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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
M ' N & 4V" r eixtg V;:!ir-1. iV EPPf r VOLUME 4ii ift ft vtv 0 v vl v viv ii i (to tti i to to to 4 K. m .' vl '- ,.-.i,'y?'y 'vw ! ,z ,u 'M,'ijHi ...aa5SS& i2S"T2I tfi'f: Wf! ' 'i nn fyywi - f ; ,- risSV: JSJTffy. xr-rv if wtMijpp t V WriHnWrTllWrjBWBIW-wifr Tygfti CT-.TTtfLi.Jr:,uaAy .rgAiggju n.jr,.7JV vj -SlSsCy ..-Msf.tjT M'v jp-. ,. 4s ? fci 'n i Sj W&i w KiJSUV - - J---j..r. tfc.a,i. - -! 2T2-T r - - - - i - i ; 2r iei.- Gtt mJ jBi. J" . " -d - - - - - ". - - "" 4iH 1 1 iLJMK1&l A II m'm"Zm .IT ' - 1 r ' i . . Ari VtLfifr. m -. " ."7 : . . -w-h TZm . 5 "Tsas .iiiirtijiiiiiiiiiK Wfeiisiiiftf-'jfMtl 4 NewsMfw That fires The Niws Fifty-twa Weeks EmIi Year Ftr ll.5 BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 2G, 1114. NUMBERS Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CAN'T LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here would be safe without the State Guar . anty, but with the added protection, you -simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA t 33933aM 333 39:- ilS 9) m m (0 m m WE ARE SHOWING THE ADVANCE STYLES SIN Iowa Firm Secures Court House Contract The conl mot for the building of the now court, ltuusu mis lit yestorduy by the bonrd of county commissioners. The Howies Company of Onawiiy, Iowa we io the successful bidders for tho mninpitrtof tho building, tholr bid being, 81G,78C.O0. Tho lioitiiiK h1 plumbing was seemed Jby the City Homing und Plumbing Company Moulder, Uoloitido, lit the price of 81,300. The contracts for tho wiring and furnishing will probably bo let today. It is expected that the contractors will begin immediately on the construction of this com t house so that by Into winter at lenst tho county olllccrs will lie in their now quarters. DIED MEN'S HATS me- FOR SPRING ALL THE NEW Shapes and Colors A SPECIAL NEW LINE OF Gaps For Spring LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU Mrs. Kannlc S. Dow, aged C'J years, wife of tho lato Geo. W. Dow, died Sunday evening at her homo after a shoit illness. Mrs. Dow was one of tho old pioneers of tills city having moved hero about forty yeais ago with her husband, ntid has lived here ever since, with the ex ception of about two years in Cali fornia. She witsin active member of the M. E. church, und will be missed by the members of the church and nor many friends Site leaves ono son, Charley Dow, of New Castle, Wyo., who was at her bod sidtf, and. an adopted daughter, Mrs. Ralph Catiflold, to mourn her death. Tho f uncial services were conducted at tho homo Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Hummel assisted by Rev. Wright of tho M. E. church. Interment took place in the olty cemetery. Tho' Chief along with her many friends extends condolences to the be reaved children How About Seed Potatoes PAIL STORElf The Clothier 69 Potato planting tiruo will soon be here. Seed potatoes should have been selected at harvest time and stored In crates during tho tvlnter. It sounds expensive to select and caro for your seed potatoes, but it is more expensive to plant diseased seed. If you did not select your Feed lust full now is the time to do so Go over tho potatoes in your cellar and select for seed only tho smooth, firm, sound tubers of goodshapo. Dis card all potatoes that show any foim of rot as these should never be plant ed. Tho botanist of tho Experiment Station of the Mtato College of Agri oultuient Lincoln is engaged in n study of these potato rots and will be glad to correspond with potato growers. More Concerning The Horse Disease Card Of Thanks We wish to thank tho friends and uplghbors for their Wind assistance rendered during the sickness and death of our beloved mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Canfleld. O. W. Dow. FUR.NITURJE $3 AND &-:, UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK s ALL THK PHONKB - NKWHOUSK MLK. f) For Rent For cash the II. 'J. Mauror,.farm of 320 acres, threo miles from Red Cloud. li"5 acres of nlfalfa, "40 acres of farm land, 1000 rods hog fencing, orchard, good house and barn. Inquire of Fred Maurer or II. J. Maurcr. Verllu Taylor was n passenger to Lincoln this morning. Miss Winuieboll Donloy of Nathrop, Coloiado U visiting hor cousin- Miss Etta Coon of this city. Geo. Ovoring arrived homo this wcolc from Omaha, where ho has been for treatment, and is much improvod in health. J. T, Rk'litscll, tho western repre sentative of Ovcrlng liros, & Co., who lives at Wrny, Colorado, spout ft few days this week in this city. Mr, Right sell had been to Superior where he visited a daughter, who resides thore, und stopped off in this city on his way homo to visit headquarters, thus combining business aud pleasure. Washington, I). C, Feb. 2d, In past