staked their capital and reputation. VALLEY EDITORS NIEET! Newspaper Men oT the Republican Valley Nit and Formulated Pinna IN "Another pxrli in in the hands of ii friends. He is Georgu W. Trino of Jtid Ck ud, who is being groomed for .county treatirer. Mr. Trinu was In Blue Hill Wednesday ami pleaded guilty Ichnrge of nopfring 'o the important po sition of looking after tho count'y It- jumccH. lie lil lilo hU .wnmuHcy n ...... MttrtkKt mltls ot cars. 'In lhe nrlmarv election ami win now ui ....." From a show with inhibitors to one with seventy one exhlbitois is. tho re markable development of the Omaha Automobtlu Sl-owln a period of olglit years. Today the Omaha show, which will bo hold in the auditorium, Feb ruary 211 to 28, ranks as ono of the leading shows of the country dividing favor with tho NcvvYork and Chicago shows. Tho 1911 event will eclipse all fnruiiti- aIiows. both in number of ex- J? fc ,..ii,m nf Urn llotiinrrntH lii'Xt All ctMt. Mr. Trine U an old timer, though Jlill young man He camo to tho city A Blue Hill with his pnrcntn in lb84 aHKl ownB a farm ubout three miles mt of Bluo lllll. For eight yearn hu Wis in tho employ of K. MrBridu and BiHtedhlm In tho creumery hiiHinesi. Jft,t ptfto'iit he la I'tigt'ged in the trade T handling ii.cupf, llur and feed at Jitd Cloud. Ho has a wide acquaintance throughout the country. Fricndn nay Me is thoroughly qualified for the duties tilt countv trii8Uter ard if elected he ttill devoto his entire time o the poi 4in nH nnmnnsllv look after tllO dutiCB M thoofl1co."--Bluc Hill Lender. Curing tho time Mr. Trino has re Mtfded In this city he has won for him lfa host of friends who will bo' jU6ed that ho has decided to enter wrooo for county treasurer. Ills Jkmesty and integrity aro unquestlou- ind his amiability is one of bis assets. He Is a first class book 4. A jMcper and accountant and i In every may well qualified for tho position ho fr keeking. Ho has always been a &nl supporter ot tho Democratic keeping wltli this exhibit will bo iihihIi- deenratlons and other ncces- ,., ..... v, .- series which may go to umUu an auto sliow a complete hiicopsh. Steam, elec tric and gasoline cars will be shown as will trucks of evory desctiption and motorcycles of every known make. Tho very latest in motorcyclo-auto-inobllo construction will be on display, the little threo whcoled car, which can bo utilizod for 'business purposes to tho fullest extent. That ,tho lt)U Bhow will bo tho largest attended In tho history ot the event goes without nnvtiKr. Nebraska and Iowa dealers havo signified their iutcntlou of com ing in full forco, tho greater majority having rcmnlued ot homo during tho Chicago show to attend tho Omaha annual. True to tradition and practice, the Valley editors, or a guody number at least, assembled themselves In Orleans', Saturday, says the Orleans Chronicle and effected a permanent organization by tho election of the following: President-K. I'. Shields. Vice L'residont-C. K. Matthews. Secretary-Treasurer Karl Spence. A committee on constitution and by laws, consisting of thu following gen tlemen was appointed: .1. V. Barton, A. V. Sliatrer and li. B. I.tiriuon. The chair, at the instance of a mot ion, appointed the following as dlioct ois of the association: (lage County Karl Buinharn. Timber County II. A. Btaltiurd Nuckolls County -D.iu LivJugon Wobslut County A. C. Husmer. Kniuklln Cotnity J. A. Barker. Harlan County--A. V. ShulTor. Kuriias County K. B. Iiarmou Bed Willow County .1. W. Barton Hitchcock County A. 1j. Taylor. Tlio lollowing resolutions weio pre sfliled by A. V. Shaffer, and adopted: B-solveil: "Tlnvt we, the editors ol the Bepublicati Valley Editorial Asso ciation, commend tlio good work of 13 V. r.trrlah of klio Omaha Bureau of Publicity of thu Commercial Club; of I'Vattlt C. Dean of thu atato University, and C. C. Johns, secretary of tlio State L'ros Association In operating with the uuwspapets In -the upbuilding of the (ileal State of Nebraska." Whereas: "Tho day of tho free pass in Nebraska, Is a back number, and is held In disregard by the better class of business Interests, and, whereas, tho Htato Hoard of Agriculture still con tinues tho issuing free passes to the state fair; Resolved: That we as odltotsof the Kepubllcau Valley In convention assembled, request the Sfuto Boiud of Agriculture to discon tinue the L'lvinu ot fieu missus for the s.tko ol aiding in raising tho standard of newspaper making in Nebraska." By motion unanimously parsed It was tlio sensu of thu meeting that all professional melt such as doctors, law yets and othets who retuso to carry ah a Ivortihlng card In the newpapers bo relerred to in tho news columns as Mr. ymlth, Jones, etc., with tholr profes sional titlo left oft'. Newspaper men present wero: J. W. Barton, Huntley lntor-Oceau. E. B. Lartnott, Oxford Standard. F. P. Shields, Orleans Clironlulo. . A. V. Shutter, ex-ed. Alum Becord. Arthur Klmlierlin, Alma Becord. Karl Spence, Franklin News. Ii. B. Dundus, Napuuee Herald. C. K. M-itthews, IClverton Bevlew. Will Manpin, Midwest, Lincoln. Frank 0. Dealt, University .lourtial. C. C.Johns, (Jiaud Island. 13. V. I'arrlsh, ex-ed., Omaha. At the meeting, and banquet, which followed, we hud with us, J. L. Beebe, county judge; Mrs. Mattleno Bragg, county superintendent; President Chas. Williams of the agricultural school, Curtis all taking part in tho cuter tainmeut. After tho morning's session tho edi tors visited the teachers' meeting, which was in session at tho high school building, under the tutorage of our petite and talented county super intendent, Mrs. Mattiene Bragg, and there wo wero delightfully entertained, besides tiudlug a live bunch' of ener getic educators. A SACK OF FIRST GRADE vrsxrmxxrtijuiii njtmxsaKTxsx X97nXW$P m MJrzJ M, J1JLj J Ma fKr&3L Jl I'SffliftHMB 1111 ' ' III Jill iiii .ni mi ,ni hi nr.!....!....!!.. i ' i ii'i i i. We are going to give our customers a chance to secure a sack of any of our Best Quality Flours (regular prices, $1 .30 and $1 .35) for GSHly If oety three days only, Tuesday Saturday, Sonday and 21st, 23rd and 24th On the condition that the flour is taken in connection with the fol lowing bill of goods. In arranging this bill we have taken care to in clude only such iteips as are practical necessities, and you will note the price on each is the standard or less; no increase being made to cover the Hour bonus. 1 his bill or goods totals 3p4.SJc and ror S CO tit more you receive a sack of any of our Mighost Orscfe IFIourS Read This List Carefully: i M&sjwrty und is In full accord with all Its jpwfaralples. vt -.' -n.n Snnir fntlitrpH nt Siinerior and ittoo, this state, and the recent fall- B-wl w . .' tern of the Memphis Totin., bank, in FarReit ' j- For caih the II. J. Maurer (arm of 320 acres, three miles from Red Cloud, 05 acres of alfalfa, 40 acres of farm land, 1000 rods bog fencing, orchard, good house and born. Inquire of Fred Maurer or H. J. Maurer. Farn leans Lowest rates, best option. Call for rMeh the president plead guilty to mo at State Bank. C. F. Catiieii j .1 How to Detect the Alum Baking Powder "Which ate the alum baking powders; how can I avoid them unless they are named? aslcs a housekeeper. Here is one way: take the can of a low priced powder in your hand and read the ingredient clause upon the back label. The lav requires that it the powder contains alutn that fact must, be there stated. If you find one of tho ingredients named alum, or sul phate of aluminum, you have found an alum caking powder. There is another and a better way. You don't have to know the names of the alum powders. Use Royal Baiting Powder only; that assures you a cream of tartar powder, and the purest and most healthful baking powder beyond question. , Give That Penny Child This Guaranteed Remedy If vour child is undorweicht, listless ailing, liable to get slok easy, it needs a medicine to build its weight and strength. For this purpose there is nothing else we know of that we can so strongly endorse as Bexall Olive Oil Emulsion. Tlio remarkable success of this splendid medicine is due to the faot that it contains '.ingredients that totio the nerves, enrich tho blood and furnish to the entire systetu the strength, wolglit and health-building substances it needs. And it does all this without injuring the stomach. In fact, Bexall Olive Oil Emulsion is not only pleasant to take, but even the most sensltlvo stomach is benefitted by lt,v and the digestion improved. On the other hand it contains no alcohol or habit forming drugs, which most parents object to giving their children. It does its good work by taking hold of the weakness and builds the body up to Its natural strength, at the samo time making it strong to resist disease. If Rexall Ollvo Oil Emulsion doesn't build yourchlld up, feed tlio stunted, puny muscles, and make tho little one lively, strong, well, and full of tho animal spirits children are meant by nature to have, come back and tell us and get youv money back e don t want you to lose a cent. W e think tlilh Is no tunro than fair, and it leaves you no cause to hesitate. For old peo ple also for convalescents for all who aro nervous, tired out, run down, no matter what thu' cause wo olfer Roxall Olive Oil Emulsion with the same guarantee of entire satisfaction or money back. Sold only! at the 7,000 Bexall Stores, aud in this town only by us. 11.00. H. E. Grlce Drug As Usual We . Have Them All Backed Off The U Board White Russian Soap, 6 Bars . - 25 Baking Powder - - 2S 3 Cans Corn - - 25 Oatmeal, Large Package - 25 Cow Brand Soda, 1 Pound Pkg. - 10 Silver Gloss Starch, 1 Pound Pkg. - 10 Baker's Chocolate, 1 Bar - 25 Raisins, 2 Large Pkgs. - - 25 Tea, 1 Pkg.' - - 25 Matches, 6 Boxes - 25 Vanilla Extract, 2 10c or 1 20c bottle 20 Package of Pepper - - 10 Package of Cinnamon - 10 Package of Yeast Foam - 5 Graham Flour, 10-lbSack - 30 Cream of Wheat, 1 Pkg. -. 15 Graham Crackers, 1 Box Itens . - 10 Can of Kraut - - 10 Large Bottle of Bluing - 10 Can of Syrup - - Tj 10 Can of Punch Salmon - -' , 18 Sack of Salt - - '" 10 Mb. High Grade Coffee - 30 Wunderhose - - 25 3 Pair Cotton Flannel Mittens - . 25 Handkerchiefs - . 25 Pins - - - 10 Thread - - - 5 Total - - 94 98 1 Sack of Flour Your Choice of Our Brands - ' - 1 -No Mail Order House Has Ever VI You A Bargain I. $4 90 This This offer is for Cash, Produce or Miner Bros. Trade Checks V " NJ The Miner Bros. Co GENERAL MERCHANTS Red Cloud, Nebraska 1 tk y ,''.' nn i;.(ii- i , v.,1. Mf V . W.f w v.w.t , .,-. r ln1 Plrttiil MaThraabn. '