years horses have died by tho. thous ands In Texts, Iowa, Kansas and Ne braska from a disease, affecting tho nervous system, popularly known as bjlml staggers or torao poisoning. Tho Department of Agriculture has re ceived urgent requests for help against tills disease from id different states, and as a result it is now publishing a hullollu containing doflulte lustilict- Ions for combating this disease. The states that appealed to tho Do partmentof Agriculture for assistance Include tho following: Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Ltiulhiun.i, Mary- laud, Mif-bourl, Nebraska, Now Jersey, Noi III Carolina, Oregon, South Caro lina, South Dakota, Vliginln, W Vir ginia. This shows tho universality of tho disease. Kansas aud Nebraska boie tlwi brunt of the allllctlou during the past year but other states have also suffered seriously Kansas has had more than hor slitue. Severe out breaks extended over almost the eu tire State in 181)1 mid since that date have recurred with equal severity on two occasions In various portions of tho Stute Tho bulletin takes notice of tho fact tnat additional deaths have undoubt edly been due to tho uto of fake "cures" sold by unscrupulous persona It Is reported that in Nebraska "black leg vacciuo" was used on at least 1000 unaffected horses, nearly 1000 of which ure Raid to have died an a direct result. Iuvestigutors have practically es tablished that this horse discaso can be controlled effectively only by a total change of feed a'nd forage. It is quite obvious that there is u direct connect ion between the green forage, exposed pasturage aud newly cut hay or fodder which tho horses cat, and this Cerebro spinal Meningitis, as tho disease is known to scientists. In fact, eating of sucli forage when contaminated is un doubtedly the most Important cause. Over 05 per cent of cases of this disease in Kansas and Nebraska during the outbreak of 1012 wero maintained un der suoh conditions. Great caro must betaken that horses do not obtain tho dangerous forage un known to their owners. The owner of one farm informed tho Department's investigator that his deud horses had eaten nothing but old Lay and grain. "But what about tho closely-cropped grass in tills pasture;'', icinarked the Investigator, noticing tho adjac ent field. "Oh!" answered tho farmer innocent ly, "I always turn tho work-horses In to pasture over night." Mnuy horses have died from blind staggers caused by eating' moldy baled hay. As soon ns the hay was eliminat ed the dlseaso coated. Other horses in the vicinity not fed upon this hay fulled to contract this disease Lator some of tho moldy bales were opened and exposed to tho sun for threo or four weeks. After this tho hay was fed to horses without producing any ill effect, forage poisoning, therefore. seems not to bo an Infection but rath er what is callod 'uiito-lntoxlc.ition" that is, it is duo to certain chemical poisons or toxins formed by tho activi ty of Internal organisms. These pois ons may be present whon t lie foragu Is taken into the body or may bo formed in tho btomach. Tho nutuie of thTs poison Is still unknown. ClMKAUTKItlSTIO SVJIl'TOMS OF TillS DisK.vsn When tho horse is taken wfth Mm blind staggers It usually exhibits a disturbance of tho appetite, depression and weakness, whllo there Is trouble In swallowing, drooping of the hold and Hleeplnoss which may give way to excitement and attacks of dizziness. Tho vision is impaired, which results in the staggering gait that uives tho disease its popular name, Certain muscles of the nock and Hanks are cramped and there is a grinding of the teeth. Sometimes tho animal has pdlns (Concluded on page four) YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has an Edison Phonograph. Disc, . Cylinder, $60.00 to 9476.00 1G.00 to 200.00 Come in and ' let us prove it. E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, Nebraska Rugs! W sv. wSSCS mm S. . . IB "J? I 'Mavirig- -Just , Returned ; From" Market J Wherd I Personally Selected A Large Line of RUGS I Now Have a Complete Line of Rugs In All Sizes and Grades And In All The Late Patterns ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmcr and Furniture Dealer. V( For spring plowing the old reliable kind wear well and work well and give entire satisfaction. We make them and buvinrt the best at lowest nfice from the Old Reliable 8 Harness Store. Headquarters for Harness of every description -23 : . l. .:ij i .. m . :. u .:, f years excellence in uuuuiuu, iiauicaa. nun io mc muu ui year to oil your harness before spring work. Begin it. Keeps fhe leather soft and pliable, prevents it from cracking and renders it water-proof. JOE FOGEL THE HARNESS MAN O v( I mg m 1 it m ii 'rfi m y IK! if ' no M 1 I "?$ 1 ! u tmmaammlmmm.P.s n. 1 1 ,'M TOl ibSiT'. Vtti- f onara:''. ''fliKaH